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Lessons from Jail Bait - Excelsior - 06-30-2011

I think what Tuthmosis is observing is the hypocrisy in our society regarding absurd morality standards imposed on men and not on women.

In the USA, we tell our boys often that the way to a girl's heart is through kindness. "Be a gentleman", they say. "chivalry is not dead", they say. If you're kind to girls and try to make them feel good about themselves(read: if you're the biggest beta male you can be), you'll win a pretty girl's heart someday. Then you can get married and live happily ever after with your 2.5 kids and mortgaged home.

We tell our young girls something entirely different. "You're special for you", they say. "Don't ever take any shit from a man", they say. "Live your life for you". "Don't EVER settle". "Don't give too much power to a man-remember the rules!" "Don't let a man tie you down-explore you for you and have fun!"

So here we have an interesting juxtaposition. On one hand, we are telling young men to play by much older rules of conduct, tying themselves down with the chivalry and provider roles tied to and designed for men from several generations past. We are trying to reign in male sexuality.

On the other hand, we're telling women to play by brand new rules. We want them not to be tied down by men, especially the overly nice, gentelmanly "nice guys"(hordes of which we're simultaneously creating) who might tie them down before they've had their fun and maybe even convince them to (gasp!) settle like women were forced to do in the old patriarchy. We are trying to remove all limits on the expression of female sexuality.

We like to build nice guys, and then make it very tough for them to compete by giving girls different rules and not letting the men know about them. We sexualize and openly encourage sexual expression/freedom among increasingly younger girls, but we expect men not to look at them(those are the rules we give them, and they're shamed from an early age into following). Younger girls are infantilized to an extent so men will know not to touch them, while they are sexualized at the same time. The paradox is perplexing, but all too real.

This whole scenario Tuthmosis outlines here is indicative of all this. Females have taken the rules they've been given so deeply to heart that they're playing at a much higher level in their early-mid teens than even older men can hope to-the game is completely rigged in their favor. Guys are ignorant by design.

Males have taken their own much older, antiquated rules to heart. This has forced them to a) become completely oblivious to just how damn good these increasingly younger girls are getting at this rigged game they play and b) brainwash themselves into thinking that it is wrong, creepy, weird or just plain psychotic and ill to think of these girls as sexual beings, even though these girls clearly consider themselves as such, behave accordingly, follow their own rules to a T ("never settle, explore your options freely and often and have fun!") and even though it is pretty natural for a healthy male to think in such a way about girls that age.

And of course, even if a man does figure all of this out and is able to break out of the matrix by a) recognizing the games these girls play and b) playing it with them and recognizing these young female players as sexual beings, he can easily get screwed. If he even touches these girls, he can end up in jail with a scarred reputation for life. He is damned if he follows the rules and damned if he doesn't.

Of course, what he'd be doing would be natural, and these girls(as good at the game and aware as they clearly are) would do everything to elicit his attention, but the game doesn't care about that. These girls will often openly pursue and only fuck much older guys, and they will seek out illicit drugs/alcohol in the process, but the game won't care about that either. Females can have no true responsibility in this game, because that would make it too easy for them to lose. The point of all of this is to give females of all ages maximum freedom with minimal consequences. Only men are designed to lose this game.

The girls in Tuthmosis' analysis are great examples: they have all the freedom in the world (do whatever drugs they want, fuck guys of a wide range of ages, flirt with lots of guys, etc, etc-all is acceptable for them). They've gotten good at using these freedoms, and nobody will shame them for it(read: zero consequences). Even if their future husband were to find out about their wild and crazy exploits and become uneasy, he'd be shamed for it, not her("That was in the past-she's matured now and had her fun! Man up!").

On the other hand, any guy over 18 who deals with them (and, keep in mind, these are exactly the guys they want to date at 14-15) will bare all of the consequences legally and socially.

This system sets men into a state of willful ignorance (giving girls one set of rules, men another, and not helping men understand the other set), encourages girls to take advantage of that ignorance and the naive betatude that comes with it (punitive alimony, child support, and other ridiculous family laws along with shaming calls for men to "man up" and be "gentlemen" in spite of claimed equality of women) and then makes it legally very difficult for a man to win even if he catches on (silly age of consent laws and a ridiculous degree of shaming for men who break the mold).

