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The Donald Trump thread - WanderingSoul - 07-15-2015

Zero chance quality ounces are going for $25.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-16-2015

Here's what was released today:

[Image: trump%20assets.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread - Hotwheels - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-15-2015 08:43 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

For less than one mill with gov approval secretly the cartels can be wiped clean using ex military for hire guys and a little help on positions from USAF surveillance.

I'd just invade Mexico and keep pushing the border back until they fell inline. Then the wall would be smaller and not on a river.

Go big or go home.

Also would evict all the Mexicans off the land and create a new US state.

Patton kicked their ass 100 years ago.

Would be easier now.

The Donald Trump thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-16-2015

All of this is moot frankly. Donald Trump won't get elected. He will just split the Republican vote far enough for Hillary Clinton to win it all.

No candidate currently can win a democratic election when almost 50% of the population is foreign born:

[Image: foreign%20born.png.CROP.article568-large.png]

The shit would have to hit the fan for real and even then the percentage may be 70% by then.

Also you have to keep in mind the following:

+ Donald Trump's wealth is nothing compared to the real string pullers of this world - they could easily wipe out his wealth or just himself personally if he ever would oppose them
+ it is refreshing to hear him talk without much of a filter, but you see - almost all of the top guys think like him. Behind closed doors most of them are not really PC - even the Black and Latino billionaires/politicians/big shots.

I have nothing against Donald Trump, but he will be just another Ross Perot who will split the vote and then make it easier for the intended person to win. (otherwise Bush sr. likely would have won)

And even if he would ever win despite not getting the female vote, the immigrant vote, the liberal and SJW vote - even if he would win despite all of that - there would be no change and we would see him say after the vote: "Well - we've got to reconsider the economy here and bla bla bla..." - business as usual - new emperor, same empire.

Also - a billionaire with a hot young-looking (she is 44) wife is incredibly easy to attack among the thirsty hordes of liberal Betas and the entire female groupthink collective. If you want to win nowadays you have to get the women - Hitler got their votes as a "dashing strong man" (shows you really everything you need to know about the quality of female voting decisions). Trump won't.

[Image: donald_trump_2006_04_30.jpg]
Yeah - I can see the women voting for him and his "trophy wife" (she is age appropriate - he could have gone much younger, but choosing one who is younger looking, but older certainly limits the chances of a future divorce).

The Donald Trump thread - Hotwheels - 07-16-2015

That's one 44 year old I would wreck.

The Donald Trump thread - aphelion - 07-16-2015

Two things, Zelcorpion -

First, Trump (so far) is running exclusively as a Republican. If he runs third party, Hillary wins in a 3-way landslide. Trump knows this and has already addressed the question. It's a Republican primary or nothing.

Second, Trump is extremely conciliatory toward legal immigrants (particularly given his first wife Ivana). The rhetoric about Trump pissing off immigrants is about illegal immigrants and consequently their enablers. Illegal immigrants can't vote but I suspect he'll do well enough by legal immigrants with voting rights. As for illegal enablers, most of them wouldn't vote republican if the Dem ticket was Palatine/Vader 2016.

The Donald Trump thread - kosko - 07-16-2015

They have been together a while now, when he swooped her she was 35.

What is funny about his wealth sheet is that many of his Trump Towers are not on there.

So sad for people in Toronto and Vancouver who bought condos thinking they were buying a real Trump. Trump has made good money lending his brand as a license to condos so they can help market it as high and lux. The real Trump towers that he and his firm build are top notch (New York, Chicago, etc) but the fakes that he sells his name too are knock offs but he will simply retire the deals when they run out. The Toronto one especially won't be called Trump Toronto once the deal runs out. He made a deal with a crazed Russian guy who cheapened out on materials to get his profit margins up on the build.

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 05:20 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Two things, Zelcorpion -

First, Trump (so far) is running exclusively as a Republican. If he runs third party, Hillary wins in a 3-way landslide. Trump knows this and has already addressed the question. It's a Republican primary or nothing.

Second, Trump is extremely conciliatory toward legal immigrants (particularly given his first wife Ivana). The rhetoric about Trump pissing off immigrants is about illegal immigrants and consequently their enablers. Illegal immigrants can't vote but I suspect he'll do well enough by legal immigrants with voting rights. As for illegal enablers, most of them wouldn't vote republican if the Dem ticket was Palatine/Vader 2016.

