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Thailand VS the Philippines - The Duke - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-16-2011 04:01 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2011 11:28 AM)Vacancier Permanent Wrote:  

You ALWAYS pay for it, whether it's directly or indirectly. There is no free lunch let alone, free pussy.

This is just plain wrong.

The girls you are describing in Phils are exactly the girls that I deliberately filter out.

Of course you had girls brought to you. You were paying approx 400% more than the market rate that hookers get paid.

Lumiere, are you filtering out all poor girls in PH? In my experience, if you date a poor girl from a poor country long enough, she will eventually ask for money (happened to me personally for peru & serbia). Based on what I hear from friends of mine who've married poor girls from poor countries, you will be making regular payments back to her homeland for some family member's tuition or medical expenses. Since a vast majority of filipinas are poor, you could say Vacancier Permanent is correct.

Also I dont know where you are getting your 400% market rate figure. You saying the market rate for hookers is 250 pesos. That is just plain wrong.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Lumiere - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-16-2011 04:59 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

Lumiere, are you filtering out all poor girls in PH?

Not at all. Most gırls there are poor. Some of my gfs there are poor some are well off (by local standards).

What I mean ıs that I fılter out gırls who behave ın a transactıonal way wıth me.

In other words, ıf I am ınterested ın them and they seem ınterested ın me but theır ınterest ın me ıs contıngent on them receıvıng anythıng other than cock then they get fıltered out regardless of what they are askıng for.

Quote: (04-16-2011 04:59 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

Also I dont know where you are getting your 400% market rate figure. You saying the market rate for hookers is 250 pesos. That is just plain wrong.

No ıt not. I turned down bangıng a cute fılıpına chıck on my last trıp because she ınsısted on me buyıng her food as a condıtıon of her comıng over.

Probably would have cost me less than two dollars - approx 90 pesos - to splıt a pızza wıth her but she made ıt quıte clear that her comıng over for the bang was contıngent on me buyıng her shıt and that ıf I dıd not then she would not come over.

Thats transactıonal behavıour. Thats why I saıd no.

My role ıs 'fuckable guy' not 'provıder'.

If you want to step out of 'fuckable guy' role and step ınto 'provıder' role you wıll have a queue of fılıpına chıcks formıng a lıne outsıde of you door as soon as the word gets around. Waıtıng to fuck you ın exchange for free meals, free nıghts out and cash payment (and lets call ıt cash payment shall we and not a 'gıft' because thats what ıt ıs).

Every sıngle one of them wıll dısappear lıke a whıff of smoke the moment the free gravy traın stop rollıng.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-16-2011

Quote: (04-16-2011 09:29 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

What I mean ıs that I fılter out gırls who behave ın a transactıonal way wıth me.

Not a single freelancer in Thailand behave in a transactional way with me. The largest hint you might get is her having a "puppy dog" look when you pass a street vendor selling 10 baht fruits. And if you buy it, she'll feed you first, and only after a few slices you tell her to try it too she would. Another example: in the morning she asked me if I want a beer, I gave her my wallet, she left and came back with two beers, one for me and one for herself. And we're talking about pros here, not even semi-pros.


No ıt not. I turned down bangıng a cute fılıpına chıck on my last trıp because she ınsısted on me buyıng her food as a condıtıon of her comıng over.
Probably would have cost me less than two dollars - approx 90 pesos - to splıt a pızza wıth her but she made ıt quıte clear that her comıng over for the bang was contıngent on me buyıng her shıt and that ıf I dıd not then she would not come over.

Not really. I bet if you did, other requests would follow as well. If a chick has conditions for a bang, she can have up a set of them as well, slowly increasing her demands. I'd turn her down too.
But, as I said, this never happened to me in Thailand - and I mostly dealt with freelancers there.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-17-2011

Quote: (04-15-2011 06:23 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Well, in Thailand you are basically expected to pay for it, one way or another. It does not matter that you weren't asked money in advance (nobody does), or the fee was not negotiated (it almost never does unless she is charging much more than the going rate, and you are expected to know the going rates). As all local expats say, the only time you can be sure she wasn't with you in hope to make some money would be if you tried to give her the fair amount of money and she refused to take it.

Nightlife there was good enough comparing to a lot of places. I really enjoyed the music in several bars, where the live bands played all classics from Led Zepellin to Queen and Rainbow. Even the whore bars are fine if you just want to get a cold one and watch TV, they won't hassle you if you politely tell them you don't need a company.

Beach is indeed crappy in central Pattaya, but is ok in Jomtien. There is also a boat to Ko Lan which takes 20 minutes and cost 200B, and the beach there is perfect.

