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American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - RandalGraves - 05-08-2012

Quote: (05-07-2012 07:45 PM)jerome Wrote:  

His advice is very generic, its true eye contact helps. But its very general. Looking good? Thats common sense. Whats next laundry, tan and taking a bath....

Very few men can regonzie true game. His game is base on his status. He is not an expert in game tactics. What happens in day game? He doesn't do anything, what happens when he goes to brazil. His fame is gone. Now what?

I have a feeling "The Situation" picked up game on his own, just going out clubbing and living that guido lifestyle. I wouldn't expect him to get into game specifics, especially the less-PC aspects of it, on the radio in front of a bunch of gameless radio DJs. The reason the producers of Jersey Shore probably picked him while forming the show was because he already had that larger-than-life alpha, confident persona.

Yeah, his day game would probably be weak without the fame backing him up, or if he went outside the United States. But, he is good at his own niche of club game in America. If a beta guy, sitting on his couch just watching JS on TV, one day started imitating the way the Jersey Shore guys picked up girls, he would be better off than before.

The original point of my post was that Jersey Shore isn't part of the ruining and betafication of American male culture (ruining culture in general... probably hahah). Just my two cents.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Estebanh - 05-08-2012

You may have it right about American men. However, Arabic women are some of the ugliest women on the planet.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - soup - 05-08-2012

Quote: (05-07-2012 07:45 PM)jerome Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2012 03:07 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-07-2012 11:27 AM)RandalGraves Wrote:  

I don't understand the hate for Jersey Shore. If people pick up anything game related from that show, it's probably some important elementary concepts.

He gets it. "There's no pick up lines whatsoever. It's all about being confident in who you are." .

Wow, the situation actually drops some good knowledge on the game, that was some pretty solid advice IMO.

His advice is very generic, its true eye contact helps. But its very general. Looking good? Thats common sense. Whats next laundry, tan and taking a bath....

Very few men can regonzie true game. His game is base on his status. He is not an expert in game tactics. What happens in day game? He doesn't do anything, what happens when he goes to brazil. His fame is gone. Now what?

This post shows why very few men understand what really works. Like Roosh says game is a niche. Very few men understand real game. The marketing PUA has clouded the water. Only real players know what really works. I think it is a blessing that pua marketers exist. It prevents noobs from ever learning real game..

Actually, I think the fame these guys have partly comes from the fact they've been in the game long before they became TV stars.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - kosko - 05-08-2012

You would think the Jersey Shore Kats standards would be sky high if they have been deep in game prior to fame. But I have seen the types of broads they fuck around with when they do club tours... Nothing to rave about.

My homies with top tier game pull better broads then what the JS dudes do. MTV picked Kats who can act well. Stars in America are created, never found.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - RandalGraves - 05-08-2012

I never said Jersey Shore was a pickup instructional video. It was just a response to the original post when Aliblahba said...

Quote: (05-05-2012 05:32 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

So I guess my point is......Fucking Jersey Shore is the future of American Men.

Jersey Shore is not the problem, and if anything, it slightly contributes to guys being exposed to basic game notions.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Aliblahba - 05-13-2012

So here's another one. How many dudes bitch about their stupid baby moma? Really? Fucking for real. Why would you bitch about the stupidity of another you procreated with? Isn't stupid is as stupid does? Genetic proof you bred with a fucking moron. Amazing.

Funny too, cause they bitch about idiots in the world and they are breeding them. Frustrating huh?

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Veloce - 05-13-2012

Or guys bitching about their past relationships period. I was engaged once, and I dated horrible women, but it wasn't their fault, I was the dumbfuck that made those decisions because I had no game and I wasn't a developed person. One of the sometimes overlooked positive qualities about game is it forces us to take a really humble, solid look at ourselves and be honest with ourselves and take responsibility for where we are.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Aliblahba - 05-14-2012

Quote: (05-13-2012 05:28 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Or guys bitching about their past relationships period. I was engaged once, and I dated horrible women, but it wasn't their fault, I was the dumbfuck that made those decisions because I had no game and I wasn't a developed person. One of the sometimes overlooked positive qualities about game is it forces us to take a really humble, solid look at ourselves and be honest with ourselves and take responsibility for where we are.

