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The Joe Rogan thread - debeguiled - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:11 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

It's a classic Tell of men who are likely to bow before outside authority in outlaw group dynamics.

Does this mean he would bow before authority external to the outlaw group, like kiss ass in the presence of another gang or the cops?

The Joe Rogan thread - iop890 - 10-01-2015

I haven't seen much from Rogan but I set through that whole pod-cast with Milo and wasn't impressed. Milo came off as very intelligent and red-pill despite being gay as fuck.

Yet Rogan just kept on with the NAWALT and athiest+ talking points, even bringing it back up in the last few minutes. It was tiring, especially when he refused to acknowledge that Christianity had any influence on Anglo culture.

The Joe Rogan thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:11 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

He's a classic Generation X composite of 'extreme' target marketing: selling the appearance of rebellion in a way that never threatens the status quo. He's every backwards-cap wearing, skateboard-riding, dude with 'tude cartoon character from about '86 to '96, parodied here:

Note his rants on Zombie Jesus about 1 hr 30, which is when I gave up listening. The pompous cloud of smug that shows [i]he actually believe he's pushin

I don't think that he is a tremendous pussy - here he is back in the day destroying an aggressive post-wall feminist bitterbitch:

How he is on the show is frankly of little relevance. That is a screen persona.

You guys are missing the fact that he has to tow the party line being on mainstream shows. Also him making 7 digits does not mean much in terms of financial freedom. Many times those guys spend 8 digits on a house and blow because they think that the party time will keep on rolling.

But then when they stray too much from the official narrative, they are quickly reminded that they can lose it all with a snap of a finger.

Feminism is the narrative or at least NAWALT, atheism is the main presstitute talking point as well - or the usual cuckservative viewpoint that is being sold as Christian (vs the patriarchal old-school toughness Christianity that built the USA originally).

Rogan is their bitch and it seems to me that he has upped his coke bill and gained weight - indicators of losing his edge - he is not the same guy that stood up to the bitch above. You are not allowed to remain yourself completely if you take their mainstream gig - the same goes for artists to a degree (especially musicians). They pick you when you can reach a certain demographic, you can put out your viewpoints - in Rogan's case it was his previous stance on feminism and quasi Red Pill, but then they use guys like him to twist the Red Pill into feminism light or Christianity either into atheism or ridiculous cuckservatism (and feminism).

I'll listen to the show during workout, so might have some other insights.

The Joe Rogan thread - Zep - 10-01-2015

Quote: (05-28-2015 12:59 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

It sickens me everytime I hear these maladjusted social justice activists referred to as "warriors".

Why are we letting SJW's control the language on our side?

They continue to refer to Rooshv and others as Pick up Artists despite their rejection of that term because they know there is a stigma associated with that word.

Language is powerful and frames a debate, compare the terms illegal alien, illegal immigrant, undocumented immigrant and american in waiting.

These whiny rejects are NOT warriors, they are activists and should be referred to as SJA's in the manosphere.


Would Social Justice Communist ( SJC ) work? Keeping in mind that the word "communist" is the last word that rolls off the tongue, and stays in the mind.


Communism: a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.

The Joe Rogan thread - Tigre - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:39 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

In a way, really, he is still just the martial arts bully, dressed up in a new agey, techno narcissist's clothing, and talking over Milo, or refusing to concede points is a way of verbally bullying under the guise of intellectual back and forth.

Milo was the one interrupting Rogan non-stop.

At one point Rogan even told him "if we're going to have a conversation, you'll have to stop talking over the top of me when I'm saying something".

Rogan normally vibes pretty well with his other interviewees. I've watched maybe five podcasts of his. He likes to chew the fat and discuss ideas at length.

Milo came in a bit too hostile. He was trying to score cheap debate points, instead of looking to build rapport. I think Milo is a smart commentator and very talented. But he got the tone of this interview completely wrong.

Rogan was gracious during the interview. If I remember right, they do the podcasts from a studio room in his own house. If some guest of mine is calling me an asshole and insulting me in my own home, I'm going to be tempted to tell them to GTFO. Milo was doing that, and Rogan didn't bully him at all. He just let him do his thing.