Bottomline: The only way to really win the game is not to play, it seems.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Vicious - 06-30-2011

Translation of the conversation in the bed:
Girl: Jocke, I'm naked!
Guy: Uh-huh.

The wash tag on her thong is a major turn off though.

Alright that's enough OT from me.

Lessons from Jail Bait - UrbanNerd - 06-30-2011

Let's be honest.

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

Lessons from Jail Bait - Caligula - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:52 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Let's be honest.

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

What? Not getting challenged mentally? It's much more of a challenge to go for the younger girls. They're of a different generation too so you can learn a lot from them.

Lessons from Jail Bait - UrbanNerd - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:57 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:52 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Let's be honest.

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

What? Not getting challenged mentally? It's much more of a challenge to go for the younger girls. They're of a different generation too so you can learn a lot from them.

What possibly could a 17 year old and 28 year old bank investor talk about?

...and where is the "challenge" of the young teen girls?

Lessons from Jail Bait - Caligula - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 09:08 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:57 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:52 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Let's be honest.

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

What? Not getting challenged mentally? It's much more of a challenge to go for the younger girls. They're of a different generation too so you can learn a lot from them.

What possibly could a 17 year old and 28 year old bank investor talk about?

...and where is the "challenge" of the young teen girls?

There's lots of conversation to be had not related to work or 'grown up' topics. Some are very perceptive and smart, and very curious to learn more about the world.

The challenge? As per the OP they shit test, they're flaky, you need rock solid game to handle them.

Lessons from Jail Bait - UrbanNerd - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 09:11 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

The challenge? As per the OP they shit test, they're flaky, you need rock solid game to handle them.

So let me get this straight. Shit test and flakiness is considered something to handle in order measure game? [Image: huh.gif]

Lessons from Jail Bait - Caligula - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 09:16 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 09:11 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

The challenge? As per the OP they shit test, they're flaky, you need rock solid game to handle them.

So let me get this straight. Shit test and flakiness is considered something to handle in order measure game? [Image: huh.gif]

No I'm just saying they're a challenge that's all. If you're not into them that's cool, to each his own. Just don't hate on those of us who are.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Screwston - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 07:35 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 02:12 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Fairly off-topic but funny. Age 15 in Swe and the girls are putting up vids of their sexual escapades like this:

I would have gone crazy in my early twenties if I had to raise the bar to 18...

Embedding for you, that chick was very cute:

And she has tons of other vids.
How old is that girl

Lessons from Jail Bait - Saladin - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 07:35 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 02:12 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Fairly off-topic but funny. Age 15 in Swe and the girls are putting up vids of their sexual escapades like this:

I would have gone crazy in my early twenties if I had to raise the bar to 18...

Embedding for you, that chick was very cute:

And she has tons of other vids.

Damn, I'm in Stockholm right now. This place is fucking amazing, I wish I had a longer time to stay here....
I went out yesterday night at the club, every girl there was amazingly hot and friendly.
Sweden is heaven.

Lessons from Jail Bait - MiXX - 06-30-2011

Bust out a report for us T-kid!! Don't just tease us with "it's amazing" DETAILS!!!


Lessons from Jail Bait - Mr.GM - 06-30-2011

Jesus F* Christ , If I ever had any doubts about going to Sweden , after this video they would be definitely over!!
God Bless Sweden Lol.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Vicious - 06-30-2011

Sorry for the thread hijack.. maybe Roosh should kill/move those posts.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Saladin - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 11:45 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Bust out a report for us T-kid!! Don't just tease us with "it's amazing" DETAILS!!!


Lessons from Jail Bait - Tuthmosis - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:18 AM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

On one hand, we are telling young men to play by much older rules of conduct....

On the other hand, we're telling women to play by brand new rules. We want them not to be tied down by men, especially the overly nice, gentelmanly "nice guys"(hordes of which we're simultaneously creating) who might tie them down before they've had their fun and maybe even convince them to (gasp!) settle like women were forced to do in the old patriarchy. We are trying to remove all limits on the expression of female sexuality.

