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Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Timoteo - 05-26-2013

I'd say smart. Not necessarily so smart where she feels the need to turn a simple conversation into a competition or battle (though sometimes even that can create the tingles you need for the bang), but I'd rather have someone I can engage. Dealing with dumb ones can be like pulling teeth.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - FourToTheFloor - 05-26-2013

In my experience, smart girls often have way too high of an opinion of themselves. They shit test relentlessly and never let you have the last word.

They overestimate their SMV because they are smart, and even believe their intelligence makes up for physical inadequacy.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - WestIndianArchie - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 01:22 PM)FourToTheFloor Wrote:  

In my experience, smart girls often have way too high of an opinion of themselves. They shit test relentlessly and never let you have the last word.

They overestimate their SMV because they are smart, and even believe their intelligence makes up for physical inadequacy.

So who's easier?

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Samseau - 05-26-2013

This poll makes me wonder some things about this forum. Dumb girls are much easier.

First off, like Soup said, there's no such thing as a genuinely intelligent woman. Creative thought, wisdom, prudence - these are strictly male attributes.

What you have instead are high IQ girls, so although they learn quickly and can memorize complex topics, they are unable to piece the information they have together into a cohesive whole.

Second, although high IQ girls have the ability to parry conversation, come up with interesting observations, and may be mildly more entertaining, most of the time they think they know more than they really do, are way too self-conscious, and have much more LMR.

Conversely, dumb girls may be a little boring, but they are much easier to game. Consider:

- No need to listen to them
- You can talk most of the time while they listen in amazement
- Looser inhibitions, more likely to drink, do drugs, have sex, etc.
- Less shit-testing, most dumb girls give ridiculously childish shit-tests such as whether or not you REALLY like her hair or are just pretending

Meeting a hot dumb girl is like striking gold. Getting laid is just a matter of keeping them distracted while you get them into a bedroom. Too fucking easy, most of the time they have no idea what's even going on.

Smart girls are gonna ask, "Where are we going, why are we going there, I don't know if I should get in your car, did you put anything in my drink, shit-test shit-test shit-test"

Honestly, if someone tells me smart girls are easier then my best guess is they have a lack of experience with dumb girls (or girls in general).

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - FourToTheFloor - 05-26-2013

Definitely dumb girls, they don't question everything you say.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Basil Ransom - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:02 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

This poll makes me wonder some things about this forum. Dumb girls are much easier.

First off, like Soup said, there's no such thing as a genuinely intelligent woman. Creative thought, wisdom, prudence - these are strictly male attributes.

What you have instead are high IQ girls, so although they learn quickly and can memorize complex topics, they are unable to piece the information they have together into a cohesive whole.

Second, although high IQ girls have the ability to parry conversation, come up with interesting observations, and may be mildly more entertaining, most of the time they think they know more than they really do, are way too self-conscious, and have much more LMR.

Conversely, dumb girls may be a little boring, but they are much easier to game. Consider:

- No need to listen to them
- You can talk most of the time while they listen in amazement
- Looser inhibitions, more likely to drink, do drugs, have sex, etc.
- Less shit-testing, most dumb girls give ridiculously childish shit-tests such as whether or not you REALLY like her hair or are just pretending

Meeting a hot dumb girl is like striking gold. Getting laid is just a matter of keeping them distracted while you get them into a bedroom. Too fucking easy, most of the time they have no idea what's even going on.

Smart girls are gonna ask, "Where are we going, why are we going there, I don't know if I should get in your car, did you put anything in my drink, shit-test shit-test shit-test"

Honestly, if someone tells me smart girls are easier then my best guess is they have a lack of experience with dumb girls (or girls in general).

Dumb girls want you to talk to them, yet they can't maintain a conversation. It's like, "bitch I'm supposed to talk to you for an hour or two before you'll be comfortable coming home with me, but I'll never last that long. I'm out."

As for shit tests, the moment you stop feeling obligated to answer them is the moment they stop mattering. Smart girls love guys who check off the boxes but are still animals. Clever conversation interspersed with aggressive escalation. You're a caveman in a suit groping bitches, and she is completely confused. And wet. It's easier to play that game than to out-meathead the meatheads, and it works better on smart girls.