You seem to only have experience with working girls or semi pos in Thailand. I tend not to deal with them too often. Have shored a few but never paid for it. I've never had to pay a Thai girl for sex, not even in the form of breakfast in the morning or taxi fair home. Usually they're driving me home in their BMW.

Good nightlife in Pattaya? Nah. Shitty Thai (or expat) cover bands playing cover music isn't my idea of a good night. In the whore bars you can tell them you don't want company a dozen times but they'll still try it on every so often to see if you've changed your mind.

Quote: (04-15-2011 06:33 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

It is easy. As I said, the payment is usually not discussed in advance, so if you deal with a freelancer, it is very easy to pretend that it was "love" and not to pay her. They are also may be too shy to ask for money directly, and would only give you hints like hanging around until you basically tell them "goodbye". However this doesn't change the fact that you've cheated on the girl.

They're not short of money, a cure go-go girl could easily make $2K a month, not to mention she may get some income from sponsors. And such cases do happen, she may genuinely just like to hang out with you and not expecting you to pay (they would request time investment instead, i.e. you'd have to spend time with her to get laid). However the only real way to verify it is to give her money and see if she refused. If you didn't do it, you never know.

Again you're talking about whores. You do realise not all girls in Thailand are whores yes? Avoid these girls as oftena s you can and find some normal ones, it isn't *that* difficult and a bit more rewarding that paying for it or basically pretending you didn't know she was a whore.

Quote: (04-16-2011 02:21 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

Gringo -- from what I know about girls in Peru is that they wont ask you for money right away, but they WILL ask you for money at some point. It seems the girls in SEA are just a little more immediate about it. But yeah, I'd rather have a girl in Peru who's only had a few partners than a go-go girl in SEA who's up in triple digits.

Yeah in some countries, some hotel bars/clubs are allowed to stay open later. It's like that in India I know.

The club must be Scratch Dog. Here is a link with pics. I went there two months back and it was very good. The cover is 400 baht but worth it. Me and my friend took home girls and did not pay them anything (we did not know the tipping etiquette of Thailand).

Well I've spent a fair bit of time with various girls in Peru and never have they asked me for money. The most they'll get from me is a few free drinks on a night out but usually I'll expect them to pay half.

Quote: (04-16-2011 04:01 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

This is just plain wrong.

The girls you are describing in Phils are exactly the girls that I deliberately filter out.

Of course you had girls brought to you. You were paying approx 400% more than the market rate that hookers get paid.

Again more talk about whores. Stop chasing whores and you'll not have to pay anything.

Quote: (04-16-2011 04:59 AM)The Duke Wrote:  

This is just plain wrong.

The girls you are describing in Phils are exactly the girls that I deliberately filter out.

Of course you had girls brought to you. You were paying approx 400% more than the market rate that hookers get paid.

Lumiere, are you filtering out all poor girls in PH? In my experience, if you date a poor girl from a poor country long enough, she will eventually ask for money (happened to me personally for peru & serbia). Based on what I hear from friends of mine who've married poor girls from poor countries, you will be making regular payments back to her homeland for some family member's tuition or medical expenses. Since a vast majority of filipinas are poor, you could say Vacancier Permanent is correct.

Also I dont know where you are getting your 400% market rate figure. You saying the market rate for hookers is 250 pesos. That is just plain wrong.


If you're a complete mug this is what you'll do. Dishing out cash for 'sick relatives' or whatever bullshit excuse is stupid.

Quote: (04-16-2011 09:24 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Not a single freelancer in Thailand behave in a transactional way with me. The largest hint you might get is her having a "puppy dog" look when you pass a street vendor selling 10 baht fruits. And if you buy it, she'll feed you first, and only after a few slices you tell her to try it too she would. Another example: in the morning she asked me if I want a beer, I gave her my wallet, she left and came back with two beers, one for me and one for herself. And we're talking about pros here, not even semi-pros.

Giving a money grabbing pro your wallet, madness!


No ıt not. I turned down bangıng a cute fılıpına chıck on my last trıp because she ınsısted on me buyıng her food as a condıtıon of her comıng over.
Probably would have cost me less than two dollars - approx 90 pesos - to splıt a pızza wıth her but she made ıt quıte clear that her comıng over for the bang was contıngent on me buyıng her shıt and that ıf I dıd not then she would not come over.

Yeah when I start getting asked for phone credit, taxi fares, food I just decline regardless of how cheap it is. I'm not a bank and I won't pay for all their shit. If I don't get sex because I refused then fine.


