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The REALITY of College Town Game - Vitriol - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 01:03 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

CJ, times have changed my friend. 2006 was 5 years ago. Things are MUCH different now. These guys in college now have a whole different scenario.

You going back as an older guy proves nothing, it actually proves the opposite. I can do the same thing. I can go back to my campus(and often do), as an older guy with a great job, money, toys, etc and pick up tons of easy college chicks. But the guys IN SCHOOL RIGHT NOW, aren't in this situation.

On college today, if you aren't a guy with connections already(especially ones where people commute), you have a heard time "breaking in". Nobody needs extra guys. unless you are in the frat these days, you probably won't be getting invited or let in to many frat parties. I used to crash frat parties, too. Was much easier for me than it is for guys these days. Nobody does $5 a cup these days, at least not here in San Diego at my alma mata. That shit died out years ago. The girls are tugged in more directions, and usually have better options than the kegger the dude from psych is throwing.

Now, via social media and whatever else, they get invited to better, more exclusive events, several years ahead of what girls half a generation ago got to do.

I definitely agree that social media and internet dating are a game changer in this area. Five or six years ago college girls might have limited themselves to on campus or local events with people they went to school with. Now they can have several online dating profiles to fish for sugar daddies (note: exploit this) and probably receive at least a few facebook event invitations a week where they can pick and choose. When college dudes throw kegger type events, most girls won't even show up anymore, save a few sorority cum dumpsters. With increasing senses of entitlement, they all seem to think they're too classy (or whatever lame excuses they rationalize) to attend such events. Obviously, guys should be taking them out to five star restaurants to get their attention.

Quote: (07-11-2011 01:22 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I have to nix everyone on American colleges being hot spots.

The stereotype about American colleges being all-out fuckfests with easy access to sex for everyone is definitely overplayed. The only guys getting that kind of pussy in college are the quarterbacks at schools like Ohio State.

The REALITY of College Town Game - thegmanifesto - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 02:09 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2011 01:03 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

CJ, times have changed my friend. 2006 was 5 years ago. Things are MUCH different now. These guys in college now have a whole different scenario.

You going back as an older guy proves nothing, it actually proves the opposite. I can do the same thing. I can go back to my campus(and often do), as an older guy with a great job, money, toys, etc and pick up tons of easy college chicks. But the guys IN SCHOOL RIGHT NOW, aren't in this situation.

On college today, if you aren't a guy with connections already(especially ones where people commute), you have a heard time "breaking in". Nobody needs extra guys. unless you are in the frat these days, you probably won't be getting invited or let in to many frat parties. I used to crash frat parties, too. Was much easier for me than it is for guys these days. Nobody does $5 a cup these days, at least not here in San Diego at my alma mata. That shit died out years ago. The girls are tugged in more directions, and usually have better options than the kegger the dude from psych is throwing.

Now, via social media and whatever else, they get invited to better, more exclusive events, several years ahead of what girls half a generation ago got to do.

I definitely agree that social media and internet dating are a game changer in this area. Five or six years ago college girls might have limited themselves to on campus or local events with people they went to school with. Now they can have several online dating profiles to fish for sugar daddies (note: exploit this) and probably receive at least a few facebook event invitations a week where they can pick and choose. When college dudes throw kegger type events, most girls won't even show up anymore, save a few sorority cum dumpsters. With increasing senses of entitlement, they all seem to think they're too classy (or whatever lame excuses they rationalize) to attend such events. Obviously, guys should be taking them out to five star restaurants to get their attention.

Quote: (07-11-2011 01:22 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I have to nix everyone on American colleges being hot spots.

The stereotype about American colleges being all-out fuckfests with easy access to sex for everyone is definitely overplayed. The only guys getting that kind of pussy in college are the quarterbacks at schools like Ohio State.

I am not saying you can't swoop a lot (hell, I did, and my crew had a 4 year ruling period at my university, also my school had a very unique dynamic).

The thing I am saying is American colleges having high quality girls is "overplayed".

You will find better quality on the streets of Paris or Buenos Aires.

State U vs the beach in Biarritz summertime?

I will take La Grande Plage.

(Not to mention La Grande Plage has topless girls.)

The REALITY of College Town Game - Gmac - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 02:09 PM)Vitriol Wrote:  

The stereotype about American colleges being all-out fuckfests with easy access to sex for everyone is definitely overplayed. The only guys getting that kind of pussy in college are the quarterbacks at schools like Ohio State.

