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Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Printable Version

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Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - soup - 05-29-2014

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - draguer - 05-29-2014

The way there is a new 'flavor of the month' for progressive causes reminds me of a child collecting Pokemon cards.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Wadsworth - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:00 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

The false equivalency between johnny-come-lately mentally ill people who suddenly think they're a "woman trapped in a man's body" and real civil-rights struggles--150 years of fighting the brutal legacies of slavery--is not just insulting, it's straight-up comical.

It's weapons-grade narcissism.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - draguer - 05-29-2014

Could it be that the current generation has never really had a defining conflict, as generations past?

People are often defined by overcoming challenges, the need to project the weight of the Black civil rights movement onto modern day liberal 'struggles' might be a manifestation of that narcissistic need to leave a 'meaningful' legacy.

Ultimately it's a fleeting shot of dopamine, a chimera of having 'done your bit'.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Truth Teller - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Could it be that the current generation has never really had a defining conflict, as generations past?

That's what I think it is. My generation has yet to have a defining conflict, and I don't see one coming anytime soon.

Thousands have died in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I can't imagine that more than a million people were involved overall. Life as we know it has generally remained the same since 9/11. There hasn't been anything truly life disrupting that resulted from those attacks. No rationing, no martial law, no draft.

World War II on the other hand, involved 16 million Americans (and far more British, Soviets, French, etc.), rationing, martial law (in some places), curfews, the draft, mobilization of the home front, etc.

The sad thing is that if the US enters a war of national necessity (something that poses an existential threat to the US/the West), I don't think my generation will be able to handle it. People are probably going to bitch massively on Twitter/Facebook/whatever about how they're being forced to join the military and how it's "unfair" that they aren't allowed their social media.

As I said yesterday, read Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. The West has become the Western Roman Empire.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Wadsworth - 05-29-2014

Rights is now used as a catch-all to validate vague, undefined, and mostly narcissistic efforts that ostensibly target social change, but in reality have very little to do with any sort of meaningful change. Are we to believe unisex bathrooms are a question of civil rights, or that this constitutes any meaningful change? Most of these movements nowadays are really just narcissism; they started in the spirit of tolerance, then became about acceptance, now they're about celebration. It's in vogue now to blather on about celebrating the "civil rights" for every oppressed group du jour, though none of it remotely constitutes a material threat to the status quo. It's the ideal situation if you're a narcissistic drone, because it allows you to believe that you're aligned with some higher justice without ever having to make any tangible changes to your beliefs and lifestyle.

Which is why a civil rights movement that actually threatens the status quo like the MRM is shouted down and characterized as terrorism.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - dog - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:48 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Could it be that the current generation has never really had a defining conflict, as generations past?

People are often defined by overcoming challenges, the need to project the weight of the Black civil rights movement onto modern day liberal 'struggles' might be a manifestation of that narcissistic need to leave a 'meaningful' legacy.

Ultimately it's a fleeting shot of dopamine, a chimera of having 'done your bit'.

This might have something to do with it, but I think the motivation is a little more devious than that.

Drawing parallels with the black civil rights movement gives them a natural historical precedent and a path to victory in whatever court battles they will inevitably face. And victory in the legal realm allows them to enforce their generally unpopular viewpoint on everyone else.

I can easily see gender-neutral pronouns being mandated in K-12 schools in 5-10 years, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Progressives tend to go for the schools first, and god knows that feminist indoctrination is highly prevalent in the education programs of most universities. The odds of your son or daughter being taught by some bizarre gender-queer transsexual type are near 100%.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-05-06-at-11.18.22-PM.png]

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - draguer - 05-29-2014

Please tell me that image isn't a real proposal for the restructuring of language.

Your comment on schools reminded me of this post from Humans of New York. Here the teacher claims to be 'socially-conscious', but it's not a stretch to assume she is hoping to have an ideological impact on young minds.


[Image: tumblr_mwskgvmWEV1qggwnvo1_1280.jpg]

"I used to be a preschool teacher, but I got fired."
“What happened?”
“Well, I decided that I wanted to have a socially conscious class. So we learned about apartheid in South Africa. Then we learned about homelessness. Then we made mother’s day cards for Trayvon Martin’s mom. And I think the principal decided that it was too much for three and four year olds, because she told me I wasn’t a ‘good fit.’ But honestly, I was just shining too bright for them. And now she’s going to see me on Humans of New York, and she’ll be sorry!”

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - TheWastelander - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 03:23 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Please tell me that image isn't a real proposal for the restructuring of language.

Your comment on schools reminded me of this post from Humans of New York. Here the teacher claims to be 'socially-conscious', but it's not a stretch to assume she is hoping to have an ideological impact on young minds.


[Image: tumblr_mwskgvmWEV1qggwnvo1_1280.jpg]

"I used to be a preschool teacher, but I got fired."
“What happened?”
“Well, I decided that I wanted to have a socially conscious class. So we learned about apartheid in South Africa. Then we learned about homelessness. Then we made mother’s day cards for Trayvon Martin’s mom. And I think the principal decided that it was too much for three and four year olds, because she told me I wasn’t a ‘good fit.’ But honestly, I was just shining too bright for them. And now she’s going to see me on Humans of New York, and she’ll be sorry!”

