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9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - TheWastelander - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 09:36 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  


It's usually the right wing Christian groups that are into this thing.
You can't really argue that the majority of white, racist storm from front types aren't also conservative Christians

Right-wing Christian groups are into mass murdering people in a church? Name me a mainstream right-wing Christian group that advocates murder and spree killings in America, let alone murdering other Christians.

From all indications so far religion had nothing to do with this yet Mikado felt the need to bring it up anyway.

And I don't know or care what Stormfronters believe or don't believe.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - rpg - 06-18-2015

This is race baiting of the highest order. The kid is one sick asshole. Whoever bought him a gun for his birthday is going to be in big trouble.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Sourcecode - 06-18-2015
Roof's MySpace page contains only a music track from the Christian death metal band "A Thousand Times Repent."

"Facebook photo shows Roof wearing a jacket with two flag patches: one of Apartheid-era South Africa, and the other of Rhodesia"

[Image: CHyYMkWXAAMmCuJ.png]
“I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

"Roof’s uncle, Carson Cowles, told Reuters in a phone interview that the 21-year-old received a .45-caliber handgun as a birthday present from his father in April."

His dad gave him the gun

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Roosh - 06-18-2015

It's starting to feel like a race war.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - samsamsam - 06-18-2015

The guy was on MySpace. No wonder he is fucked up. He needed more Tinder.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 10:11 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:
Roof's MySpace page contains only a music track from the Christian death metal band "A Thousand Times Repent."

"Facebook photo shows Roof wearing a jacket with two flag patches: one of Apartheid-era South Africa, and the other of Rhodesia"

[Image: CHyYMkWXAAMmCuJ.png]
“I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

"Roof’s uncle, Carson Cowles, told Reuters in a phone interview that the 21-year-old received a .45-caliber handgun as a birthday present from his father in April."

His dad gave him the gun

“I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

How stupid was he? Those church people rape women?

If he'd had any balls and that was his issue, he'd have looked up sex offenders from the inner city and gone into the worst part of town to assassinate them, Charles Bronson-style.

This is like having a problem with the mafia and deciding to take it out on the family who runs the local pizza joint. I guess expecting logic from a killer is too much to ask, but really.

He seems more like a Columbine-type looney than anything. Those kids, if I remember correctly, had issues with a few bullies so they decided to take it out on innocent students and teachers.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - samsamsam - 06-18-2015

Is it just me but I always wonder if criminals like this will be captured or go down in a hail of bullets. This was a serious crime and in no way am I trying to minimize or mock what has happened.

But now he is on the run. I think he probably would like the attention of a trial to spew his hate. So I am guessing he is captured.

EDIT: Captured.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - KorbenDallas - 06-18-2015

The one thing I'm certain about is that the group of Christians at a prayer meeting on a WEDNESDAY were a very high quality group of citizenry. Their loss to Charleston and their community will be great.

It looks like an omega male to me. I know the terms 'Alpha' 'Beta' and 'Omega' are sort of corny, but he screams virgin.

This is a horrible tragedy, so, I know this sounds crass, but I honestly think that if he had gotten laid in the last year this wouldn't have happened. This doesn't excuse his actions in any way, but I do think its a factor.

I am extremely pro-gun, but the abundance of guns + lack of sexual access for many young males, equals violence. Look at how ISIS exploits the young males of the Middle East to actually follow the parts of the Quran that says to enforce a tax on Christians and to behead non-believers.

As to this being Christian terrorism, where I live in America right now, whether white, black, Mormon, or Latino, the very religious Christians I meet are the most trustworthy, least violent, cooperative, people in the area with usually the strongest families.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Ziltoid - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 10:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

It's starting to feel like a race war.
Perhaps the powers that be stand to benefit from that impression.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Aenigmarius - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 09:36 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

It's usually the right wing Christian groups that are into this thing.

Yes, there have been cults that have claimed to be based in Christianity that have advocated this type of "thing" as you put it.

Yes, there are plenty of white-power douchebags that identify themselves as Christian, but I don't remember the "kill all the black people" part of the Bible -- of course, I haven't read it all, its a long ass book. It could be in there with all the weird stuff in Deuteronomy like not wearing clothes made of more than one fabric, or wizards must be stoned to death, or people with broken noses can't go to church. I think there are some things in there about killing people who worship other gods and wiping out all the Egyptians or something.

Of course, the big thing about being a "Christian" is believing and accepting in your heart that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God -- all that New Testament stuff. Jesus was pretty much "Love God and be nice to each other," mostly. Mass murdering other Christians doesn't seem very WWJD to me.

And, as far as I know, the United Methodist Church isn't advocating the mass murder of other Christians, or even non-Christians. I'm not aware of any recent missionary trips sponsored by the Southern Baptist Convention to go out and shoot groups of black people.

The Catholics... well, you never know with them... but I haven't heard any reports of any priests or bishops calling for a holy war against other sects of Christianity... at least, not recently...

Quote: (06-18-2015 09:36 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

You can't really argue that the majority of white, racist storm from front types aren't also conservative Christians

If I start the Cult of Male Virtue and Development, take Bang as our bible and Roosh as our Savior, worship the principal doctrines of Neomasculinity, tattoo the Symbol of Roosh on our backs, shoot up a ton of testosterone, chant "male-only spaces" 17 times, and then strike out to repel the War Against Men by mass murdering a bunch of random wymyns on the street... does that make me Neomasculine?

