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Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - XXL - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-13-2012 08:31 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I went on a date with a girl who ordered JUICE for her drink ("I don't drink on weekdays").
that's actually what i usually do

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Greek kamaki - 09-14-2012

In slavic countries it is combined with fatality.You will hear things like ''I am sure it was God's will that I met you.''And then they explain how the God intervened and prepared all the special coincidences that contributed to her being at this particular place and time.I guess if universe and God conspire to reward daygame there is no reason to resign from the benefits.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - pitt - 09-14-2012

This reminds me of a friend who used to tell me that some people were born to be rich and some were born to be poor and that you cant fight destiny..they dont know that life is all about choices and making it happen.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - scorpion - 09-14-2012

Have any of you guys ever known a guy who just seemed to be favored by the gods from birth? You know, a guy who has model good looks, effortless charm and charisma, comes from a wealthy family, is intelligent but not nerdy about it, naturally attains high status without even trying etc... Basically, not just a natural in the sense of being good with women, but a guy who is firing on all cylinders in every aspect of life, and has been since childhood.

I've known a couple of guys like this over the years. What did they have in common?

They all lived in a fantasyland like women. They couldn't really understand the idea of anything being difficult in life, because they'd never experienced any kind of struggle. When you're dealt that kind of hand from birth, it's easy to get in the mindset that things "just happen" to always work out for you.

For a guy to live that kind of charmed, insulated existence, he's got to get an incredibly lucky roll of the genetic dice. Maybe 1/1000 guys are in a position to roll through life in this sort of pleasant and permanent state of delusion. Maybe less.

But what does it take for women to get the same kind of treatment that results in such a warped and unreal view of the world?

Just be a 7 or above.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - peachpua - 09-14-2012

I'm convinced that this thought pattern is directly related to womens' locus of control and their all too common abdication of personal responsibility.

Men typically have higher loci of control which is why we turn to things like pickup for building relationships -- the thought is that we can exert direct control over many areas of our lives.

Women typically have lower loci of control which why they often subscribe to beliefs in fate, pre-destination, love at first sight, etc. They're also more attracted to mysticism like astrology for this reason.

This isn't true for all men or all women obviously but it's a fair generalization to make.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Timoteo - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:27 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Timoteo, I suspect that in past generations, family matriarchs like mothers and grandmothers gave advice to their daughters, similar to what we offer women. That a woman should always look her best because every day is a date with destiny; that romance can happen anywhere. But the spread of feminism has diminished the extent to which women operate logically.

I occasionally run into one of those women that won't go to the corner for a carton of milk unless she's done up and presentable, just in case she runs into someone she knows, or a cute guy. It's very true that women of prior generations gave that very advice - to always look your best. Feminism caused women to reject that. Now it's sweats, flip-flops and a ball cap.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Basil Ransom - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:56 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Women just don't have a clue the level of effort and calculation required to successfully game them, it all comes so easy between 16 - 30 if they're not fat and at least average looking.

I was walking around NY with an 18 year old amateur model, blonde blue eyed honey (too short to do catwalk) looking for Bloomingdales to buy her some full fashioned stockings to see her in. I would stop and ask directions from attractive NY women. Now I am a reasonably attractive guy with a sexy pride and prejudice British accent. I got either a)ignored b)5 seconds of instructions and then she walked off.

Compare this to my 18 year old partner in crime. Every time she asked for directions from men, she got multiple effusive IOS, everyone was over the top helpful. I still remember one dude, she asks if she can bum a cigarette off him (she never bought her own cigarettes, used to just ask men who were smoking and always got them). The guys a reasonably attractive mid 20s dude. He offers her the rest of his cigarette pack (5 or 6 cigs). When she smiles and just takes one, he gives her full detailed instructions to bloomingdales for a whole minute and then says he's happy to walk her all the way. Its no problem at all. All this with my standing next to her acting like her boyfriend (btw I was banging her). WTF?!