That's not a human. That's a fat poorly dressed chocolate doughnut hole with limbs.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - soup - 05-29-2014

In the future, guys will be called dicked-people, or girls will be called vag'd-people.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Dr. Howard - 05-29-2014

I can't wait for this. Can you imagine how great the video of a bunch of drag queens demonstrating in the streets and clashing with riot cops would be? Men...or used to be men in clown makeup, wigs and sequin dresses screaming, crying and trying to run away from canisters of tear gas? Or a watercannon being turned on a gay pride float that is trying to ram its way into the county records building? Its going to be youtube comedy gold.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - pants - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:35 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:29 PM)pants Wrote:  

Fewer straight males -> less competition

This is faulty and short-sighted thinking.


Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Checkmat - 05-29-2014

It seems like there is an over-representation of transsexuals in the black and Hispanic community.

To the point where when I see an attractive black/latina on Tinder, I have to hesitate and inspect closely before swiping right.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - soup - 05-29-2014

I think are more asian trannies online than any other race [Image: barf.gif]

I did not order an extra egg roll with my dim sum...

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - la_mode - 05-29-2014

Not really a bad thing...the feminists won't know which side to take.

Considering the majority of transgendered are "male-to-female", they're biologically male yet strangely enough, try to be very feminine.

The gays will be upset the attention has shifted to the "T" in LGBT. No one really ever made too big a deal about lesbians (whether butch or femme).

Also, there will be confusion regarding drag queens vs actual transgendered, and most of the public won't know the difference or want to acknowledge they do.

New groups like "genderqueer" will stand up and say they need to be represented, and don't identify with transgendered, but don't identify with gay/lesbian either.

If anything, will make for some good media vaudeville.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - pants - 05-29-2014

That´s my opinion as well. People should be able to be them self, weather its gay/transgender. However what I do have opinions about is weather these people should be allowed to raise children. I´m not saying they shouldn´t have. There need to be done some research weather it´s harming to women.

When you´re traveling Thailand/Philippines as a newcomer, you are like. WTF! Transgender?!
3-4 days later it does´t bother me one bit.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Surreyman - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 02:07 PM)Sailor Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2014 01:33 PM)MattC Wrote:  

You never hear about girls wanting to be guys, do you?

Yes,sometimes,but less often

[Image: blog190410_chaz.jpg]

I would call that downgrading.

Okay you want to be a man, but why do you have to be such a repulsive looking man?

She went from slim blonde girl to overweight, beardless man. Is she going to realise now how fucking shit it is to be an ugly man? 10 years till suicide?

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Surreyman - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 03:23 PM)draguer Wrote:  

Please tell me that image isn't a real proposal for the restructuring of language.

Your comment on schools reminded me of this post from Humans of New York. Here the teacher claims to be 'socially-conscious', but it's not a stretch to assume she is hoping to have an ideological impact on young minds.


[Image: tumblr_mwskgvmWEV1qggwnvo1_1280.jpg]

"I used to be a preschool teacher, but I got fired."
“What happened?”
“Well, I decided that I wanted to have a socially conscious class. So we learned about apartheid in South Africa. Then we learned about homelessness. Then we made mother’s day cards for Trayvon Martin’s mom. And I think the principal decided that it was too much for three and four year olds, because she told me I wasn’t a ‘good fit.’ But honestly, I was just shining too bright for them. And now she’s going to see me on Humans of New York, and she’ll be sorry!”
She had an impact on the chairs too I bet.

Seriously, apartheid and trayvon martin to 3-4 year olds? It's a bit ambitious isn't it? Thank fuck she didn't do maths, she'd be trying to get them to learn calculus. They're 3-4, just teach them not call anyone the 'n word' and leave it at that.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Switch - 05-29-2014

Seriously why can't people just be normal? I don't mind a few gays running around but when people surgically get genitals removed then demand to be treated as normal people it's just too much. Some people just won't stop until we have all morphed into a androgynous neuter-sex and wear only navy-blue jumpsuits and call each other comrade. It's gross.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - void - 05-29-2014

Why most girls don't want to be male? Giving up the pussy pass for second class citizenship is not very appealing, and they know it.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - 2Wycked - 05-29-2014

[Image: jennifer_elia_chaz_bono.jpg]

Would you bang her ex-fiance, Jennifer Elia?

[Image: article-1385389-0BFACAB900000578-5_634x454.jpg]

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Kingsley Davis - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 06:06 PM)void Wrote:  

Why most girls don't want to be male? Giving up the pussy pass for second class citizenship is not very appealing, and they know it.

Men are the new niggers.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Parlay44 - 05-29-2014

Quote: (05-29-2014 01:33 PM)MattC Wrote:  

Why is it always guys that want to be girls? You never hear about girls wanting to be guys, do you?

A sure sign if any that men are becoming emasculated by society.

Men marginalized by society that want some attention and validation. All at the bargain basement price of chopping your dick off and wearing a dress. What's so hard to understand about that?

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Sawyer - 05-29-2014

I looked into the future and discovered how the left is going to pull this one off. It's a bit murky but I see a propaganda campaign that will accuse people who are against transgenderism of being secretly desirous of being transgendered.

I know it sounds crazy, but that's what I see.

Time magazine: the next civil rights movement will be transgenderism - Foolsgo1d - 05-29-2014

They dont chop their dick off, they're trannies. Ladyboys however are more obsessed with female beauty from the mind of a man. Nothing but perfect will fit and they do remove their genitals.

The creature on the front of Time magazine probably has a dick the size of some chicks arm and is on the most extreme side of the bi-sexual scale. They want and love attention from both potential male AND female partners but they are extrmely vain, self-concious and more than likely to attention whore.

They dislike feminists as well so it will be interesting to see how these two sides share to victim status soapbox.