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The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Veloce - 04-25-2012

Attempted cockblock from a bartender last night at happy hour.

Solid 8 sits next to me at the bar, by herself, and I'm by myself. Inside I'm fucking elated at this rarity. She orders some food to go (I notice it's just enough food for one person) and orders a drink. I tease her about her drink, we start chatting, and she's super cool and receptive. Instant connection. Almost right off the bat, she asks me my name. Bingo.

She starts telling me all sorts of personal shit, where she's from, she recently moved here, about her work, I'm thinking this is a sure thing. I try to get a same night date but she can't, wants to meet later this week. Halfway through our interaction I'm talking to her and the bartender sides over and belts out loudly, "YOU SAY YOU'RE FROM SAN DIEGO?" And starts talking over me about how he lived there, grew up there, and yadda yadda yadda. I wait for a split second pause in his speech and then turn my back to him and say, "ANYWAY...yeah let's meet up here this week, I'll show you a few bars around here." Stiffed the asshole his tip and tried boring a hole through his skull with my eyes. WTF is up with this shit? As if bartenders don't already get enough attention?

After she left a few guys came up to sit where she was and congratulated me.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Veloce - 04-25-2012

Quote: (04-25-2012 11:15 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Had a chick come over last night, who I'd banged before, and was a sure thing. She baited me into some shitty political discussion (about "gender issues") that I skillfully avoided. She kept egging me on, so I dropped some manosphere-style knowledge. Dried up the pussy big-time. She cried several times and left in tears. I could here her sobbing in the distance as she left my apartment. Don't think I'll hear from that one again.

[Image: lol.gif]

It's a shame because she's an amazing lay.

I'm usually careful about dropping manosphere shit, in fact my policy is to not bring it up. But it has come up, and I find that girls are not receptive AT ALL. I always have to follow it up with, "See these are just observations I've made based on my experiences with girls, but I'm always hoping that someday I'll meet a girl that is the exception to the rule, the one that breaks the generalizations" and then give her that bullshit sincere eye contact like maybe SHE'S that girl. It's worked so far.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - soup - 04-25-2012

Quote: (04-25-2012 01:17 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Attempted cockblock from a bartender last night at happy hour.

Solid 8 sits next to me at the bar, by herself, and I'm by myself. Inside I'm fucking elated at this rarity. She orders some food to go (I notice it's just enough food for one person) and orders a drink. I tease her about her drink, we start chatting, and she's super cool and receptive. Instant connection. Almost right off the bat, she asks me my name. Bingo.

She starts telling me all sorts of personal shit, where she's from, she recently moved here, about her work, I'm thinking this is a sure thing. I try to get a same night date but she can't, wants to meet later this week. Halfway through our interaction I'm talking to her and the bartender sides over and belts out loudly, "YOU SAY YOU'RE FROM SAN DIEGO?" And starts talking over me about how he lived there, grew up there, and yadda yadda yadda. I wait for a split second pause in his speech and then turn my back to him and say, "ANYWAY...yeah let's meet up here this week, I'll show you a few bars around here." Stiffed the asshole his tip and tried boring a hole through his skull with my eyes. WTF is up with this shit? As if bartenders don't already get enough attention?

After she left a few guys came up to sit where she was and congratulated me.

Just remember, even if you tip them well, bartenders don't give a shit about you.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Samseau - 04-29-2012

Cockblocking hit a new low last night.

I was dancing in a group of girls when some fat, short ugly girl in the group came up to me and said I needed to leave. Around the same time, I felt a pinch on my ass from behind. I told the short fat girl in front of me to leave me alone, but she kept yelling at me to leave. I flicked her off and then turned around, and a smoking brunette started to grind up against me.

I'm starting to dance with her and she's really into it, but suddenly a feel a hand on my shoulder pull me away from her. I turn to my left and I see it's one of the head bouncers.