Agreed, Athlone. Women love to complain about "double standards" that don't benefit them, but are willfully ignorant of the double standards that they enjoy on a daily basis. Women don't even notice the constant little extras they receive just for being women. I love pointing it out to random chicks when I observe them happening. It actually makes a nice opener. "Do you think he would have volunteered to do that for me?" They usually chuckle like someone who's been caught doing something wrong. Among those double standards is the set of rules they get to live by, while men are shackled with the old rules.

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:52 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

This is a less common, but no less destructive, stereotype. I don't find that young girls are any less of a mental challenge (necessarily) than any other age group. Sure, there is sampling of dumb-ass, ignorant young girls but--trust me--I've met just as many, or more, dumb-ass older girls too. A cool young girl is curious, enthusiastic, and eager to learn new shit. I've had as many rewarding conversations with young girls than with older chicks (not many). I don't think mental challenge is correlated with age.

Lessons from Jail Bait - kerouac - 06-30-2011

I accidentally went to an 18 and over club last night. Compared to the incredible amount of hormones everyone else had, I think being comfortable with yourself goes a long way. I can now see why girls who are 18 (and having been as fully developed as they will essentially get for about 3-5 years already) don't necessarily find guys their age sexually attractive.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Blackhawk - 06-30-2011

If you're ever curious about a woman's age in the US, look them up in . It usually gives their birth year for free, although their goal is to sell you a $35 private detective dossier later on.

Age of consent varies widely by state in the US

Age of consent 16 (31): Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, West Virginia
Age of consent 17 (8): Colorado, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas
Age of consent 18 (12): Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Be very skeptical about young girls talk and do not take them at face. There's a strange phase they all go through before they've actually had sex where they boastfully lie about sexual accomplishments as well as their supposed drinking and drug use in an attempt to appear more adult. It's all just quoting music lyrics that they listen to. Given they still live with their parents, are students, and are broke, it's extremely unlikely that they've been partying like Paris Hilton on a budget that can barely afford bubble gum. And still getting to their 8am classes the next day.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Giovonny - 06-30-2011

Younger girls are hot. I think we all can agree on that.

But, usually they are as dumb as a box of rocks.

I don't see the average 18 year old having any special understanding of Game. An adult male over the age of 25 should be able to Game circles around some teenage girl. Most teenage girls don't know the difference between their ass and a hole in the ground.

The ones that have game are the hot ones that have been getting hit on since they were 15. I think these are the ones Tuthmosis is talking about.

Most of them are just young, dumb, inexperienced teenagers. Nothing special at all.

The only thing special is that her pussy is so young and fresh.

I have dated a variety of girls between 18-21. Some are cool, some are lame, some are stupid, some are smart, some are slutty, some are not. It all depends on the girl.

Don't give these young girls any special respect. In fact, I think you will probably get laid more by treating them like what them are...

dumb little chicks that don't know shit!

Lessons from Jail Bait - Giovonny - 06-30-2011

And I don't agree that society is teaching men to be "nice guys". That shit was over 20 years ago. Society is now teaching men to be "bad boys". Everything I see on TV is some suburban guy with prison style tattoos.

Most guys I talk to think they need to be more of a "cocky bad boy".

Nobody is singing love songs anymore. Its cool to look like a street thug now.

Who is encouraging us to be "nice guys"??? Not the music industry, not the movie and television industry, not mainstream society. Even girls don't want that shit.

The only people telling me to be a "nice guy" is my grandparents.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Excelsior - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 01:25 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Most guys I talk to think they need to be more of a "cocky bad boy".

Some young guys are figuring it out now after three decades worth of brainwashing.
Most are not. If they were, there'd be no need for PUA or any of that.


Nobody is singing love songs anymore. Its cool to look like a street thug now.

Are you joking, dude?

Justin Beiber, Trey Songz, Drake, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars? I go on Youtube and list the most popular music videos(or just check the Billboard chart toppers for the year), and these are the people who are dominating at least half of it.

The majority of the chart toppers today are still songs about love or relationships(Eminem-Love the Way You Lie), and there are VERY few chart toppers encouraging people to look like "Street Thugs". Those songs aren't nearly as popular.


