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What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Blunt - 07-17-2015


...if she only likes sex with her husband or boyfriend, she’s boring and lame...


I'm with the posters that say this is either fake or a female writing it. I can't think of any man, no matter how feminist, would state that a monogamous woman is "lame". That is unless he was trying to fuck someone else's wife.

The entire post is filled with so much cognitive dissonance it is analogous to a battered wife writing a "think-piece" about how wife-beating just works for them, you know. It is very likely this written by a woman in one of these relationships who is trying to project how she hopes her worthless husband feels in order to assuage her own guilt.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - TheWastelander - 07-17-2015

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Dr. Howard - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 10:10 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (07-17-2015 09:29 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

I would bet money that this is fake, and was actually written by a feminist woman. The writing just sounds extremely non-masculine, even by the standards of an emasculated cuckold man. Look at most of the bolded excerpts that Bacchus quoted. That's just not how men write.

Quote:dog Wrote:

Is it just me or has there been a coordinated effort to push this open relationship bullshit in the last couple years?

Yes. It's part of the spearhead pushing for polygamy/polyamory/"plural marriage". The goal is to destroy traditional marriage entirely.

You know, you might be onto something about this being fake. Excellent call. Alarm bells are now going off in my head about this.

I went and checked this writer's New York Magazine author's bio and it turns out this is "his" first and only story.

Also, the only references I can find on the Web regarding a "Michael Sonmore" relate to this story. There is no Facebook profile or anything like that. Most writers are huge attention-whores and are on FB.

Nor do I see any college info or race info when I reverse the last name to "sonmore michael" (you can usually tell people's backgrounds by seeing where they graduated or what races they've run).

This story doesn't say Michael Sonmore is a pseudonym. So with all this in mind, I'm saying Scorpion called this one and the magazine either got played by a fake writer or is playing the public with a fake story.

I'll add fuel to the conspiracy theory with the fact that "he" is playing Loretta Lynn on the stereo and drinking gallons of red wine...that is straight up gay.

Could this be a fake article just to normalize this kind of behavior? I mean at the best i'd expect a man to write something like "Nickel Back was playing on the stereo and I was contemplating murder/suicide as my wife went on her 4th date this month, why did I agree to this open relationship?"

If this is reality then the article is just a clear example of boundaries. Women and children will always test them. For example, if your wife goes over to her girlfriend's house to drink wine and meets to resistance, next she'll want to do a girls night out, if that meets no resistance next she'll be adding men to facebook, next she'll be going on 'girl trips' to vegas, next she'll be flirting with men in front of the husband, next she'll be in an open relationship. Its a steady progression unless a husband draws a line in the sand.

Same thing with money or kids. Can you watch the kids for a while on saturday turns to, can you watch the kids all evening, turns to can you take a sick day off work to watch the kids, turns to can you quit your job and be a stay at home dad.

This guy, if real, has never said NO to this woman, which is why he's in the boat he's in.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - not_dead_yet - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 09:29 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

I would bet money that this is fake, and was actually written by a feminist woman.

Props to you for calling it.

The one thing that really caught my eye as I was skimming was the author saying, "It's equality of opportunity that matters, not outcomes," and I'm like "WTF kind of feminist are you?"

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Phoenix - 07-17-2015

What exactly the fuck is an 'Open Marriage'? Is it like a 'Gay Marriage' but for straights?

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Only One Man - 07-17-2015

A man can behave like this, going and getting ass on the side all the time, and still be very much in love with his wife. A woman can't. If she behaves that way, she's obviously fallen out of love with her husband. Typically in a situation where she's out fucking around, she grows to despise her husband, especially if he continues to push for sex. Maybe in this situation it could work because he basically becomes her gay best friend who she can tell her alpha cock stories to rather than a repulsive, sex starved boring man.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - DetlefMourning - 07-17-2015

It's not an "open marriage." An open marriage is when a married couple practices a swinger lifestyle and were never monogamous to begin with. She basically told him she was going to start fucking other dudes. If he had any balls or backbone he would've filed for divorce at that point. It probably was too late, but the only way he was going to keep her from stepping out on him was to display any kind of a spine.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Bear Hands - 07-17-2015

That whole thing reads like a fabrication. It reads with the voice of a woman trying to justify a hypothetical scenario because she thinks she can imagine the way a man actually thinks. That level of active rationalization only happens in the female mind.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Mr West - 07-17-2015

[Image: pgVdNUv.jpg]

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Captainstabbin - 07-17-2015

Agreed about this being a fake story - more like a feminist fantasy.