Besides, I don't meet that many dumb girls. Most are college educated and middle to upper middle class.

Have you never met a woman who you thought was smarter than you?

[Image: malehamster.gif]

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-26-2013

But Samseau, that's not what the topic is about. A smart girl will shit test you all the time, but if you pass the tests (which is, imo, not hard or unusual), she will jump into bed with you as soon as they are passed. She is smart, therefore more independent, self-confident and whatnot. Consider this as well:

A dumb girl, on the other hand, won't test you so much, but is more likely to hold conservative attitudes. It doesn't matter that she is not shit testing you if she is fearful about what will happen if she gives in and has sex early. It would be interesting to see a study correlating IQ and number of partners, but the most chaste women (oxymoron, I know) that I have known from my early days were all rather dull. Nowadays, most of them haven't been on the carousel much and are married with kids, while smart girls are still posting instagram photos from their latest club adventures and whining about how there are no good men left.

That said, I repeat my disclaimer that most girls are either smart of think of themselves as smart, which is practically the same. It's the attitude and motivation, not the IQ.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - WestIndianArchie - 05-26-2013

This conversation is going way better than I thought it would

I really want to see the dumb girl datasheet.


Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Excelsior - 05-26-2013

I think my definition of "smart" is going to differ from some of the ones used in here. I've spent the past four years embedded in the Ivy League around girls that are truly considered some of the "smartest" on the planet. I've also had some time to compare to to the girls who are, supposedly, the relatively "dumb" girls (normal chicks who go to less selective "normal" four-year/two-year schools and girls who didn't go to college at all).

My conclusion: I'll take the "dumb" girls for the following reasons:

1. They're actually not "dumb". One thing my time in the Ivies has taught me is that a fancy degree and a high SAT score may make for a "smarter" person on paper, but not necessarily in life. It certainly doesn't make for a better romantic partner.

2. Most of the feminists you guys complain about will come from the "smart girl" crew I deal with at schools like this on a regular basis. Places like Yale, Harvard, Brown, and the like are ground-zero for the modern feminists we've all come to be weary of. Delusion is significantly more common among the "smart girls".

3. Schools like mine are ground-zero for the type of girl who becomes the "Sex and the City" archetype, chasing career or cock during her prime years and settling down much later. The most vocal proponents of this kind of mating strategy are "smart girls". I've also never been around women so opposed to dating/relationships-you will find the most vocal opposition to such things among "smart girls". Even my state-school peers enjoy more normal, healthy casual relationships than I see here. Here in the land of the "smart girls", people are either strictly hooking up (with the girl going out of her way not to confirm the notion that she's in a relationship) or they're practically married (flying across country to meet one another, meeting each other's relatives, etc) . There is none of the normal, more casual in between ("just dating") that everyone else enjoys. "Smart girls" don't like it.

4. Race. As a black male, my race has never been as romantically relevant as it has been up here among the "smart girls". As a youth I would always hear stories about being a black guy walking down the street and actually seeing white girls crossing the street just to avoid you and coming back as you pass by. I'd heard the stories and believed them, but never had I experienced such blatant racial phobia. That changed when I came to my school to hang around these "smart girls". I've honestly never felt more feared in my life. I've had girls cross the street on me like that more than once, and seen a few actually run away (I mean REALLY run) on multiple occasions. This includes asian and hispanic girls too, it isn't just a white thing. I've never been in an environment where black men had such a difficult time dating outside of their race.

Even the black girls here (supposedly the cream of the minority crop) are something else. My time here marked the first time I'd ever run into black girls who couldn't stand black men. It was like dealing with one of those white girls Houston posts in the Internet Dating Profile thread who insists "No black guys, please"...but these girls are black!

Popular belief has always pointed to the notion that the racists/intolerant folks were almost exclusively among the "dumber" people and that the glorious Northern intellectual elite were paragons of tolerance and understanding. After four years of experience to the contrary, I hereby call shenanigans on that entire philosophy.

