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French language resources and tips - ADarkerNight - 07-20-2014

Quote: (07-20-2014 09:19 AM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Some things Ive been noticing as Im progressing through the French-language universe:

- the French compress A LOT. For instance, in French courses you will be taught to say things like "Est-ce que tu vas au cinema ce soir?" (Are you going to the movies tonight?). In conversation, youre more likely to hear something like "t'vas au cine?" which will blow the mind off a newbie French speaker. This might seem obvious but I find with French it is especially true. The French often engage in this type of speaking: highly informal and compressed. It is one of the reasons why classroom learning is almost always a time waster for learning this language.

- the French speak FAST. Especially the girls and younger people, in general. A good way to practice your French is to seek out older people. They tend to slow down and enunciate their word better. You need to crawl before you can walk, so to speak.

- the Bescherelle is an invaluable tool. The Bescherelle is a compact little textbook full of conjugated French verbs in all tenses. Highly useful.

The compression and talking speed is what really got me when I was in France. Took me months to be able to understand people in Paris.

Parisians make "T'vas au cine" sound like "Tvascine"

But after a few months in Paris, when I went to Provence, I felt completely fluent. They made fun of me for pushing everything together like a Parisian. Everywhere outside of Paris they speak slower and don't slur all the words together.

French is a very structured language. If you learn the grammar and pronunciation rules you will be able to teach yourself the rest just listening to conversations on the metro and going out to talk to people. You can get by with a limited vocabulary and a good grasp of basic phrases and conjugations. Even most native french speakers don't use the more sophisticated french tenses that often.

Also most people speak some English too, especially in Paris. Went to the hospital and all the doctors wanted to practice their English, so I would speak in French and they would answer me in English.

French language resources and tips - Rang off the Pipe - 07-29-2014

Voilà! This is another website that has a lot of pages about grammar and French in general. It's a good resource for specific topics and I even saw a few pages about informal French (J'veux apprends français.) as well.

French language resources and tips - Rang off the Pipe - 10-03-2014

Need help with pronunciation? Look below.

That video is just on "a" sounds (although strangely missing â), but she has other videos on all the vowels and consonants. I found them two days ago and they've been invaluable in helping me to sound more like a native speaker. Two native speakers had said I sound very good last week, but I still checked these films out anyway. There's always room for improvement in this.

French language resources and tips - TrifeLife - 03-02-2018

Here is a seduction blog by a French guy. Just started working my way through Les Meilleurs Articles, not a ton of new information if you've read much of Roosh's blog or heartiste, but because of the subject matter it is still engaging material for reading practice.

French language resources and tips - James Bond Next level - 03-02-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 11:15 AM)TrifeLife Wrote:

Here is a seduction blog by a French guy. Just started working my way through Les Meilleurs Articles, not a ton of new information if you've read much of Roosh's blog or heartiste, but because of the subject matter it is still engaging material for reading practice.

No problem for reading practice, but this guy is a known scammer. So be advised that his articles are copy-paste or plain bullshit.

French language resources and tips - blck - 03-02-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 04:11 PM)James Bond Next level Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 11:15 AM)TrifeLife Wrote:

Here is a seduction blog by a French guy. Just started working my way through Les Meilleurs Articles, not a ton of new information if you've read much of Roosh's blog or heartiste, but because of the subject matter it is still engaging material for reading practice.

No problem for reading practice, but this guy is a known scammer. So be advised that his articles are copy-paste or plain bullshit.

Can you élaborate, heard of him in the news because he gave too much red pill to his suscriber but from what I remember he used to have decent results.

French language resources and tips - Praetor Lupus - 03-02-2018

When learning a new language, I always practice by checking a relevant news site every day. It's a free, regularly updated source of content that's going to be professionally written. Lots also come with video content to help you with listening to the language.

For French, I use France24.

French language resources and tips - 911 - 03-02-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 06:18 PM)Praetor Lupus Wrote:  

When learning a new language, I always practice by checking a relevant news site every day. It's a free, regularly updated source of content that's going to be professionally written. Lots also come with video content to help you with listening to the language.

For French, I use France24.

F24 is kind of a French CNN, with all that it implies.

Let me suggest a couple of alternatives:

TV Libertés - great channel, woke nationalist politics, uncucked "France Profonde" nationalism, A daily news edition anchored by the lovely Elise Blaise:

[Image: yOU1lell_400x400.jpg]

ERTV - Alain Soral's flagship network

Soral is the French E. Michael Jones, sharpest analyst in France on socio-cultural and geopolitical issues. He's a former PUA and Boxe Française expert (traditional kickboxing martial art), and the most persecuted French man alive, #1 globalist target in the country.

