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Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - WestCoast - 09-26-2012

Glad to see you're moving in the right direction. Some guys in the "game" community are down right disturbing to me. What I mean by this is they think it is "healthy" to run around calling girls "cunts, whores, bitches, etc" an mean it? Sad.

I've definitely said things to girls like "bitch please!" or "I am going to fuck you hard tonight" etc. but there is a time and a place for everything.

If your game is entirely based on "hate" you're going to get some fucked up chicks. Breaking your shit, stealing, trying to get physical with you. Because that's what you're attracting.

Women are just searching for the best mate possible, there are a TON and I mean a fucking TON of hot girls who don't want to be around an angry guy. You don't want to be an angry guy.

Your best pulls should be when you're "locked in happy about life" versus "fuck the world". There is a significant difference.

I hope the next time you practice in a mirror you try a happier tone. "Bitch please!" In a joking energetic manner with no anger. If game is making you unhealthy, you're doing it wrong.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - kdolo - 09-26-2012

Being negative and bitter is typically a stage.

All players and game enthusiast go throught it at some point - heck - it what drove most to game in the first place.

in this respect it is healthy - . The key is the understanding that women are't bad per se - they are simply a composite of their genes and their genes respond to certain behavior and cues - its not their fault really - WE as men simply were taught the wrong thing by society.

When I have a son there is no doubt in my mind that I will be teaching him game and anti Matris thinking from day one.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - markus - 09-26-2012

Quote: (09-22-2012 06:25 PM)Hannibal Wrote:  

The natural alphas act like they're alpha, but they think solipsistically so they don't see what all the fuss is about with women. It also doesn't hurt them much to preach the blue pill, since they've been the embodiment of red pill since day one. The betas don't know what they're doing wrong, so they rationalize all kinds of stupid stuff, or they just hate women entirely. Then there's guys like me who did the research and observed their natural alpha friends in order to get laid like them.

I definitely relate to this. I grew up more or less beta and have had to train myself to think and act like an alpha. I have been burned by a lot of women. I would always try to make sense of the situation or rationalize their behavior which would only make me angrier. I started reading RVF because of my negative experiences--because I wanted to be more like my natural alpha friends. I wanted to be able to bang every beautiful woman I met.

Reading this forum hasn't made me angrier. It has put a lot of things into perspective. Women are all grown children. It is nearly impossible to make sense of their behavior. And it is pointless to get angry with them when they pull some stupid bullshit. It's just what they do. Feminism has fucked everything up. It is a waste of energy to fight it. We can't undo it.

Proper perspective is key to success in life. We have no control over most of the things that go on around us. But we can control how we respond to them. Choosing to be angry or negative is counterproductive. It doesn't get you laid. Don't focus on what isn't working. Focus on enjoying your life and remaining positive. That will get you laid

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - mistermister - 09-29-2012

i'm not bitter but i definitely have this intense fear of a sexless marriage to a woman who cuts her hair and gains 30lbs on me... i'm in my early thirties and i'm watching guys either being in a marriage lifestyle in the burbs that i can't see myself enjoying or going through divorce rate.

i agree completely treat women like children. i don't take any of it personal. just chalk it up to the game. ultimately this is their nature.

but as a former beta. i stay's like money and the gym you've gotta train constantly. i see roosh/playdangerously/tom leykis as my training.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - Parlay44 - 09-29-2012

Quote: (09-26-2012 08:42 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

Being negative and bitter is typically a stage.

It's a side effect of detoxing from the blue pill. Once the red pill kicks in
...clarity and enlightenment is all you'll have.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - el mechanico - 09-29-2012

Quote: (09-29-2012 09:43 AM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-26-2012 08:42 PM)kdolo Wrote:  

Being negative and bitter is typically a stage.

It's a side effect of detoxing from the blue pill. Once the red pill kicks in
...clarity and enlightenment is all you'll have.
I feel like that these days. Also developed a curiosity about couples and what makes them tick. Why are all these people together that make each other miserable? Our culture has been force feeding the fact that women get their way and we should be afraid of them bitching. So we accept it as normal and how it is. I say no. I've said no since I was a kid. The way I see things is if it wouldn't fly with my dad it's not flying with me.

Now after reading here...I've decided that I'm normal and have been normal.
Our men and women are fucked up. I said on another tread. You tell a girl to get out of your house and she says no. Fuck you. What are they thinking?
Fuck me? If I tell a guy to get out of my face he does or we fight. Women have no fear. Until you grab them by the hair and drag them across the floor and throw them out. Now you have their attention. You would think they would think oh shit I'm not hanging with that dude again but it's not the case..