"Yo dude, those girl's came up to me and said you're harassing them."
"Dude, didn't you just see me dancing with her? That wasn't harassment."
"Yeah, but one of them said you were harassing them."
"She's a liar."
"That may be, but I still have to ask you to leave them alone. Just go over to that side of the club (he points off in the distance)."

So I got cockblocked by the bouncer, who knew that if he didn't make the girl happy would raise holy hell about the club and start rumors that guys are allowed to harass girls inside if he didn't do something.

The laws in this country pretty much mean that no matter what a girl says, it becomes automatically true. A girl's accusation is a good as committing a crime.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - el mechanico - 04-29-2012

Brutal Samseau.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - theoogabear - 04-29-2012

i'm sizeist forever.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Veloce - 04-29-2012

Sam that's fucking awful. Makes me fantasize of a future utopia where we could cruise around like the Ghostbusters and just blast fatties on the spot with our proton packs

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - dragnet - 04-29-2012

Quote: (04-29-2012 04:30 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

Sam that's fucking awful. Makes me fantasize of a future utopia where we could cruise around like the Ghostbusters and just blast fatties on the spot with our proton packs

I just got the most hilarious visual in my head.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Blackhawk - 04-30-2012

Quote: (04-29-2012 09:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

The laws in this country pretty much mean that no matter what a girl says, it becomes automatically true. A girl's accusation is a good as committing a crime.

Well, not exactly. It's more "people who whine and complain are paid attention to because eveyone's sue happy". Unfortunately, because you're not a dick or a whiner, you didn't complain about the fattie. Which rewards her behavior and lets her continue in stealth mode to snipe future men the same way by lying about shit. You need to stop being a white knight and enabling her bullshit by hiding it.

It's a bar. Alcohol is being served. Some people will get intoxicated and do stupid shit. 50% of those will be women.

If you had gone to staff earlier and said, "Hey, there's a drunk girl who's hitting on me and can't get that I'm not interested." this would have developed quite differently.

I hate this, because in a way it rewards snitches and it reduces me to being a playground monitor watching over (drunk) children. But alternatively, it's called communicating and letting me know when people are too drunk. I can't read people's minds, I certainly don't see everything, and I really only have time to respond to complaints. If you set up a communication channel with me at least I know what the hell's going on.

Do attractive men have women go spazz over them with unwanted drunken behavior? See it all the time. And that sounds what happened to you.

If you tell me something like, "Hey, I've got a drunk who won't leave me alone. I told her I'm not interested, she's still putting her hands all over me and shit and interfering with my friends." ...then minimum I'm going to watch you and see if this is going on. To be honest, if she comes up and touches you again and I see it, I'm going to throw her ass out because she's overserved and we can't legally sell her any more drinks anyway. Even if she looks like she's still a customer I've got all I need to give her a one and only warning and tell her to leave you the fuck alone, next time she's ejected. There is no special rule that only applies to men and not women. We treat complaints against both sexes the same way.

When she started to act like she owned the bar and started yelling at you to leave, that was the time to let the staff in on what was going on. Just go smile at the staff in your area, let us you're getting some unwanted fan attention from a drunk and describe what she's wearing/hair color. If you're hip enough to know how to work with staff on this and it comes off as just a regular thing that happens to you all the time, no big deal, no drama, there's a good chance I'll put you in my "celebrity and politician" mental file for the future --I like you being there because you'll attract business (and hopefully people who tip well). But it also means I need to put in a bit more work to keep weirdos off your back so you'll come back in the future and won't slam us on twitter or some shit.

And yeah, short girls tend to get intoxicated much faster on far fewer drinks than normal people do. Even when they're fat. So when you tell me a short girl has had too much and is now drunk and all over the place on you yelling, handling you, and shit, it's pretty much par for course.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - soup - 04-30-2012

Quote: (04-29-2012 09:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Cockblocking hit a new low last night.