Exactly. We're the dumbfucks for letting those crazy bitches wrecking our lives. No one wants to take responsibility for their actions. EVERY fuck up in my life was my fault. If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. That's what the Corps taught me. Still live by that creed every day. Hoohrah.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Handsome Creepy Eel - 05-15-2012

Thedude and Aliblahba, that's blaming the victim. If a woman is a bitch, she is a bitch. Sure, I learned game and adapted to be successful now, but me not having game before did not force women to act in most horrible and immoral ways towards me. They did it out of their own volition. Just because the average modern woman is fucked up and requires more and more asshole game does not mean that it's the men's fault. She is the one who is messed up.

However, I have no mercy on guys who were used by women once or more and still go spewing bullshit like "women are really nice and loyal, this was just an exception / my fault" or who hear about game and dismiss it as "tricks they don't need". The point is in learning from experience. That is what separates the Beta hordes from the players.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - soup - 05-15-2012

Most men have to be beta, otherwise, we wouldn't have alpha? We lack info.

We need to see some stats. What is the likelyhood of a man living in 2012 transitioning from alpha to beta?

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Veloce - 05-15-2012

The whole point Ali and I are making are for men to take accountability and responsibility for their lives and NOT make excuses or blame women for their deficiencies. It's like the whole frog and the scorpion story. It does no use bitching about the shortcomings of western women, that would be the female thing to do. The male thing to do is take action.

And yet, I disagree somewhat on your second point. I think it's important to maintain, even just a little bit, of openness to the idea that there are exceptions out there, otherwise you just become jaded. I think there ARE good girls and women out there, just a minuscule amount. A few years ago I was fucking this girl, I was her 3rd lay and she was in her mid 20s. She was a sweet, smart, quiet, pretty, talented artist. She baked me a cake for my birthday after dating for like 2 weeks. I was in tazmanian devil mode and fucking several other girls and dropped her after a month and she was pretty hurt.

We caught up years later and she'd gained weight and her increasingly bitter attitude was apparent. I have no doubts that she was initially solid LTR material but her vulnerability caused her to be pumped and dumped by other assholes like myself, turning her into yet another embittered woman.

It's a sick downward spiral, but unfortunately, you're either a beta waiting for a good girl to come around and dreaming of a LTR to cling onto, or you're one of the assholes plowing through as many women as possible and treating them like disposable cum rags.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - BiggNastee - 11-03-2012

Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel like this thread can be summed up with this simple quote..

“When you meet a swordsman, draw your sword: do not recite poetry to one who is not a poet.”

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Aliblahba - 10-26-2013

So I've been a bit more mobile lately and running around during the day, and are seeing things getting worse. I went down to an electronics store and a bomb ass little Asian girl was working the door. Her manager was beta orbiting so bad it was painful. I wanted to hit him in the face with wasp spray. Same thing at the beer joint. They hire a hot girl and the counter is full of orbiters, with the managers white knighting. It's hard to cut thought that.

In retrospect, 10 years ago I had mad skills but remember more competition, not just the orbiters. Men are getting worse here, but I'm not 100% why. My theory so far is women started getting bitchier, which furthered men to become weaker, especially in the approach. Now, I see a trend where women are alone in the bar, and want to talk to a guy, but their options are limited. Now their egos are deflated from lack of attention, and they will walk up and talk to a guy they might like.

Chicks at the registers will lean and flirt, like they've never had dick before. And I noticed from taking out groups of girls, even in bars w/ shit ratios, guys refused to come to the table, and the chicks were complaining. They were primed to put out and couldn't. WTF gives?

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Que enspastic - 10-26-2013

Quote: (05-06-2012 02:31 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Americans with game and Americans without (betas, white knights) might as well come from different planets.

Whenever someone on the forum whines about things getting "mainstream" I just laugh. They don't understand how niche real game is.

Game is very niche. I used to think there was a divide between countries in terms of game but I realised the divide is not based on game at all. There are very few individuals with real game. I look for them like Morpheus looked for Neo. When I see a guy with game he fucking stands out. I will keep running into him throughout the bar because we are both hitting on the same few hot chicks. There is mutual respect but obviously competing for the same girl will always be a zero-sum result.