5. This is entirely accurate:

Quote: (05-26-2013 01:22 PM)FourToTheFloor Wrote:  

In my experience, smart girls often have way too high of an opinion of themselves. They shit test relentlessly and never let you have the last word.

They overestimate their SMV because they are smart, and even believe their intelligence makes up for physical inadequacy.

Again, the congregations of "smart girls" are ground zero for such delusion.

TL;DR: Most of what I wrote above applies to a pretty specific group of women: Mostly American, Ivy League-caliber types. I won't speak on the similarly "smart" women who exist overseas who could be of higher personal quality (don't know enough about them), but as far as the stereotypically "smart" American girls I'm talking about go, I'll pass. Give me a cute, middle-class state-school grad without the fancy degree and "smart" test scores any day. I find them FAR easier to deal with on every level.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Basil Ransom - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Give me a cute, middle-class state-school grad without the fancy degree and "smart" test scores any day. I find them FAR easier to deal with on every level.

In relative terms, that girl is still smart.

Girls at state schools are probably at about IQ 110-120 - also the range with the highest density of cute girls I'd guess.

I'd say that's bright enough for most purposes, but there are a lot of girls who are decently smart on paper, but have been socialized to be retarded in person.

My hunch is that a hot smart girl had the choice of hanging out with hot average girls or smart nerdy girls, and she chose the first group. More attractive people are treated differently, so a hot smart girl may have more mannerisms in common with hot ditzes than smart nerds.

Hot girls that were late bloomers are noticeably more intelligent in conversation, usually, because their peer group wasn't ditzes. Or they weren't even late bloomers, they just elected to pick their friends based on intelligence/compatibility, instead of status.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - WestIndianArchie - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I think my definition of "smart" is going to differ from some of the ones used in here. I've spent the past four years embedded in the Ivy League around girls that are truly considered some of the "smartest" on the planet. I've also had some time to compare to to the girls who are, supposedly, the relatively "dumb" girls (normal chicks who go to less selective "normal" four-year/two-year schools and girls who didn't go to college at all).

You've mentioned this Ivy League issue before.

So describe an interaction with a "dumb" girl.


Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Deluge - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

4. Race. As a black male, my race has never been as romantically relevant as it has been up here among the "smart girls". As a youth I would always hear stories about being a black guy walking down the street and actually seeing white girls crossing the street just to avoid you and coming back as you pass by. I'd heard the stories and believed them, but never had I experienced such blatant racial phobia. That changed when I came to my school to hang around these "smart girls". I've honestly never felt more feared in my life. I've had girls cross the street on me like that more than once, and seen a few actually run away (I mean REALLY run) on multiple occasions. This includes asian and hispanic girls too, it isn't just a white thing. I've never been in an environment where black men had such a difficult time dating outside of their race.

Even the black girls here (supposedly the cream of the minority crop) are something else. My time here marked the first time I'd ever run into black girls who couldn't stand black men. It was like dealing with one of those white girls Houston posts in the Internet Dating Profile thread who insists "No black guys, please"...but these girls are black!

Popular belief has always pointed to the notion that the racists/intolerant folks were almost exclusively among the "dumber" people and that the glorious Northern intellectual elite were paragons of tolerance and understanding. After four years of experience to the contrary, I hereby call shenanigans on that entire philosophy.

Depends what race you are. We've talked about this in private before, smart middle to upper class female girls are way more open to dating asian and brown dudes then the dumb girls who dropped out of school or never went to college. The only asian and brown dudes I know who regularly fuck hot dumb white girls are jacked and have prominent tattoo's.

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

2. Most of the feminists you guys complain about will come from the "smart girl" crew I deal with at schools like this on a regular basis. Places like Yale, Harvard, Brown, and the like are ground-zero for the modern feminists we've all come to be weary of. Delusion is significantly more common among the "smart girls".