I was dancing in a group of girls when some fat, short ugly girl in the group came up to me and said I needed to leave. Around the same time, I felt a pinch on my ass from behind. I told the short fat girl in front of me to leave me alone, but she kept yelling at me to leave. I flicked her off and then turned around, and a smoking brunette started to grind up against me.

I'm starting to dance with her and she's really into it, but suddenly a feel a hand on my shoulder pull me away from her. I turn to my left and I see it's one of the head bouncers.

"Yo dude, those girl's came up to me and said you're harassing them."
"Dude, didn't you just see me dancing with her? That wasn't harassment."
"Yeah, but one of them said you were harassing them."
"She's a liar."
"That may be, but I still have to ask you to leave them alone. Just go over to that side of the club (he points off in the distance)."

So I got cockblocked by the bouncer, who knew that if he didn't make the girl happy would raise holy hell about the club and start rumors that guys are allowed to harass girls inside if he didn't do something.

The laws in this country pretty much mean that no matter what a girl says, it becomes automatically true. A girl's accusation is a good as committing a crime.

I don't think it's just the fatty.

There's got to be a way to own these knuckle heads. Most bouncers are retard ex-thugs.

Try to get in with the bouncers before you get on the dance floor. It doesn't have to be much, just a small, civil conversation about anything so they know that you aren't a drunk douche. Then, they will be more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt, or will probably trust you more when shit like that comes up.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - soup - 04-30-2012

[quote] (04-30-2012 03:01 AM)soup Wrote:  

[quote='Samseau' pid='202858' dateline='1335708287']
Cockblocking hit a new low last night.

I was dancing in a group of girls when some fat, short ugly girl in the group came up to me and said I needed to leave. Around the same time, I felt a pinch on my ass from behind. I told the short fat girl in front of me to leave me alone, but she kept yelling at me to leave. I flicked her off and then turned around, and a smoking brunette started to grind up against me.

I'm starting to dance with her and she's really into it, but suddenly a feel a hand on my shoulder pull me away from her. I turn to my left and I see it's one of the head bouncers.

"Yo dude, those girl's came up to me and said you're harassing them."
"Dude, didn't you just see me dancing with her? That wasn't harassment."
"Yeah, but one of them said you were harassing them."
"She's a liar."
"That may be, but I still have to ask you to leave them alone. Just go over to that side of the club (he points off in the distance)."

So I got cockblocked by the bouncer, who knew that if he didn't make the girl happy would raise holy hell about the club and start rumors that guys are allowed to harass girls inside if he didn't do something.

The laws in this country pretty much mean that no matter what a girl says, it becomes automatically true. A girl's accusation is a good as committing a crime.[/quote]

I don't think it's just the fatty.

There's got to be a way to own these knuckle heads. Most bouncers are retard ex-thugs.

Try to get in with the bouncers before you get on the dance floor. It doesn't have to be much, just a small, civil conversation about anything so they know that you aren't a drunk douche. Maybe hint that you're brother is a cop or something. Then, they will be more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt, or will probably trust you more when shit like that comes up.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Samseau - 04-30-2012

Quote: (04-30-2012 03:01 AM)soup Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2012 09:04 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Cockblocking hit a new low last night.

I was dancing in a group of girls when some fat, short ugly girl in the group came up to me and said I needed to leave. Around the same time, I felt a pinch on my ass from behind. I told the short fat girl in front of me to leave me alone, but she kept yelling at me to leave. I flicked her off and then turned around, and a smoking brunette started to grind up against me.

I'm starting to dance with her and she's really into it, but suddenly a feel a hand on my shoulder pull me away from her. I turn to my left and I see it's one of the head bouncers.

"Yo dude, those girl's came up to me and said you're harassing them."
"Dude, didn't you just see me dancing with her? That wasn't harassment."
"Yeah, but one of them said you were harassing them."
"She's a liar."
"That may be, but I still have to ask you to leave them alone. Just go over to that side of the club (he points off in the distance)."