A. Woman is the breadwinner.

B. Woman has an effeminate, gay best to look after the kids.

C. Woman considers herself a great mom, wife, breadwinner, etc, but also manages to live an exciting life of random hookups with guys named Paulo or Ryan the designer - NOT Bill the accountant or Kevin the teacher.

D. Through feminism, women can be "who they really are", utterly self-involved and only concerned about their marriage vows when it comes time to accuse men of breaking them. In feminism, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

E. Traditional marriage - a man is "united to his wife, and they will become one". Feminist version "though we are together, we’re not one."

F. Nobody texts with this much grammar. "He's" using it to sound much smarter than "he" is. "Just glad you’re ok, but next time, no radio silence. Remember: you’re not alone"

G. Guys don't worry that their women will fall in love with the other man she's banging - we cut her loose the second we find out she's banging around. Only women and maybe gay men think that way.

H. As others have said, the doublethink is so blatant. It HAD to come from a well-exercised hamster.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - vinman - 07-17-2015

[Image: laugh2.gif]


I read it twice and laughed harder the second time through.
I would fuck this chumps wife in their bed, and wipe my dick on the curtains on my way out.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 11:57 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Agreed about this being a fake story - more like a feminist fantasy.

A. Woman is the breadwinner.

B. Woman has an effeminate, gay best to look after the kids.

C. Woman considers herself a great mom, wife, breadwinner, etc, but also manages to live an exciting life of random hookups with guys named Paulo or Ryan the designer - NOT Bill the accountant or Kevin the teacher.

D. Through feminism, women can be "who they really are", utterly self-involved and only concerned about their marriage vows when it comes time to accuse men of breaking them. In feminism, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

E. Traditional marriage - a man is "united to his wife, and they will become one". Feminist version "though we are together, we’re not one."

F. Nobody texts with this much grammar. "He's" using it to sound much smarter than "he" is. "Just glad you’re ok, but next time, no radio silence. Remember: you’re not alone"

G. Guys don't worry that their women will fall in love with the other man she's banging - we cut her loose the second we find out she's banging around. Only women and maybe gay men think that way.

H. As others have said, the doublethink is so blatant. It HAD to come from a well-exercised hamster.

I. One thing no one accounted for (so obvious you can't see it): A wildcard. Some outside person is bound to fall in love with either of them and create jealous-lover havoc in their world.

Even though he and she supposedly have an "arrangement" not to fall in love outside marriage, that doesn't take into account other people's feelings. They might not have a jealousy gene, but you can damn well bet they'll come across someone who does.

At some point, there would have to be a story about the upset drunken lover who showed up in a rage while they were eating dinner or kept calling past midnight. All of us have had this happen - if these people were real, they'd be no exception.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Blunt - 07-17-2015

One commenter on the article noticed he didn't mention his own sex life with his wife once. If it is real, he is definitely gay.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - aphelion - 07-17-2015 guesses it's female with an 84% score. rates it as inconclusive - right in the middle in an informal piece but weakly female in a formal piece.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Pontifex Maximus - 07-17-2015

Both of these idiots are scum to society, especially the post-male specimen. I'm calling it now, the male is going to Bruce Jenner the situation.

They married, most likely to have kids and stability. So why is there absolutely no mention of the children? A mother, who leaves for cock multiple nights/week, has to warrant a "Where's Mommy?" from the six year-old. But the article is is all about "me understanding her" and "I discovered respect". Why the fuck do you mention the names and jobs of the men the wife is fucking, but not the response of the children seeing one parent at a time? How damaging is it for children to not see their parents showing intimacy and respect for each other?

Secondly, the unemployed parent(s) are damaging future social mobility for their children. When young children don't see the correlation between working and putting food on the table, their sense of work ethic never develops.

The post-male specimen deserves to be served divorced papers. It needs to get scraped and battered and pulverized into rock bottom, and hopefully it will learn something and build a new life.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Saweeep - 07-17-2015

I can well believe that this could be a man.

