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RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Roosh - 06-26-2014

I'd say it was less "destroy" and more "had a non-threatening public debate." For a second I thought Tyler was trying to sell him a seminar.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Prophylaxis - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:13 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I'd say it was less "destroy" and more "had a non-threatening public debate." For a second I thought Tyler was trying to sell him a seminar.

Was going to say the same.

Almost looked like he was looking for validation from this loser.

Why would you bother using logic and intellect on a drunk white-knight? Waste of energy IMO. I wouldn't even engage, just go back to gaming the chick - let the results speak for themselves.

I've only had to use this a few times, but if a guy interrupts a set I usually ask him "Hey man ,where's your girl?" Usually enough to disarm him- you start spilling emotion like Tyler was, he's already won.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Roosh - 06-26-2014

^^ I'm guessing Tyler knew he was being filmed, so he "acted" in a way that would be a demonstration of the products he sells. In the end, like you said, he seemed to be trying to game the guy.

In another thread there was a debate on whether an in field video was real or not. What some people don't understand is that anytime a camera or microphone is on you, you ultimately behave in a different way, so the result is always inauthentic. You're not gaming the girl (or attacking a guy), you're performing like on a stage to protect your ego or reputation. Or you're just trying to market something.

I did this myself in Romania where TV crews filmed me while I approached. My thoughts were "Don't get blatantly rejected" instead of "Get laid." It's a natural response to change your behavior when more eyes are on you.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - ElJefe - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:26 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Why would you bother using logic and intellect on a drunk white-knight? Waste of energy IMO. I wouldn't even engage, just go back to gaming the chick - let the results speak for themselves.

I've only had to use this a few times, but if a guy interrupts a set I usually ask him "Hey man ,where's your girl?" Usually enough to disarm him- you start spilling emotion like Tyler was, he's already won.

There were a few interesting things going on.

Tyler is probably a bit drunk, and that's why he's excited and leaning into the cockblocker's ear. That struck me as beta, but never mind.

Notice how he also puts his finger on the guy's shoulder. Is that AMOG'ing?

Next, the guy in the white shirt is a loser. But his attire and meterosexual look hints that he's a typical SWPL with your basic concept of politeness/friendliness. Don't know if that'w what Tyler was counting on, in any case, he played that to his advantage - he made the cockblocker feel guilty by calling him out for trying to ruin his night.

"People like you try to put other people down"...

"people like you can't stand it when other people have a good time because they're helpless - they're prisoners of their circumstances and can't get what they really want, so they'll sabotage other peoples' lives to make themselves feel better. Why are you like that?"

To wit: a lot of success coaches mention how other people will ACTIVELY try to undermine your confidence because they are themselves scared of what happens when you succeed. What happens is that your status relative to theirs increases. They are terrified because their subconscious knows this means they're evolutionarily fit, and you are not. They HAVE to wreck things for you, in order to perpetuate their genes.

The proactive, win/win attitude to address this is to view the subject/cockblocker with pity, which is what Tyler ends up doing.

It gets really sick when, after tearing this guy down, you tell him you're going to help him.

I can't imagine a better way to completely AMOG the FUCK out of a cockblocker.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - RawGod - 06-26-2014

Given that it ended with Tyler loudly calling him an asshole and the dude fleeing, I would call it a pretty firm discussion.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - AnonymousBosch - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:05 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Girls are the worst cock-blockers nowadays, though in the US you get way more righteous White Knights, who feel fine lecturing a guy like Tyler, but would be silent as a grave around Fisto.

Yeah, this is so far from my experience I'm having a hard time believing it, but there's the video.

I seem to be invisible to the majority of men in public spaces. You know that quick glance chicks do when you first enter their field of vision, where they instantly size you up and, if you're not their type, quickly look away and determinedly-elsewhere out of the absolute terror you might dare to interact with them and they'll be made to feel briefly-awkward? I get that from most guys.

The exceptions being the 'respect nod' or 'mutual threat assessment sizing up' with both of us breaking eye contact sideways, (or the queens, who make a child's impression of what they think Seductive Bedroom Eyes are out of social cluelessness, made fucking ridiculous by the lack of any pre-existing contact or intimate context and an ill-suited environment for seduction, such as passing them in a shopping mall).

So there's really these little dweebs out there interrupting couples having fun out of some sense of moral righteousness? Is it puritanism again? How common is this in the US? Like I said, normally it's just the fat chicks from my experience, and it's purely jealousy on their parts.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - AnonymousBosch - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:38 AM)ElJefe Wrote:  

Tyler is probably a bit drunk, and that's why he's excited and leaning into the cockblocker's ear. That struck me as beta, but never mind.

