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THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 06-30-2013

Ok just went through the thread on NN forum and I'm going to clear some things up.

We drink damn near EVERY night, we get up and most times train hungover. We go grab food and get numbers while we are out. We pipeline girls online and message then on our phones when we meet them. We have a whole system for getting them over and scheduling them back to back.

We talk game, philosophy, travel, and then we go on our mini dates and bang some more before meeting back up.

I'm at 87 new notches according to my notes since feb 11 (checked my passport).

007, you seemed to back off from your earlier criticisms somewhat but let me make it more clear for you, there is NO conflict between living a healthy life and gaming 24/7.

You go get groceries and you game the cashier or girl behind the deli, you get your groceries. You walk into 711 and buy a water and flirt with the girl buying "essence of chicken".

You go to the gym to train and you bullshit with the guy running the place while a girl on the treadmill pretends not to be listening to what you're saying.

When you have desire and you're physically cable of carrying out those desires it's not a big deal.

It's standard operating procedure.

Also rockingforever, the guy spent a lot of time in Thailand, he makes that clear. How are you in the same post going to say he's not spending enough time in one place or other to do x or y?

You're an idiot.

No wonder you've been banned from RVF what, 6 times now?

Also let me blow your minds even further. Truedat is making higher numbers than THC or myself.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Sp5 - 06-30-2013

I was out with Fisto and the awesome Chris last night. Now I am a couple weeks short of 57, so the clubs are not my natural habitat, hadn't been in one for years. So it was an expedition for me, and very entertaining to watch the action.

First, I know "deserving's got nothing to do with it," but these guys deserve their success. When I meet up with Chris and then Fisto comes in, Fisto's got two girls with him. These are upper class, one's an entrepreneur, very attractive, smart and sweet. You can see the mutual respect and admiration in Fisto's relationship with her.

It was funny reading the NN thread, and the 007 charge in several different spellings of "sycopath." There was nothing psychopathic that I saw - Fisto and Chris are fully emotionally developed complex individuals. There's nothing to apologize for. Fisto is adding value/meaning to these girl's lives. That's the way we all should think of it.

These clubs are not some whoremonger bars - they are high-end. Fisto works and games the front door staff to not only get in on a break, but to get the best possible reception and set the frame.

The first place we went to (Palladium?) there's a whole crew of Asians and Caucasians drinking Moet straight out of magnums or jeroboams. They were in their own world. We weren't making much progress there and the quality and ambiance was not optimal, so we moved on to Prive - which was an order of magnitude better.

Fisto has a social circle in this Manila club world now - people know him. Just the physical presence these guys bring draws attention, too. They work the room, but not in an obvious way.

I know I should make more approaches, but I limit myself and approach this Filipina in her 40s who's pretty animated, says she hadn't been out for years. Now, she's impressed with these guys, too; told me Fisto "scared" her, which we all know means . . . . I get her number, but her cockblocking friend makes sure she does not leave with me.

What got me was how both Fisto and Chris got their closes quickly and at the end of the night, after 4 am. I see Chris making out with this one girl and takes her out and then Fisto basically cavemans this girl at the table and gets her out of the club.

Good times.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 06-30-2013

First club was Hive. We went to the VIP section and were knee deep in a private party. I think as they became more drink and social we would have been fine. I left my iPhone there so I stopped by on the way home to get it I got that little girl's number that hosted us as we entered.

Sp5 is newly back in the game but did a great job of adapting to a new atmosphere. You didn't look out of place at all and did a great job of involving the tables next to us.

Because I left my phone at the previous venue I had to give my number to that busty Persian girl. I found her to be very sexy.

The girl I cavemanned has this love hate relationship with me. She loves to protest about leaving to go home with me but then protests about leaving my place when I say I've got things to do.

Such is the nature of women. I'm interested to see how that girl plays out for you. I thought she was very attractive and wouldn't have guessed 40.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - WanderingSoul - 06-30-2013

007 had a great thread over at NN. It's too bad he deleted it because it was hilarious. Virtually every girl he dance/kissed/fucked was a 9 or a 10. I'm not exaggerating. He rarely gave a rating below 9. Of course, anyone in the game knows this is bullshit.