The Joe Rogan thread - Sooth - 10-02-2015

This is the first Rogan podcast I've listened to in entirety.

By this interview alone Rogan seems a side product of the left. He's a Mitsubishi ocean liner when everyone knows Mitsubishi for making passenger cars. He's edgy, but he's still a Mitsi.

Throughout the whole interview Rogan was trying to halt the conversation on semantics and generalisations - something you do when you're loosing.
It's a red herring designed to avoid continuing the conversation. I don't know if that's what he was trying to do or if it's just something he picked up.

Milo is very well researched in his topics because that's his job. When Milo saves us the research and generalises a statistic, Rogan morphs into a tumblr feminist "Well not every XY is a Z". No shit moron thanks for interrupting the flow. A couple of times Rogan starts talking about something and Milo says "Yeah I broke that story".

Rogan prides himself on being the free thinker but his mind is so open that his brains are falling out.

The Joe Rogan thread - debeguiled - 10-02-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 11:24 PM)Tigre Wrote:  

Quote: (10-01-2015 05:39 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

In a way, really, he is still just the martial arts bully, dressed up in a new agey, techno narcissist's clothing, and talking over Milo, or refusing to concede points is a way of verbally bullying under the guise of intellectual back and forth.

Milo was the one interrupting Rogan non-stop.

At one point Rogan even told him "if we're going to have a conversation, you'll have to stop talking over the top of me when I'm saying something".

Rogan normally vibes pretty well with his other interviewees. I've watched maybe five podcasts of his. He likes to chew the fat and discuss ideas at length.

Milo came in a bit too hostile. He was trying to score cheap debate points, instead of looking to build rapport. I think Milo is a smart commentator and very talented. But he got the tone of this interview completely wrong.

Rogan was gracious during the interview. If I remember right, they do the podcasts from a studio room in his own house. If some guest of mine is calling me an asshole and insulting me in my own home, I'm going to be tempted to tell them to GTFO. Milo was doing that, and Rogan didn't bully him at all. He just let him do his thing.

Yeah. Like I said earlier, I only listened for a little while. Just listened to the whole thing last night and neither of them came off well.

Milo was rushing and talking over Joe like he was afraid a hook was about to come from the wings and yank him at any moment. Also, a little bit of that "let's sidestep this discussion for a sec to acknowledge my fabulosity" goes a long way. He overdid that.

Still disagree about Rogan though. He derailed discussions with increasing frequency through the podcast. When they got to talking about religion, he was deliberately misrepresenting what Milo was saying so he could smack it down.

Listen to it again. Milo was saying that Joe was too intelligent to be so crudely dismissive of religion because even if it is a myth, it still tells us something fundamental about what human beings hold dear.

And Rogan kept saying stuff like:

Science disproves it!

Jesus was a zombie!

It was all the result of a mushroom trip!

Inflammatory straw man crap. It was right of Milo to call him out as a dreary nitpicker. Rogan was either trying to Amog a flaming English queer, or he was just too dumb to comprehend the arguments.

The Joe Rogan thread - Slim Shady - 10-02-2015

Joe Rogan looked dumb when trying to nit-pick about how bad feminists are. Milo looked absolutely hypocritical and silly when it came to religion.

The Joe Rogan thread - Stay - 10-03-2015

I liked Rogan and Milo. Agreed with most of their points which most of the time they did too. I doubt Milo's sincerity in regards to religion and being gay as a choice. I actually think he states those things just to be provocative.

There was great banter between the 2. Reading this thread beforehand made it seem like they hated each other. Wasn't the case at all there will likely be more podcasts together.

In general agreed more with Rogan when they did disagree other than the nitpicking bit and when he said Bill Maher was gross for the way he described banging black women. I got triggered by the use of that word in that context.

The Joe Rogan thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-03-2015

I listened to the whole show now.

My respect for Milo has risen and what little I had for Rogan is gone. Rogan is an asshole and the usual mainstream hack with some variations that should supposedly reach men.

Milo talks fast because he is highly intelligent and obviously well connected. His arguments about homosexuality are correct and many men in the ;sphere share them. Homosexuality indeed seems partly designed by hereditary/pregnancy factors and partly external. For example the number of gays is usually twice the number of lesbians. Also almost 50% of gays were sexually abused as children.