It opened my eye to the artificial bubble most average -> hot 16-30 year olds live in, everything is so easy for them in the dating world, the opportunities just fall into their lap as if by magic and they just pick and choose...

Why would young attractive girls think any differently about love and dating when the problems so many of us RVFers have had to overcome through blood, sweat and tears to start to live in a world of pussy abundance just isn't relevant to them? These problems don't exist in their world.

it just happened.

Lol at the pancreatic cancer analogy, very true.

I recall recently walking closely behind a hot girl in sexy clothes, in an office building, for only 15 to 20 seconds. We passed two or three men, who semi-ogled her as they passed. Not novel at all, but my positioning of being right behind her let me feel what it's like to walk around like a hot chick for just a few seconds. Something that every hot girl experiences every second of the day, you may never experience. Get a chance to walk right behind a hot girl in skimpy clothes in a public area, and you might feel it.

Women here put strange men on a lower tier than they do women. I recall seeing experiments with ChatRoulette, where cute girls got much better receptions even from other girls, than your average Joe. American women won't compliment you unless they already like you, or you're a platonic friend. With woman they just met, they'll offer compliments on her style even if they secretly hate the outfit she's wearing.

Quote: (09-14-2012 10:44 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

I occasionally run into one of those women that won't go to the corner for a carton of milk unless she's done up and presentable, just in case she runs into someone she knows, or a cute guy. It's very true that women of prior generations gave that very advice - to always look your best. Feminism caused women to reject that. Now it's sweats, flip-flops and a ball cap.

I didn't mean to limit my comment to just decorum, that was just an example. The advice that Roosh offered to his sister, for instance, is a helluva lot closer to traditional advice offered to one's daughters, than anything you'll find in Cosmo or Seventeen. But now, even the mothers in America are toxic, as often as not encouraging their daughters to be sluts so they can live vicariously through them.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - tiggaling - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 07:58 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

I guess if universe and God conspire to reward daygame there is no reason to resign from the benefits.

That does seem to be the case doesn't it? [Image: boogiepika.gif]

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Hades - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 04:11 AM)tiggaling Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:27 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

That a woman should always look her best because every day is a date with destiny; that romance can happen anywhere. But the spread of feminism has diminished the extent to which women operate logically.

Russian girls still expect romance to happen anywhere and therefore often look their best all the time.

Fuck. Really?

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - yungzee - 09-14-2012

They have the most retarded ideas about having children as well.
"Lol my mother really wants us to have kids soon!"
"We can't afford that shit right now."
"It's never the RIGHT time to have a kid. We'll make it work. Lol."

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Veloce - 09-14-2012

Some good blue pill thoughts in there that need addressing.

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:03 AM)tiggaling Wrote:  

>They can observe, judge, and comment, but in essence women have absolutely no clue how relationships work.

um, well a lot of women say the same things about men.

I'm sure they do

Sure, you are seeing relationship from a male perspective. But females have a different perspective and its just as valid for them.

They bitch and whine more commonly than men do about them... so surely this thread is valid.

So because they bitch and whine more, that validates their opinion?

BUT, what women commonly say about men, is that they are insensitive or unaware of the psycho-dynamics of relationships. i.e. how relationships work.

Women's brains are wired for relationship. They are clearly much more evolved than men are on that level.

Classic blue pill right there. Cosmopolitan, Sex in the City, feminism, and modern couples' therapy all propagate the myth that women are more "evolved" emotionally. Women are encouraged to express themselves in our society, whereas men are encoured to suppress emotions. Women are more evolved because of this? Look at how Spanish, French, and Italian men express themselves. They're LOUD. Women are not more emotionally evolved, it's that western men have been shamed into emotional de-evolution

Men do stuff in the outer world, look at externalities. Women have sensitivity to what is inside, what is internal.

Wrong again. Look at the worlds greatest artists, authors, poets, spiritual teachers. All men, and masters of the internal world.

>It's only natural that she wouldn't have any instinctual knowledge of how things work in her bones. Can't fight biology.