His stories were not unbelievable for someone with very good game and confidence, except that every girl was model quality, and he supposedly had multiple top tier girls falling all over him several times per night, asking him if he's a professional dancer and shit like that. Anytime someone starts throwing 9's and 10's around like candy, I get suspicious.

He ended up posting a photo with two girls he had a threesome with. After grilling him to get a rating of the two girls, he pegged them at a 6 and 8.5/9 in the photos, but said that the 6 was a 7 in real life. So he had a threesome with a 7 and a 8.5/9. Now, this is for sure possible. Dudes out there have done this, and far better. I don't doubt for a second that guys can pull in this manner. HOWEVER, the girls he posted were a 5, and a 6.5 or BORDERLINE 7. Nothing to hate on at all, except for the fact he's been spouting about all of the 9's and 10's that are in love with him. As it turns out, his 9 is a normal persons 6.5, as I suspected.

He also claims to be a millionaire and retired already in his mid 20s. Again, this is entirely possible. However, he previously posted a bunch of posts under the Van of Victory screen name, where he was spending a few months living in the back of a van with another dude. Totally possible. Even a millionaire might like to live in a van with another dude and travel across Europe. I get it. However, his friend ended up having a mural painted on the side of the van, and he started a thread asking if he should make his friend pay for it. Ok, maybe it is out of principle, but if I was a millionaire I wouldn't give a fuck about the couple of grand I lost over some piece for shit van I used to drive across Europe in.

What I do know is, if I were a millionaire, I sure as fuck wouldn't be wearing Zara shirts anymore. The guy constantly talks about his super slim fit Zara shirts and how he has 20 of them all in different colors. The fuck kind of millionaire wears $40 shirts? Bro, you travel the world banging 9's and 10's as a twenty something year old millionaire, and you can't cough up the dough for a decent shirt?

[Image: the-best-of-the-skeptical-3rd-world-kid-meme.jpg]

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - WanderingSoul - 06-30-2013

Oh, and THC is legit. Him, Scotian and Fisto are all legit dudes you could get wasted with, chase fat chicks and still have a good time.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - TravelHardcore - 06-30-2013

Getting people in a debate over whether or not it's even possible what you did and leaving them in disbelief... I take that as a compliment.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - TravelHardcore - 06-30-2013

Continuing with some story telling...

Epic welcome to Manila

After traveling with Soma, Scotian and Hallasan in Phuket, it was time to pick a new destination. I had already been to the Phils 2 times so I was a bit reluctant to go back rather then exploring a new place. But Fisto had been dropping me hints on how awesome of a time he was having in Manila and since his birthday was coming up I decided to fly over to celebrate with him.

My day started out pretty shitty. From Bangkok I booked the cheapest flight to "Manila" I could find without really checking the airport. So when I arrived late at night I found out I was at Clarck International Airport rather then Manila International Airport. This is about a 3 hour ride from where I had to be (Makati). Moreover, my cell phone was dead, I didn't have any Pesos and ALL the ATM's in the airport were out of service. LUCKILY I had some dollars left I could exchange so I could buy a ticket for the last departing bus to Makati.

I finally arrived at Fisto's place at 3 AM, dropped all my luggage at the reception, charged my phone and gave him a call:

"We are already at the after party, come to club Time".

As I get out the taxi, I barely have the time to process what's going on.

Fisto is waiting outside the club with this hot Pinay girl on his arm, I get introduced to Truedat and bunch of other people. We walk past the bouncers like he owns the place and I have a drink in my hand before I realize I'm inside the club.

"Wait, I got you a welcome gift" and I get a small plastic bag stuffed into my hand: "Boom, you're not sleeping tonight."

"Oh also, meet these girls that are also hanging with us."

So litteraly 20 minutes after arrival, I'm drunk, high and hooked up with a girl. She told me I look like Vin Diesel and I told her she loos like Jessica Rabbit, the only thing I could come up with cause she's wearing this sexy skin tight red dress.

Later Fisto, his girl, me and Jessica Rabbit return to Fisto's place with the plan to go swimming. In an excellent display of wingmanship, Fisto takes his girl and leaves us alone in his room for some bull shit reason.