I've been in the game since 2011, met a lot of different guys. I know maybe 10 serious players at most, probably fewer than that. Obviously there are hundreds of fanboys who just read literature and watch - these guys are the educated spectators at the game, not the athletes.

Arguments about which country has the best game is more about the following - whether the men in a particularly country/city:
- go to the gym/play sport/work out
- dress well
- approach
- have high self-esteem

Often people confuse the above with "game" when really you can see a guy that does all of the above and fucks up everytime because he has no idea how to implement a strategy, hammer female psychology, pull a girl back home, no understanding of logistics, leaves himself open to cockblock unwittingly, etc.

Still, a country where the guys don't work on their physique, don't dress well, don't approach and have low self-esteem is always a better environment for you to pull than one where it's the opposite.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - DVY - 10-26-2013

Was w/my harem chick at an oyster bar- EMC Raw bar- and was seated at the bar area. Dude pulls up next to me and we start chatting. I let him try my brussel sprouts and ship him 1 of my oysters.

He offers to buy my girl and myself a round of drinks. I take him up on the offer, and tell him to hop w/us to another spot.

We go to the next bar and hes nagging my girl about hooking him up w/her GFs. Basically begging for pussy. I just laughed it off, but its annoying tbh.

Then he starts complimenting the bartender and telling her how pretty she is. Blah, blah, blah. I just wink at the bartender girl and she starts cracking up. It'd be funny if it wasn't so patheticly sad.

Cringeworthy moments seem to pop up a lot around clueless guys.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Aliblahba - 10-26-2013

Next level game is parlaying a horrible approach into sex. Bad approaches bust a girls ego. Learn to key in on it. I've seen approaches so bad I spit my drink out or had to cover my face. Ok so that didn't work for me cause I clowned the situation,but normal bad approaches I can maintain composure and go in for the kill.

I ain't hatin' on these dudes either, and feel really bad for them. But fuck, where they learn this stuff is beyond me. So bad to where I've had girls to turn to me and ask something was wrong with them. Your response needs to correlate to how bruised her ego is. If she's being a bitch, knock her down another notch, but if she is just mind fucked over it go easy on her. At that point think about changing venues.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Cyr - 10-26-2013

I think that almost the whole world (even places like England and America which guys complain about), is a player's market. People complain about the fact that women don't have enough morals etc. but when else in history could non-famous/ powerful guys be having sex with the numbers they are. I think its half due to more supply of willing girls (as sex outside of marriage has become progressively less of a taboo over the last 60 years) and half due to lower demand (as guys are too shy to approach and pretend they are going out to get drunk with their friends). There's never really been a better time to learn 'game'/ try to get more confidence and approach girls.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Vitriol - 10-26-2013

Quote: (10-26-2013 01:31 PM)DVY Wrote:  

We go to the next bar and hes nagging my girl about hooking him up w/her GFs. Basically begging for pussy. I just laughed it off, but its annoying tbh.

Then he starts complimenting the bartender and telling her how pretty she is. Blah, blah, blah. I just wink at the bartender girl and she starts cracking up. It'd be funny if it wasn't so patheticly sad.

Cringeworthy moments seem to pop up a lot around clueless guys.

It's horrible when you see guys go up to girls and immediately tell them how wonderful they are. They don't realize that girls who have great looks usually don't develop the basic skills necessary to handle any responsibility because they always have guys around to do everything for them. So going up to them right away and telling them they're great is dishonest and unnecessarily boosts their ego, while making you appear like a desperate, groveling, low-value man.

One of the best things most guys can do to improve their game is know that many attractive girls are a total wreck and don't offer much to the world except their beauty. When you realize they're no big deal you'll do better with them.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - MisterSSW4 - 10-26-2013

Quote: (05-06-2012 02:31 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Americans with game and Americans without (betas, white knights) might as well come from different planets.

Whenever someone on the forum whines about things getting "mainstream" I just laugh. They don't understand how niche real game is.
I agree, I think 'generally' many countries have certain traits, but I don't believe you can say a bold statement which comments for all of the countries men. And I'm not even American. Many Americans have game however, its hard to nationalize game, its one of the great things that isn't based on age or nationality, its based on mindset. Anyone can learn it.