So I got cockblocked by the bouncer, who knew that if he didn't make the girl happy would raise holy hell about the club and start rumors that guys are allowed to harass girls inside if he didn't do something.

The laws in this country pretty much mean that no matter what a girl says, it becomes automatically true. A girl's accusation is a good as committing a crime.

I don't think it's just the fatty.

There's got to be a way to own these knuckle heads. Most bouncers are retard ex-thugs.

Try to get in with the bouncers before you get on the dance floor. It doesn't have to be much, just a small, civil conversation about anything so they know that you aren't a drunk douche. Then, they will be more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt, or will probably trust you more when shit like that comes up.

Dude, I've been greasing the head bouncers there for years. I'm tight with them, I skip the line, they'll back me up against any other guy, etc.

But when it comes to women, you don't cross that line.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Architekt - 05-13-2012

Experienced what was quite possibly the lulziest cockblock of my life last night.

The group I was with decided they wanted food, but I don't eat when I drink, so I waited outside to scope out women. Naturally, a few hotties walk past, though, at that time of the morning, most are stupidly drunk, fat/ugly, or have already devoted themselves to some dude for the night. A mixed group walks into the store and I decided to give it a go with one of the girls (about a 7). Things are going well, the girl is interested, and the whole group is vibing well and getting along with me. Seemed like a sure thing. Then suddenly, a fatty comes into the store, steals the girls slice of pizza from under her and runs off. Not only did this totally kill the mood, she actually ran off to chase her for a while. Eventually she came back, but was too angry and bitchy for me to want to continue the conversation. While this was a huge pain in the ass, it was the most hilarious thing I've seen for a while. A fat chick, wearing a revealing dress that was way too tight, stealing food and running off to eat it. Wasn't even mad.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Roosh - 05-25-2012

I got cockblocked by Gmail.

Last week I was macking on two girls simultaneously. The only way I could smoothly close the second one was to give her my email address under the guise of helping her with something. I gave her my Industrial Shithole Gmail address which forwards to my main account (so I don't have to check the IS email address every day).

Well I never get the email from the girl. Oh well, I thought. But then I checked that alternate email today and she did in fact email me... 5 days ago. Gmail has forwarded every other email to my main account except that one. Too bad since I leave in less than 24 hours. Kind of salty right now. Google has cockblocked me in one way or another more times that I can remember.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - HiFlo - 05-25-2012

I crashed a hipster house party last week. I had ran into some of the girls/guys there before but did not know them well. One or two of the guys who noticed that their target girls were more interested in me than them started spreading rumors that I had an STD and was a "known groper" hahahahha. I'm not part of the social circle much so it doesn't affect me long-term, but it could potentially be fatal if I were "friends" with 'em.

I tried to smooth things over by 'goin beta' , "I don't know a lot of people in this town and I'm just being friendly tryin to make friends. Sorry if I offended u....." But they weren't having it. I was kicked out.

Anyway, it was a major disappointment that someone would stoop so low, but I figured at the same time it gave me a new tool for the ol' warchest: if I have a house party or I'm in a simliar situation and there's an 'intruder' who's disrupting the nest, start spreading rumors that homeboy is a manwhore and has an STD and the girlies will run from him and he'll be ostracized like no other.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Samseau - 05-25-2012

Quote: (05-25-2012 06:14 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got cockblocked by Gmail.

Last week I was macking on two girls simultaneously. The only way I could smoothly close the second one was to give her my email address under the guise of helping her with something. I gave her my Industrial Shithole Gmail address which forwards to my main account (so I don't have to check the IS email address every day).

Well I never get the email from the girl. Oh well, I thought. But then I checked that alternate email today and she did in fact email me... 5 days ago. Gmail has forwarded every other email to my main account except that one. Too bad since I leave in less than 24 hours. Kind of salty right now. Google has cockblocked me in one way or another more times that I can remember.