"Do you think your friend would mind if we..." - Shhhhht, no words. Only love.

I bang her in his room (thanks again) and join him outside by the pool for some more beers.

This is as good as any arrival party can get: alcohol, illegal substances and pussy on the house, topped of by chilling in the sun at a rooftop swimming pool.

Okay Manila, I'm ready to rediscover you.

Oh by the way, this was not even the actual birthday party.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Architekt - 06-30-2013

Ok guys, I'm definitely headed to SEA this year. It was on the cards before, but this thread completely sold me.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 06-30-2013

Quote: (06-29-2013 03:51 PM)The Pirate Wrote:  

I`d assume a guy that according to his data sheets does very well with woman no matter where he goes, doesn`t give a fuck abt what people one a forum think of him... He is probably not coming on for affirmation but just to share some funny stories even if this "achievements thing" seems a little lame to me. I have never met any of you guys, but I enjoy reading the stories and that`s all that counts.

The achievements unlocked is us fucking around. You bang a 711 girl, that's an achievement, you bang any girl under some strange circumstance, definitely an achievement.

So in that vein, some circumstances are more noteworthy than others, like banging 30 girls in 30 days. or just 7 in 7.

It's also a good way of highlighting certain things. We have been forgetting half the shit that happens.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - The Pirate - 06-30-2013

Some people chase for these achievements. I sometimes wonder if they`d enjoy the sex as much as the pad on the back they get on here. It just seems weak, and generally I am not a big fan of people seeking affirmation. Getting pussy in Asia is hardly an achievement, the hard thing is to actually find a good fuck, not a "sack of potatoes"


The Party Pooper

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - thegmanifesto - 06-30-2013

Quote: (06-29-2013 04:04 PM)TravelHardcore Wrote:  

Scotian pointed me to an interesting read on the NaughtNomad forum G Manifesto [Edit: THC] is indeed full of shit

Apparently someone on the NN forum thinks I'm G manifesto. Well, I'm not.


This is great.

Now people are "doubting" me for things I didn't even write!

I think the Internet just came full circle.

TravelHardcore, you are now breathing some rarefied air.

Internet "doubters" are the best.

Quote:007 Game Wrote:

Someone with a pathology that needs to be seriously examined by professionals.
Quote:007 Game Wrote:

So he's either a liar or a phycopat or both.
Quote:007 Game Wrote:

Or as I said, he's a very sick individual with absolutely no life.

Damn those are pretty good.

Who gets to take credit for those?

Quote: (06-30-2013 01:36 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

We drink damn near EVERY night, we get up and most times train hungover. We go grab food and get numbers while we are out. We pipeline girls online and message then on our phones when we meet them. We have a whole system for getting them over and scheduling them back to back.

And this is how you swoop a ton of girls.

You just have to put the work in.

I have never understood why so many people have so much trouble "believing" that hard work, perseverance and persistence actually gets results.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Viagra_Falls - 06-30-2013

This may be nitpicking, but can you guys please not abbreviate Southeast Asia as SEA? SEA is the common abbreviation for Seattle (and the airport code), and home to the most undesirable big-city women in the USA. It opens the door for unnecessary ambiguity.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - TheBulldozer - 06-30-2013

It's common sense that no one here is making plans to hit up Seattle to bang girls.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - thegmanifesto - 06-30-2013

Quote: (06-30-2013 10:15 PM)MaleDefined Wrote:  

It's common sense that no one here is making plans to hit up Seattle to bang girls.

True, but maybe someone could get the FSU Threads confused and end up taking a trip to Florida State University.

[Image: fsugirls.jpg]

[Image: albumpicture.php?albumid=3050&pictureid=28286]

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Sp5 - 07-01-2013

Quote: (06-30-2013 05:49 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I'm interested to see how that girl plays out for you. I thought she was very attractive and wouldn't have guessed 40.

Ha, you are not an expert in spotting those crow's feet and incipient neck wattles in 30-plus women, as I am. Self-limiting, I know, but to avoid Dirty Old Man syndrome. Also, they are easier and I am lazy.