I really don't know what you are talking about here. It seems like unecessary negative polarisation. I generally find women to be very insightful about how things work on the bone level. Men are more likely to point you towards so-called hard facts. Except guys on this forum... you guys are mutants!

It's not negative polarisation, it's real world experience talking and being honest with one's self. I find women's insights on the "bone level" to be complete and utter horseshit. Just regurgitations of shit she hears in mainstream media.

What do I mean by biology? I mean the role of woman is simple: Maintain a healthy and safe nest, and present herself as the best possible mate that she can to a suitor.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - IntBM - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-13-2012 08:48 PM)Knowledge Seeker Wrote:  

That's because women don't expect to do the work. They want men to woo them immensely before they take the panties off (unless she's just a straight up slut).

The man has to make everything happen, unfortunately.

Quote: (09-13-2012 09:37 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Girls live in this silly fantasy world not just about meeting and approaching, but about everything. They think:

1. That I just happened to /snip

This shit takes countless hours of planning, money, and discussion in places like this. I always say tells chicks, post-bang: "girls don't realize all the amount of work that goes on behind-the-scenes for this [point at our mutual nudity] to happen." If these girls want to continue to live in a romantic-comedy world, they need to recognize that men planning, spending, and talking in frank, candid, even explicit ways is the way it happens.

They can't turn around (like those couchsurfing harpies, for example) and complain when they look behind the curtain--because they choose to--and notice the ugly machinery that makes their beautiful illusion happen.

Quote: (09-13-2012 09:54 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

You've all described why women treat game like it's something sinister or "creepy." It shatters their little fantasy world. It robs them of the magic and romanticism that they think creates their relationships with men. They don't want to hear that it was all a plan on the part of men. They like believing that it just happens - that it's two souls meeting. They don't want to know that it's all a plan designed for dick to meet mouth, vagina, and for the more twisted among us, anus...HA HA!

Quote: (09-13-2012 10:32 PM)Norset Wrote:  

This thread is essentially describing why game works. If girls were as rational as men, it wouldn't. And the core to that is the "just happened/ meant to be" myth.

This applies to everything in life though. The harder you work, the harder you must make sure other people don't know how hard you work.

When girls say, "I love SPONTANEOUS guys," there are people out there that think it means to suddenly perform some random behaviour out of the blue. I tend to think that it's more along the lines of what you guys have described ie. spontaneous for HER, planned for YOU (without making it seem so).

Kind of plays into Roosh's idea of not scaring the cat as well.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Timoteo - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 11:53 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:56 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Women just don't have a clue the level of effort and calculation required to successfully game them, it all comes so easy between 16 - 30 if they're not fat and at least average looking.

I was walking around NY with an 18 year old amateur model, blonde blue eyed honey (too short to do catwalk) looking for Bloomingdales to buy her some full fashioned stockings to see her in. I would stop and ask directions from attractive NY women. Now I am a reasonably attractive guy with a sexy pride and prejudice British accent. I got either a)ignored b)5 seconds of instructions and then she walked off.

Compare this to my 18 year old partner in crime. Every time she asked for directions from men, she got multiple effusive IOS, everyone was over the top helpful. I still remember one dude, she asks if she can bum a cigarette off him (she never bought her own cigarettes, used to just ask men who were smoking and always got them). The guys a reasonably attractive mid 20s dude. He offers her the rest of his cigarette pack (5 or 6 cigs). When she smiles and just takes one, he gives her full detailed instructions to bloomingdales for a whole minute and then says he's happy to walk her all the way. Its no problem at all. All this with my standing next to her acting like her boyfriend (btw I was banging her). WTF?!

It opened my eye to the artificial bubble most average -> hot 16-30 year olds live in, everything is so easy for them in the dating world, the opportunities just fall into their lap as if by magic and they just pick and choose...

