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The Bill Cosby thread - placer - 11-16-2014

Cosby's official statement on the (probably false) rape accusations against him making the SJW rounds:


Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby does not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment. He would like to thank all his fans for the outpouring of support and assure them that, at age 77, he is doing his best work. There will be no further statement from Mr. Cosby or any of his representatives.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-16-2014

This is probably an example of a situation where saying nothing about decades old bullshit accusations is the best option:

The Bill Cosby thread - MdWanderer - 11-16-2014

I hope Cosby continues his good work but I'm afraid for him. The elite want to keep black people ignorant and when he survives these rounds of allegations who knows what else they'll have in store for him.

Maybe if he puts on a doo rag and throws some grills in his mouth this will probably go away.

The Bill Cosby thread - Sherman - 11-16-2014

He has been thinking of doing a new family sitcom. Cosby is a powerful voice and the left wants to shut him down so he has no public forum.

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-16-2014

Quote: (11-16-2014 03:20 PM)Sherman Wrote:  

He has been thinking of doing a new family sitcom. Cosby is a powerful voice and the left wants to shut him down so he has no public forum.

He would never do a coonish show like "Blackish" or all that other trash either. These networks probably would not let it get past pilot. Who knows.

The Bill Cosby thread - MdWanderer - 11-16-2014

Quote: (11-16-2014 11:40 AM)placer Wrote:  

Cosby's official statement on the (probably false) rape accusations against him making the SJW rounds:


Over the last several weeks, decade-old, discredited allegations against Mr. Cosby have resurfaced. The fact that they are being repeated does not make them true. Mr. Cosby does not intend to dignify these allegations with any comment. He would like to thank all his fans for the outpouring of support and assure them that, at age 77, he is doing his best work. There will be no further statement from Mr. Cosby or any of his representatives.

Speaking out and saying what's really going on could cost him his life. Wouldn't be surprised if the old man died of a "heart attack" if he did say something.

The Bill Cosby thread - getdownonit - 11-18-2014

Yippee! A new rape allegation against Bill from 45 years ago

From CNN


Joan Tarshis, a journalist and publicist, said she met Cosby in 1969 in Los Angeles when she was invited to have lunch by some friends of his. They saw each other again and she visited him on the set of "The Bill Cosby Show."

On one occasion, Cosby invited Tarshis, who had been writing monologues for the comedian Godfrey Cambridge, back to his bungalow to work on some comedy routines.

"I thought, 'That's cool, getting to work with Bill Cosby on jokes,'" Tarshis told CNN's Don Lemon.

She said Cosby made her a drink that he knew she liked, a Bloody Mary topped with beer known as a Red Eye.

Tarshis, who was 19 at the time, said that shortly after drinking the Red Eye, she "passed out."

"I woke up or came to very groggily with him removing my underwear," she said.

Tarshis said that she tried to deter Cosby by saying she had an infection that his wife might catch, but that he then made her have oral sex with him.

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-18-2014

Geez.... How can it be rape if she willingly blew him? She was passed out but woke up? She just told everyone she probably had or has a STD? Does she have any personal shame for outing her ownself out as a nasty hoe?

Where do they find these people? The liberal left will make any enemy they have pay dearly indeed.

I bet Cosby does not even remember her if they even did have sex. Can you imagine sitting with him and asking him about that chick? He probably would be like, "Who? Hmmm...Oh yeah that bitch with Syphilis! I made her suck my pudding pop instead!":laugh:

The Bill Cosby thread - sixsix - 11-18-2014

[Image: cool-Charles-Barkley-quote-black-white.jpg]

This is the shitty reality of modern public discourse. It's not about dispassionate evaluation of carefully crafted arguments with the goal of understanding societal dynamics ("what do we see and how can we explain these patterns"). It's about identity politics and tribal affiliations, and emotion-based statements to signal which side you're on.

In the quote, Charles Barkley makes a good point about the sustained problems of black Americans. Such an argument should stand or fall on merit alone. But imagine a white person saying the same. Racism and bigotry!

We see the same with gender issues. When a man argues against feminism, he's a misogynist. The first voices that gained some widespread recognition where female.