[Image: AJLI.jpg]

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 07-01-2013

Gmanifesto does this sound familiar? You've got one set of guys claiming what we are doing is impossible and another set like the pirate saying its not an achievement.

Both are a product of envy and spite. On group is projecting their own defeats and inadequacy while the other is minimizing to make what they don't have seem more palatable.

We are not doing anything for anyone except ourselves. We report how we roll because we like the guys we have a kindred spirit with.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - worldwidetraveler - 07-01-2013

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:23 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Gmanifesto does this sound familiar? You've got one set of guys claiming what we are doing is impossible and another set like the pirate saying its not an achievement.

Both are a product of envy and spite. On group is projecting their own defeats and inadequacy while the other is minimizing to make what they don't have seem more palatable.

We are not doing anything for anyone except ourselves. We report how we roll because we like the guys we have a kindred spirit with.

I wouldn't pay attention to RockingForever, er, I mean The Pirate. You guys keep having fun and enjoying yourselves. At the end of the day, we really only have our experiences to look back on and you guys should be good for some time. heh

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Soma - 07-01-2013

Quote: (06-30-2013 09:03 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

TravelHardcore, you are now breathing some rarefied air.

Layer Cake reference?

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 07-01-2013

So the pirate is rockingforever?

Ah now I see what true strength is.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Prosal - 07-01-2013

Quote: (06-28-2013 09:52 AM)TravelHardcore Wrote:  

The language barrier is a bit higher, that's why it's good to learn some Indonesian, it is really easy to pick up. Also use your smart phone's translator (google translate app) to find some words / phrases..

IMO there is no real language barrier in Indonesia. Many people, and even those with modest jobs, speak a bit english. About girls, it depends what is your target group. If it is kampung girls, you are right, language barrier is high but if your target group is middle class/upper middle class chicks, in my experience most are able to speak english, and sometimes very very well. Much more so than in Thailand. And in the JKT elite cosmopolitan bowels, everyone speaks a quasi-fluent english (most upper-class young indonesians go to study abroad).

I find that by and large, Indonesian girls are rather learned, witty, worldly and smart. Contrary to their Thai and Philippina cousins. More attractive also, but this is another subject.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - xmlenigma - 07-01-2013

Hard to digest.. but fact is.. Its possible if you have the energy to keep up & moving at this pace.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - The Pirate - 07-01-2013

Quote: (07-01-2013 12:23 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Gmanifesto does this sound familiar? You've got one set of guys claiming what we are doing is impossible and another set like the pirate saying its not an achievement.

Both are a product of envy and spite. On group is projecting their own defeats and inadequacy while the other is minimizing to make what they don't have seem more palatable.

We are not doing anything for anyone except ourselves. We report how we roll because we like the guys we have a kindred spirit with.

So this is what it is about? If you don`t agree with us you are against us? I have given you a rep point for your SEA-thread, and it`s one of the threads I visit daily, and enjoyed many of your stories. You know, just because not everyone worship everything you do doesn`t mean they envy you. If these achievements are giving you fulflllment then I am happy for you. Would you care for these achievements if you rolled solo and didn`t have a forum to report back to? Probably not, and that`s why I think it`s weak.

Am I Thailand Rocstar?


THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Duke Castile - 07-01-2013

What is it with you and these extremes you vacillate between. No ones asking for your worship and I never said anything about that.

Your comments are spiteful. I just got through saying these "achievements" are our way of screwing around and you're on the thread ridiculing guys for being guys and having fun.

Go take the rep point back if it makes you feel better.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - Vicious - 07-01-2013

I'm waiting for a first of the month monster coming on here and saying how you guys are actually empty inside and just try to fill the hole in your soul by with meaningless sex.

I'd have fun with that.

THC's 150 Notch SEA Tour [Updated] - The Pirate - 07-01-2013

@ Fisto

The rep point was not to get a "thank you" or to make me a saint. It was just simply calling you out on saying I am being envious, because I am not. I see I am now only spiteful. I can live with that.

PS. I have only registered once on this forum. The paranoia has gotten to you all claiming I am someone else. Save your energy...