Why would young attractive girls think any differently about love and dating when the problems so many of us RVFers have had to overcome through blood, sweat and tears to start to live in a world of pussy abundance just isn't relevant to them? These problems don't exist in their world.

it just happened.

Lol at the pancreatic cancer analogy, very true.

I recall recently walking closely behind a hot girl in sexy clothes, in an office building, for only 15 to 20 seconds. We passed two or three men, who semi-ogled her as they passed. Not novel at all, but my positioning of being right behind her let me feel what it's like to walk around like a hot chick for just a few seconds. Something that every hot girl experiences every second of the day, you may never experience. Get a chance to walk right behind a hot girl in skimpy clothes in a public area, and you might feel it.

Women here put strange men on a lower tier than they do women. I recall seeing experiments with ChatRoulette, where cute girls got much better receptions even from other girls, than your average Joe. American women won't compliment you unless they already like you, or you're a platonic friend. With woman they just met, they'll offer compliments on her style even if they secretly hate the outfit she's wearing.

Quote: (09-14-2012 10:44 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

I occasionally run into one of those women that won't go to the corner for a carton of milk unless she's done up and presentable, just in case she runs into someone she knows, or a cute guy. It's very true that women of prior generations gave that very advice - to always look your best. Feminism caused women to reject that. Now it's sweats, flip-flops and a ball cap.

I didn't mean to limit my comment to just decorum, that was just an example. The advice that Roosh offered to his sister, for instance, is a helluva lot closer to traditional advice offered to one's daughters, than anything you'll find in Cosmo or Seventeen. But now, even the mothers in America are toxic, as often as not encouraging their daughters to be sluts so they can live vicariously through them.

We also have to remember that in prior generations, a woman's only goal was to be married shortly after high school. She knew that the things required to secure a good husband were primarily to look good, and have decent homemaking skills. I didn't take it as only decorum, but attitude also - those two things are tied together. The changing relationship between parents and their children has also been a huge part. Parents wanting to be friends with their children, and yes, attempting to prolong their own youth by living through them. Fewer fathers having strong influence on their sons AND daughters, while leaving those toxic mothers more and more in charge.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Timoteo - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 02:10 PM)IntBM Wrote:  

Quote: (09-13-2012 08:48 PM)Knowledge Seeker Wrote:  

That's because women don't expect to do the work. They want men to woo them immensely before they take the panties off (unless she's just a straight up slut).

The man has to make everything happen, unfortunately.

Quote: (09-13-2012 09:37 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Girls live in this silly fantasy world not just about meeting and approaching, but about everything. They think:

1. That I just happened to /snip

This shit takes countless hours of planning, money, and discussion in places like this. I always say tells chicks, post-bang: "girls don't realize all the amount of work that goes on behind-the-scenes for this [point at our mutual nudity] to happen." If these girls want to continue to live in a romantic-comedy world, they need to recognize that men planning, spending, and talking in frank, candid, even explicit ways is the way it happens.

They can't turn around (like those couchsurfing harpies, for example) and complain when they look behind the curtain--because they choose to--and notice the ugly machinery that makes their beautiful illusion happen.

Quote: (09-13-2012 09:54 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

You've all described why women treat game like it's something sinister or "creepy." It shatters their little fantasy world. It robs them of the magic and romanticism that they think creates their relationships with men. They don't want to hear that it was all a plan on the part of men. They like believing that it just happens - that it's two souls meeting. They don't want to know that it's all a plan designed for dick to meet mouth, vagina, and for the more twisted among us, anus...HA HA!

Quote: (09-13-2012 10:32 PM)Norset Wrote:  

This thread is essentially describing why game works. If girls were as rational as men, it wouldn't. And the core to that is the "just happened/ meant to be" myth.

This applies to everything in life though. The harder you work, the harder you must make sure other people don't know how hard you work.

When girls say, "I love SPONTANEOUS guys," there are people out there that think it means to suddenly perform some random behaviour out of the blue. I tend to think that it's more along the lines of what you guys have described ie. spontaneous for HER, planned for YOU (without making it seem so).