I take my male family members on the boat from time to time to fish. How many minutes do you guys think they can stay with out the wife calling? I'll answer. about 15 minutes and then every 15 minutes. The poor guys can't even enjoy a simple couple hours fishing. I tell mine to fuck off before I go and don't bother me and kill my battery.

Anyway, the point here is don't take any shit from them and you won't be bitter and don't be bitter for other men. Just sit back and watch the show.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - TheWolfHowls - 09-29-2012

^Well fucking said. Kinda a sad age for a guy in the sense that, as you said, since us males get shit for when a woman bitches and moans. I'm glad there are still guys out there who are willing to not take shit but at the cost of having to deal with shit.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - Ramon Zarate - 09-29-2012

The way I got over this - by adopting this attitude:

- I'll do exactly what I want at all times. If anyone tries to stop me from doing what I want, they're an asshole, man or woman. But whether a woman fucks over another guy or not... I don't really care, as long as they don't attack my freedom.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - Marcellus - 10-02-2012

This is something that fucks with my mind ... a lot. I have also two friends just like that, with one difference: they are NOT good with woman. Okay, they are better than me, but still they resort to fucking prostitutes because the only way to get woman for them is via their social circle. Every few months they get to fuck a girl. Before I started game I really thought that guys like this fuck one woman after another. Some of them are (like topicstarter his friends), some of them are not (my friends).

Until I got it. My friends can be boring from time to time. They don't have a real life. They are very good verbally and funny but it's a "facade". It's fascinating to listen to them, but after some time it gets boring. Dudes that are good with woman DONT STOP being fascinating. They have a BIG group of girls that hang around them and that attracts other girls.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - Thatdude - 03-17-2013

Great thread OP. thanks for this.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - Captain Ahab - 03-21-2013

I think in the end negativity and bitterness are not worth the cost.

I used to be motivated by anger and bitterness most of my life.


The problem is I had no way to control it. I would have outburst, say hurtful remarks, eventually I became very isolated.

Of course, being the ego maniac I am, it was everyone else's fault but my own. I got a decent brain so it is easy to convince myself of my own bullshit.

Flash forward to 2013. All the old excuses I've used to be mad can't affect me anymore. I started a new life, have a new job, new books, new everything, yet I was still struggling with anger and negativity.

In the end I had to look in the mirror and seriously ask myself why I was so mad?

I think a lot of it had to do with early childhood trauma. Terrible parents (though they did their best), an adversarial society, low income background.

I was forced to fight for survival. The problem is I was fighting everone, and of course I was fighting myself.

Now, seeing that it is 03/21/13, I am leaving my 20s this year and feel a change in direction is necessary.

It is normal to have a darkside, angry side, negative side. A child lets that side dominate his life, says whatever he wants and runs with his emotions. A man understand he has to express that side in the proper context.

I guess in the end I was an unloved child that was seeking some form of male companionship and never recieved it. To this day I still feel quite empty and hallow in that regard;however, I have my male friends who help me a lot and they provide the love and security necessary to take my abilities to the next level.

I worked hard to prove myself to the world, my craft being an extension of that. But now, I work because I love what I do.

How do you overcome negativity and bitterness? One day at a time. Write a lot in your journal, meditate, hit the weights A LOT. I excercise five times a day to control my dark side.

And when you are in the real world, be nice, give love, respect others, be selfless. Yeah, it sucks that you can't be all abot you but what is the alternative? For even if you reach all the fame and fortune you will still be hated for your arrogant ego centric behavior (Kanye West).

A lot of people in the world are suffering man be thankful.

And learn to love yourself. If there is one thing I did not do that I have should of done since day one it was learning to love myself,accept myself, and respect myself.

I think once you do those three things a whole new world can open for you.

Overcoming negativity and bitterness - plus life lessons from a unique natural - gibraltar - 03-22-2013

USA sucks. It will make any sane man bitter. The majority of the population is drugged up on meds, pills, weed, alcohol, birth control, etc.

Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Look at Roosh for example, anybody can tell the difference between USA Roosh and Eastern Europe Roosh.

He is overseas making appearances on live TV, posting widely successful viral articles like the Toronto post, and overall living a more fulfilling life.

90% of men here are used as tax slaves to keep the women fat and the pockets of the "paper alphas" fatter.

If you've been out of country, then please explain to the people who never travelled how much better life is.

Planet earth is wonderful but some parts are "greener" than others. USA is becoming a hostile, toxic place full of guns and racist overtones.