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Conspiracy Theory Thread - Screwston - 01-05-2014

So Columbine shooting was carried out by other guys? I have always thought that shrooms and psychedelics were possibly put here by someone or something else. Anyone who's tripped knows how you're literally in another world and out of your mind for at least a few hours. Maybe this is our way of getting in touch with reality and everyday is one big dream.

Curious about area 51 and any e.t. conspiracies

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sawyer - 01-06-2014

A very well done documentary about the OKC bombing used to be in full length on youtube, but no more. Here is the site:

Back to Sandy Hook:

Conspiracy Theory Thread - AntiTrace - 01-06-2014

Quote: (01-06-2014 07:51 PM)Sawyer Wrote:  

A very well done documentary about the OKC bombing used to be in full length on youtube, but no more. Here is the site:

Back to Sandy Hook:

I must be a bad judge of aging, because I could only see a resemblance in one of those kids.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Captain Gh - 01-06-2014

Quote: (01-01-2014 12:59 PM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

The problem with taking the Red Pill is that once you have done it you start wondering what else is bullshit. And I think this is why there is so much belief in The Deep State in the manosphere. In some cases it leads toward 911 Trutherism. In others HBDism. My opinion is: "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity".

Damn you are so right with this comment!! Everytime I hear something that's so out of the norm I'm asking myself if there's any way that it's true!!

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Kish - 01-10-2014

Food Conspiracy

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Billy Chubbs - 01-10-2014

Quote: (12-27-2013 11:06 AM)ColSpanker Wrote:  

Here's one I've never seen:
It did get nominated for an Oscar when the Ozark Romeo was president. Which had all the Team Blue news reporters sputtering for months.

If you actually watch the whole thing through, it's readily apparent that the US government was entirely in the wrong, and they did murder the Davidians out of malice/to prove their power. Just watch those guys during the committee hearings if you want to see some of examples of bald faced lying.

I also suggest watching some of Rob Ager's videos (he usually posts under Collative Learning on youtube).

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Billy Chubbs - 01-10-2014

Quote: (01-05-2014 06:11 AM)houston Wrote:  

So Columbine shooting was carried out by other guys? I have always thought that shrooms and psychedelics were possibly put here by someone or something else. Anyone who's tripped knows how you're literally in another world and out of your mind for at least a few hours. Maybe this is our way of getting in touch with reality and everyday is one big dream.

Curious about area 51 and any e.t. conspiracies

Shrooms changed my life. I always rolled my eyes at the 'brahs' who tried to tell me about them. "Man it's a whole different world." I'd humour them, thinking that it was just a longer, slightly more extreme high than weed.

First time I took them (2 grams), nothing happened for an hour so I dropped an extra 1.5. I was sure it was all bunk - then around 70 minutes in, it felt like someone tipped a cool bucket of water over my body. Within two hours I was having conversations with the clock. The two people I was doing them with called me into the kitchen, told me to look at the wall and asked me what I saw. I saw a guy dressed like a Victorian gentleman. I told them that, even describing details about him, and they saw the exact same thing, telling me details about him that I didn't tell them to prove it. All three of us saw the exact same thing on a blank white wall.

First trip made a believer. I got my own crop growing all the time.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Screwston - 01-10-2014

Cool billy! I'm not a huge tripper but growing them sounds bad ass. I think I'd be to scared to take peyote or anything that hardcore.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - LowerCaseG - 01-10-2014

[Image: ChristopherDoddandJosefStalin.jpg]

Former Senator Chris Dodd is Joseph Stalin's Bastard son.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Billy Chubbs - 01-10-2014

Quote: (01-10-2014 09:40 PM)houston Wrote:  

Cool billy! I'm not a huge tripper but growing them sounds bad ass. I think I'd be to scared to take peyote or anything that hardcore.

I'm not much of a drug guy myself (even weed is meh for me). Shrooms was spur of the moment. And yeah, I've been offered Acid and stuff before. Never tried; perfectly content with my psilocybin. Once a month, full moon day, drop 4-5 grams, visit the stars for a few hours, ready to plough through another month.

Ha ha, growing them is pretty much the opposite of badass. If there were a Breaking Bad-esque show about shrooms, 99% of the show would be the guy doing what he normally does and every 3-4 days checking the box in his closet to see if anything's growing yet.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - birdie num num - 01-10-2014

CIA involvement in smuggling cocaine into the U.S. in the 1980s.