It's easy to forget just how pathetic the average male has consider those at the bottom of that bell curve!

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - swuglyfe - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 11:57 AM)Captainstabbin Wrote:  

Agreed about this being a fake story - more like a feminist fantasy.

A. Woman is the breadwinner.

B. Woman has an effeminate, gay best to look after the kids.

C. Woman considers herself a great mom, wife, breadwinner, etc, but also manages to live an exciting life of random hookups with guys named Paulo or Ryan the designer - NOT Bill the accountant or Kevin the teacher.

D. Through feminism, women can be "who they really are", utterly self-involved and only concerned about their marriage vows when it comes time to accuse men of breaking them. In feminism, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

E. Traditional marriage - a man is "united to his wife, and they will become one". Feminist version "though we are together, we’re not one."

F. Nobody texts with this much grammar. "He's" using it to sound much smarter than "he" is. "Just glad you’re ok, but next time, no radio silence. Remember: you’re not alone"

G. Guys don't worry that their women will fall in love with the other man she's banging - we cut her loose the second we find out she's banging around. Only women and maybe gay men think that way.

H. As others have said, the doublethink is so blatant. It HAD to come from a well-exercised hamster.

Unsurprised if this is a secret attempt by feminists to try and help beta cuck men think and rationalize that it's ok to let their wives do this, as others have said.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - rpg - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 01:36 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

I can well believe that this could be a man.

It's easy to forget just how pathetic the average male has consider those at the bottom of that bell curve!

Stay at home dads have willingly lopped off their balls. Then come the consequences and it is a freak show. Women have a whole list of expectations for a man and when he doesnt live up to those he goes into the dungeon. When my dad lost his job many years ago my mom ripped him a new ass every hour on the hour. She was working and wanted him to suffer for sins he never committed.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - CleanSlate - 07-17-2015

Quote: (07-17-2015 01:55 PM)swuglyfe Wrote:  

Unsurprised if this is a secret attempt by feminists to try and help beta cuck men think and rationalize that it's ok to let their wives do this, as others have said.

If this story is indeed a fake and a secret attempt by feminists... then the state of our affairs scares me even more than if the story were true.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-17-2015


What’s important is equality of opportunity, not outcome.

Judging from the whining about the gender pay gap, I would never have guessed that they're only concerned with opportunities!

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - samsamsam - 07-17-2015

HBO has a new series called "Sex On/"

Last week one of the clips was about poly-amours relationships. It was dumb people, I mean millenials, discussing how older people are stuck in their ways and this is the new way of living. Was sort of hilarious.

See if you can catch it on a re-run. Ran yesterday - it is the 7/16/15 episode. Has the word "Poly" in the description.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Slim Shady - 07-17-2015

The cuckold culture is huge these days. It's really sad what some of these guys put up with, or even encourage/are into.

If you google it deep enough you'll get into some crazy shit.

Personally I get off on hooking up with chicks that are married or have boyfriends. It all started when I was 19 and hooked up with a 25 year old engaged girl that got married a month later. I did not know that she was engaged at the time, but once I learned that it set off a switch in my body. So cuckolds/hotwifes are fine by me because I enjoy hooking up with these girls since it feeds my extreme narcissism. It gives me a sense of power and superiority that I enjoy.

The problem now is that since it has gotten so widespread, a lot of these girls are too old/ugly/fat. It's disappointing and downright sad that many guys not only wife up such ugly cunts, but are subservient to them and let them sleep around [or that guys choose to sleep with them].

But for all the hot freaky girls in open relationships, feel free to give me a call and fulfill your desperate fantasies.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - CactusCat589 - 07-17-2015

This would have to be a crazy epic gambit to undermine the wife in order to ensure custody of the kids when he divorces, in order to redeem him.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - Foolsgo1d - 07-17-2015

Any girl I was with who wanted to fuck other men would have me calling their mother on a saturday night for Netflix.

And I don't have Netflix.

What Open Marriage Taught One Man about Feminism - 2Wycked - 07-17-2015

Revisit a super old post by The Last Psychiatrist, reviewing Sandra Tsing Loh's popular Atlantic article about divorce: Let's Call The Whole Thing Off

Seriously, that article fisking is gold, Jerry, gold.