Fuck THAT shit dude, go for the Hail Mary and send a reply!

"GMail screwed up and didn't forward me your email. I'm only here for one more day, but if you want we can still meet up."

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Roosh - 05-26-2012

Quote: (05-25-2012 09:31 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2012 06:14 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got cockblocked by Gmail.

Last week I was macking on two girls simultaneously. The only way I could smoothly close the second one was to give her my email address under the guise of helping her with something. I gave her my Industrial Shithole Gmail address which forwards to my main account (so I don't have to check the IS email address every day).

Well I never get the email from the girl. Oh well, I thought. But then I checked that alternate email today and she did in fact email me... 5 days ago. Gmail has forwarded every other email to my main account except that one. Too bad since I leave in less than 24 hours. Kind of salty right now. Google has cockblocked me in one way or another more times that I can remember.

Fuck THAT shit dude, go for the Hail Mary and send a reply!

"GMail screwed up and didn't forward me your email. I'm only here for one more day, but if you want we can still meet up."

Oh I did. But Ukrainian girls don't exactly check their email on Saturday morning. [Image: sad.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Samseau - 05-26-2012

Quote: (05-26-2012 05:45 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2012 09:31 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2012 06:14 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I got cockblocked by Gmail.

Last week I was macking on two girls simultaneously. The only way I could smoothly close the second one was to give her my email address under the guise of helping her with something. I gave her my Industrial Shithole Gmail address which forwards to my main account (so I don't have to check the IS email address every day).

Well I never get the email from the girl. Oh well, I thought. But then I checked that alternate email today and she did in fact email me... 5 days ago. Gmail has forwarded every other email to my main account except that one. Too bad since I leave in less than 24 hours. Kind of salty right now. Google has cockblocked me in one way or another more times that I can remember.

Fuck THAT shit dude, go for the Hail Mary and send a reply!

"GMail screwed up and didn't forward me your email. I'm only here for one more day, but if you want we can still meet up."

Oh I did. But Ukrainian girls don't exactly check their email on Saturday morning. [Image: sad.gif]

Man I would be livid - I hate when technology fucks me over!

One time I had a girl who took my number in a club sent me a text message for the first contact.

I was like "Alls clear ahead! Smooth sailing boys!"

But then I put my phone back into my pocket and somehow the touch screen activated through my pants and called the girl. She didn't pick up and sent another text saying "Oh I'm at soccer now, I can't talk now".

I knew immediately I had lost my chances with the girl, and she took the call as a sign of extreme neediness.

Since then, I always keep my touch screen phones locked.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Roosh - 05-27-2012

The good thing I guess is that you only make the mistake once and then lock it down.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - haywire - 05-27-2012

Quote: (05-26-2012 10:12 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

But then I put my phone back into my pocket and somehow the touch screen activated through my pants and called the girl. She didn't pick up and sent another text saying "Oh I'm at soccer now, I can't talk now".

I knew immediately I had lost my chances with the girl, and she took the call as a sign of extreme neediness.

You should have called her 5 more times to make it look like a real pocket-dial.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - Screwston - 06-01-2012

Quote: (05-13-2012 07:35 AM)Architekt Wrote:  

Experienced what was quite possibly the lulziest cockblock of my life last night.

The group I was with decided they wanted food, but I don't eat when I drink, so I waited outside to scope out women. Naturally, a few hotties walk past, though, at that time of the morning, most are stupidly drunk, fat/ugly, or have already devoted themselves to some dude for the night. A mixed group walks into the store and I decided to give it a go with one of the girls (about a 7). Things are going well, the girl is interested, and the whole group is vibing well and getting along with me. Seemed like a sure thing. Then suddenly, a fatty comes into the store, steals the girls slice of pizza from under her and runs off. Not only did this totally kill the mood, she actually ran off to chase her for a while. Eventually she came back, but was too angry and bitchy for me to want to continue the conversation. While this was a huge pain in the ass, it was the most hilarious thing I've seen for a while. A fat chick, wearing a revealing dress that was way too tight, stealing food and running off to eat it. Wasn't even mad.
[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] what the fuck!