This was during the CIA sponsored Contra war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Here's a great video of former LAPD detective Mike Ruppert confronting then CIA Director John Deutsch at a townhall meeting in South Central LA. Watch Deutsch squirm like a guilty child when confronted with Ruppert's allegations.

CIA cocaine shipments from Central America were arriving at the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, in Orange County, California. The third in command at the base, Colonel Jim Sabow, caught wind of the conspiracy and was going to go public with the story. Shortly thereafter, he allegedly "committed suicide" and the conspirators were never brought to justice.

Cocaine shipments were also arriving at an isolated airport in Mena, Arkansas, supposedly with the knowledge of then Governor Bill Clinton. Two innocent kids were murdered when they accidentally stumbled upon a shipment. There's plenty more on the web about this little known conspiracy.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - vinman - 01-11-2014

Quote: (01-10-2014 10:45 PM)birdie num num Wrote:  

CIA involvement in smuggling cocaine into the U.S. in the 1980s.

This was during the CIA sponsored Contra war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Here's a great video of former LAPD detective Mike Ruppert confronting then CIA Director John Deutsch at a townhall meeting in South Central LA. Watch Deutsch squirm like a guilty child when confronted with Ruppert's allegations.

CIA cocaine shipments from Central America were arriving at the Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, in Orange County, California. The third in command at the base, Colonel Jim Sabow, caught wind of the conspiracy and was going to go public with the story. Shortly thereafter, he allegedly "committed suicide" and the conspirators were never brought to justice.

Cocaine shipments were also arriving at an isolated airport in Mena, Arkansas, supposedly with the knowledge of then Governor Bill Clinton. Two innocent kids were murdered when they accidentally stumbled upon a shipment. There's plenty more on the web about this little known conspiracy.

I found out about this stuff reading The Clinton Chronicles

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Kish - 02-22-2014

Republican elephant

Conspiracy Theory Thread - tiggaling - 02-22-2014

I don't think CIA drug running can really be considered a conspiracy theory. The drug running of CIA is very well understood and documented.

Thing is, much of these so-called conspiracies are just human nature - power and greed and the lengths that people will go to, to get money and power.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - cardguy - 03-02-2014

In the trial of the Lockerbie bombers - it was said that the bomb was placed inside an unaccopmpanied bag at the airport in Malta.

Long before the trial took place - the allegation was made by Granada (a British TV company) in a docudrama about the case. They ended up being sued by Air Malta for making the allegation.


The programme focused on a bakery in Malta and a Palestinian cell based there. The programme made the same connection as the Sunday Times had done a year earlier – between the fact that the clothes in the bomb suitcase were bought in Malta and the less certain fact that an unaccompanied bag from Malta was loaded onto a Pan Am feeder flight from Frankfurt to London and thence to Pan Am 103. To illustrate this hypothesis, the programme showed a sinister-looking Arab checking in a bag at Malta airport and then sliding surreptitiously away while the plane took off.

This was too much for Air Malta, who sued Granada for libel. Norton Rose, the London commercial solicitors, compiled a huge dossier detailing almost everything about the flight from Malta to Frankfurt on the day of the Lockerbie bombing and proving that all 55 bags checked in on the flight could be ascribed to passengers, none of whom travelled on to London. The evidence was so powerful that Granada settled the action before it got to court. They paid Air Malta £15,000 damages and all the costs of the case. The only time these matters had been tested in a legal action, the Maltese connection to the bomb suitcase was comprehensively demolished.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - cardguy - 03-11-2014

Quote: (12-24-2013 09:06 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

The conspiracy I most believe in is to do with the Lockerbie bombing. A US passenger plane was blown up over a small Scottish village on December 21, 1988 killing 270 people.

Iran were responsible for the bombing - but the Americans blamed Libya instead.

This story is back in the news today since Al Jazeera are running a new documentary on the case. Anyway - all of the information backs up the conspiracy angle as detailed in my longer post earlier in this thread:

The CIA to do this day have always said that Iran (who hired a Syrian terrorist group to carry out the attack) was behind the bombing. But the FBI blamed Libya. And after a phone call between George Bush and Margaret Thatcher - it was agreed for diplomatic reasons (ie not pissing off Syria who had western hostages at the time, and whose support was needed for the upcoming Gulf War) to put the focus on Libya.