Who is encouraging us to be "nice guys"???

Most mainstream shows on network TV, the majority of feature films, and the majority of popular music hits.
If you want me to list them and all of the instances in which the subtle beta-promoting programming is seen, I can do that. It is blatantly obvious to me.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Giovonny - 06-30-2011


Justin Beiber, Trey Songz, Drake, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift

This stuff is for girls. Thats why the guys act like pussys. They are singing for women.

Its the same with television and movies. Its you watch "chick flicks", you are gonna see men portrayed as "betas". Its the female fantasy.

If you watch stuff made for men, its the opposite.

"The Most Interesting Man in The World" is always sitting with a younger chick on each arm.

I guess it just depends what kind of stuff you pay attention to.

When I was in college I was listening to this:

btw, met an 18 year old today who was easy to talk to. Its obvious, but I will say it anyway. 18-19 year olds from the country/small town are often way easier then 18-19 year olds from the big city.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Excelsior - 06-30-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 07:55 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  


Justin Beiber, Trey Songz, Drake, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift

This stuff is for girls. Thats why the guys act like pussys. They are singing for women.

Its the same with television and movies. Its you watch "chick flicks", you are gonna see men portrayed as "betas". Its the female fantasy.

If you watch stuff made for men, its the opposite.

"The Most Interesting Man in The World" is always sitting with a younger chick on each arm.

I guess it just depends what kind of stuff you pay attention to.

This is exactly my point, the crux of what I was getting at before. Yes, that stuff is for girls, but stuff that is for girls is predominant in this society (hence its overwhelmingly higher popularity).
There are still male things to focus on(Entourage, Most Interesting Man, etc), but most of what is on TV, Radio, and Film is feminized(as are most men today) and designed to appeal to female, not male, fantasies/desires.

Like I said: rigged game.

Lessons from Jail Bait - Samseau - 07-02-2011

Quote: (06-30-2011 09:08 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:57 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

Quote: (06-30-2011 08:52 AM)UrbanNerd Wrote:  

Let's be honest.

Most guys that continually aim for much younger GIRLS, especially the guys ages 20 to 29 who want some TEEN girl do it because they really do not want to challenged mentally. These guys rather "over-qualify" and overwhelm and later on get deeply involved with some girl who really brings NOTHING to the table. Now while you collecting flags and just banging, that is fine. The issue is when guys actually try to establish some relationship with some girl still in her teens while he is well into his 20's.

I mean you are 25, 26 or 27 and aiming for 17/18 year olds?...Really?

What? Not getting challenged mentally? It's much more of a challenge to go for the younger girls. They're of a different generation too so you can learn a lot from them.

What possibly could a 17 year old and 28 year old bank investor talk about?

...and where is the "challenge" of the young teen girls?

lulz............. at least a 17 yr old won't have any baggage to bore me with on the date

Lessons from Jail Bait - iknowexactly - 07-03-2011

Quote: (07-02-2011 08:15 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

What possibly could a 17 year old and 28 year old bank investor talk about?

...and where is the "challenge" of the young teen girls?

You mean you have been able to have intelligent, rational, interesting conversations with 25, 35, or 45 year old women?

Really? What country do you live in?

No matter what their age, I always feel like I'm talking to a spoiled but often endearingly trusting 5 year old, with extremely rare exceptions.
Although they may be adorable and cute, I have long sought and failed to hear an original thought from one, except
perhaps a genius like Joni Mitchell.

The one thing they seem to have some insight about is social manipulation and status.

Lessons from Jail Bait - oldnemesis - 07-03-2011

Quote: (07-03-2011 02:29 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

No matter what their age, I always feel like I'm talking to a spoiled but often endearingly trusting 5 year old, with extremely rare exceptions.

From my personal experience I can tell you that there is no too much difference between talking to a 4yo, 14yo and 17yo who were raised in America. While their brain indeed gets developed, their ego gets even bigger - at least 4yo will never tell you she knows everything. So your observation matches mine.

Things are very different in Russia though; there is a huge difference between 14yo and 17-18yo.