This is what I was going to say. As long as Trump doesn't run third party he will not split the Republican vote. If there are some Republicans who will not vote for Trump, they can then appreciate a further move to the left of the country and more misery thanks to staying at home.

I hope Trump keeps going and gets the Republican nomination. At least those dirty RINOs who are selling out the people they claim to represent, like Cantor (gone), Graham, McConnell and Bohner will have the light shown on them and their constituents can see who they really are.

If Trump gets the GOP Nomination, the 2016 election will tell me if the USA will recover or will go down in history as other once great and fallen empires. Our debt means we are running out of time, and I don't think we can sustain another 4 years of high deficits and nothing to show for it. Much less someone as anti-male and anti-family as Hillary. Add to it, if the people in the USA are this stupid, then there is no way any candidate who wants to really improve the country can ever win again and it is over. Just a string of mindless politicians, who win by promising free shit they can not deliver on until the whole thing goes kaput.

The Donald Trump thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-16-2015

Trump is a candidate that can only polarize a certain far right demographic. The country has little tolerance for billionaires running for office. He is worlds apart from the fake "compassionate capitalist" rhetoric that got Bush elected (apart from the religious vote and some voting manipulation).

A guy like him could not get enough support, but even he did and somehow won against Hillary - it wouldn't matter much. Different words - but identical actions would follow.

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 06:49 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Trump is a candidate that can only polarize a certain far right demographic. The country has little tolerance for billionaires running for office. He is worlds apart from the fake "compassionate capitalist" rhetoric that got Bush elected (apart from the religious vote and some voting manipulation).

A guy like him could not get enough support, but even he did and somehow won against Hillary - it wouldn't matter much. Different words - but identical actions would follow.

In your opinion, is there a conspiracy of a few elite globalists trying to establish a global govt.? And if so, then their desire to crush the US middle class and the sense of Nationalism or individual pride is a top priority?

If so, it does seem to be playing out, so I cannot doubt this is a very real possibility. And if so, is there anything we can do to stop it, or is our demise a foregone conclusion?

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-16-2015

[Image: foreign%20born.png.CROP.article568-large.png]

All of the immigrant voters in 2016 will be from the 1990 demographic. The ones born in 2000 will only be 16. Unless there is massive voter fraud, 90%+ of the voters will be American born.

This is going to be an extremely close election. Lots of fed-up silent majority types. Lots of guys who will re-register to vote as Republican just to vote for Trump will catch everyone by surprise.

Also as for Trump not carrying out his promises - if Trump was just another shill like Hillary or Jeb, why does the media smear him so much? It sure doesn't seem like he's just another stooge.

The Donald Trump thread - Libertas - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 05:08 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

All of this is moot frankly. Donald Trump won't get elected. He will just split the Republican vote far enough for Hillary Clinton to win it all.

No candidate currently can win a democratic election when almost 50% of the population is foreign born:

[Image: foreign%20born.png.CROP.article568-large.png]

Your chart says that the foreign born population is 12.9% of the population, not "close to 50%." [Image: dodgy.gif]

Quote: (07-16-2015 06:59 AM)It_is_my_time Wrote:  

Quote: (07-16-2015 06:49 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Trump is a candidate that can only polarize a certain far right demographic. The country has little tolerance for billionaires running for office. He is worlds apart from the fake "compassionate capitalist" rhetoric that got Bush elected (apart from the religious vote and some voting manipulation).

A guy like him could not get enough support, but even he did and somehow won against Hillary - it wouldn't matter much. Different words - but identical actions would follow.

In your opinion, is there a conspiracy of a few elite globalists trying to establish a global govt.? And if so, then their desire to crush the US middle class and the sense of Nationalism or individual pride is a top priority?

If so, it does seem to be playing out, so I cannot doubt this is a very real possibility. And if so, is there anything we can do to stop it, or is our demise a foregone conclusion?

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

The Donald Trump thread - It_is_my_time - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 07:57 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

I'm just asking his opinion and acknowledging it is a possibility. I hope it isn't true and I choose to have a positive mindset that we will get things turned around in the USA.

I was just trying to understand what he meant by "it will not matter who gets elected, we will get the same" opinion.

The Donald Trump thread - Libertas - 07-16-2015

What do you think he's going to say?