Kind of plays into Roosh's idea of not scaring the cat as well.

I've always found the spontaneity thing amusing. Part of "The Rules" stated that women shouldn't accept dates on short notice, pretty much killing at least some of men's ability to be spontaneous. Sure, when you were out with them you could throw them a curveball of some sort, but you couldn't come up with some kind of last-minute plan, pick up the phone, and have her meet you. You had to be spontaneous within already planned-out time together. On so many chick's list of qualifications, they'll put they don't want a man that won't try new things, blah, blah. But I've found THEM to be the less adventurous. I've found for the most part that men will adapt to conditions, or will walk into already adverse conditions prepared to handle them. Most women simply want to be comfortable.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - iknowexactly - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 03:56 AM)BigAlexBoss Wrote:  

Do you know much about pancreatic cancer? The harsh reality of survival rates? The destructive nature of chemo? The lack of effective drugs? - Heck no, its not my problem so it doesn't exist in my world. Not going there.

Why would young attractive girls think any differently about love and dating when the problems so many of us RVFers have had to overcome through blood, sweat and tears to start to live in a world of pussy abundance just isn't relevant to them? These problems don't exist in their world.

Excellent analogy--I don't go researching what it's like being a person who scavenges in a garbage dump for food in India...

Those problems don't exist for them--- until they are single and over 45.

THEN they find out the bad news, that no one wants to help them with anything.

Men who aren't from Royal families or off-the-charts charismatic find out masturbating from 13 to 16 hundreds of times, or much longer for me and many guys-- that NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR FUCKING PROBLEMS.

Personally, I'm happy i got the bad news early, it gave me a chance to come to terms with life before it was too late.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Shrodax - 09-14-2012

I don't particularly see anything wrong with a girl's desire for everything to "just happen." Male-female relationships have had a strong hunter-hunted dynamic since caveman days. So isn't it natural for each sex to get maximum enjoyment out of fulfilling these roles as much as possible? As a man, I have a primal urge to hunt, and personally I enjoy being the hunter. So I don't have a problem with women wanting to enjoy being the hunted.

Would you really rather have girls doing the work in chasing you? Even in my perfect fantasy world, I wouldn't want the hunter-hunted roles to change. Rather, I'd prefer to enter a venue, scan the terrain for the best prey (i.e. hottest girl), slowly slide up to her, spit out some Game like a genetically engineered son of James Bond and Don Draper, then seduce my way to taking her home and fucking her good and hard. My personal pleasure would be maximized at being the best hunter, so I can't blame girls for wanting to maximize their pleasure by being the hunted.

Sure, it might be nice for awhile having girls put in more effort to making a relationship work, but the more they do, the more it's like I'm being fed instead of hunting. And like they said in Jurassic Park, "T-Rex doesn't want to be fed, he wants to hunt."

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Deluge - 09-14-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 11:53 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Parents wanting to be friends with their children, and yes, attempting to prolong their own youth by living through them. Fewer fathers having strong influence on their sons AND daughters, while leaving those toxic mothers more and more in charge.

Definitely. You can even see this on Facebook; mums make profiles and comment shit like "I make such beautiful daughters" on the sluttiest pictures of their daughters. To be fair, their dads ought to cop a lot of the blame too, they will see their own daughters being slutty in person with their own eyes and stand there limply doing nothing about it with this awkward look on their face, as if they're trying to pretend it's not happening. And then go talk to the guy later being completely friendly with him, at least on the outside. On one hand it's great for us that they're not cockblocking, on the other hand it's completely pathetic of them.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - chochemonger1 - 09-15-2012

Quote: (09-13-2012 09:24 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

I was talking to a good friend who just got out of marriage. He was talking about what he wants to do with his time. He's a very creative type, so I said,

"Go create. It's what men do best."

And that led us to a conversation talking about what men contribute to the world and what women contribute.