The link with western hostages is an interesting one. Since exactly 5 days after America announced that Libya was behind the bombing - Terry Waite (a very famous UK hostage) was released. Terry Waite was being held by Hizbollah - a terrorist gorup which was backed by Iran.

At the time Libya was a pariah state - but in order to re-enter the diplomatic community, about ten years later - Gaddaffi agreed to admit guilt in order to normalise relations with other countries. Even though soon afterwards his son admitted it was a lie told in order for Libya to be allowed to sell oil to the west again.

I am not a 9/11 'truther' myself. But it does open your eyes quite a bit to the corruption of western governments that they would enact a conspiracy to lie about the worse case of terrorism to ever affect the UK. And the worse case of terrorism to ever affect America (at lease until 9/11).

Strangely enough - I am reading a book about the build up to 9/11. And the book details the rise of Islamic extremism in America and the many bad decisions and errors which took place to allow this threat to go unchecked. A large part of this was due to the incredible rivalry between the FBI and he CIA. Which culminated in the FBI being sent in to arrest members of the CIA for their handling of the Iran-Conra affair.

In the aftermath of that scandal - senior members of the CIA were replaced by senior members of the FBI.

One of the long forgotten decisions was a liberal ammendment that congressman Barney Frank introduced to a bill in the 80's which allowed members of terrorist groups to obtain visas to live in America.

At the time Barney Frank argued it was a violation of human rights for simple membership of a terrorist group to be a reason to deny a visa to enter America. As long as no criminal acts had been committed by such a terrorist member.

Post 9/11 this is an amazing piece of legislation to consider.

Although one imagines the main reason for it at the time was to open the door for Gerry Adams and other members of Sein Fein (and the IRA) to enter America.

The other interesting detail in the book I am reading concerns the warning that The Mossad passed on to the CIA. They actually told the CIA that a plane travelling from Frankfurt to America would be blown up by terrorists in the following two weeks.

And that is exactly what happened. The plane which blew up over the small Scottish town of Lockerbie was flying from Frankfurt to Miami - killing 270 people. And the attack took place within two weeks of the CIA being warned by The Mossad.

If that wasn't bad enough - three of those who were killed on the flight were CIA officers flying home for the Christmas holidays.

To have three members of the world's most famous and most powerful secret service killed in a plane bombing despite receiving a specific warning that this would happen marks an all-time low in bureaucratic incompetence.

Anyway - with all that as a backdrop (and do check my earlier post if you are interested in more information) - here are the details from a former Iranian spy admitting responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing. It is a the centrepiece of the new documentary from Al Jazeera. It was the main story on the Telegraph website earlier today.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - tiggaling - 03-11-2014

Conspiracy Theory Thread - MidniteSpecial - 03-11-2014 has some cool conspiracy articles.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sp5 - 03-13-2014

Quote: (03-11-2014 02:20 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Quote: (12-24-2013 09:06 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

The conspiracy I most believe in is to do with the Lockerbie bombing. A US passenger plane was blown up over a small Scottish village on December 21, 1988 killing 270 people.

Iran were responsible for the bombing - but the Americans blamed Libya instead.

This story is back in the news today since Al Jazeera are running a new documentary on the case. Anyway - all of the information backs up the conspiracy angle as detailed in my longer post earlier in this thread:

The CIA to do this day have always said that Iran (who hired a Syrian terrorist group to carry out the attack) was behind the bombing. But the FBI blamed Libya. And after a phone call between George Bush and Margaret Thatcher - it was agreed for diplomatic reasons (ie not pissing off Syria who had western hostages at the time, and whose support was needed for the upcoming Gulf War) to put the focus on Libya. . . . <snip>

Anyway - with all that as a backdrop (and do check my earlier post if you are interested in more information) - here are the details from a former Iranian spy admitting responsibility for the Lockerbie bombing. It is a the centrepiece of the new documentary from Al Jazeera. It was the main story on the Telegraph website earlier today.

I watched the Al Jazeera documentary. I thought some of it was questionably sourced.

But the documentary and the reliably-neoconservative Telegraph story are parts of an open conspiracy - to establish a media environment for an attack on Iran when the current negotiations fail. When, not if.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sawyer - 03-17-2014

Sandy Hook is about to be busted wide open.



1. Who directed the New Haven FBI field offices to classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting on Dec 14, 2012?