I have a class that is composed of maybe 1/3 law students, who'd have been in the top 1% of high school achievers. Almost all of them went to very expensive private schools and are from upper middle to upper class families. There are almost no fatties and as such most guys agree they have a higher % of hot girls than among liberal arts students, but all of the ones who are less than a 7/10 are feminists or will be very shortly.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - MikeCF - 05-26-2013

I agree with samseau and basilransom, even though they disagree with one another.

If your game is based on physicality, dumb girls are easier. Dress nice, look good, grind on her on the dance floor, and talk very little. Club game.

If your game is based on your wits, dumb girls will not get your humor. It will be a PAINFUL conversation.

If I'm in a hotel bar, I'd rather meet a smart girl, because she'll get turned on by banter. Can't count the times girls have said how much they enjoy the "witty banter." (In truth it is superficial conversation and not even deep or intellectually rewarding, but whatever, they are girls!)

If I'm at a club, give me the dumb girl. I'm going to grab her hips and grind on her within 5 minutes. It'll be too loud to talk. "Oh, let's go get another drink." (Dumb girls are broke, too, and will keep going to the bar with you.)

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - WestIndianArchie - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 04:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

If I'm at a club, give me the dumb girl. I'm going to grab her hips and grind on her within 5 minutes. It'll be too loud to talk. "Oh, let's go get another drink." (Dumb girls are broke, too, and will keep going to the bar with you.)

How do you spot the dumb girl?


Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Doulos2Game - 05-26-2013

It's simple in my opinion.

My initial game, "YMZF" , was constructed on my social intelligence. I used my social intelligence to think of something that someone of equal social intelligence to me would more than likely be receptive to.

In terms of social intelligence I have what I call "123 game" and "YMZF game".

The more social intelligence I get the less girls are considered "smart" in my perspective. I don't care if she is a neurobiologist, if her social intelligence is equivalent to that of a hamster, I use "123 game".

I have banged "smart" girls using my "123 game"
I have banged "dumb" girls using my "123 game"

I have banged "smart" girls using my "YMZF game"

I have never banged "dumb" girls using "YMZF game".

The girls that please me the most are the "smart" girls. I like to run "YMZF game" better. I like to get philosophical and analytical while using my "YMZF game".

Basically "YMZF game" is my forte. The more social intelligence I gain the more girls I can banged.

"Smart" girls are fun to go out with but "dumb" girls are boring to bang. I don't even count them as a plus one any more.

Like my mother always said "be yourself". Well I am "myself" even if I am not "myself".

Funny video!!

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - WestIndianArchie - 05-26-2013

123? YMZF?


Need FAQ.


Quote: (05-26-2013 04:30 PM)Doulos2Game Wrote:  

It's simple in my opinion.

My initial game, "YMZF" , was constructed on my social intelligence. I used my social intelligence to think of something that someone of equal social intelligence to me would more than likely be receptive to.

In terms of social intelligence I have what I call "123 game" and "YMZF game".

The more social intelligence I get the less girls are considered "smart" in my perspective. I don't care if she is a neurobiologist, if her social intelligence is equivalent to that of a hamster, I use "123 game".

I have banged "smart" girls using my "123 game"
I have banged "dumb" girls using my "123 game"

I have banged "smart" girls using my "YMZF game"

I have never banged "dumb" girls using "YMZF game".

The girls that please me the most are the "smart" girls. I like to run "YMZF game" better. I like to get philosophical and analytical while using my "YMZF game".

Basically "YMZF game" is my forte. The more social intelligence I gain the more girls I can banged.

"Smart" girls are fun to go out with but "dumb" girls are boring to bang. I don't even count them as a plus one any more.

Like my mother always said "be yourself". Well I am "myself" even if I am not "myself".

Funny video!!

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Excelsior - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:36 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You've mentioned this Ivy League issue before.

So describe an interaction with a "dumb" girl.


Take all of the issues I mentioned above and just turn them around.

Whereas the "smart girl" is cold and/or delivers mixed signals, the "dumb" girl is open and gives clear IOI's. Approaching her takes nowhere near as much work.

Where the "smart" girl is guarded depending on your race/ethnicity, the "dumb" girl is open to you despite your racial differences.

