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Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Riker - 08-20-2011

Quote: (08-20-2011 06:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


Isn't it better to assume she wants to hang out and say "Lets hang out later this week, are you free Wednesday or Thursday?"

No. In the guide I explain why.

Oh right so you get her to invest and its less likely she'll flake plus you test how interested she is in you. Sorry, that kind of went over my head the first time I read it.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Gmac - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-20-2011 06:59 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2011 06:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  


Isn't it better to assume she wants to hang out and say "Lets hang out later this week, are you free Wednesday or Thursday?"

No. In the guide I explain why.

Oh right so you get her to invest and its less likely she'll flake plus you test how interested she is in you. Sorry, that kind of went over my head the first time I read it.

This is where I disagree. I prefer to lead rather than ask questions.

I go with:

"Let's hang out later this week, I know a great place with (specific) exotic bar food/unique furniture/cool scenery/etc."

Works like a charm. Usually she will give you her schedule and which days she's free. You can switch it up however you like depending on your own schedule and the current day. i.e. next week, early next week, wed or thus, whatever.

I've actually had girls tell me that they are impressed that I was so decisive (on multiple occasions). I personally think this is the best route to go, but to each his own.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Enfant_Terrible - 08-21-2011

Prepare to cringe guys this was me 2 years ago pre game and text game knowledge

I paraphrased some dialogue since I have long deleted the thing but it stayed with me since I kept thinking what I could've done to salvage this shit.

After 3 months of NO contact...I chose not to contact her anymore unless she does so first. Long story short, I give give give and she gives a little to nothing back.

Russian Girl from class: you never text me anymore.... why?

Me: hey can we talk on the phone instead?

she loves long texting conversations and often misinterprets what I write, that's why I wanted to talk.

her: sounds like an excuse to avoid me...

Me [Image: stfu.gif] (I fucking blow up on the inside): Ok you want an answer?? I was busy working so that I can quit this fucking job so I can go to grad school. Then the last time I saw you, you didn't want to hang out with me after picking you up from the airport because you were too tired from your trip. On top of that I was trying to avoid texting like this because you lead me into arguing with you because you always misunderstand what I write!

Me (again): I wasn't even avoiding your question! Damn! Your first text in 3 Months and this is what I get from you?

her: you can talk to other girls like that but I'm not like those girls...

Me: Good! Fuck off my life then!

Then I continue playing Street Fighter 4 on the PS3

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Gmac - 08-21-2011

Damn you've got a temper. I don't usually try to show that to girls except in the bedroom.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Enfant_Terrible - 08-21-2011

Yeah, I'm more cool-headed now in my interactions with women unless it warrants it

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Nonpareil - 08-21-2011

Me [8/12 11:31]: Hey what's up.

Her [11:36]: Hey...ummm...

Her [8/13 00:23]: Hey did you give my number out to some guy? (Note: I didn't, I was at a small party and some dickhead got my phone, sifted through my contacts and decided to call this broad to harass her. This was originally a damage-control text.)

Me [00:31]: No y.

Her [00:33]: Oh just this guy just called me earlier and said some horrible things about _____________ (her ex) and that you and him went to the same school, whats up with that?

Me [00:37]: What are you talking about? I've been hanging out at my place watching TV all night.

Her [00:38]: O rly...

Me [01:16]: Yeah, rly.

Her [01:25]: It freaked me out.

Me [01:27]: What am I supposed to say to that?

Her [01:51]: That you don't give my name and number out to random guys!

Me [01:57]: I'd never do that...what are you up to this weekend?

Her [02:07]: nvm, whatever I don't know why I bother...

Her [11:35]: Hey, look...

Me [12:01]: What?

Her [12:04]: I got a bit upset yesterday. I'm sorry.

Me [12:07]: Sorry about what? Whatever, what are you saying later?

Her [12:09]: Working til 4, then idk nothing really hehehe [Image: wink.gif]

Me [12:10]: Your rents home?

Her [12:10]: Nope [Image: wink.gif]

Me [12:19]: Sweet I'm coming to your place for 5:15.