Milo was not and has thus a more healthy outlook on sexuality. He is actually more like one of us. He is against the gay lobby, he is against gay marriage, he is certainly against the LGBT pushing, he is opposed to tax money going for gay parades (did not know that was the case, but does not surprise me - probably every Western country pumps millions into promotion of the gay lifestyle). Aside from the fact that he sucks dick he is one of us.

Joe Rogan however is an asshole, who shares some cuckservite viewpoints of "men should just man up" with belligerent militant atheism in combination with the usual thought police (nit-picking, NAWALT, pro gay rights, anti-Christian). Milo was right at calling him out and then that little turd Rogan said: "Oh no - I am not an atheist."

Later he actually points out a barbaric culture and then has the gall to claim that Christianity and religion has no influence on the behaviors and even the laws of a country. Guess what asshole - if you were born in a culture of pagan blood worshippers and cannibals you would find out soon enough how the "laws" of that culture would make you feel.

Also funny that Milo talks about working for climate change NGOs and having been asked to alter data. Heh - there is so much information about it on that front that Breitbart published multiple well-researched articles on the subject.

An example of the media manipulation is Joe Rogan's take on AIDS. Oh - AZT was bad, but the current drugs are much better. And Duesburg being a hateful person? What the fuck - even the discoverer and nobel price laureate of the HIV virus - Luc Montagnier claimed that the HIV virus is present in 50% of all humans and does not cause any harm. There were other nobel price laureates and scientists who claimed the same - as far as I know 3 nobel price laureates and some even who injected themselves with HIV-patients blood to prove that it's a major scam (on camera filmed by TV stations).

Anyway - don't wanna start the debate here again. Don't expect any help from Rogan. If Roosh ever gets invited by him, then he will twist and turn all truths like the mainstream asshole he is. Oh yeah - man up, be masculine, get some tattoos and don't be a pussy. Good advice, but useless for most men growing up introverted, Blue Pill indoctrinated, having lower T-counts, lower IQs and being less good-looking. It's like dating advice by the Rock: "You just walk up to a girl and say hi, wanna fuck, and then she fucks you."

The Joe Rogan thread - RawGod - 10-03-2015

I think Rogan's whole career is based on the fact that he's a physically big guy and that gives him credibility with a certain audience. I haven't ever heard him say anything interesting (stopped listening a long time ago).

The Joe Rogan thread - Roosh - 10-03-2015


If Roosh ever gets invited by him, then he will twist and turn all truths like the mainstream asshole he is.

Yeah I don't see Rogan as a true ally. Once in a while he may agree with us.

The Joe Rogan thread - NovaVirtu - 10-03-2015

I've been a regular JRE listener for about 4 years now. I really enjoyed this episode. I think Milo is one of the funniest guests he's ever had on.

I think the problem with Rogan is that he lives in a bubble full of MMA guys, celebrities and other high-acheiving, successful people and he isn't exposed to much of the problems discussed on this form. He just doesn't understand how young men are indoctrinated to be pussies because it's completely outside his reality. It's predictable that someone with such a mental paradigm would respond with something like "man the fuck up".

In one of his interviews with Gad Saad, Gad mentions the bizarre new pronouns like "xis" and "here" and Joe just burst out laughing because he couldn't believe it was real.

In this episode, Milo points out that Joe is "drastically underestimating the level of influence these people [SJWs] have".

He simply doesn't get how much the culture has been manipulated SJWs.

The Joe Rogan thread - debeguiled - 10-03-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 10:10 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


If Roosh ever gets invited by him, then he will twist and turn all truths like the mainstream asshole he is.

Yeah I don't see Rogan as a true ally. Once in a while he may agree with us.

If he wanted you on his show, would you go?

The Joe Rogan thread - TonySandos - 10-03-2015

Excellent take by AnonymousBosch on the previous page. Respect to you as always.

I don't understand the adoration for Joe Rogan. He's a mostly an unhealthy pot smoker who's also intellectually sheltered.