Women are accessories. As such, they talk about the external world in an observant manner that is based on their subjective perceptions. Women analyze, comment, and judge. It's who they are and shouldn't be resented for having these qualities.

Ask a woman how a T.V. works. Ask a woman how anything works. If she's knowledgeable about a subject, ask where she got that information. Ask who initially created the information.

They view relationships the same way. They can observe, judge, and comment, but in essence women have absolutely no clue how relationships work.

Men are concerned with mechanics, with hard-and-true facts. Ask a guy how he met a girl and he'll remember the initial conversation in great detail, maybe even verbatim. He'll remember his emotions, the opening line, the details he picked up on along the way.

Women may not be intelligent in their judgements about the mechanics of how the world works. They don't contribute to the human continuum the way men do. They're not supposed to, they were never intended to.

Women are accessories that, under ideal circumstances, increase our pleasure and make life a little sweeter. Nothing more, nothing less.

Any woman that has ever acheived or learned anything noteworthy has had her path paved for her by the blood, sweat, and lives of men before her. It's only natural that she wouldn't have any instinctual knowledge of how things work in her bones. Can't fight biology.

Yes, as a great philosopher once wrote, the only two basic functions that nature has endowed a woman for: as a mother or as a means for the recreation of the warrior.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - iknowexactly - 09-15-2012

Quote: (09-14-2012 10:03 PM)Shrodax Wrote:  

I don't particularly see anything wrong with a girl's desire for everything to "just happen." Male-female relationships have had a strong hunter-hunted dynamic since caveman days.

You allude to something important not to forget, which is "if I can't change it, and it's never going to change, I should stop bitching about it and just try to deal with the situation realistically"

It's a massive waste of energy to wish the world was other than it is. And think about it, every time you say "people should < peeve...>" you are postulating a just universe.

Sorry, maybe next week.

I figure I might as well learn to laugh/enjoy human nature as it is, as it will never, ever change.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - tjuan - 09-15-2012

This week a girl I met and banged, SDL, said "I wasn't expecting THAT to happen." when leaving.
I was expecting it seeing the 'checkpoints' we were passing, bang probability going up and up with each checkpoint. I wasn't expecting it to happen so fast! There was no resistance, therefore bang. If she consciously did anything to contribute to the bang it was going along with my lead.
If they're not conscious of game and my approach to them is fate, magic or simply "life happening", that's fine with me, it makes my game more transparent if they don't know what's going on behind my eyes.

re: ask a woman how anything works and where they learned it
Consider female contributions to youtube tutorials... whenever you want to learn something and search youtube, it's almost always a man explaining it.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Handsome Creepy Eel - 09-15-2012

Despite all of this being true, explaining to a girl how things don't "just happen" is an exercise in futility. Keep the thought to yourself and let her live the illusion as it "just happens" that you're banging her.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - deathtofatties - 09-16-2012


This blog encapsulates this sort of female logic (or lack thereof).

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Anon-A-Moose - 09-16-2012

Quote: (09-16-2012 02:00 PM)deathtofatties Wrote:  


This blog encapsulates this sort of female logic (or lack thereof).

dafuq did i just read

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Nonpareil - 09-17-2012

Quote: (09-13-2012 10:46 PM)MikeCF Wrote:  

In a similar vein, young girls will always tell you how nice everyone is.

Then they get old and suddenly think the world has gotten mean.

No. The world has always been mean. You just got old.

Best post in the thread.

When you're young and hot and everyone wants to fuck you, everyone will be nice to you. When you get older and uglier and no one wants to fuck you, no one will be nice to you. In the same vein is Roosh's original post; when you're young and hot and everyone wants to fuck you, all you really need to do it show up, which explains the 'It will just happen!' viewpoint.

Western girls aged 16-25 who are attractive are the new royalty.

Girls have the stupidest ideas about meeting people - Caligula - 09-18-2012

This popped up on my facebook feed today shared by a couple of girls --

[Image: 424625_390893517649027_1718598272_n.jpg]