Her [12:21]: Ooooooh! Can u grab some wine?

Me [1:07]: I'll get wine and drive out there, but I better have a good time!

Her [1:23]: Oh there'll be plenty of fun [Image: wink.gif] hehehehehe

I honestly hate texting. It has to be done and you need to have skills at it, but I hate it, all the back-and-forth, the waiting, the questions. I'd honestly rather call, but sometimes (like when you're hammered at a party and need to come off clear-headed) it's a valuable skill.

My texting rules; don't be getting back right away all the time, don't ever send more than one, don't use emoticons and don't say too much.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Roosh - 08-21-2011


I prefer to lead rather than ask questions.

Before the first date, I do a "Do you want" ask. Once she agrees, then I move to being more decisive with more "let's meet here" and so on. Early on, I know that the more investment she puts in, the more likely she'll show up. In sales this is called The Yes Ladder. The more times you make the ho say yes, the more likely she'll come through.

Another reason is that being too forceful (i.e. "Meet here on wednesday night") actually shows insecurity. It's like you're scared of her saying no, and girls can feel this. Again, there is time for both techniques, but early on I make her say yes.

I explain this more in depth in Day Bang, since we're using The Yes Ladder a lot more. We have to because our interactions will be so much shorter than nighttime meets that we 100% need her to invest in the process. Making her say "yes" is a great way to do it.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - CJ - 08-21-2011

Argh, I wish I had texts older than 30 days saved in my phone, anyway this is from Friday night.

Me: You are so lucky right now
Her: Why
Me: cuz I'd pretty much tear you up lol i doubt you'd walk the same for week! (supposed to say a week, but when you're drunk-ish)
Her: We'll see one day
Me: Lol is that so? (I know that's the second lol, but girls seem to like that gay shit)
Her: Where u at???
Me: In your head!
Her: U know it im crashing for the night hit me up later

There were a few more meaningless texts, but I'm pretty sure she was DTF, but I was not in the best shape to drive, and the no girl is worth a dui.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Giovonny - 08-21-2011

me: this is your last chance to fuck with me!

her: what time are you picking me up?

Was banging an hour later

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Gmac - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 02:49 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

me: this is your last chance to fuck with me!

her: what time are you picking me up?

Was banging an hour later

I'm gonna start trying this apocalypse text on chicks I'm ready to give up on and stop talking to.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Giovonny - 08-21-2011


There was more to the conversation then this, but basically, she was bullshitting with me and being wishy-washy. We had hung out once before and made out but no bang.

I was feeling good so I just said fuck it and told her this was her last chance. I had no idea what she would do. To my surprise, she came over and was DTF. I learned alot from this experience. Now, I always treat girls like I am the prize.

If I would have kissed her ass and said..."Do you wanna hang out", She probably would have said "No"

Great Game lesson.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Gmac - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 04:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  


There was more to the conversation then this, but basically, she was bullshitting with me and being wishy-washy. We had hung out once before and made out but no bang.

I was feeling good so I just said fuck it and told her this was her last chance. I had no idea what she would do. To my surprise, she came over and was DTF. I learned alot from this experience. Now, I always treat girls like I am the prize.

If I would have kissed her ass and said..."Do you wanna hang out", She probably would have said "No"

Great Game lesson.

Yeah, well I have a few I'm about to cut loose. What better way than to go with a ballsy last resort. At least I won't have to worry about them contacting me again.

I have a similar situation with this med school chick I went out with twice. Ended up at her place first night in her bedroom... no bang because of the roommate. Second time my bedroom, no bang because she had to be up early. Now she's too busy working to meet up. Anyway, she's only in town for another 2 weeks and she has some nice fake tits, nothing to lose. [Image: lol.gif]

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - el mechanico - 08-21-2011

Very nice Giovonny! My style. Bravo!

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - CJ - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 09:19 AM)CJ Wrote:  

Argh, I wish I had texts older than 30 days saved in my phone, anyway this is from Friday night.