Not really. I bet if you did, other requests would follow as well. If a chick has conditions for a bang, she can have up a set of them as well, slowly increasing her demands. I'd turn her down too.
But, as I said, this never happened to me in Thailand - and I mostly dealt with freelancers there.

I know dealing with whores in Thailand is the easy option but does no one put the effort it? It's not that difficult to find a non pro or semi pro. Just normal girls.

Thailand VS the Philippines - The Duke - 04-17-2011

gringo & lumiere, you guys have seemed to have figured out what principles to live by. for me, it's not so clear. the lines of what defines a pro and what defines a normal girl are often blurred.

even with your principles of never paying, i bet you guys have unknowningly shored girls. maybe even you got to experience the disgust of learning a girl you've banged is actually a pro.

for me, i try to avoid girls who are up in the triple digits, but i dont mind helping out a normal a girl out with a few bucks.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-17-2011

I've intentionally shored girls a few times but I'm pretty sure I've never fucked a girl who turned out to be a pro and I didn't know it.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-17-2011

Quote: (04-17-2011 05:46 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

You seem to only have experience with working girls or semi pos in Thailand. I tend not to deal with them too often. Have shored a few but never paid for it. I've never had to pay a Thai girl for sex, not even in the form of breakfast in the morning or taxi fair home. Usually they're driving me home in their BMW.

This is partially true. I went there to have good time, and considering the amounts involved "not paying for sex" versus "paying for sex" makes absolutely no difference to me. However I studied the non-pro situation quite carefully myself, as well as discussed the situation with a lot of expats who live there (I attended three expat gatherings while being there). My overall impression from that was that unless you live there and speak fluent Thai, your chance to hook up with non-pro is slim. Your chance to hook up with a middle class Thai who works outside the tourist industry is pretty much zero (for starters, most of them don't speak English). For those who are in the tourist industry, they may have a particular interest in you, so it is possible, but they're not non-pros.

Another very important thing, which I tried to empathize in previous posts, was the difference between "she did not want any money from me" versus "I did not pay her any money". It is pretty easy NOT to pay the girl, and unless you deal with a bar or gogo girl you got from her workplace, she has pretty much no recourse.


Good nightlife in Pattaya? Nah. Shitty Thai (or expat) cover bands playing cover music isn't my idea of a good night. In the whore bars you can tell them you don't want company a dozen times but they'll still try it on every so often to see if you've changed your mind.

Unfortunately you didn't say what is your idea of a "good night" is.


Again you're talking about whores. You do realise not all girls in Thailand are whores yes? Avoid these girls as often as you can and find some normal ones, it isn't *that* difficult and a bit more rewarding that paying for it or basically pretending you didn't know she was a whore.

If I have never been to Thailand, I would completely agree with you. However I been there, and already listed some issues which so far you did not address at all:

1. Most of Thailand population seem to speaks zero English. Even those who deal with tourists often speak very basic English. So unless you speak Thai, your gaming abilities would be extremely limited just by language alone.

2. This is a very conservative society, and there is a well-known stigma against the Thai girls who go out with tourists, as other Thais basically consider them whores. A middle-class Thai lady who goes out only with foreigners basically does it because no respectable Thai would touch her - most likely because of her past. Those indeed fuck easily - for example, a lot of real estate agents would fuck you as a matter of business. Those are very popular targets in Russian community, and they're easy to fuck as long as you look like a potential customer who'd buy a condo through her agency so she'd earn commission. However this is not a "normal girl".

3. Every expat I talked to - and I asked over twenty different people - said the same thing: to find a non-pro middle class Thai girl you need to live here (i.e. not perceived as tourist) and speak decent Thai (so you can talk to her and her family). There may be exceptions, but they are very specific (for example, you have a really good chance if you got there via student exchange program).

Those reasons are why I asked for more details about your hookups. Just the "I did it" claim alone carries very little value because the devil may be in details, and some of those details might actually make the claim useless for the rest of us. Same as I would claim how easy it is to get laid in Russia because I did it (and hiding the fact that I grew up there and speak the language natively). You got the idea.


Giving a money grabbing pro your wallet, madness!

Your reaction really makes me wonder if you ever dealt with a Thai whore. Pretty much every trip report I've read so far confirms that Thai pros are generally honest, and won't steal from you as long as we're talking about reasonable amounts (like $100-$200).


I know dealing with whores in Thailand is the easy option but does no one put the effort it? It's not that difficult to find a non pro or semi pro. Just normal girls.