It seems like this has become the new normal. From modernist to post-modernist discourse in a few decades. This is the root of the problem of feminism and cultural marxism. This is a matter of frame control, and we're buying into their frame, thereby bound to lose.

This is what needs to change first.

You can talk about gender if you're a man.
You can talk about race if you're a white person.
You can talk about rape if you've never been a victim.
You can talk about transsexuality if you're cis.

You don't speak as a white man or as a black lesbian, you speak as a brain connected to vocal cords about the topic at hand. Who you are has nothing to do with it.

You see it in every discussion. "As a guy, I agree that..." It's irrelevant, except for giving an anecdote, yet we see it as the new mode of debate.

The Bill Cosby thread - placer - 11-18-2014

You know what these rape accusations are reminding me of: Back in the early 1990s, a whole bunch of people all decided to, at once, claim they found a hypodermic needle in their Pepsi can. This is probably the best overview of the story:

And a summary:


Once the first find was publicized, a number of unscrupulous people who sought to cash in on it created a rolling wave of growing hysteria, as each news story prompted another phony "find" [...] At least 52 reports of tampering in at least 23 states were ultimately made before this scare ran its course.


It quickly became obvious the beverager was the victim of a spontaneous hoax.

I once lived in San Francisco, and got to see the kind of thinking these man-hating dykes and "Social Justice Warrior" (SJWs) which litter the pages of Jezebel up close. One time, a female SJW (who was a complete bitch, for the record) was talking about a friend she had. She told us this story:

"I had this friend who always got free stuff from companies. What she would do is call up the company and tell them she had a problem with their product which could have hurt her. She implied she would sue them unless they gave her a whole bunch of free stuff, and ended up getting pallets of stuff delivered to her for free."

There was not even the slightest hint that this SJW thought this wasn't OK.

Another time, a man hating dyke I knew talked about someone she knew who stole tens of thousands of dollars from a company and then quit his job and just stopped working. It was clear she had absolutely no objection to that kind of theft.

Making false rape allegations against a well-known celebrity? Happens all the time. Having the accusations pile up because a bunch of SJW losers want something for nothing? Wouldn't surprise me.

The Bill Cosby thread - vinman - 11-18-2014


Whoopi Goldberg DEFENDS Bill Cosby over new rape claims as she expresses skepticism over allegations and asks: 'Why didn't accuser get a rape kit?'
Whoopi Goldberg wondered on 'The View' why Cosby accuser Barbara Bowman never went to the police
Ms Bowman told MailOnline that she didn't even tell her own mother about the assault for years
She came forward in 2005 following a lawsuit brought by another rape accuser

Whoopi Goldberg is rising to Bill Cosby's defense as claims he raped more than a dozen women begin to mount.
The View star expressed skepticism today about allegations by Barbara Bowman that the 77-year-old comedian drugged and sexually assaulted her in 1985.
Ms Bowman said that she went to a lawyer, who laughed at her when she tried to say that Cosby had sexually assaulted her multiple times when she was an aspiring actress and model.
Goldberg asked why Ms Bowman didn't go to the authorities for proof that she was raped.

'Perhaps the police might have believed it. Or the hospital. Don't you do a kit when you say someone has raped you?' she asked.
'But there was a settlement,' co-host Rosie O'Donnell said, referring to a suit brought by another woman, Andrea Costand, in 2006. 'So that's the thing that's curious.'
Ms Bowman said she didn't tell anyone, including the police, about the alleged sexual assault for years because she believed that Cosby was too famous and too powerful for anyone to take her seriously.
She said she couldn't even tell her mother about what allegedly happened.

Last month, she told MailOnline in excruciating detail how Cosby allegedly drugged her after he went to his New York home and had a single glass of wine as an impressionable 17-year-old in 1985. She passed out and came to wearing only a man's t-shirt and her underwear, certain that she had been sexually assaulted.
She claimed he also pinned her down and tried to rape her in his hotel suite in Atlantic City in 1987.
She also said she has never asked for, nor taken money from Cosby. pegs the former 'Cosby Show' actor's wealth at $400million.