Me: You are so lucky right now
Her: Why
Me: cuz I'd pretty much tear you up lol i doubt you'd walk the same for week! (supposed to say a week, but when you're drunk-ish)
Her: We'll see one day
Me: Lol is that so? (I know that's the second lol, but girls seem to like that gay shit)
Her: Where u at???
Me: In your head!
Her: U know it im crashing for the night hit me up later

There were a few more meaningless texts, but I'm pretty sure she was DTF, but I was not in the best shape to drive, and the no girl is worth a dui.

First off this convo was from Thursday night, not Friday night, my days are off in my head because of my screwy days off at work. Anyway, the convo takes a 'memorable' turn...

Here's the next 5 texts we exchanged with the date & time:

Me (Fri 8:58pm): What's up
Her (Sat 11:58am): Hey what's up didn't do anything last night do you have a face book page
Me (Sat 10:31pm): Nothing on a friday night? That's no fun. And ya I have face book
Her (Sat 10:45pm): Had to work in the morning friend me it's under my number
Her (Sun 3:29pm): I don't know who the fuck u were don't text me anymore get fucked

WTF lol. I didn't add her on facebook (obviously), as I'm generally against having girls I haven't banged yet on FB. I don't really see a point in responding to such childish nonsense, but part of me is a little irked at this whore's classlessness; I've never got a message that nasty from a girl I haven't banged yet!

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - megaframe - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 09:21 PM)CJ Wrote:  

Me (Sat 10:31pm): Nothing on a friday night? That's no fun. And ya I have face book
Her (Sat 10:45pm): Had to work in the morning friend me it's under my number
Her (Sun 3:29pm): I don't know who the fuck u were don't text me anymore get fucked

that has to be the most random rejection text i've seen, did she just not like what she saw on facebook or what?

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - CJ - 08-21-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 09:58 PM)megaframe Wrote:  

that has to be the most random rejection text i've seen, did she just not like what she saw on facebook or what?

You're telling me! I never even requested her on facebook, nor bothered to look up her page, so it's definitely not that. If I had to guess, she's just psycho and was pissed that I wasn't instantly responding to her.

I've got messages like that before when I wasn't prompt at getting back with girls, but that was only after I had banged them and they were mad after figuring out I'd pulled a hit 'n run on them. Maybe this girl somehow knew that was coming?

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - iknowexactly - 08-21-2011

wild guess: she had an alcohol blackout and remembered only part of interaction, and thought she had randomly fucked another guy and was freaking out.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Kickb - 08-21-2011

Hey wanted to hook up with u before u move what do you say lol

Her: wth??

which wth do u mean wth why not or more like wtf

Her: like wtf why would u ask that lol

well I figured I'd try

Her:Lol wow okay

She moved to another city a couple days later

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Basil Ransom - 08-24-2011

Her: Let's do Sunday... but where?
Me: [My town]
Her: Where do people meet up and do things in [my town]?
Me: They have these open air crack dens
Her: sold

She was trying to qualify me, and possibly weasel out of coming down to my town. I always fend that crap off by giving ridiculous answers. If I answered seriously, she'd be more likely to answer with "oh I know this really cool show/museum/dive bar/dildo shop in [place near her]." And my home court is uniquely situated to maximize bang potential, so I pretty much never forgo that for a first date.

This one's generic, but happened several times with different girls.
Her: You're kind of far, can we meet in the middle?
Me: Sure, let's meet in Compton. [which is roughly in between]
Her: Haha, fine, I'll come down to you.

Similar principle. Instead of arguing and looking like a bitter asshole, I make light of it. Occasionally they'll continue pressing it, and I'll say something like, not over text, "hey, I value kindness, and that means someone who is willing to come down and see me, where I can show them a good time." Girls who won't come down are bona fide cunts.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - CJ - 08-24-2011

Bah finally, thought up a response to my weird one above earlier today. Oh well, next time a girl says something like that, my reply will be: "Ooh, I like it when you talk dirty, do it some more!"