Look at the cockblocker's body-language. The worst thing you can do to that type of Millenial is to physically-invade their space and make them feel awkward and uncomfortable. They want to be safely-disconnected from other people through their techno-devices. Tyler is deliberately-pushing his buttons to make him squirm. Shows good social awareness to my eyes.

Think about it this way: this Cockblocker is disarmed by someone trying to casually-hug him and offering to get him laid.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - VincentVinturi - 06-26-2014

Tyler sure loves the head games. Another 10 minutes and he would have reduced that guy to tears of utter confusion.

I'll say this: Tyler has a lot of patience. This dude just butted into Tyler's good time with unasked for comments that reek of jealousy and then proceeded to tell Tyler why he should be less of a douche, dick and cunt. In my book, that's license to choke fools.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Atlantic - 06-26-2014

Im a redhead. Its funny how many beta guys lose their shit over 'gingers' doing well with women like we have some sort of physical disability. Its a sign of super weak frame when guys comment on it to try bring you down. It gets their hamster going and they sometimes struggle to cope.

That was this guys main point - that Tyler is a balding redhead so he should not be doing well with women. Also his comment on his shirt - he thinks looks and fashion create attraction (rather then just help on top of game). 'just stand still and smile'.

My brother has thinning redhead, is kinda short and a little tubby. He used to visit me during uni to party and guys would flip out big when he (nearly always) pulled hot girls from right under them. His game has always been tight so it made no difference. Ive seen guys nearly have emotional breakdowns over it, no joke.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Roosh - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:40 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Given that it ended with Tyler loudly calling him an asshole and the dude fleeing, I would call it a pretty firm discussion.

But he tried to immediately hug him after calling him an asshole.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Atlantic - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 08:10 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:40 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Given that it ended with Tyler loudly calling him an asshole and the dude fleeing, I would call it a pretty firm discussion.

But he tried to immediately hug him after calling him an asshole.

I see that as a good frame control move for smaller guys. If he hugs Tyler he accepts Tyler calling him an asshole and Tyler owning the frame. If he doesnt hug then he does look like an asshole who cant relax- again he loses frame. Works well on hipster guys who you know won't get physical.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - monster - 06-26-2014

This got me thinking, how would you handle a situation like this?

I for one would get pissed off and probably say something like, "cool buddy" then either ignore or say "get lost." IME, this works if the girl is pretty into you. But a lot of times the girl will somehow instictively either include him in the conversation either proactively or reactively.

The last thing I want is to get involved in a 5 minute drawn out dispute over cockblocking with some white knight while losing the girl.

So how would you handle dipshits like this? Probably some humorous response that escapes me...

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Roosh - 06-26-2014


I see that as a good frame control move for smaller guys.

Hugging a guy you call an asshole is a good way to get knocked out.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - AntiTrace - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 09:25 AM)Roosh Wrote:  


I see that as a good frame control move for smaller guys.

Hugging a guy you call an asshole is a good way to get knocked out.

Yeah but you can tell that guy had never been in a fight in his life, unless getting kidney punched for his lunch money or mildly resisting a swirly counts.

He probably could have called him an asshole and then kissed him on the lips and the guy wouldn't have thrown a punch.

Some guys just don't have it in them.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - el mechanico - 06-26-2014


This is what happens when Beta Chode meets Alpha Player

[Image: laugh2.gif]

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Zep - 06-26-2014

That was great. Owen teaches the guy How To Think about his actions, the guy will be conflicted the next day, but, Owen has seeded his mind with the right way to think about this. Also, this video is on youtube, so he’s teaching others how to think and react peacefully.

Imagine if he punched the guy out. Then tons of others might follow suit, and things would get more violent in North America. Also, over some girls? Pffft.

I don’t think I’d have the patience to do what he did, but, Owen’s been teaching for 12 years, so it’s ingrained in him to react this way. It’s completely in line with his character and what he does for a living.

He gets called a douche by a hipster because he’s small. Period. If he were 6’2, 240 pounds that wouldn’t happen. He’s working well with what he’s got.

I’m amused by the onlooker to the right admiring what’s going down in front of him.

Video is hot. Use it when you can if you’re into teaching pickup. Everybody has an opinion. This has been mine.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Manstrocity - 06-26-2014

am I the only one that thinks Tyler was kinda being annoying? I mean don't get me wrong the other guy was lame for white knighting but Tyler was dancing around like a dumbass, granted the chick was digging it, but personally, I'm not gonna make an asshole of myself to get some girls approval. the guy was pretty lame for calling him out, should've just ignored him...but Tyler wasn't exactly mr alpha, he had on an affliction t and was dancing like a drunk 12 yr old...pretty douche.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Goldmund - 06-26-2014

Tyler comes across as a bit "off".

He has the energy and body movements of an excited teenage girl. Is he on drugs?