2. Why and for what reason would the FBI classify the Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting when they did not classify the Columbine shooting which also was a Mass casualty shooting incident?

3. Who on Dec 14, 2012 was the Incident Commander as required by the Federal Emergency Management Administration in directing the Mass Casualty Shooting Incident at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?
• Who on Dec 14, 2012 at the Incident Command Center made the ordering of Porta Potties a high priority since they were delivered within 3 hours of the school shooting? Never ever heard off.
• Who ordered those Port Potties from Southbury, Ct?
• When I called the Porta Pottie Company after searching for over a week as to who and when they were ordered I was told that it is classified and they are not allowed to share that information with me.
• The next morning I received a phone call from the Southbury Police Department at my home telling me not to call that company again since I was harassing them.
• High priority for toilets but not for Life Star Trauma helicopters or paramedics.

4. Who and Why did they not request the Life Star Helicopters knowing that children and school staff are seriously injured and clinging to life?

5. Who and Why did they not allow the Paramedics and the EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook School to treat the seriously injured or those children and school staff clinging to life?

6. Who declared all 18 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first 8 minutes?

7. Who was the Certified Environmental Bio-Hazard Decontamination company contracted by the Newtown Public Schools to remove 45-65 gallons of blood, skull fragments, brain tissues, bodily fluids, blood soaked carpets and any other decontaminated are a inside the Sandy Hook School?

8. Why does an off duty Lt from the Newtown Police Department refuse to leave his off duty work assignment at a construction site on Dec 14, 2012 when hearing that shots have been fired at the Sandy Hook Elementary School?

9. Who at the Newtown Public Schools notified all of the parents in writing as required by CT law that had children attending the Sandy Hook Elementary School as well as every school staff member every school year of all the potential life threatening chemical hazards. The school had high levels of lead paint throughout the entire school, Asbestos in the ceiling time and floor tile, asbestos in the insulation and most of all the school had very high levels of PCB?

10. Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15-mile drive?

11. Who treated those two children who had been shot multiple times like three to 11 times since they did not allow the paramedics and EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook Elementary School?

12. Why did the parents of the two children who died at the Danbury hospital not allow their children to donate their organs to other children waiting for the gift of life?

13. What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012?

14. Who was the police officer calling into the Newtown Police dispatcher stating in his words that he has multiple weapons, he has a rifle and a shotgun and who has the rifle and the shotgun as the chain of evidence should show that was found in classroom eight (8)?

15. Why would a police officer by the name of Lt Vangehle at 9:45:21 am on Dec 14, 2012 from the Newtown Police Department after finding a kindergarten female child in the hallway make her go into room eight (8) and leave her? Room eight is a gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. Why?

16. Why would two CT State Troopers enter room ten (10) at 9:55:31 am on Dec 14, 2012 which is a gruesome crime scene with dead bodies of children and school staff and tell a kindergarten boy who they find in the bathroom who’s name is redacted and tell them so it must be more than one to stay and they will be both back when it is safe?

Please all focus on those sixteen questions then we will move to the next set of questions.

The Website

Also, another great video about Sandy Hook:

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sawyer - 03-21-2014

This is one of the strangest videos I have seen in some time:

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Van Zan - 03-21-2014

Waco: The Rules of Engagment

Makes a good case for the events that transpired there being much different than the official account of Man-in-dress Attorney General Janet Reno.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - cardguy - 03-22-2014

What is the deal with the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracies?

Can somebody explain it to me in a simple way?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sawyer - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 05:39 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

What is the deal with the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracies?

Can somebody explain it to me in a simple way?

It's a simple false flag. History is filled with false flags. It's a perfect way to get what you want, and the NWO desperately wants American guns.

Nobody trusts the US mass media anymore. For most Americans it started with the nonsensical story of the the Kennedy assassination.

And the modern doozy of them all:

So all of this has Americans very skeptical of mass media operations. So when this appeared, for many it was obvious what was going on:

It's a magic trick. You ought to know how easy it is to manipulate people. Watch the Sofia Smallstorm video and the myriad of others. It was intended to garner massive support for gun confiscation.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Patriarch - 03-24-2014

The author believes that the European Union is the "4th Kingdom" which was foretold to fall and be reborn (Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome), in other words, the rebirth of the Roman Empire. Apparently our hate for the EU's policies is not unfounded, for the antichrist shall rise from one of its member nations.

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]