It's somewhere in between a fuckfest and the barren wasteland people are claiming. I graduated a few years ago (not as long as CJ), so I think a lot of this is bullshit and a lot of it is perception. Every school is different.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Giovonny - 07-11-2011

College Gaming is not for everyone. Like Gmac said, all schools are different and all guys are different.

I just like it because where else are you gonna find 10,000 girls between 18-25 all in a 2 mile radius...!?

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-11-2011

Near my house, for one thing. I live in Pacific Beach.

Female Population 20170 (46.28 %)
Median Age: 31
Density (Persons per sq. mile)5772.00

The key point is some of us are trying to kill the hype. For example, some guy will post "i can't get laid at school, bla bla". Somebody else always chimes in "bro, if you can't get laid at school, you just suck. Back in 1973, I used to have my school on lock!"

Heh, I just checked my last zip code, 1 mile from SDSU. Not bad! I miss my old little studio.

The REALITY of College Town Game - thegmanifesto - 07-11-2011

"Female Population 20170 (46.28 %)"


Man Diego.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-11-2011

To be fair, that's PB. 92115, my old zipcode near SDSU on college ave. It was: Female Population30081 (49.92 %)

Man Diego is real, but it needs some context.

On city-data, I tell all guys to NOT move here. Trying my best to save them heartache.

PB during the daytime is wonderful. At night, it becomes like Night of the Living Dead, only instead of zombies, it's hordes of midwestern men that moved here for the california blondes they feel they are entitled to.

The REALITY of College Town Game - CJ - 07-11-2011

Eh, didn't really seem like things had changed to much 3 years later, and it's only been 2 more. Older/younger, whatever, shouldn't matter for me, as I can still pass for 21 easily, hell I can pass for 18 if I'm clean shaven! I'll find out this fall when my cousin goes up to my alma mater.

I should probably add the other college town I frequent is Ann Arbor, so that's gonna be a bit different no matter what...

The REALITY of College Town Game - MiXX - 07-11-2011

CJ hit it dead on. The trick to college game for cats no longer in college, or past 30 years of age is to physically look like you are in your early 20's. If you are 30, and look 35, forget it - college game is NOT for you, and will be labeled a creep weirdo.

Here is how I finally got a way in today:

It is still summer, class is still not officially in session, but many girls have summer jobs. The place I notice has the most amount of college females working is BED BATH & BEYOND.

So I set out to buy a new set of knives & forks, and a couple of towels. When I get there, I ask the cutest girl there to help me. Of course this leads into, what style/price I am looking for, and I immediately tell her to think "college dorm type"...which of course instantly triggers her to ask more questions about me, and was curious to know if I was on the Football team because "I seem the type"....

To make a long story short...she guessed my age to be 22 (I will be 37 in November), and I then told her since I am new here and moved from Miami (which she became immediately excited about) I wanted to know some cool spots to chill.

She said she does not go to bars because she is only 19 (sweeet), but throws house parties all the time (double sweeeetttt), and immediately invited me to one she is having on Saturday....oh boy, you guys know where Mixx is headed with this one..

So, boys, go to your nearest shop that college girls are surely working at like a Target, Bed Bath & Beyond type store, and sell yourself as a new college kid. If you are older, say you are doing an undergrad program.

This works best in small college towns, where college life is the center of everything. I am in Fargo, ND - and it fits the bill perfectly.

Just remember: you must look early 20's...I do not see this happening if you look like you have a wife and kids at home.


The REALITY of College Town Game - YoungGunner - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 05:56 PM)CJ Wrote:  

I should probably add the other college town I frequent is Ann Arbor, so that's gonna be a bit different no matter what...

how would you rate the quality of girls up there? I assume there are alot of decent middle-class white/jewish girls since many people from my hs go there and that's mainly my hs's demographic, but I've been wondering if I should make time to visit.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-11-2011

It's actually easier in some areas to get college girls if you are older. The main key is to not be BROKE. If you are balling and can show the girls a fun time, especially if they are 21+ or if they have fake ids, and you can show them wild club nights.

I do this now. I have 2 girls with fake IDs, but they are 19/20. They come out with my friends and I clubbing often, have hit off several dudes in the crew. When their wack college age dudes are inviting them to play beer pong, we invite them to come share our bottles and beans at Hard Rock. Take a guess where they end up? Oh, we are going to my boys house in La Jolla after this to smoke/drink/do coke/etc. Guess where they end up next?

Nobody said college girls were hard if you were older. But it SUCKS if you are in college lol.

Hot college girls here don't work at Target. This is Socal brother. Hot College girls work as VIP hostesses at clubs, go go dance, have sugar daddies, are bartenders, etc. Target? TARGET? I'm in a different universe my friend. If you moved form Miami, than you understand what I'm trying to say.