Where the "smart" girl awkwardly works to reconcile any attraction she has with her insecurities about career ambitions and the like, the "dumb" girl just lets things flow and doesn't overthink every little portion of the interaction.

Speaking from my experience at my school, all of the bad traits we've spent time assigning to American girls in general are magnified among the women I associate with, except for obesity.

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:57 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

Depends what race you are. We've talked about this in private before, smart middle to upper class female girls are way more open to dating asian and brown dudes then the dumb girls who dropped out of school or never went to college. The only asian and brown dudes I know who regularly fuck hot dumb white girls are jacked and have prominent tattoo's.

In my experience this is absolutely correct. My school is the only environment in which I could genuinely claim that Asian males had a legitimately higher SMV than Black males. When measured in the quantity and quality of women they get, there is simply no contest-you're much more likely to see an attractive white female in a relationship with an asian male than you are to see her with a black male.

I suspect this is true in other Ivy League or similarly academically elite environments. Smart upper/upper-middle class white girls are a good group for young asian guys to pursue for relationships. Black males need not apply.

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:57 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

I have a class that is composed of maybe 1/3 law students, who'd have been in the top 1% of high school achievers. Almost all of them went to very expensive private schools and are from upper middle to upper class families. There are almost no fatties and as such most guys agree they have a higher % of hot girls than among liberal arts students, but all of the ones who are less than a 7/10 are feminists or will be very shortly.

If there is one good thing I can say about this class of women, it is that they are rarely big. Judging from the number of older members of this class that I've seen (parents, grandparents, older siblings, etc), it would appear as though they rarely ever get fat down the line either. This segment of society lives in a different era, insulated from all of the negative trends that plague everyone else. While everyone else is struggling financially, they're good and their kids are still finding jobs. While everyone else is blowing up, their obesity rates remain very low.

Its a nice segment of society to be in if you can get in.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Excelsior - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 03:03 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

In relative terms, that girl is still smart.

Girls at state schools are probably at about IQ 110-120 - also the range with the highest density of cute girls I'd guess.

You wouldn't think so judging from some of the dialogue on my campus. A lot of the girls here think that their academic pedigree gives them the right to lord it over their "dumb" state school counterparts, and plenty of the white knights here buy into it ("lol state school girls are idiots I'd much rather one of these super-intelligent Ivy girls!!11!").

Like I said, my definitions were certainly different from the norm. I'm essentially comparing already smart girls to an even more (on paper) "elite" intellectual and socio-economic group. What I've found is that, as far as romantic suitability goes, it is probably better for a guy to look in that 110-120 "smart" range (ex: the kind you find at good state schools), regardless of where he falls himself. Girls in environments above that range (ex: the kind that you find at ivies) offer diminishing returns.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - josephkay - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I think my definition of "smart" is going to differ from some of the ones used in here. I've spent the past four years embedded in the Ivy League around girls that are truly considered some of the "smartest" on the planet. I've also had some time to compare to to the girls who are, supposedly, the relatively "dumb" girls (normal chicks who go to less selective "normal" four-year/two-year schools and girls who didn't go to college at all).

Elite university girls are their own thing and different from ordinary smart girls. At this level of intelligence, guys outnumber girls. Maybe not at the elite universities, but in their lives before university. And if you're interested in them, they're probably pretty attractive. So they were the smart, pretty girls growing up and all the smart guys were after them. Also, probably a lot of the ordinary popular, athletic guys. This caused them to raise their expectations. In fact, they wanted the smart, popular, athletic guy, who happened not to exist at her high school. And when they got to the Ivy League or wherever, they were in for a reality check. A lot of girls I knew did everything they could to avoid an honest appraisal of their SMV which means just blanket rejecting guys.

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:44 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

3. Schools like mine are ground-zero for the type of girl who becomes the "Sex and the City" archetype, chasing career or cock during her prime years and settling down much later. The most vocal proponents of this kind of mating strategy are "smart girls". I've also never been around women so opposed to dating/relationships-you will find the most vocal opposition to such things among "smart girls". Even my state-school peers enjoy more normal, healthy casual relationships than I see here. Here in the land of the "smart girls", people are either strictly hooking up (with the girl going out of her way not to confirm the notion that she's in a relationship) or they're practically married (flying across country to meet one another, meeting each other's relatives, etc) . There is none of the normal, more casual in between ("just dating") that everyone else enjoys. "Smart girls" don't like it.