Of all the vast positive influences we could make a regular part of our daily lives, Joe Rogan is a poor choice. His intellectual ability exists with a low ceiling for insight and depth. He can't provide phenomenal health advice from experience. He's only the mascot for better fit men in a fighting franchise. As Bosch said, he's not actually intellectually courageous at all. He's a bought puppet who sounds like his target audience is edgy teens that smoke weed and are influenced by the grunge-hipster scene.

The reason I'd bother to fuss about this is very sound to me. When a man wants to accomplish great tasks, struggle and push himself to reach beyond his current mental and physical plateaus, it's critical that he chooses the appropriate physical regimens and aims high for inspiration.

You wouldn't expect to become stronger than you are now or be a competitive fighter by lifting those sand weights women do at female gyms. If you want to become an accomplished scientist, you don't make yourself the prodigy of a high school physics teacher.

The issue with entertainment like Rogan is that he doesn't serve a distinct enough purpose or that his purposes are too diluted to yield definitive results. It's not equal to clear sensory indulgence of impressionism art. The quality of discussion isn't close to illuminating or clearly informative as hearing actual conspiracy theorists and leading innovators of their respective fields discuss their area of expertise. His show is intellectual junk food. I make it a point to waste little time as possible on mediocre conversation. I value this board for the depth of debate and sharing provided, therefore it is a valuable endeavor. When it comes to enjoying hobbies or entertainment, I make it a point to distract myself with educational and informative media or skill learning. Often I'll listen to classical music(a high art form) than the nihilism of today's common opinions.

The Joe Rogan thread - Tex Pro - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 10:10 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


If Roosh ever gets invited by him, then he will twist and turn all truths like the mainstream asshole he is.

Yeah I don't see Rogan as a true ally. Once in a while he may agree with us.


I've been saying this for a while. Rogan, try as he might, has pretty much drunk the leftist koolaide, and no amount of redpill truth is going to change his views at this point.

Nevertheless, Rogan will at least bring up redpill ideas, which is a lot more than most mainstream figures are willing to do.

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 10-04-2015

Joe Rogan will always be an odd character cause he doesn't neatly fit into any one category.
He's neither left nor right. Nor quite centrist.
Not religious, yet not quite atheist either, as he has a level of a spiritual outlook.
Goes along with certain modern trends, yet is more than wiling to buck other trends.
Works for a corporate entity, yet is not beholden to the normal corporate parameters.
& as others have pointed out, lives a unique lifestyle, while surrounded by unique people.
& doesn't have to deal with the exact same pressures & monotony of the average... joe.

Overall, I don't see Rogan becoming nor being interested in becoming a distinct 'red-pill' figure-head.
He's a stand-up comedian first & foremost & even a rather unique comedian at that.

The Joe Rogan thread - OGNorCal707 - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-03-2015 03:46 PM)TonySandos Wrote:  

Excellent take by AnonymousBosch on the previous page. Respect to you as always.

I don't understand the adoration for Joe Rogan. He's a mostly an unhealthy pot smoker who's also intellectually sheltered.

Of all the vast positive influences we could make a regular part of our daily lives, Joe Rogan is a poor choice. His intellectual ability exists with a low ceiling for insight and depth. He can't provide phenomenal health advice from experience. He's only the mascot for better fit men in a fighting franchise. As Bosch said, he's not actually intellectually courageous at all. He's a bought puppet who sounds like his target audience is edgy teens that smoke weed and are influenced by the grunge-hipster scene.

The reason I'd bother to fuss about this is very sound to me. When a man wants to accomplish great tasks, struggle and push himself to reach beyond his current mental and physical plateaus, it's critical that he chooses the appropriate physical regimens and aims high for inspiration.

You wouldn't expect to become stronger than you are now or be a competitive fighter by lifting those sand weights women do at female gyms. If you want to become an accomplished scientist, you don't make yourself the prodigy of a high school physics teacher.

The issue with entertainment like Rogan is that he doesn't serve a distinct enough purpose or that his purposes are too diluted to yield definitive results. It's not equal to clear sensory indulgence of impressionism art. The quality of discussion isn't close to illuminating or clearly informative as hearing actual conspiracy theorists and leading innovators of their respective fields discuss their area of expertise. His show is intellectual junk food. I make it a point to waste little time as possible on mediocre conversation. I value this board for the depth of debate and sharing provided, therefore it is a valuable endeavor. When it comes to enjoying hobbies or entertainment, I make it a point to distract myself with educational and informative media or skill learning. Often I'll listen to classical music(a high art form) than the nihilism of today's common opinions.