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - spokepoker - 06-18-2015

I'm waiting to hear about his family life. Parents married? Christians? What was his father like?

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Saweeep - 06-18-2015

It would appear he has been arrested.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - jayesco - 06-18-2015

I'm going on vacation out of the country in a few days. I'm wondering if I should even bother to come back.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - kaotic - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 10:25 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

“I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.”

Is it wrong to say game could've saved lives ?

This is so fucked, in a church of all fucking places.

The dude has apartheid flags, confederate flag, but who knows what was going through his head.

And gun/ammo prices go up in 5...4...3...

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - DavidTheGnome - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:15 AM)jayesco Wrote:  

I'm going on vacation out of the country in a few days. I'm wondering if I should even bother to come back.

America is if nothing else a land of young white men preying on black churchgoers. The white on black violence here is atrocious. There are many white neighborhoods even the police wont go into. Any black people foolish enough to do so are usually carjacked and quite often killed over relatively trivial amounts of money.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - MMX2010 - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:23 AM)DavidTheGnome Wrote:  

America is if nothing else a land of young white men preying on black churchgoers. The white on black violence here is atrocious. There are many white neighborhoods even the police wont go into. Any black people foolish enough to do so are usually carjacked and quite often killed over relatively trivial amounts of money.

[Image: kqiu9.gif]

I only got four hours of sleep last night, so my judgment may be off. But does anyone else find this post trollish?


Thanks to the two people who replied below. I've reported the post, so you all don't have to.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - spokepoker - 06-18-2015

Was thinking same, but I figure that decision is left to forum moderators.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - heavy - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:23 AM)DavidTheGnome Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:15 AM)jayesco Wrote:  

I'm going on vacation out of the country in a few days. I'm wondering if I should even bother to come back.

America is if nothing else a land of young white men preying on black churchgoers. The white on black violence here is atrocious. There are many white neighborhoods even the police wont go into. Any black people foolish enough to do so are usually carjacked and quite often killed over relatively trivial amounts of money.

Before you get banned...and I'm genuinely curious...where?

I'm not saying there's not, there probably is, I just couldn't name one right off hand.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - jayesco - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:27 AM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:23 AM)DavidTheGnome Wrote:  

America is if nothing else a land of young white men preying on black churchgoers. The white on black violence here is atrocious. There are many white neighborhoods even the police wont go into. Any black people foolish enough to do so are usually carjacked and quite often killed over relatively trivial amounts of money.

I only got four hours of sleep last night, so my judgment may be off. But does anyone else find this post trollish?

I was wondering the same thing, but I think he took my comment as me trying to play victim.

I'm really just not interested in this "race war" that is getting stirred up. Honestly, at the end of the day, I don't think any of it will help any issues that blacks, including myself, deal with. Seems like it would cause more hurt than help.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Aenigmarius - 06-18-2015

I think it's sarcasm.

Stating the opposite of the truth as if it is true.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Sudden - 06-18-2015

I generally define terrorism as an act of violence against a civilian target done for political motives. Given that, Adam Lanza and James Holmes were not terrorists, Anders Breveiks and Dylann Roof are.

An interesting factor that i think deserves more attention as things develop is that this kid's name has a dutch Boer sound to it. Combined with his donning of the apartheid South African and Rhodesian flags, I'd be downright surprised if his family didn't trace back to south Africa.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - DjembaDjemba - 06-18-2015

Rip to the victims.

This guy is another lone weirdo, and he doesn't represent white people no more than black gangsters represent black people.

This is no race war, guys like this should be ridiculed publicly, and should be treated like the murderous dangerous clowns that they are. He's in it by himself. And thus, he will be captured, and thrown in prison for life. He thinks he's a white race warrior, instead he will die lonely in jail, most likely solitary confinement.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - spokepoker - 06-18-2015

Quote: (06-18-2015 11:33 AM)Aenigmarius Wrote:  

I think it's sarcasm.

Stating the opposite of the truth as if it is true.

Well yeah, but is it for trolling purposes? To get everyone riled up about white v black? heavy may have taken the bait.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - Sudden - 06-18-2015

Kaotic, based on that rape comment, it sounds like he had the typical omega incel issue that generally accompanies these wackos. And while game may have helped him out, I think a big part depends on where his exposure to game is coming from.

We'd be remiss to deny that there is a problem within parts of the 'sphere with idiotic collectivism, particularly in anti black and anti Jewish rhetoric. One needs only read the comments on heartiste to see it. Roissy's blog, once the principle source of tactical game advice, has turned into a white nationalist circle jerk.

9 people killed in shooting at black church in Charleston, S.C. - MidWest - 06-18-2015

Man!! This is crazy! What in the hell is going on? I thought we were living in a free and prosperous and safe first world country. These are the kinds of stories you hear in third world war ridden countries where life is worth nothing and where some crazy motherfucker can come and kill you whenever he wishes while you're at a church. Sick!!

What did these 9 people do to deserve their lives to be taken away by this piece of shit!

If there ever is a race war in the U.S., I'll take all my savings and move to Mexico and escape all of this. At this point I'm more scared of a racist white supremacist than a Mexican cartel member. At least cartels don't mess with you if you don't mess with them. In the U.S. they kill you because of your race.

Crazy world we live in.