Also, a lot of elite university girls have weird control issues. Unlike a lot of smart guys, they actually did all their school work. And took part in many extracurricular activities (it seems a lot of the guys were more interested in being really awesome at one thing). So they're over-scheduled. Hell, a lot of them have a daily schedule where their morning shower is allotted a 15 minute block. So they're just not willing to let the chaos of an unknown guy into their life. They're terrified of awkward drawn-out drama and what it could do to their schedule. So they either are de factor married or they have sharply defined hook-ups.

As a number of people have said, there's a lot more to being smart than being a hyper-competitive Ivy League student. Hell, there's a whole group of bright people who were too independent and self-motivated to be much good at school. Nearly every time I go to a strip-club, I talk to some stripper who has cool interests and is really witty and I think that school must have been hell for her.

It's no wonder that there's a bias towards smart girls on RVF. This is an internet forum where people are expected to write grammatically-correct multiple paragraph posts containing original insights. This probably means the average IQ of the heavy posters is at least 120. It also biases them towards verbal ability. Heavily verbal game doesn't work on dumb girls. Also, dumb girls are probably harder to encounter when you're in the game. They seem much less open to new experiences and new people. They recognize that they are not the best judges of character and go by the judgments of their friends. It means that their social circle is much more closed. They're the girl being dragged away by their friends when you start talking to them. The closest I came to trying to game dumb girls was at a Vegas pool party. I simply didn't have anything to ask them about, nothing that they were passionate about, nothing to get them excited.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Doulos2Game - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 05:27 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

123? YMZF?


Need FAQ.



Do you use the exact same type of game on every girl you meet? No matter if she is white, black, spanish, Indian, young, old, slutty or church girl?

No, I use the openers, hooks, routines, etc., that have worked for me and other males depending on the type of girl I am trying to bang.

If she is a nun I am a alter boy.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Excelsior - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 06:00 PM)josephkay Wrote:  

Elite university girls are their own thing and different from ordinary smart girls. At this level of intelligence, guys outnumber girls. Maybe not at the elite universities, but in their lives before university. And if you're interested in them, they're probably pretty attractive. So they were the smart, pretty girls growing up and all the smart guys were after them. Also, probably a lot of the ordinary popular, athletic guys. This caused them to raise their expectations.

My perception of things is a little different based on what I've seen. Most of these girls were normal or, at best, 'cute' girls in high school. They got some attention but they were not the stereotypical super-hotties that end up at most state schools. They were cute, smart girls, but most of their high schools had a) a lot of other similarly cute girls and b) many genuinely hot girls, some of actual model caliber. This meant more competition, so even the cutest future Ivy girls didn't stand out all that much.

When they get to schools like mine, they become the hot girls. The girls who got similar or more attention than they did before aren't as common at schools like Brown as they were in high school or would be at a Delaware/Penn State/etc, so they have significantly less competition. It is at this point that their expectations go up because suddenly they are in high demand from a large pool of tall, very smart, disproportionally athletic and often wealthy guys at their elite schools.

For their part, those guys are now stuck in environments where these girls are their only options. This means that many adopt what I call "Ivy goggles" (similar to the beer goggle concept, but without the beer), which helps these girls raise their value even more. I've felt it myself-after four years at my school, girls I met here began to look a lot better and girls I recall from high school who didn't seem to standout started to look better too. Its all relative. Poor gender ratios combined with Ivy Goggles and the high quality of the male pool at these elite schools make competition very fierce, further upping the value of these girls while they're in school.


In fact, they wanted the smart, popular, athletic guy, who happened not to exist at her high school.

Most couldn't have gotten him then. If they are proactive then they snag those guys in college when their relative value is highest and the guys' value is lowest.