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - dk902 - 06-02-2012

I got hardcore cockblocked last night.

I went out solo in the Friday spirit. Went to a spot and was outside having a smoke. Some Australian comes upto me and opens me with 'So what's your story?' (reads Roosh V Forum? [Image: lol.gif]).

Kissed her after a few minutes and it's on. The place is closing and I suggest to her and her friend who's with a guy she just picked up (ideal scenario) to bounce to another place.

We get to the next place, I kick it, kiss some more, she was really into me. Just let time pass until the 'magical period' i.e. the amount of time deemed sufficient to bang a girl. I'd say it was 90% on.

Her annoying friend with her boyfriend wanted to join us and go to another place. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

I was skeptical of so many people being in the equation to the overall success of my bang for that evening. Another goddamn spanner in the works. But it's cool, we go to the next spot I get a drink in, she starts getting really horny grabbing my ass, I reciprocate. It's on, I suggest we go somewhere else, I just had to go pee.

I return, she's in the toilet with her friend who's trying to undermine me and say she should be faithful to her boyfriend back home.

Her friend is leaving with her boyfriend, finally leaving me alone with the girl, just before she goes she asks my girl if she's OK 1000 times and then says 'I'm going to leave your handbag and keys with this guy here he can look after you (this guy was some mutual friend).' Bitch please why you have to cockblock me like this?
Transpires they knew each other a kiss on a cheek turns into the lips and they just carry on at it. I'm like eh?

I revved that engine up all night only to watch someone else drive the car off, I witnessed the robbery.

I was left with 2 options:

1) Stand there holding my dick
2) Go and spit more game at other bitches.

Obviously went for 2. I didn't get angry about it. If you play the game you're gonna lose some.

Met a nice Spanish chick on my way home today and set up a date with her, game karma [Image: lol.gif]

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - WesternCancer - 06-03-2012

I just got cockblocked by alcohol

This happened this weekend. I went to my girls friends cabin. 4 guys 6 girls. one of the guys has his girlfriend there so he was banging her most of the time. another dude had a girlfriend back home = no moves will be laid down by him, the 3rd guy was a beta who was into the girl I'll call blondie. the 4th is me. The girls are all average and a few are good looking, my girl, the dudes girlfriend, blondie, virgin, my girl's friend, and the asian. This plus a boatload of alcohol, no tv and no internet is going to make for an eventful weekend.

The first night starts with everyone getting to know each other, simple stuff. I plant the seeds.

Second night. I isolate each girl separately and run some game. I get them involved in various drinking games, deep conversations, conspiracies etc. The seeds are sprouting as their interest is visibly growing. I take my girl to our room in the middle of one of our games. Every one knows we're banging, the asian and blondie interrupt us by calling us down and banging on the door. They most likely clearly heard my girls loud orgasm and exclamations of how good I am in bed. These girls are my threesome (or more) targets. I also have my girls friend as another threesome prospect as I caught them making out a few times, I encouraged it.

Third night begins and I can smell the pussy juices flowing. These girls are horny beyond all belief, if they had any less inhibitions it would have been a full on orgy. Heavy touching, grabbing asses and even a "topless dance party" The night is getting late and everyone is thoroughly liquored. The asian is talking to me and is telling me about how awesome sex is and that I should bang my girl. My girl is sitting on my lap. (reminder: she heard me obviously banging the night before). I see this as a good opportunity. I feign shyness and tell the asian I'm a virgin, she is drunk, she is aghast at what I just said. It couldn't be! She tells me she'll walk me and my girl through it. She grabs my hand, I grab my girl's hand and we go to my room. I had talked with my girl the day prior about threesomes and she said she gets territorial, but didn't say no to the idea. So I'm walking up the stairs trying my best not to have a huge shit-eating grin on my face realizing that I'm going to be fucking both of these girls in the next little bit.