Goldberg said she doesn't buy the story: 'Quite honestly, look, I'm sorry, having been on both sides of this where people allege that you do something - it doesn't matter now. The cat is out of the bag, people have it in their head. I have a lot of questions for the lady, maybe she'll come on.'
In November 2006, Bill Cosby settled a civil lawsuit with Andrea Constand, a former Temple University employee who claimed he had drugged and sexually assaulted her in his Philadelphia-area mansion two years earlier.
Her lawyers said they had the names of 13 other women who had come forward voluntarily with similar accounts of drugging or abuse at the hands of Cosby - but the settlement was reached before the other women could testify.
Last month, Barbara Bowman revealed to MailOnline that she had been drugged and raped by Cosby in 1985, when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. She was one of the 13 women willing to support Constand in 2006.
Joan Tarshis has become the latest woman to accuse him of raping her. On Sunday, she revealed she was working as a writer for Cosby in 1969, when he drugged and sexually abused her on two occasions, she said.
She appeared to sympathize with Cosby, saying it was 'awkward' when celebrities were falsely accused of crimes.
'I hope that there is justice for this lady. I hope somebody gets to the bottom of this, but I’m going to reserve my judgment because I have a lot of questions, as I said. It’s crazy, but I have a lot of questions, because I know we all have friends who have gone through this.'
Co-host Nicolle Wallace responded to Goldberg: 'It’s more than awkward, it’s a tragedy!'
'Either 13 women were raped by someone too powerful to face the criminal justice system or an innocent man is being falsely accused.'
Thirteen women signed on to a 2005 lawsuit brought by Andrea Constand alleging sexual assault. Ms Bowman said she testified as part of that lawsuit but never received a payout after Cosby settled out of court.
Cosby's lawyer has denied the new round of claims and has said that the 77-year-old wouldn't 'dignify' the claims with a response. When asked by NPR over the weekend, Cosby smiled and refused to respond.
Cosby has never been charged with any crime relating to the allegations now swirling around him.
Goldberg said she is not convinced by the claims against Cosby. And the fact that he settled a 2005 lawsuit brought by another sex assault accuser, should not be seen as an admission of guilt.
'You have to really take a minute and follow the evidence - follow what happened,' she said. 'We'll know when we know. That's what I know.'

The Bill Cosby thread - Sourcecode - 11-18-2014

I can't remember but there was a CNN video with one of the ladies that claimed rape.

Looking at her eye movement.. the way she constantly looks off into the air...looks like she is trying to pull the story out of thin air and is making it up.

When someone is lying to you..they often look off into a directions instead of looking right at you

The Bill Cosby thread - FrenchCanadian - 11-18-2014

SJW's will be the death of mankind. They have no respect for order. From what I see, they rather spread a message of hate and speculation than one of logic, and reflection. They are primal bandwagon sheep with very low levels of reasoning. They are about judgement - and not principle.

I'm from, & live in a place infested with SJW's, white knights, lesbians, feminists, and all kind of first level thinkers. Even though they are remarkable things about Montreal... including the women. The SJW'S might make me leave.

When I read this story, it reminds me about the kind of shit I see here, almost everyday. The barbaric witchhunts for ''social justice'' - a justice that is based on fallacies & pretenses vague enough to be followed by the masses.... - Not on reason.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-18-2014

I have a lot of respect for Whoopi Goldberg. She always seems to be down, always, whenever any old-school dude gets in trouble. She's the type of woman who would have your back in crisis.
She was one of the few celebrities who defended Michael Vick when the press came down hard on him. If I remember right she also stood up for Kobe Bryant during his false rape accusations.

The Bill Cosby thread - TravelerKai - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 10:59 AM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

I have a lot of respect for Whoopi Goldberg. She always seems to be down, always, whenever any old-school dude gets in trouble. She's the type of woman who would have your back in crisis.
She was one of the few celebrities who defended Michael Vick when the press came down hard on him. If I remember right she also stood up for Kobe Bryant during his false rape accusations.

Because she is old enough to remember when black men were accused of shit like this and it went alot further than just embarrassment. She is not stupid like most Hollywood people and knows that the system is rigged in many ways. She also did not make it where she is by looking good either, which allows her to see angles others cannot see. She grinded to where she is by skill and intellect alone. I don't always agree with everything she says, but she and Jill Scott get plenty respect from me.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-18-2014


Agree 100%, TravKai....