The problem is that you're sharing your conclusions (i.e. "it is not difficult"), but not the details. And details are important. Maybe you speak fluent Thai. Maybe your friend is an important public figure in Thai military. Maybe you worked there for a few years. Or maybe you invited her and their friends into the club, and got a few bottles of alcohol for all of you. There are a lot of possible things which would make it easy, and which most of us would never have. So far from all the information I have so far it seems to be that difficult, and requires to put the amount of effort not worth it.
So could you please share your strategy, as well as what type of girls (age/looks wise, language level) you were pulling? And everyone would decide for themselves if it is difficult or not.

Thailand VS the Philippines - gringoed - 04-17-2011

I'm getting tired of these "paying for sex/not paying for sex/indirectly paying for sex" discussions. It's like the new alpha/beta nonsense that went nowhere. The only judge that matters is yourself, so just live by your own code and stop judging others. Clearly, prostitution is far more widespread and acceptable in SE Asia, and it takes many different forms. If guys want to be providers, either directly or indirectly, let them. Who gives a fuck? Just have fun and live right by YOU.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-18-2011


My overall impression from that was that unless you live there and speak fluent Thai, your chance to hook up with non-pro is slim. Your chance to hook up with a middle class Thai who works outside the tourist industry is pretty much zero (for starters, most of them don't speak English). For those who are in the tourist industry, they may have a particular interest in you, so it is possible, but they're not non-pros.

Well I don't live there nor do I speak a word of Thai. I hooked up with lots of girls, some pros and semi pros that I shored, some working in the tourist industry (in bars, restaurants etc) but also a surgeon, a student, an estate agent, local tv presenter, girl who worked for the water board of the Government etc. The surgeon drove me from Khon Kaen in Thailand to Vientanne in Laos for free, the estate agent drove me from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi again for free and stayed the night with me in a hotel which she paid for, the tv presenter paid for dinner and drinks several time when we went out.


Unfortunately you didn't say what is your idea of a "good night" is.

Anything as long as it doesn't involve going to Pattaya to hang out in whore bars and hear dreadful live music. [Image: wink.gif]


1. Most of Thailand population seem to speaks zero English. Even those who deal with tourists often speak very basic English. So unless you speak Thai, your gaming abilities would be extremely limited just by language alone

This is not my experience of Thailand at all and I've been several times. Language has very rarely been a problem for me.


This is a very conservative society, and there is a well-known stigma against the Thai girls who go out with tourists, as other Thais basically consider them whores. A middle-class Thai lady who goes out only with foreigners basically does it because no respectable Thai would touch her - most likely because of her past. Those indeed fuck easily - for example, a lot of real estate agents would fuck you as a matter of business. Those are very popular targets in Russian community, and they're easy to fuck as long as you look like a potential customer who'd buy a condo through her agency so she'd earn commission. However this is not a "normal girl".

A lot of the girls I met were decent girls with decent jobs, apartments, cars etc. They had plenty of money and seemed fairly respectable to me. I did fuck an estate agent but there was never any illusion that I was going to buy property, they all knew I was just backing around Asia on the cheap. I would say it's likely these girls were all more well off than me and they probably knew it.


. Every expat I talked to - and I asked over twenty different people - said the same thing: to find a non-pro middle class Thai girl you need to live here (i.e. not perceived as tourist) and speak decent Thai (so you can talk to her and her family). There may be exceptions, but they are very specific (for example, you have a really good chance if you got there via student exchange program).

Well I must be the exception to the rule then as none of this applies to me. I don't speak the language and was just there backpacking around.


Your reaction really makes me wonder if you ever dealt with a Thai whore. Pretty much every trip report I've read so far confirms that Thai pros are generally honest, and won't steal from you as long as we're talking about reasonable amounts (like $100-$200).

Like I said I've never paid for sex in Thailand so would have no idea about how trusty worthy they are with my wallet. I wouldn't give anyone my wallet to go buy beers, let alone a whore.


The problem is that you're sharing your conclusions (i.e. "it is not difficult"), but not the details. And details are important. Maybe you speak fluent Thai. Maybe your friend is an important public figure in Thai military. Maybe you worked there for a few years. Or maybe you invited her and their friends into the club, and got a few bottles of alcohol for all of you. There are a lot of possible things which would make it easy, and which most of us would never have. So far from all the information I have so far it seems to be that difficult, and requires to put the amount of effort not worth it.
So could you please share your strategy, as well as what type of girls (age/looks wise, language level) you were pulling? And everyone would decide for themselves if it is difficult or not.