Yeah but I bet that Rogan has way more influence, fame, fortune, and females than you. I think he's done pretty well for being a stupid stoner.

The Joe Rogan thread - Onto - 10-04-2015

Quote: (05-28-2015 12:59 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

It sickens me everytime I hear these maladjusted social justice activists referred to as "warriors".

No kidding. If they really want to be warriors they should go espouse their garbage in Iran or Syria.

The Joe Rogan thread - The Lizard of Oz - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-04-2015 06:39 PM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-28-2015 12:59 PM)azulsombra Wrote:  

It sickens me everytime I hear these maladjusted social justice activists referred to as "warriors".

No kidding. If they really want to be warriors they should go espouse their garbage in Iran or Syria.

Actually, I think the use of "warrior" within the SJW construct is its very best current use. This is a word that has become a part of current cant and so it's only fitting that it should characterize the folk most responsible for spreading that cant.

What I find truly nauseating is the canting use of "warrior" to refer to military personnel. Fuck that. They are soldiers, not "warriors", and American GIs of the past would never have used that word. There is a great masterpiece of a military memoir by Charles Willeford called "Something About a Soldier". "Something About a Warrior"? LOL, I don't think so.

The Joe Rogan thread - CynicalContrarian - 10-04-2015

As usual, Rogan has his own unique take on matters :

' The human race didn't survive plagues, wolves and barbarian hordes by being non-judgmental about love handles and crotch fat.
We made it to 2015 because women are attracted to men that look like Channing Tatum, and they want him to shoot his vibrant
DNA inside their vaginas so that they can make babies that will survive an invasion.

One day though, he too will go the way of Arnold, and of the sand castle—reclaimed by an infinite process that doesn't give a fuck
about your six pack or your sculpted pecs, or your stupid moat and turrets. '

Joe Rogan On Why Working Out Is Like Building A Sand Castle

The Joe Rogan thread - Sexus - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 07:32 AM)redbeard Wrote:  

A telling interview.

I got her number at the bacchanalia.

The Joe Rogan thread - TonySandos - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-04-2015 06:31 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Yeah but I bet that Rogan has way more influence, fame, fortune, and females than you. I think he's done pretty well for being a stupid stoner.

Interesting take, but this doesn't bother me.

Influence would be nice, for I think I could do some good with it, fame is something I abhor for myself, fortune is for the vapid and having women by quantity is akin to eating sweets from an infinite conveyor belt-it goes from delightful to disgusting.

Another thing to mention... Joe has more or less peaked in his fame and career. He may acquire more comedy gigs, keep his radio show, get contracted for another tv season or star in a show himself. He won't be breaking into a new field any time soon, nor would people be likely to take him seriously if it was required for his hoped success. He's just another cog in the media apparatus.

While having a child and making moderate income, I'm still very healthy, still in the cocoon-like development stage where a man harnesses his talents. I feel physically great. I envision many years left in life for me. I still have the opportunity to invent myself if need be. I still have the opportunity to out-success Rogan by my standards, but I obviously operate on a different set of idealized success than Mr. Rogan and yourself. Pussy, money weed aren't my gods. Fall for the mainstream brainwashing at your own peril.

Accomplishing some beneficial or productive task that echoes long after death is my metric for success. More people know about what Brad Pitt's favorite cheese is than who invented binary code, but that's ok. The greatest men know of the greats and that's all that matters.

The Joe Rogan thread - Killer Joe - 10-04-2015

Quote: (10-04-2015 06:31 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Yeah but I bet that Rogan has way more influence, fame, fortune, and females than you. I think he's done pretty well for being a stupid stoner.

This is your "argument"? Why not go all the way and accuse him of being a hater?

Comparing yourself to others is the least effective way to be successful.

The Joe Rogan thread - Eskhander - 10-04-2015

Is the comments section really filled with people who are mad he says "like" a lot? Or did he say something """bad""" and so they latch on a character flaw to hate?