Also, a lot of elite university girls have weird control issues. Unlike a lot of smart guys, they actually did all their school work. And took part in many extracurricular activities (it seems a lot of the guys were more interested in being really awesome at one thing). So they're over-scheduled. Hell, a lot of them have a daily schedule where their morning shower is allotted a 15 minute block. So they're just not willing to let the chaos of an unknown guy into their life. They're terrified of awkward drawn-out drama and what it could do to their schedule. So they either are de factor married or they have sharply defined hook-ups.

As a number of people have said, there's a lot more to being smart than being a hyper-competitive Ivy League student. Hell, there's a whole group of bright people who were too independent and self-motivated to be much good at school. Nearly every time I go to a strip-club, I talk to some stripper who has cool interests and is really witty and I think that school must have been hell for her.

It's no wonder that there's a bias towards smart girls on RVF. This is an internet forum where people are expected to write grammatically-correct multiple paragraph posts containing original insights. This probably means the average IQ of the heavy posters is at least 120. It also biases them towards verbal ability. Heavily verbal game doesn't work on dumb girls.

Very well said.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - DVY - 05-26-2013

W/dumb girls, my game revolves purely around getting her hammered and banging. Smart girls, get her tipsy and banging. Smart girls if they are too sober or too drunk are awkward to be around.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Neo - 05-26-2013

Smart girls hands down. Better attention spans.

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Samseau - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:20 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Dumb girls want you to talk to them, yet they can't maintain a conversation. It's like, "bitch I'm supposed to talk to you for an hour or two before you'll be comfortable coming home with me, but I'll never last that long. I'm out."

As for shit tests, the moment you stop feeling obligated to answer them is the moment they stop mattering. Smart girls love guys who check off the boxes but are still animals. Clever conversation interspersed with aggressive escalation. You're a caveman in a suit groping bitches, and she is completely confused. And wet. It's easier to play that game than to out-meathead the meatheads, and it works better on smart girls.

I have no idea what you're talking about. Smart girls are always harder to have conversations with, because they're always trying to dominate the frame with their inane, opinionated, nonsense.

Dumb girls react to cave-man game just as much as smart girls, the only difference is, they won't shit test you as much afterwards.

By the way - average girl in a state school university has an IQ between 105-115. Ivy league and it's between 115-125.

By the way, I've never met a girl smarter than me, nor have I ever learned from a woman. It doesn't matter how high her IQ is, most girls are clueless.

Quote: (05-26-2013 02:20 PM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

But Samseau, that's not what the topic is about. A smart girl will shit test you all the time, but if you pass the tests (which is, imo, not hard or unusual), she will jump into bed with you as soon as they are passed. She is smart, therefore more independent, self-confident and whatnot.

Nope, not even close to true. Passing a smart-girl's shit tests and now she thinks you're "good enough for now." But as soon as you slip up, she's gone. She's also not going to jump into bed just because you answered her shit-tests, that's just a ridiculous assertion.

Once you get her back to your bed, the real game has only just begun. Most epic LMR's I've had to deal with have always been from the smarter girls, overwhelmingly.


A dumb girl, on the other hand, won't test you so much, but is more likely to hold conservative attitudes. It doesn't matter that she is not shit testing you if she is fearful about what will happen if she gives in and has sex early. It would be interesting to see a study correlating IQ and number of partners, but the most chaste women (oxymoron, I know) that I have known from my early days were all rather dull. Nowadays, most of them haven't been on the carousel much and are married with kids, while smart girls are still posting instagram photos from their latest club adventures and whining about how there are no good men left.

Dumb girls aren't more conservative, dumb people aren't more conservative, they're just less brainwashed than the liberals who spend too much time in school.

Dumb girls are less likely to be political on the whole. I've tested the limits with dumb girls - I've said racist and sexist things around dumb girls and they don't even get offended.


That said, I repeat my disclaimer that most girls are either smart of think of themselves as smart, which is practically the same. It's the attitude and motivation, not the IQ.

Smart girls are more likely to consider themselves smart, and be full of themselves.