Don't speak Thai, have no friends in high places in Thailand, never worked there, never invited people into clubs and bought bottles. I'm just a backpacker who travels on a budget, staying in hostels, eats cheap etc. All the girls know this, there was no illusion that I was some rich Westerner living it up in Asia. The girls with cars often picked me up and dropped me off at my hostel, when we'd go out I wouldn't splash the cash and pay for everything, things were usually split but there were a couple of the girls who insisted on paying for lots of stuff and treating me to dinner and drinks. The girls ranged from student age to mid 30s, all well educated and fluent in English, decent looks, well travelled in SE Asia and some elsewhere (one had been to Mongolia, Russia, Europe, Middle East and another Europe and the States for example). The surgeon, the pharmacology student and the tv presenter were all friends, I met the latter 2 through the surgeon. And I fucked them all at different times of the trip.

I met the surgeon in this out of the way bar in BKK nowhere near the touristy areas, me and mate were the only farangs in the place. The hostel owner had told us about it. Met a couple of girls through couchsurfing, the estate agent I forget how or where I met her, met girls in non touristy clubs, the girl who worked for the Government is a story in it's self. My friend had went home and sent me a message saying he'd met someone in the airport from BKK and they were going to call me, I'll turned out that was a bullshit story on his part but I didn't find that out to after I'd went out with her for the night. Variety of different ways really.

I've always said if you just hang around the touristy areas you're only ever gonna pay for pros or at best shore one. You need to get away from it, it's more effort, a bit harder work but I think it works out well.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-18-2011

Quote: (04-18-2011 05:41 AM)Gringo Wrote:  

Don't speak Thai, have no friends in high places in Thailand, never worked there, never invited people into clubs and bought bottles. I'm just a backpacker who travels on a budget, staying in hostels, eats cheap etc. All the girls know this, there was no illusion that I was some rich Westerner living it up in Asia.

Ok, I think I got the pattern here. Would it be fair to say that you're in your early twenties, play the poor backpacker style, and that most, if not all, of those girls (excluding non-Thai) were older than you?


I've always said if you just hang around the touristy areas you're only ever gonna pay for pros or at best shore one. You need to get away from it, it's more effort, a bit harder work but I think it works out well.

I read a story by a Russian dude (I have a link but it is in Russian), who spent a month in Thailand living for $1 a day, eating seafood he caught or got by helping locals (he was giving massages to local girls), and sleeping in a tent. He scored very well, and the girls were genuinely attracted to him. Of course he didn't pay anything, and it were the girls who bought him food and drove him around. I can see how this can work, if they see that there is no way they can get any money from you, they start seeing you more as a friend role. The problem, of course, is that you cannot fake it. You cannot stay in a Marriott, eat in restaurants and pretend to be poor as hell, you have to look and behave like you are.

My whole point of this discussion was to figure out your situation to see whether it could be extrapolated on others. And it does not. Paraphrasing you, my idea of good vacation includes anything as long it does not involve hostels or backpacking. So the case is closed. I see your point, and I believe you, but you need to admit this is definitely not applicable for everyone, or even the majority.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-18-2011

Quote: (04-17-2011 11:51 PM)gringoed Wrote:  

I'm getting tired of these "paying for sex/not paying for sex/indirectly paying for sex" discussions. It's like the new alpha/beta nonsense that went nowhere.

This is misunderstanding. Subject of our discussion around was very different - it was about whether it is possible and how much effort does it take to actually hook up with non-pros in Thailand. At least this was my point.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Vacancier Permanent - 04-18-2011

I agree with OldNemesis on meeting and dating a real non pro in BKK/Thailand. From my numerous conversations while there with local expats and from my own observations after living there for 3 months, to meet and date a real non pro from a good family, it is hard work and it definitely won't be a one night stand. These good girls, educated, with their own money and careers, have a lot at stake, repuation and face above all. The last thing these girls want is to be seen with a 1 weeker/tourist/back packer for fear of being labelled a whore. And as you guys may know, in Asia, face is huge and for these girls, losing face would be fatal for their career and family aspirations. As a result, they won't be seen anywhere near the touristy areas or even less, be hanging out with the 1 weeker/back packer or tourist. To get a chance with these girls, it requires that one lives full time in BKK, has either a job there or a business, speaks good Thai and has a good social network of both local expats and local Thais and it would be through the social circle that he would be introduced or get to know and eventually, have a shot with these uber babes from good families. What you Gringo are referring to, are the girls with money but with an adventurous and rebellious side as opposed to the good girls from conservative families. I did meet and date one such girl in BKK, she was 30 years old, an 8 on a 10 scale, established career with a very nice car. She would pick me up in her car, drive me around BKK for free. Yes, those are around, but do not confuse them with the girls from traditional families. To get anywhere with them, provided you meet the requirements as stated above, it'd take 1-3 months just to get a kiss, let alone a fuck. Again, easy and open minded career girls are available in BKK, but the true non pro from the above, wouldn't give you or me or 99.99% of guys in these forums the time of the day as we don't have the requirements (speak good thai, good social circle there, a career/biz based in BKK and so forth).