Not a style I hope anyone tries to emulate...although there are tons of these rsd dudes out there.

Although we have similar goals, we have completely different styles, I wouldn't get along with him.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Dalaran1991 - 06-26-2014

This is so golden. He's my hero. I don't care much about the technicality. He's doing the right thing and he's having fun.

We do need to start shooting down these self-righteous bitch boys. Like he said, not only do they spoil the market, but also fuck up other redpill guys who are mentally weak.

I do get the idea that you should never waste time on these, but sometimes a little vindication is satisfying as fuck.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - monster - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 10:04 AM)Goldmund Wrote:  

Tyler comes across as a bit "off".

He has the energy and body movements of an excited teenage girl. Is he on drugs?

He does but Tyler repeatedly says in his videos that he's twitchy and not the best one to emulate.

At the same time it goes to show that even if he is off he still pulls because pulling is a combination of confidence, charisma, leading & fun vibes more so than being "cool" in the traditional sense.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Santoro - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 10:04 AM)Goldmund Wrote:  

Tyler comes across as a bit "off".

He has the energy and body movements of an excited teenage girl. Is he on drugs?

Not a style I hope anyone tries to emulate...although there are tons of these rsd dudes out there.

Although we have similar goals, we have completely different styles, I wouldn't get along with him.


I wouldn't find amusement from this conversation, nor would any of the guys I know that are successful with life in general /women. A masculine grunt would have this kid shitting his pants. Anything more is overkill and shows just how 'invested' Tyler is in game and the interaction. You can literally see Tyler's values and 10 years of game flash before his eyes. For a stranger who made a comment. This is what FBI agents would call a 'soft spot'.

Are you so invested in game that a simple remark will make you fly off the handle? Dude sure as hell didn't look in control of his emotions. More like a kid after a slamming a juice box.

Maybe it's because Tyler knows he the camera is there, but the whole interaction was hard to watch.

The most the guy deserved is a 'fuck off shitweasel'. No doubt he would have cowered away looking at the ground. Where's the satisfaction of victory when the opponent is unworthy?

Owning this white shirt guy is like bragging about beating up someone 50 pounds lighter than you, getting a hole in 1 in minigolf or sleeping with a 4. Anyone could do it.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-26-2014

Oh please - stop feeling bad about the guy. He deserved it calling Tyler a "balding Ginger". Only because someone is white people nowadays think it's fine to insult him on his inherited skin-color or hair.

What if Tyler was black? Would it be fine to call him curly-haired balding N.....? The "liberally" indoctrinated don't even realize how racist they truly are. Now I don't wish to overdramatize the racism point here, but the guy was clearly behaving like an asshole and just met someone who would not be shamed by his fem-speak-knowledge.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - MikeCF - 06-26-2014

Owen was giving a speech for the camera.

That's the "real social dynamics" of that video.

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - soup - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 07:32 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

^^ I'm guessing Tyler knew he was being filmed, so he "acted" in a way that would be a demonstration of the products he sells. In the end, like you said, he seemed to be trying to game the guy.

In another thread there was a debate on whether an in field video was real or not. What some people don't understand is that anytime a camera or microphone is on you, you ultimately behave in a different way, so the result is always inauthentic. You're not gaming the girl (or attacking a guy), you're performing like on a stage to protect your ego or reputation. Or you're just trying to market something.

I did this myself in Romania where TV crews filmed me while I approached. My thoughts were "Don't get blatantly rejected" instead of "Get laid." It's a natural response to change your behavior when more eyes are on you.

This is why actors get paid to do what they do. They can operate without concern for cameras because they understand how to act in front of a camera.

A good actor is so prepared that he could go out and do what he needs to do, in this case it would be "get laid".

RSD Tyler destroys Male Cock Blocker in public - soup - 06-26-2014

Quote: (06-26-2014 10:34 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Oh please - stop feeling bad about the guy. He deserved it calling Tyler a "balding Ginger". Only because someone is white people nowadays think it's fine to insult him on his inherited skin-color or hair.

What if Tyler was black? Would it be fine to call him curly-haired balding N.....? The "liberally" indoctrinated don't even realize how racist they truly are. Now I don't wish to overdramatize the racism point here, but the guy was clearly behaving like an asshole and just met someone who would not be shamed by his fem-speak-knowledge.

Yes, it's considered ok for white people to talk shit about white people.

The reason it would be bad Owen was black is because of the race difference. If they were both black, then they could talk shit about being black to each other.

If it was a black guy on the white guy, then it would probably be better received than if it was a white guy on a black guy (in which case they'd probably take him to jail for hate speech or something).

Paging Gary Oldman...

Also, I don't know what happened before they started "duking it out" but if I were Owen, I would have tried to implement the no drama policy and make sure all parties were handled before it came to insults.