[Image: Alain_400x400.jpg]

Sigault is a great French lady and historian, sort of a younger Phyllis Schalfly or Charlotte Yserbit, she's got some tremendous insights on French and European history:

Soral's channel will probably be banned soon. He even has a pro-Trump series, 36 Trump speeches (and counting) subtitled in French:

ERTV is not just a one-man-show, it's also the channel of a publishing powerhouse, with top-notch French contributors like Laurent Guyénot, historian Marion Sigault, journalist Jean-Michel Vernochet, Pierre Hillard, beat reporter Vincent Lapierre, lots of videos here:

and a great collection of books they publish here:

Cercle des Volontaires:

trad-right channel close to the UPR party. Not very active lately but some decent content in years past.

Note that many of these videos can be watched with YT automatic translation subtitles.

French language resources and tips - James Bond Next level - 03-03-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 05:54 PM)blck Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 04:11 PM)James Bond Next level Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 11:15 AM)TrifeLife Wrote:

Here is a seduction blog by a French guy. Just started working my way through Les Meilleurs Articles, not a ton of new information if you've read much of Roosh's blog or heartiste, but because of the subject matter it is still engaging material for reading practice.

No problem for reading practice, but this guy is a known scammer. So be advised that his articles are copy-paste or plain bullshit.

Can you élaborate, heard of him in the news because he gave too much red pill to his suscriber but from what I remember he used to have decent results.

More like too much red bills ! I remember seeing youtube video of former students of his who explained how he charged 2k€ for a weekend and how they learned nothing. He would just say they need more coaching i.e. more money. He is in the same stream of scammer like : their articles are shit, they don't promote masculinity and charge insane again. Just look at their boss in field : masculine-o-meter : 0

They're just there from money and frankly scamming desperate people is really low.

French language resources and tips - Montrose - 03-03-2018

I like this guy, Leo from Philogynes. I met him a couple of times in Paris as we tend to have the same hunting ground.

French language resources and tips - Dalaran1991 - 03-05-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 05:16 AM)Montrose Wrote:  

I like this guy, Leo from Philogynes. I met him a couple of times in Paris as we tend to have the same hunting ground.

He's doing this for fun right? The guy is the bona fide good looking French guy, social circle alone will net him way more than he can handle. His hairstyle could be better as is his casual style, but he's easily a male 9 in terms of look no homo.

French language resources and tips - Montrose - 03-05-2018

For fun and profit. He offers consulting services for a fee. Everytime I saw him he was with a client or prospect.

French language resources and tips - fiasco360 - 03-08-2018

Any solid beginning French resources?

French language resources and tips - Going strong - 03-08-2018

Quote: (03-02-2018 09:17 PM)911 Wrote:  

F24 is kind of a French CNN, with all that it implies.

Let me suggest a couple of alternatives:

TV Libertés - great channel, woke nationalist politics, uncucked "France Profonde" nationalism, A daily news edition anchored by the lovely Elise Blaise:

[Image: yOU1lell_400x400.jpg]

ERTV - Alain Soral's flagship network

Soral is the French E. Michael Jones, sharpest analyst in France on socio-cultural and geopolitical issues. He's a former PUA and Boxe Française expert (traditional kickboxing martial art), and the most persecuted French man alive, #1 globalist target in the country.

Sorry to contradict you (it's a very rare occurrence, as you consistently display an excellent and quite stunning knowledge of French politics, leading me to believe you actually are involved in said politics), but I don't believe Alain Soral is indeed "#1 globalist target in the country". Proof is, Soral is not in jail, even though the Establishment has more than enough to put him in jail, by French law, for a couple of years.

In any case, Soral's obsession with "The Jews", is rather boring, and almost "maladive" (sick). But granted, he is interesting indeed, learned, funny even, in his videos. Funny also is his on-going fight with a famous Israeli hacker, who hacked into Soral's databases, and indulges in, say, legally-dubious phone-call jokes.

But do keep in mind that Soral has not been sent to jail, and neither has the Black anti-Jew dude, Soral's ex-best pal, the (funny, too, truth be told) con-artist Dieudonne. The Establishment uses them as useful-clowns, encouraging them to focus on "The Jews" instead of focusing on African migrants.

For the fun though, Soral's best political pal-turned-foe:

(Funnily enough, you'll notice above that Dieudonne made his name and fortune by working with a Jew, as a comic duo, before turning full anti-Semitic)

Also, WB(aise) Elise Blaise [Image: blush.gif]

French language resources and tips - therealpoder - 03-11-2018

I've started studying French since the first week of the year. I took a few weeks off due to a busy schedule but am pleased with the progress I am making.