As to the topic of paying directly or indirectly, you end up paying for it one way or another. Period. Sure there are times the girl doesn't make you pay anything and these are the ones to be really careful as they are fishing you for a bigger pay out: ie, she wants a ring and a passport out of the freebie she gives you. I'm at a stage where I value my time much more than money. Money comes and goes and you can always make more of it; however, time, once it is gone, it's gone for good and nobody can buy it back. I won't let a few bucks get in the way of me getting a good time.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-18-2011


Ok, I think I got the pattern here. Would it be fair to say that you're in your early twenties, play the poor backpacker style, and that most, if not all, of those girls (excluding non-Thai) were older than you?

Twenty seven, don't particularly play up to being a poor backpacker, but I do backpack and am by no means rich. It's budget travel for me because I do 6 month long trips which just aren't feasible for me if I go the luxury route. Some girls were older but not all, the tv presenter girl was maybe 20, the students would be similar age, the surgeon I think 28ish the rest I'm not 100% sure but a couple definitely a few years older than me, not massively.


I can see how this can work, if they see that there is no way they can get any money from you, they start seeing you more as a friend role. The problem, of course, is that you cannot fake it. You cannot stay in a Marriott, eat in restaurants and pretend to be poor as hell, you have to look and behave like you are.

I don't 'act poor'. I'm not travelling about Thailand dressed like a homeless beggar, scrapping by from day to day and barely able to afford to live I'm just not staying in fancy hotels and eating in expensive restaurants (which is pointless anyway when the street and small cafe food is incredible) but I have eaten in 'normal' priced restaurants and drink in bars and clubs and take taxis. I have a riot when there and really make the most of it, partying every night etc. I'm well enough dressed too, not suits and such like but that's a bit OTT for anywhere in Bangkok I'd want to go anyway.


I see your point, and I believe you, but you need to admit this is definitely not applicable for everyone, or even the majority.

Personally I think it is. If a 'poor' backpacker can manage to meet and fuck non pro's than anyone can surely?


I won't let a few bucks get in the way of me getting a good time.

Yeah fair enough, me neither when it really comes down to it. I'm far from stingy and won't penny pinch to extremes like I see some travellers doing but I'd rather not have to pay for peoples company just to have a good time and pay for girls to have sex with me when I don't have to.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Tommy - 04-18-2011

I lived 1 year in Thailand and half a year in the Philippines. I have to admit girls are more beautiful in Thailand but I prefer Philippine girls when it comes to sexual relations. I stayed everywhere in Thailand but only in Cebu in the Philipppines. If you want to go to a place with nice looking beaches, cheap resorts, bad english speaking hookers and lots of foreigners around you then go to Thailand. If you want easy girls who speak good english, poor hotels, lots of poverty around you then go to Cebu city. I prefer Filipina girls because of their mentality, the Philippines is a poor place but there are some good spots to go to if you have a girl with you. Less freebies in Thailand, more horny chicks in the Philippines although the Filipinas are poor they do have a good mind but have less style than other Asian girls.

Safety in Cebu city and the province:

In the city don't worry too much. I used to walk around the city from bar to bar and took a taxi from club to club but I did got snatched one time close to Colon street (most notorious area on the island) at midnight... Well, i'm a hard guy and didn't feel afraid anywhere but I got snatched one time and the guy didn't look that nice to me, anyway I kept my 200€ phone at home and I lost only 20$ out of the whole deal. That's the only bad experience I had except some small problems with taxi drivers but most of them are OK.

I also lived in Minglanilla close to Cebu city in a beach house with swimmingpool for about 800 US$ a month. Very poor place, you need to have a car to go to the city or call a taxi to pick you up in the middle of nowhere, some girls are afraid to go out of the city so I had to lie to them and say it's not far but I kept telling this for about 30 mins untill we arrived at my place. My neighbours used to take out their fucking babies like dogs to shit on my part of the beach, yea i'm not kidding you. I used to walk atleast 1 hour every day to go from one point to another, I was in some kind of a rehab situation and having fun with local girls from small villages, great fun and I will definately go back when I have time. I met some crazy girls who used to fuck me and run away but also others who would stick to me like hungry dog, good memories!