Looking at this "man's" article, right in the first paragraph:


I am an economically dependent househusband coping with the withering drudgery of child-rearing.

I don't see how anybody in their right mind can see liberals as decent people. They come right out and start mindlessly bitching about how oppressive caring and loving children is -- Oh! But other liberals can relate to the experience, as if the guilt over being a shitty parent somehow gets absolved when we all just talk about it. Nothing is more upsetting than realizing that you are no longer the star of your own movie. . .


Still, as a man, I could, if I wanted to, portray what I’m doing as “work,” and thus claim for myself the prestige men traditionally derive from “work.” Whenever I tell someone I stay home with the kids, they invariably say, “Hardest work in the world.” They say this because the only way to account for a man at home with the kids

Anybody who regularly starts sentence with "As an X..." is a person who is primarily concerned with how others see them -- their identity. I don't see any worry about how this "arrangement" is going to affect the kids, any worry that his passive-aggressive behavior towards his wife is affecting his kids. I see lots of hand-wringing about how others see their arrangement, using feminism as the awkward tool to make it feel "right" to him -- because right to him is what others see, not what is.


In this way, my masculine self-image was stretched but not broken. Diaper bag notwithstanding, I was still a Man. It wasn’t until my wife mentioned one evening that she’d kissed another man and liked it and wanted to do more than kiss next time that I realized how my status as a Man depended on a single fact: that my wife fucked only me.

You wanna be seen as a man? Abandon the feminist mumbo-jumbo, get a tattoo and start banging blonds with fake tits. Also, don't angry when your daughter starts dying her hair 50 shades of dirty blond and thinks plastic surgery is "hot." Remember -- it's your status as a "real man" is how others estimate you, not who you really are.


When people ask how it started, I say this: We married young. She’d had sex before me, but only with a handful of people a handful of times. She never had a boyfriend, never had a lover. I was the first man she ever had the chance to get to know intimately. By her mid-30s, having already had our children and entering her sexual prime, she felt keenly her lack of sexual experience. Happily for me, she was willing to talk about it, willing to ask if I’d be open to exploring other options. We opened a bottle of wine and started talking, and talking, and talking.

[Image: How+it+must+feel+to+be+new+to+fj_918e41_5231035.png]


If a woman likes sex, she’s a whore and a slut; if she only likes sex with her husband or boyfriend, she’s boring and lame; if she doesn’t like sex at all, she’s frigid and unfeeling. Every option is a trap.

You mean everything in life is a trap when you only deal in stereotypes and pre-determined roles? It really must be tough to enjoy anything when you are really only concerned when you are going to get your "man card" revoked.


When my wife told me she wanted to open our marriage and take other lovers, she wasn’t rejecting me, she was embracing herself. When I understood that, I finally became a feminist.

Anything that keeps the movie about yourself, huh? You get to play the role of the struggling -- but enlightened -- feminist dad who grapples with his shallow, vapid narcissism by reinterpreting it as cosmic struggle against patriarchy and prejudice against women. All the while your children have already learned you are an impotent, worthless shitheel who couldn't even be counted on to have the decency to tell his wife that fidelity is required when a woman loves a man. Was it love, self-respect or marriage that is/was outdated?


I’m grateful to my wife for pushing us to take this leap

I don't care what her politics are -- no woman likes to lead her man. Unless, of course, you aren't really a man. In fact, I bet he really likes this Guinness ad that "re-imagines" masculinity. . .


And I know all this is true because the ads told me so, in order. You're going to be infuriated at this blonde Hooters Waitress for only being attracted to chiseled abs and a commanding phallus, but even if she miraculously chose to come under your umbrella, you'd see suddenly she was only a brunette, huh, and you still wouldn't do anything about it. And off she goes, a missed opportunity. And before that ignites your amygdala into a blinding self-hatred, you will remember that it's all the cunt's fault, and besides, never mind all these girls, the fact that you're a good friend to your less fortunate friend is what makes you a man; but since you are not actually a good friend, indeed, you don't even have any friends, well, this ad will signal to yourself that you are. Message received.

As an aside, drink Guinness.