Quote: (05-26-2013 04:04 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

I agree with samseau and basilransom, even though they disagree with one another.

If your game is based on physicality, dumb girls are easier. Dress nice, look good, grind on her on the dance floor, and talk very little. Club game.

If your game is based on your wits, dumb girls will not get your humor. It will be a PAINFUL conversation.

If I'm in a hotel bar, I'd rather meet a smart girl, because she'll get turned on by banter. Can't count the times girls have said how much they enjoy the "witty banter." (In truth it is superficial conversation and not even deep or intellectually rewarding, but whatever, they are girls!)

If I'm at a club, give me the dumb girl. I'm going to grab her hips and grind on her within 5 minutes. It'll be too loud to talk. "Oh, let's go get another drink." (Dumb girls are broke, too, and will keep going to the bar with you.)

Nah, dumb girls are easier both to talk to and caveman. Dumb girl conversation:

Me: "How's it goin?"
Dumb girl: "Hi! I'm Erica!"
Me: "Nice to meet ya. Where you're from?"
Dumb girl: "<insert small town here>"
Me: "Damn, all the way from <town here>? You must be <random observation/cold read about that place>."
Her: "OMG? Why do you think that?"
Me: (looks at her menacingly) "Because... I know."
Her: (Smiling and giggling) "Hehe... you don't know anything about me!"

Game on.

Smart girl conversation:

Me: "How's it going?"
Smart girl: "Hi..." (looks at you suspiciously)
Me: "What you up to? You part of the birthday party?"
Smart girl: "Uh no, I didn't know there was a birthday here?"
Me: "Yeah, saw a ton of people taking shots earlier. You seem like you're in a festive mood, so I guessed you were part of it."
Her: "Why do I look festive? I'm really not that kind of girl." (Immediately feels insecure and pensive, typical smart girl behavior)
Me: "Don't worry about it. Where ya from?"
Her: "Oh, I'm from <insert big city here>."
Me: "Damn, why'd you come here? <Insert her town here> is more fun than this place."
Her: "Haha I know, but I got a really good job offer here. What about you? Where are you from?"
Me: "I'm from around here. I grew up here."
Her: "Really? No way, where?"
Me: "<Names my street intersection I grew up on>"
Her: "What? Those streets don't intersect!" (Typical smart girl talking about shit she KNOWS NOTHING about)
Me: "Uh, yeah they do."
Her: "I call bullshit."
Me: (At this point I'm hating her) "Want to make a bet?"
Her: "I don't know..."
Me: "If you're so confident, put your money where your mouth is. I will prove it to you right now with google maps and my smartphone."
Her: "I have my own smartphone! I can prove it myself."
Me: "If you're wrong, you owe me a drink." (Pulls out my smartphone, shows her the map and points out the intersection)
Her: (Looks at map in disbelief, then flicks me off)
Me: "You owe me a drink."

Game on? No thanks, I left this cunt without ever asking for the drink.

Additionally, dumb girls are easier for me to game with dance floor game than smart girls are. There is simply NO CONTEST between dumb girls and smart girls - dumb girls love dominant, manly behavior, whereas smart girls have been poisoned by feminism in school and exhibit cunt-like behavior.

Dumb girls are feminine, smart girls are masculine.

Dumb girls grow out their hair, smart gets get bob cuts.

Dumb girls wear short skirts and short shorts, smart girls wear jeans and dresses.

Dumb girls smile, smart girls have a chip on their shoulder.

Dumb girls love men, smart girls hate men.

(The above post only applies to America, although it's probably true of all Western countries.)

Who's easier, Smart Girls or Dumb Girls? - Therapsid - 05-26-2013

Quote: (05-26-2013 07:28 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

By the way - average girl in a state school university has an IQ between 105-115. Ivy league and it's between 115-125.

That's fine, but there's a whole country out there of girls with IQ's in the 90's and 80's. The conversation you recounted is almost intellectual compared to what you'd expect with girls who work as house cleaners, fast food workers, Walmart cashiers, etc. not to mention the millions of girls in the ghetto and the sticks who are chronically unemployed.