Oh and by the way: good to know young rooshers like us are interested in Cebu...I actually lived there for 6 months and only met old 40+ caucasians, the only few younger caucasians I met were nothing to mention about . I'll be back soon in Cebu, I like it and it's cheap although it's a few steps backwards from what i'm living here in Europe, it's still worth every penny when it comes to cheap playboy living!

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-19-2011

Quote: (04-18-2011 10:20 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

Oh and by the way: good to know young rooshers like us are interested in Cebu...I actually lived there for 6 months and only met old 40+ caucasians, the only few younger caucasians I met were nothing to mention about . I'll be back soon in Cebu, I like it and it's cheap although it's a few steps backwards from what i'm living here in Europe, it's still worth every penny when it comes to cheap playboy living!

Tommy, could you provide your opinions about the food? Are there enough things to see around during daytime if you stay there for a couple of weeks?

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-19-2011

Quote: (04-18-2011 06:29 PM)Gringo Wrote:  

Twenty seven, don't particularly play up to being a poor backpacker, but I do backpack and am by no means rich. It's budget travel for me because I do 6 month long trips which just aren't feasible for me if I go the luxury route. Some girls were older but not all, the tv presenter girl was maybe 20, the students would be similar age, the surgeon I think 28ish the rest I'm not 100% sure but a couple definitely a few years older than me, not massively.

If you're 27, you definitely look early twenties for them, so it was kind of "sugar mama" situation. Older gals who have the "background" are relatively easy to fuck because respectable Thais will not touch them, but they still value themselves high enough to avoid low class jobless Thais who'd spend his days drinking Mekong. However there is a catch - you need to spend some quality time with them. I had several such opportunities present, but passed them all through as I'd rather fuck a young chick and pay her than waste an evening to fuck a Thai lady around my age or older for free. Time is very valuable considering that you can fuck three stunners in an evening for $60 total.


Personally I think it is. If a 'poor' backpacker can manage to meet and fuck non pro's than anyone can surely?

Because it is not worth it. A typical tourist is there on a two week vacation, and usually on a mission to fuck as many as possible. In this situation it doesn't make any sense to waste time on dating, deal with drama, flakiness and so on. It might make sense if you're living there or at least staying long enough. But for a two week tourist, unless you have mental issues which prevent you paying for sex, it simply not worth it. Especially when you're a guy like me who feels very comfortable alone, and doesn't need any company.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-20-2011

You're analysis is well off. None of the girls were older than early 30s so it wasn't a 'sugar mama situation' and I didn't have to invest a lot of time before the fucking happened. I fucked most of them on the first night I met them and then would maybe meet up again at a later date when I had no plans or other prospects for the night. It was nice to hang around with someone who has a car, their own place, some money, knows where to go out, is good fun so spending a few hours with them before getting a fuck is hardly a problem.

There was no dating, drama or flaking as far as I recall. I don't have mental issues but I've never paid for sex. I also feel comfortable alone, there were times in Thailand when I'd head out alone and have no problem with it but almost everything in life is better with company / shared.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Tommy - 04-20-2011

Quote: (04-19-2011 05:42 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2011 10:20 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

Oh and by the way: good to know young rooshers like us are interested in Cebu...I actually lived there for 6 months and only met old 40+ caucasians, the only few younger caucasians I met were nothing to mention about . I'll be back soon in Cebu, I like it and it's cheap although it's a few steps backwards from what i'm living here in Europe, it's still worth every penny when it comes to cheap playboy living!

Tommy, could you provide your opinions about the food? Are there enough things to see around during daytime if you stay there for a couple of weeks?

You'll be eating fastfood American style or barbeque with rice and some spicy sauce. I've only found good places to eat in Cebu city and Lapu-lapu, outside of these areas theres nothing good to bite on.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Tommy - 04-20-2011

What to do out of the city? You can take a girl with you (tip) and go to some surrounding islands and hang around on remote beaches with not alot of tourists around. For example: Lapu-lapu, Bohol, Malapascua, Bantayan. You can also go to some resorts nearby the city and enjoy the pool allday for a low price (not more than 6 US) or just meet as much girls as you can in the city and take them to your hotel room, although most young Filipinas you meet online or anywhere else will want to meet you with one of there friends and you have to play a while.

I'm looking at going to Mongolia by the way, heard some crazy stuff about that place. If you're in the Philippines and wanna do something crazy then book a 200 USD flight from Manila to Beijing and take a train from Beijing to Ulanbator (Mongolia's capital), I heared the girls are very DTF and it's cheap. Would be funny to go from one of the warmest places to the coldest in the world.