I am 30, and I think I look my age. No problem with younger girls. I do better with them than younger guys do, in general.

The REALITY of College Town Game - MiXX - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 09:39 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

The main key is to not be BROKE. If you are balling and can show the girls a fun time

I tell you this much: while you are showing these girls that you ain't broke and can make it rain $$$ by taking them to clubs to get wild...and they are milking you for every penny you got, I am fucking these girls by merely bringing a bottle of Tequila to a house party. My avg cost to fuck: 30USD TOTAL!!

So, obviously calibrate your game accordingly, but ultimately, Your cost per notch is 10x higher than mine.

Dawg, Im talking about Fargo, ND and Grand Forks - college towns from 3rd tier cities. These girls here have no concept or clue of Southern Cali and Miami life...which is why I DHV by saying I am from Miami to get EASY lays.

No need to show I can make it rain, and can pop bottles of Cris, I'd much rather game college girls at 3rd tier cities than Miami hands down.

BTW, I did not move here, it's one of my pit stops as I tour small college towns in North America.


The REALITY of College Town Game - spinaroonie - 07-11-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 09:53 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Dawg, Im talking about Fargo, ND and Grand Forks - college towns from 3rd tier cities. These girls here have no concept or clue of Southern Cali and Miami life...which is why I DHV by saying I am from Miami to get EASY lays.

No need to show I can make it rain, and can pop bottles of Cris, I'd much rather game college girls at 3rd tier cities than Miami hands down.

BTW, I did not move here, it's one of my pit stops as I tour small college towns in North America.


Mixx's anecdotes attest that day game is best in a college town for all the reasons below:

- Favourable gender ratio. Every college campus has a surplus of women. And contrary to the popular PUA meme, 20% of the dudes are NOT fucking 80% of the girls. Owing to the man shortage, many are single, lonely, and horny. The stats don't bear it out.

- Low Expectations. Girls' expectations haven't gone up yet. For college girls, a guy with a professional job, a car, and his own pad is high-status (beats screwing in a crowded dingy dorm or a shanty with 8 other kids right?) It's only when they hit the real world in the big city that they get start adding to that 500 bullet-point checklist.

- Less competition. In the big city the competition is REAL top-dog alpha ballers, bankers, lawyers, and millionaire playboys. In a Podunk college town your competition is... Joe the Plumber and broke college kids. Most other small town guys your age are married or locked down in serious LTRs. Women are as choosy as their options. Big fish, small pond.

- Better reception to cold approaches. Girls in college towns are generally more receptive to random conversation from strangers as they're not used to being accosted by homeless dudes, junkies, muggers, potential rapists, guys trying to sell shit, and just plain creeps.

- If you look young enough, you already have an "in." College girls aren't intimidated by being approached by a guy who looks like all the other guys at their college. Just don't look too old or out of place.

- Better quantity and quality girls. Thousands of girls in their physical prime. Younger, hotter, tighter. Intelligent girls with ambition. Educated girls who stay in shape. Many still in their "experimental" phase.

If you're a professional dude, look young, and live in a college town, day game should be a poon haven.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-11-2011

My boys and I like to go out and go big. The girls are invited along, they can take it or leave it. It's more about us. When I go out alone, I rarely spend anything. But in a group, why not? It's often cheaper if you like to drink and club. We like to go out and club. I dunno about making it rain, that's just ignorance. A typical night of bottle service for us is about 80-100 bucks per head. Peanuts.

House parties are different scenario, always cheaper, no surprise there. We typically go crazy for our house parties too by buying tons of alcohol, drugs, catering,etc. For the fourth, we had a house party, and had caterer bring food and all that shit. Was sick.

I don't have to show the girls I'm not broke, they can tell by the cars we pick them up in, our clothing, etc. My point was, being 30 and broke is a lot worse than being 19 and broke. A broke college dude, nobody cares. A broke 30 year old is a loser.

My cost per notch is probably negative these days, I think my girlfriends end up spending more on me, on the net.

Fargo, ND isn't really on my radar I'm afraid. I got enough of small-town USA when I was military.

Spin: I see you posting on loveshack, you evil person, you. Leave the poor divorcees alone

I wouldn't move to a college town just for day game. that would be silly. Day game is very good in big cities, especially urban core areas with lots of foot traffic. And if you like variety, such as women out of college with careers, etc, you are kind of limiting yourself.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Screwston - 07-12-2011

This thread kind of makes me nervous about school in the fall ha. Some of y'all are making it seem like its damn near impossible to pull college girls if you're their age and just getting by.