It is harder than the other romances languages I have studied (Spanish and Portuguese) due to the pronunciation and spelling but that's it as far as I can tell. The grammar rules are 80 to 90 percent the same and the vocabulary is not more difficult to learn than any other language.

French might be challenging if it is the first foreign language you learn but if you are at least intermediate in another romance language or studied a difficult language (e.g. an Asian language), it shouldn't be that hard.

Fortunately, I have studied Spanish and Japanese in the past so French is not too bad.

I wanted to post this link because this is one of the most thorough list of resources I have seen:

It divides things up by beginner, intermediate and advanced.

French language resources and tips - Dalaran1991 - 03-12-2018

The thing with French is that it is by nature a very "classist" language, just like French society despite all the equality bullshit.

Most people would say I speak French perfectly and personally since I can flirt with and seduce French girls that's all the French I'll ever need.

But in order to live and prosper in France, just speaking French is not enough. There's an inner circle way of speaking French that you will see in most high-level managers or French businessman. If I ever want to make it past the rat race and either become entrepreneur or high management I will need to spend shit ton of time to learn proper enunciation and "diplomatic" speech.

This might well open up new door for gaming as well since French chicks just place so much importance on being "suave".

French language resources and tips - TigerMandingo - 03-13-2018

Funny you mention that French is a classist language. I've found that with Russian, as well. There are basically 2 versions of Russian: the street, commoner variety and the vastly more complex governmental/bureaucratic one. It's my native language but if I read a legal document I'll probably need to consult a dictionary for every other word. If you wish to succeed in Russia, having a strong command of this "elite " version of the language is absolutely necessary (unless you have fame/born into wealth etc.)

French language resources and tips - Ski pro - 03-16-2018

A really good resource that I used is a free podcast called coffee break French.

I had school boy French when I moved out here and this podcast really helped a lot.

There’s over 100 free lessons. Check it out.

French language resources and tips - mikado - 03-16-2018

Quote: (03-03-2018 04:50 AM)James Bond Next level Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 05:54 PM)blck Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 04:11 PM)James Bond Next level Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2018 11:15 AM)TrifeLife Wrote:

Here is a seduction blog by a French guy. Just started working my way through Les Meilleurs Articles, not a ton of new information if you've read much of Roosh's blog or heartiste, but because of the subject matter it is still engaging material for reading practice.

No problem for reading practice, but this guy is a known scammer. So be advised that his articles are copy-paste or plain bullshit.

Can you élaborate, heard of him in the news because he gave too much red pill to his suscriber but from what I remember he used to have decent results.

More like too much red bills ! I remember seeing youtube video of former students of his who explained how he charged 2k€ for a weekend and how they learned nothing. He would just say they need more coaching i.e. more money. He is in the same stream of scammer like : their articles are shit, they don't promote masculinity and charge insane again. Just look at their boss in field : masculine-o-meter : 0

They're just there from money and frankly scamming desperate people is really low.

Thats' true, but I have to say that back in the days, ArtdeSeduire was the shit, in 2006-2009. I actually learnt game with them. Kamal is a scammer on the other hand.

The PUA community in France is still stuck in the dark ages, promoting being the prize, using terms like needy, etc. There is no real masculinity movement, maybe because feminism is way more powerful here than in the US, where there are some places (conservative, rednecks etc) where even the most pro feminists do not dare say a peep.

French language resources and tips - TigerMandingo - 03-17-2018

Quote: (03-16-2018 04:30 PM)mikado Wrote:  

The PUA community in France is still stuck in the dark ages, promoting being the prize, using terms like needy, etc.

To be fair, France never had a need for it. Its women are naturally feminine, flirty, and horny. You don't even need much game (as in try-hard tactics) to fuck a decent-looking chick there.

There's a reason why the biggest PUAs came from the US/Canada.

French language resources and tips - Montrose - 03-17-2018

France is a very feminine country. Women tend to dominate social life and social structures, particularly in the upper classes of society. Social capital is accumulated in the upper classes and bourgeoisie through social networks run by women. Social values are feminine values: pursue pleasure and quality of life rather than competition and productivity. Emotions are more valued than in anglo-saxon cultures. Because of this, feminism is weak in France.

Men appreciate this and play along. Relationships between sexes are relatively harmonious. Most French people prefer spending leisure time with a mixed group of men and women than going to the pub in single sex groups like in England. Men enjoy going shopping with women and are interested in discussing fashion or literature with them.

French language resources and tips - Montrose - 03-17-2018

In a sense, most Frenchmen act like beta orbiters, in the medieval tradition of the Knight servant. Even the most hardened ‘queutard’ (if middle class or higher) will affect to have a few close women friends, because it’s kind of cool, and because it’s socially useful.

This is less true in working class environment, and obviously completely wrong in Muslim communities.