The Bill Cosby thread - Kingsley Davis - 11-18-2014

[Image: confused.gif]

The Bill Cosby thread - speakeasy - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 11:22 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

All these women who said they were raped by Cosby, how come none of them took him to court?

Answer: because there is no evidence.

The rape culture warriors believe the burden of proof should be on the man to prove he didn't rape.

The Bill Cosby thread - Brian Shima - 11-18-2014

I'm disgusted after reading the sjw comments on the Vice article for this incident. Are they so quick to yell throw away the key because hes a minority? Probably. Are they quick to scream it because he's a man charged with hurting women? Yes. It's kind of funny because these same people are always rallying against the death penalty and harsh sentences because of innocent guys in jail !!

The Bill Cosby thread - speakeasy - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 01:34 PM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

I'm disgusted after reading the sjw comments on the Vice article for this incident. Are they so quick to yell throw away the key because hes a minority? Probably. Are they quick to scream it because he's a man charged with hurting women? Yes. It's kind of funny because these same people are always rallying against the death penalty and harsh sentences because of innocent guys in jail !!

But remember, to them Cosby is now "creepy" and there's no lower thing you can be to the reddit, social media crowd than a "creepy" man.

The Bill Cosby thread - Quintus Curtius - 11-18-2014

Have to admit, this one is really getting to me. I mean, how much worse can it get? To go after the Cos, a guy who never did anything to anybody? A guy who spent his whole life trying to educate and entertain kids?

I wonder if Mr. Rogers, Captain Kangaroo, or Mr. Green Jeans were still around, would they also be attacked for being sexist pigs?

It's probably not so accidental that these SJW types go after icons of the old morality. They want to tear down the traditionalist ethic, and replace it with a degenerate ethic. And this is how they do it. They want to tear down our icons, our symbols, and replace them with heaps of shit.

The Bill Cosby thread - Slim Shady - 11-18-2014

These are just termites coming out of the woodwork to get into the national limelight and attention whore. I do not for one second believe any of these are true, especially when they talk about him "drugging" them. Who the fuck actually uses roofies? And especially when you are someone like Bill Cosby in what can best be described as a casting couch type situation where the girl is willing to do just about anything. Fuck all of the whores, and fuck Hannibal Buress too. Just because he wasn't funny enough to get a laugh, he puts a man under the bus. And how!

The Bill Cosby thread - The Beast1 - 11-18-2014

Out of curiosity, I wonder what would happen if Cosby (or any wealthy guy) announced this publicly:

"Yeah I slept with all of these women and then left. It's called alpha widow syndrome. You give up the goods for a guy that has a stronger personality for you and then bam he leaves because you gave up the goods too quickly. It's not rape when the woman is butt hurt afterwards from being pump and dumped."

If I became famous, you can sure as hell bet that the women I slept with would come out and claim some form of rape . I would come out and say something like that and laugh it off.

Stop listening to the goons in PR circles and start openly flaunting these fools.

Good to Whoopie as well.

The Bill Cosby thread - Badamson - 11-18-2014

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

The Bill Cosby thread - Kingsley Davis - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 03:47 PM)Badamson Wrote:  

I think it's pretty clear that Whoopi is only defending Cosby out of racial solidarity because he's a black guy, not out of some kind of intellectual, level headed stand against SJW's(of which she is one.) If these accusations were against someone like Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, she sure as hell wouldn't be defending them.

Cosby has handled himself very poorly in this matter. Not saying anything won't make this go away. Woody Allen was wise to respond to the allegations against him and present his side of the story. Clintonian cliche statements like "I'm not going to dignify that with a response" don't persuade anyone. The story will just grow and grow if you don't address the accusations.

As Jim Goad wrote in Takimag "And though Cosby has continually dismissed all such accusations as extortion plots, it’d be a trifle easier to believe him if it’d had only been one…or two…or even three accusers rather than at least 15 of them."

I recall her defending Justin Beiber after some tape leak with him saying nigga.