If you go to some parts of London you'll see guys with zero game, but I could go to Wales and find tonnes. It doesn't mean Wales has more than London, it just means that I am out on a certain day which attracts a certain type. You may be in a beta American male area.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Vaun - 10-26-2013

Its not just a younger generation, imho this started with the generation after the WW2 generation, baby boomers on down. Liberal do gooders who vehemently recycle, hate cigarettes and care deeply about feminist causes. Eddie Vedder being a good example. I see so many guys like this who were born from the early 60's up to the mid 70's, basically genx and then some, born from the same post-60's liberal movement that put Clinton in office. Its so ingrained in how they think and act and view the world, anything other than male feminism is viewed as mean and bad, and non-recycling. Most of these guys are in absolutely miserable long term relationships and marriages, often with bat shit crazy over educated women. The thought of being a single self sustaining bachelor is so foreign of a concept, any man that is, is viewed with suspicion and contempt. A lot of my friends I grew up with are like this, and our friendship now is more based on nostalgia, not any shared long standing world view or beliefs.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - eradicator - 10-26-2013

Quote: (05-05-2012 06:10 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Quote: (05-05-2012 05:46 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Which country are you in at the moment?

I'm in the GCC.

Ali, I feel so lost when reading your posts at times. Usually, it was because I was sober, but where is GCC?

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - Aliblahba - 10-26-2013

GCC. I don't like to pinpoint where I am when I'm over there. Security stuff and all that.

[Image: attachment.jpg15094]   

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - DVY - 10-28-2013

Naw, the bartender girl is mad cool, but as a guy, you'll truly only understand this sexual dynamic if you go to a gay bar.

I spent some time in SF hitting up the gay bars (w/my gay friends) and its nonstop carnage after the straight guy. Totally flip of the dynamics. Girls would hunt me there.

Sounds like a wonderful situation, but the truth is it gets tiring dealing w/ everybody sucking up to you. Girls grabbing your cock as you walk in, gay dudes grabbing your ass, people offering to buy you drinks ALL THE TIME. I couldn't even smoke a cigarette w/out some dude hitting on me. Fn ridiculous.

I learned a lot from the "cool gay dudes". Usually these were gay dudes who were young, good-looking, had mad game.
-To approach without being desperate.
-To make somebody like you as a person (irrespective of how much they want to bang you)
- To play it straight and honestly, but they would tip-toe the line hard without crossing it.
- Great mood, tons of laughs, high-energy. Being around them was fun.

A lot of my game today is honed from sharp observations of other people failing and the rare people who manage to string together something that I appreciated. From the outside, its easy to see all the angles. From the inside, you are too close. The emotions blind you.

Starting thinking meta. Think about your "game" in month or seasonal periods. Just observe, watch, try, experiment, re-experiment, re-evaluate and I promise you'll make strides. I know I still am.

My 2c.

American Men are Stupid- It's a Players Market - RandalGraves - 10-28-2013

Quote: (10-28-2013 12:44 PM)DVY Wrote:  

I learned a lot from the "cool gay dudes". Usually these were gay dudes who were young, good-looking, had mad game.
-To approach without being desperate.
-To make somebody like you as a person (irrespective of how much they want to bang you)
- To play it straight and honestly, but they would tip-toe the line hard without crossing it.
- Great mood, tons of laughs, high-energy. Being around them was fun.

I've gone with my gay friend to a gay bar a couple times. It's given me some perspective on game, having experienced the "other side" a few times when gay men approached me.

First, I saw the weird, awkward approach. The experience of a guy popping up out of nowhere as soon as my friend left me alone for a moment. The dude holding his beer in front of him for courage, making very weak small talk. It gave me perspective--I was polite because I was flattered, but I didn't really invest into the conversation. It reminded me of times, early on in my game, that girls behaved that way to me. It helped me really understand what it was like to have weak game thrown at you, and the way girls respond to it.

Another time, I was having a smoke outside the gay bar with a couple friends. Some older gay dude rolled up, asked for a light, and then shot the shit with us for 10 minutes. Really tight verbal, rambling game. He was comfortable, kept the conversation rolling and entertaining, etc. I was impressed how he kept it from seeming creepy, despite how much older he was than us.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]