The REALITY of College Town Game - thegmanifesto - 07-12-2011

Mixx -

"Dawg, Im talking about Fargo, ND and Grand Forks - college towns from 3rd tier cities."

Ha. I might have to do a post to straighten out these "tiers".

I was thinking Grand Forks would be more like a "30th tier city"

Quote: (07-12-2011 12:26 AM)houston Wrote:  

This thread kind of makes me nervous about school in the fall ha. Some of y'all are making it seem like its damn near impossible to pull college girls if you're their age and just getting by.

I hope I didn't make you think this because it isn't true.

College is basic to swoop. Hell, you have girls moving out on their own for the first time.

The point I am trying to make is that college is overrated for hot girls. Especially in this day and age of Olive Garden nutrition and sloppy dress.

If I was 18 and girls were what was important, I wouldn't go to college. I would go to Europe. Or Colombia. Or Latvia.

Or hell, I would get a job as a bar back at The Spearmint Rhino.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Gmac - 07-12-2011

Quote: (07-12-2011 04:36 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Or hell, I would get a job as a bar back at The Spearmint Rhino.

I managed to snap a picture at the one in Vegas once without getting caught. That might have made for a better story though.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-12-2011

College Town will be different, but I also wanted to point out that hot girls here do NOT work at Target are anything close. They work as bartenders, VIP hostesses, go go dancers, etc. I always recommend going out on Industry Nights.

Surprisingly enough, I met a girl at the Rhino in Vegas this May and we've been dating quite a bit. She came out to stay with me for a week in June. Was my first time in one in Vegas, waaaay different than the depressing strip clubs out here. In Vegas and in the South, they turn strip clubs into more of a party vibe.

The REALITY of College Town Game - MiXX - 07-12-2011


Hey, no need to prove yourself to us man. I was merely stating that where I happen to be, it is not necessary to ball out of control and take ANY girls to club with VIP bottle service. However, I see your point. Being in the military, where you spent most of your time in 3rd tier cities, places Like Miami and their infamous bottle service still impresseses you. It's all good.

Btw, when you say you are ballin remember I'm from Miami; to me, ballin is spending a minimum of $10,000USD a night every weekend.

So, you really are not ballin' with the amounts you mentioned. Im just saying [Image: wink.gif]

Play on player!


The REALITY of College Town Game - Samseau - 07-12-2011

Quote: (07-11-2011 10:42 PM)spinaroonie Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2011 09:53 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

Dawg, Im talking about Fargo, ND and Grand Forks - college towns from 3rd tier cities. These girls here have no concept or clue of Southern Cali and Miami life...which is why I DHV by saying I am from Miami to get EASY lays.

No need to show I can make it rain, and can pop bottles of Cris, I'd much rather game college girls at 3rd tier cities than Miami hands down.

BTW, I did not move here, it's one of my pit stops as I tour small college towns in North America.


Mixx's anecdotes attest that day game is best in a college town for all the reasons below:

- Favourable gender ratio. Every college campus has a surplus of women. And contrary to the popular PUA meme, 20% of the dudes are NOT fucking 80% of the girls. Owing to the man shortage, many are single, lonely, and horny. The stats don't bear it out.

- Low Expectations. Girls' expectations haven't gone up yet. For college girls, a guy with a professional job, a car, and his own pad is high-status (beats screwing in a crowded dingy dorm or a shanty with 8 other kids right?) It's only when they hit the real world in the big city that they get start adding to that 500 bullet-point checklist.

- Less competition. In the big city the competition is REAL top-dog alpha ballers, bankers, lawyers, and millionaire playboys. In a Podunk college town your competition is... Joe the Plumber and broke college kids. Most other small town guys your age are married or locked down in serious LTRs. Women are as choosy as their options. Big fish, small pond.

- Better reception to cold approaches. Girls in college towns are generally more receptive to random conversation from strangers as they're not used to being accosted by homeless dudes, junkies, muggers, potential rapists, guys trying to sell shit, and just plain creeps.

- If you look young enough, you already have an "in." College girls aren't intimidated by being approached by a guy who looks like all the other guys at their college. Just don't look too old or out of place.

- Better quantity and quality girls. Thousands of girls in their physical prime. Younger, hotter, tighter. Intelligent girls with ambition. Educated girls who stay in shape. Many still in their "experimental" phase.

If you're a professional dude, look young, and live in a college town, day game should be a poon haven.

The real problem with small town college game are the small town reputations.

After you game 50-100 girls in a town, and bang 3-5 girls, the girls will be talking and you'll be known everywhere. The power of anonymity is lost, and your mojo is spent. Afterwards it will be much harder to get more lays. There may be ways around this but I don't know of any.

