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Was this Beta? - FretDancer - 02-21-2012

Can't resist the trolling.

I just came from a fashion event, saw a gorgeous HB10 with her boyfriend. I approached her and got in between her and the dude. He got furious and started talking bad to me, then came some pushing, I decided it was enough so I beat the crap out of him, left him crying. Her girlfriend, who's pussy was super wet at this time couldn't take it anymore, I took her by the hand and led her to the restrooms, I fucked the shit out of her and she kept screaming my name.

Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - Cookie - 02-21-2012

I was at the bank yesterday when some robbers came in and held everyone hostage. They were armed with the latest military grade firepower. I started sneaking people out of the building, but the hottest female teller got super horny and wanted me to fuck her right then. The robbers heard her moaning about how I had the greatest dick ever and they tried to shoot me, but I beat the shit out of them with my bear hands. After that The Mayor gave me the key to the city, and past a law saying that no women could refuse to have sex with me. Is this beta?

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-21-2012

I just conquered a huge swath of China.

They now are calling it The Mason Dynasty of China.

I have a room with 1000 virgin girls that I swoop every day for 10 hours.

I also am a Black Belt in Kung fu.

Was this Beta?

Was this Beta? - Screwston - 02-21-2012

I wonder if guys think to themselves "is this a beta move?" In the real world. Once a beta, always a beta...

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-21-2012

My name is Michael Plant.

I am the singer of a band, Led Manifesto, that sold 70 million albums.

I have slept with over 9000 women.

When I sing, women start crying.

Was this beta?

(Here is a little song I just put together)

Was this Beta? - FretDancer - 02-22-2012

Haha G is on a roll [Image: lol.gif]

By the way, love Led Zep

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

I enter a room like this. Is this beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

This is a compilation of a few highlights of when I played a little ball back in college. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

This is some of footage of me dispensing of a bully back in elementary. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

This is me lighting up some Decepticons back in the 80s. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - WesternCancer - 02-22-2012

This one time I was in a car chase/gun battle AND got road head. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - WesternCancer - 02-22-2012

One time I was banging this pro for free after I killed a bunch of dudes and saved her kid. Then more dudes came in so I shot the fuck out of them while banging her against the wall. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-22-2012

Ha. I knew Tuth wouldn't be able to resist this thread.

Ok, here is a serious one for you guys:

My name is Miguel Cortés.

I was the El Capitan of three ships; The Nina, The Pinta and The G Manifesto.

I sailed all three west and made the discovery of The New World.

Myself and my band of 500 men battled with the local Incan Empire, 40,000 warriors strong.

[Image: McConnellIncas.jpg]

After a war of attrition, my band of men and I were able to bring the vast Incan Empire to its knees:

[Image: conquistador-incan-empire-3.jpg]

I was able to gather untold riches; gold, silver, emeralds.

Not to mention, I swooped like 4000 of the hottest Incan Women.

Now, I need to know guys;

Was this Beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

Yeah, this one time, I witnessed a liquor-store robbery and felt like I had to take a stand. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

This other time, the cobra pit was all dirty with egg shells and sloughed skin. Nobody wanted to clean it, so I went in and did it all casual and shit, and in flip-flops. It was nothing. People can be so lazy. Was this beta??

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-22-2012


Enough of the joke posts guys.

This one is serious:

So my girl that I was swooping was getting harassed by a preppy guy that lived across the street from her.

I felt I had to defend her honor.

So I walked across the street and pistol whipped the guy.

So I have to ask you guys this:

Was this Beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

So this is a little embarrassing. When I was younger, me and a couple of friends decided to start this band. We were okay. But we did manage to get on television one time. The girls got so excited for no reason! The studio probably told them to scream like that. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - WesternCancer - 02-22-2012

But really guys. I met this girl, I fell in love instantly and couldn't get her off my mind, after pedestalizing her for like 3 months she finally kissed me. Everything was great and she made my life worth living. One day we went on a date and she LJBF'd me. This affected me deeply and my entire existence was ruined, I cried like a little bitch for like a year. Finally I see her again, I thought she was going to kiss and hold me again, but she introduced me to her fiance. I whined some more and girls don't even want to talk to me because I'm so pathetic. Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-22-2012

Alright guys.

Lets get real for a moment.

So here is the deal:

I never mentioned this before on here, but I grew up playing hoops. I was a pretty decent streetball player in my hood.

Luck would have it, that I was actually drafted by the NBA.

In my rookie season, I unfortunately was matched up against Michael Jordan.

I used a little move I learned on the streets on Jordan.

The clip of the Game is below.

What do you guys think?

Was this Beta?

Was this Beta? - Tuthmosis - 02-22-2012

Since we're opening up, I'll tell a story about my past. Back when the USSR was still around--and the Cold War was still in full-effect--I had to train for a boxing match against this Soviet boxing champion. I was determined to avenge my dear friend's death at this guy's hands during an exhibition bout.

While the Russian trained with the latest state-of-the-art technology to get into tip-top fighting shape, I used equivalent old-school methods, isolated in the mountains of Siberia.

Was this kinda beta?

Was this Beta? - Entropy - 02-22-2012

I just made 50.14% return on my trading for the month of February. I did it all by risking only 1% per trade.

Was this beta?


I just shit on lucifer's head and arse-rape the virgin mary herself...Was this beta?

Was this Beta? - soup - 02-22-2012

Beta was me tonight, cold approaching three models, being told by the hottter, Russian one "You're so awkward."

I didn't walk away, I said "Wow, are all Russians so quick to judge?"

We BS'd a bit and I didn't get any pussy.

Yeah, I failed- I didn't get the SNL, but I can promise that I probably wouldn't have even tried to talk to these girls before I knew about game.

And, I can tell that she was into me, I just didn't yet have the game to seal the deal.

Was this Beta? - Samseau - 02-22-2012

You are all beta males.

Was this Beta? - thegmanifesto - 02-22-2012

Best thread I have seen on the whole Alpha/Beta dichotomy.

Was this Beta? - Roosh - 02-22-2012

I sing a lot of sappy love longs about kissing girls and treating them right. Millions of people hate on me and my music. Right now I'm banging pop star Latina jailbait. Am I beta?

[Image: MV5BNDQwNjcwOTU0M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDgw...@._V1_.jpg]