Obviously, too much time has passed now, bummer.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - babelfish669 - 08-25-2011

Quote: (08-21-2011 12:20 AM)Enfant_Terrible Wrote:  

Prepare to cringe guys this was me 2 years ago pre game and text game knowledge

I paraphrased some dialogue since I have long deleted the thing but it stayed with me since I kept thinking what I could've done to salvage this shit.

After 3 months of NO contact...I chose not to contact her anymore unless she does so first. Long story short, I give give give and she gives a little to nothing back.

Russian Girl from class: you never text me anymore.... why?

Me: hey can we talk on the phone instead?

she loves long texting conversations and often misinterprets what I write, that's why I wanted to talk.

her: sounds like an excuse to avoid me...

Me [Image: stfu.gif] (I fucking blow up on the inside): Ok you want an answer?? I was busy working so that I can quit this fucking job so I can go to grad school. Then the last time I saw you, you didn't want to hang out with me after picking you up from the airport because you were too tired from your trip. On top of that I was trying to avoid texting like this because you lead me into arguing with you because you always misunderstand what I write!

Me (again): I wasn't even avoiding your question! Damn! Your first text in 3 Months and this is what I get from you?

her: you can talk to other girls like that but I'm not like those girls...

Me: Good! Fuck off my life then!

Then I continue playing Street Fighter 4 on the PS3

[Image: biggrin.gif] This is funny because of my experiences with russian girls where I definitely felt like telling them to fuck off. They do like texting because they have cheap phones with bad reception and whenever they talk to someone on it neither person can understand what the other one is saying.

Never worth ending things on a bad note, you can always pick things up later, usually with very little effort.

Quote: (08-21-2011 09:19 AM)CJ Wrote:  

Argh, I wish I had texts older than 30 days saved in my phone, anyway this is from Friday night.

My iphone text logs go back years. It definitely helps.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - stein - 08-25-2011

me: do you know
girl: ?
me: that last night
girl: what about last night
me: I had a dream
girl: about
me: you
girl: what did you dream
me: You looked so pretty
girl: Awww
me: doing my laundry
girl: Oh God
me: LOL

girl: if you don't want to talk to me it'd be nice to just tell me
me: speak of the devil
girl: ?
me: ??
girl: ???
me: !!!
girl: Lol stop
me: $$$?
girl: &&&&?
girl: you are really shady

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - soup - 08-25-2011

Quote: (08-25-2011 10:04 PM)stein Wrote:  

me: do you know
girl: ?
me: that last night
girl: what about last night
me: I had a dream
girl: about
me: you
girl: what did you dream
me: You looked so pretty
girl: Awww
me: doing my laundry
girl: Oh God
me: LOL

girl: if you don't want to talk to me it'd be nice to just tell me
me: speak of the devil
girl: ?
me: ??
girl: ???
me: !!!
girl: Lol stop
me: $$$?
girl: &&&&?
girl: you are really shady


Memorable text message exchanges with girls - soup - 08-25-2011

Quote: (08-19-2011 09:18 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Very rarely. A general rule is to use 1 smiley face for every 3 of hers.
If you're saying something where a smiley is necessary, you're probably trying to be too funny, which will easily get misinterpreted.


Me: "Rape fantasy."


My weak point is "sexy text" game for girls I've been banging a while. I don't like to text unless it's just to make plans.

I read that this is a big problem for us guys with text in general.. we tend to focus more on the logistics / logic part of the communication. But that's meaningless to girls because they're always looking for emotional connection.

Memorable text message exchanges with girls - Lumiere - 09-01-2011

Met a couple of cute Swedish girls in 7-11 the night I arrived in Stockholm. Got the number of one of them before I found out that one was 17 and the other was one week short of her 17th Birthday.

I told them that they were too young for me but that we should meet up after they both turn 18 and have a wild orgy, all 3 of us . They laughed and agreed and I suggested I might be tempted to take them for a test drive before I leave.

Text exchange :

Me : Hey, it's me. So you girls ready for your test drive this weekend?

Her : Hey I thought you said we were too young or am I mistaken? [Image: wink.gif]

Me : Yeah but I realised that if I stack you both on top of each other that you total 34 years old

Her : What if we are virgins?

Me : I have the cure for that