We get to the room and I bullshit around for a minute or two and start making out with my girl, I pull her on top of me and she starts grinding me. I reach over to asian (who is standing just off the bed) and grab her ass a bit and rub her pussy. Just as I do this beta and blondie run up the stairs with drinks yelling SHOTTZZZ!!!111 My girl snaps out of it and kind of looks around and rolls off of me. I don't think she noticed me playing with the asian. Anyways, everyone who is still conscious decides its a great idea to come up and get some of the aformentioned shots. They chill there for a bit, my girl, beta, my girls friend leave for another area of the house. Now I'm lying on the bed with a visible boner. Asian is kind of lying on me/cuddling on me, virgin is sitting cross legged at my feet and blondie is lying down on the other side of me, but not really touching me. They again start telling me I should bang my girl, but are signalling that I should be banging them. I'm lying there just thinking "what the hell is going on this rules" I can't keep the lie up any more and say I'm not a virgin, they laugh and then ask me some generic sex questions/questions about boys. The mood dropped a bit sexually. I suggest we leave to get more drinks. We do and beta comes up to me, looks at me funny and asks how he should go about banging blondie, I give him a few pointers, because hell I can't bang every woman in the house... can I?

During the drinks people start dropping like flies. My girls friend passes out drunk as fuck, down one prospect. Beta boy throws down some RVF approved moves, down one prospect. The rest have left or are banging. Now its just me, beta, my girl, virgin, blondie and asian. I suggest we head over to the huge bed and watch a movie or something. I didn't think this one through, the dark light made everyone quiet/sleepy, but now as we were all laying down and under covers I was able to keep working. I have my girl lying on one shoulder, I'm kissing her. I have the asian on my other shoulder literally holding on to my girl. I am in a bitch-cocoon ready to metamorphasize into a 3some having player. Virgin is beside asian then blondie then beta, who is getting his RVF-disapproved cuddle on with blondie.

I prep myself mentally and go for gold. I start making out with my girl until my dick gets hard, I kind of push on asian's arm; she gets the hint and reaches down to grab my dick. I do the fingering from behind move on my girl. At this point I have the absolute dumbest look of joy on my face. I lean over and start making out with asian. All is well until my girl states "I don't feel good" I think to myself "FUUUUUUCKKKKK" she gets up, stumbles to the bathroom and gets her barf on. Me, being the nice guy that I am get her a glass of water/some food. I walk her to bed. This takes all of 15 minutes. I get back to the other room and asian girl is out cold. Down two more prospects. At this point I just sulk off in defeat. My chance at a threesome is no more.

I woke up in the morning next to my girl. She rolls over and eventually says "was asian trying to put the moves on you" and I said "I think she was trying to put the moves on both of us." She gave me a funny look.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - soup - 06-06-2012

I'm starting to think that heavier girls can actually be more difficult to game than girls who are more in shape.

I tried to run the first date bang recipe tonight on a chick from OKC. She showed up and she's got a good face, and now I realize after looking back at her pics, that she had more weight. I have to remember to screen chicks better.

Got her back to my house, and I couldn't get past 2nd base (over the shirt) with her!

Anyway, I think some chubby chicks are more self-conscious of their naked bodies than girls who are in shape. So, it's always an embarrassment for them to get their clothes off.

Maybe it's a fault in my game that killed the seduction, but I believe that the hotter girls are more sexual because they are constantly getting dicks coming at them or on them.

I think I have better chances going after chicks that I'm more aroused by, because a girl can feel it if you're only half way into it.

Anyway, I'm hitting up my pussy-reserves tonight.

The I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread - pikachufanboy - 06-10-2012

[Image: mhy29.png]

i'm going to let this one sit for a few more days before i text her again. haven't banged this girl before for the record.