Mongolian girls have pretty faces, most Filipinas have weird teeth but I met alot of stunners in my eyes but I saw way more stunners in Thailand.

By the way, the biggest titties i've touched in Asia were born in the Philippines.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-20-2011

Gringo, so far the main problem I have is that no one else came back with a story even close to yours. If it was as easy as you describe it, forums would be flooded with such stories. After all, we're not talking about Mongolia, Thailand is a major tourist destination. And besides that, there is just not too many people in Thailand who do very well in their 20s, speak good English and are DTF with a foreigner on the same day. And, from your words, you didn't do anything extraordinary either. Makes me wonder how much from what you said was wishful thinking or played down.

Thailand VS the Philippines - oldnemesis - 04-20-2011

Quote: (04-20-2011 06:09 PM)Tommy Wrote:  

I'm looking at going to Mongolia by the way, heard some crazy stuff about that place. If you're in the Philippines and wanna do something crazy then book a 200 USD flight from Manila to Beijing and take a train from Beijing to Ulanbator (Mongolia's capital), I heared the girls are very DTF and it's cheap.

How long is the train ride, a couple of days?

Thailand VS the Philippines - Kaizen - 04-20-2011

Quote: (04-20-2011 08:41 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Gringo, so far the main problem I have is that no one else came back with a story even close to yours. If it was as easy as you describe it, forums would be flooded with such stories. After all, we're not talking about Mongolia, Thailand is a major tourist destination. And besides that, there is just not too many people in Thailand who do very well in their 20s, speak good English and are DTF with a foreigner on the same day. And, from your words, you didn't do anything extraordinary either. Makes me wonder how much from what you said was wishful thinking or played down.

I think Gringo's success is POSSIBLE, but what kind of time frame are we talking about that you hooked up with all these quality women??

I have hooked up with high quality in BKK but it was when I was working there and not a fly by night tourist. It is also took me weeks to crack her.

Thailand VS the Philippines - Gringo - 04-21-2011


Makes me wonder how much from what you said was wishful thinking or played down.

Jealous are we? A bit annoyed you had to spend your whole time in Pattaya paying for sex? It's understandable.

I've been to Thailand a few times, last time was there for about 2 months in total splt into 2 trips (went to some other parts of SE Asia in between).

Thailand VS the Philippines - CrackerJack - 04-21-2011

Quote: (04-20-2011 08:41 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Gringo, so far the main problem I have is that no one else came back with a story even close to yours. If it was as easy as you describe it, forums would be flooded with such stories. After all, we're not talking about Mongolia, Thailand is a major tourist destination. And besides that, there is just not too many people in Thailand who do very well in their 20s, speak good English and are DTF with a foreigner on the same day. And, from your words, you didn't do anything extraordinary either. Makes me wonder how much from what you said was wishful thinking or played down.

It's a major tourist destination for backpackers and families, even though sex tourism is probably the biggest in Asia it still is a small fraction.

Speaking of expats in Thailand, probably the most pathetic bunch I have seen in general. I would say conservatively that 90% of them couldn't score a 3 in their respective countries. Most of their advice and opinions are worthless to me. They usually stay in the Sukhimvit bubble and are clueless about life in Bangkok or Thailand, except Isaan, where a lot of those burnouts end up living with their 'tirac'. Sounds harsh, but I really haven't seen so many weird people in one place at the same time.

If you're in your 20s and 30s and even early 40s, I see no problem swooping regular ladies there. All you have to do is NOT wear sandals with socks, shorts, Singha beer shirts. Thais pay a LOT of attention to dress, so if you're hip you will have no problems pulling.

I've had bank girls (great source for tall and pale girls if you're into that, Thais consider that their beauty ideal), uni students, and just regular office workers. They even showed me off to their friends. As long as you look fashionable, the whore aspect won't rub off on your girl.

Stay away from lower Sukhimvit and go to regular Thai clubs that are scattered around the city. The people are friendlier and the girls are very approachable. They will buy you drinks, food, and make sure you have a good time. It's a totally different breed of people away from the tourist centers. Just don't forget to smile. Guys should also stop waing. It's a complicated procedure that takes a lot of details and a lot of practice to do it properly. You will only embarrass yourself. Just nod your head or shake hands.

Thailand VS the Philippines - thegmanifesto - 04-21-2011

CrackerJack -

Good Data.

"go to regular Thai clubs that are scattered around the city."

Can you break this down a little? How about calling out some names?

"Guys should also stop waing."

What is this?