What MiXX is doing is ideal. He can snag a few easy lays before he is known, and scram to the next town.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-12-2011


However, I see your point. Being in the military, where you spent most of your time in 3rd tier cities, places Like Miami and their infamous bottle service still impresseses you. It's all good.

I'm from NYC, but was stationed in the South for a bit, came to San Diego(military town) in 2000. So I've been mostly in the Cali/Vegas club culture for the past decade. Nothing about Miami bottle service is impressive, same as everywhere. Miami in general is...meh, except for Sobe and downtown, and the food is bomb. Trick daddy and Trina are alright, too.

I was there for WMC and ULTRA, this year, which unfortunately weren't together this year as usual.

Mostly it's about the young college girls that don't know any better that are impressed by bottle service and such. For us, it's just a good option, especially if you have a crowd.Bottle service can be cheaper and more efficient than running to the bar, which is mostly why we do it.

The point was to give older guys one way of working the college circuit. Young women are easy to impress. So it's a viable option for older guys that don't look young(as looking young was the other option presented). Throwing a party with lots of alcohol, drugs, etc? The young, dumb ones will come. Some smart ones, too. But the college dudes with a keg and beer pong are behind the curve here.


What MiXX is doing is ideal. He can snag a few easy lays before he is known, and scram to the next town.
Sure, anybody can travel anywhere, including much better places than Fargo and Grand Forks, to get lays and then bolt. many of us do that. But traveling specifically to small college towns for that? But what about the guys IN college? Or that live in a college town? I was assuming that was the issue.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Gmac - 07-12-2011


The point was to give older guys one way of working the college circuit. Young women are easy to impress. So it's a viable option for older guys that don't look young(as looking young was the other option presented). Throwing a party with lots of alcohol, drugs, etc? The young, dumb ones will come. Some smart ones, too. But the college dudes with a keg and beer pong are behind the curve here.

Well if you have to find yourself having to openly impress women like that with bottle service, you are probably compensating for game (not directed at you personally). That's my take. I get the whole "efficiency" bit, I just don't agree with the methods. Purposeful impression is a short step away from pedastalizing. Most of the younger girls I know would just view it as "creepy older dudes" anyway. But yeah, it might work on the extremely young & naive... and golddiggers.

The REALITY of College Town Game - MiXX - 07-12-2011

GMAC phrased it much better than I did. Taking girls to clubs and showing them you can split bottle service with your buddies is try-hard, and trying to impress. I never try to impress, and a girl wins a drink from me if she us lucky enough to hold my attention for more than 30 minutes.

Older guys who still do that would be labeled chumps and sugar daddies by young women barely 21.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Sh0t - 07-12-2011

Nah. It's fun. We're going out regardless. And it's only natural to invite along some girls, if you have them. If you meet a girl on Wed, few things are easier than inviting her and her girlfriends out on the weekend, because you and your boys are doing XYZ at ABC club.

There is nothing try-hard or impressive about bottle service in 2011. In most clubs, HALF the space is bottle service. That's just the way clubbing is done these days. It's often cheaper than paying cover+drinks at hte bar. The thing is, younger girls don't know that. It's often their first time going out to a big club, especially if they are using fake IDs and are extremely young.

Extremely Young and naive was implied by the topic of the thread: college and college aged women. They are the most easily impressed by anything: clubbing, a nice car, etc.

A few free drinks does not a gold digger or a simp, make. You are taking it way too seriously with the "too cool to buy drinks" thing.

The REALITY of College Town Game - Gmac - 07-12-2011

Quote: (07-12-2011 12:05 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

Nah. It's fun. We're going out regardless. And it's only natural to invite along some girls, if you have them. If you meet a girl on Wed, few things are easier than inviting her and her girlfriends out on the weekend, because you and your boys are doing XYZ at ABC club.

There is nothing try-hard or impressive about bottle service in 2011. In most clubs, HALF the space is bottle service. That's just the way clubbing is done these days. It's often cheaper than paying cover+drinks at hte bar. The thing is, younger girls don't know that. It's often their first time going out to a big club, especially if they are using fake IDs and are extremely young.

Extremely Young and naive was implied by the topic of the thread: college and college aged women. They are the most easily impressed by anything: clubbing, a nice car, etc.

A few free drinks does not a gold digger or a simp, make. You are taking it way too seriously with the "too cool to buy drinks" thing.

That's exactly why it's try-hard. There's a difference between buying someone a drink who has earned it with conversation and buying their affection with a drink. It's your money, time, and effort though... so don't let me tell you what to do.