I'd prefer we keep that stuff out of this otherwise intelligent thread. Like someone else said earlier (Wastelander, I think), the thread about the UK elections was very intelligent and informative, whereas whenever the US is brought up, tinfoil hat shit comes out the ying yang. Let's keep this thread that way.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-16-2015

Even if the elections are rigged we won't know for sure until it happens Greek style. Till then all we can do is play by the rules, so there's no point in going defeatist. Zelscorpian makes it sound like it takes a huge amount of effort to get out of bed and vote.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-16-2015

So much for Hillary taking the Democratic nomination:

Her numbers are at 39%... very weak. I wonder if Bernie can take this bitch out?

The Donald Trump thread - dog - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 08:10 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

What do you think he's going to say?

I'd prefer we keep that stuff out of this otherwise intelligent thread. Like someone else said earlier (Wastelander, I think), the thread about the UK elections was very intelligent and informative, whereas whenever the US is brought up, tinfoil hat shit comes out the ying yang. Let's keep this thread that way.

Give me a break Libertas. That stuff? Otherwise intelligent? "tinfoil hat shit"?

Dismissing discussion and arguments because you find them to be unfashionable is intellectually weak. The fact of the matter is that rich and powerful people come together and figure out how to combine resources apply pressure for their mutual benefit. This shouldn't come as any sort of surprise, it's simply human self-interest and it has happened throughout all of history; the Federal Reserve is the creation of such a meeting.

Once you get a few hundred million dollars or more, there's nothing left to do but try and change the world. Peter Thiel wants to push technological development forward, Elon Musk wants to have a condo on Mars, Trump wants to run for President. People like Zuckerberg, Bill & Melinda Gates, and Soros want to implement their vision of utopia. Common Core, the conflict in Ukraine, the SJW infiltration of digital media, etc. are all products of the direction that they want to push humanity in.

We're not talking reptilian aliens and UFO coverups. It doesn't require codenames, dark rooms, and disguises. Most of this is out in the open. You can find quotes from Eurocrat politicians about the necessity to destroy European identity, and how immigration is a way to achieve it. The media push to associate any "conspiracy theory" with crackpot nonsense has obviously been successful, this stuff happens in the open and any discussion of it is dismissed outright without even bothering looking at its merits.

Do you think these people get together to discuss sports and the latest episode of Game of Thrones?

[Image: The-Tech-Supper.png]

The Donald Trump thread - Libertas - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 08:43 AM)dog Wrote:  

Give me a break Libertas. That stuff? Otherwise intelligent? "tinfoil hat shit"?

Dismissing discussion and arguments because you find them to be unfashionable is intellectually weak. The fact of the matter is that rich and powerful people come together and figure out how to combine resources apply pressure for their mutual benefit. This shouldn't come as any sort of surprise, it's simply human self-interest and it has happened throughout all of history; the Federal Reserve is the creation of such a meeting.

That powerful interests converge ideologically and economically is not what I mean.

What I dislike is the tendency to make this more sinister (and powerful) than it really is, and, more importantly, the defeatist attitude that tends to creep in when discussing it. That is intellectually weak.

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-16-2015

There's already a thread about the elite and theories about them:

This is the Donald's thread. Can't stump the Trump!

The Donald Trump thread - dog - 07-16-2015

deleted, too off topic

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-16-2015


2016 GOP presidential candidate sounds off on 'Hannity'

HANNITY: Welcome to "Hannity." A nuclear deal with Iran has been reached, but don't expect the foremost state sponsor of terror to change its ways -- that according to President Obama. Here's what he said earlier today.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: My hope is that building on this deal, we can continue to have conversations with Iran that incentivize them to behave differently in the region, to be less aggressive, less hostile, more cooperative, to operate the way we expect nations of the international community to behave. But we're not counting on it. So this deal is not contingent on Iran changing its behavior.


HANNITY: Wow! Now, while the president struggles to defend his signature deal, many of America's closest allies in the Middle East -- they are attacking this agreement. And right here at home, politicians on both sides of the aisle have been extremely critical of the deal, including 2016 presidential hopeful Donald Trump, who called it terrible.

Joining us now is the man himself, 2016 Republican presidential candidate, now number one in the latest poll with 17 percent, Donald Trump. Sir, how are you?


HANNITY: Let me -- let me start with this deal and just get your initial thoughts on it because they're the number one state sponsor of terror. They repeatedly say they're going to destroy Israel. Five days ago, they were chanting "Death to Israel, "Death to the U.S." and burning our flags.

What is your thoughts on even sitting down with them?

TRUMP: Well, the whole thing is a disgrace, that a deal like this could be signed. We had so many advantages. They're going to become a very, very rich nation. You know, they're getting billions and billions of dollars.

We have our inspecting teams. You know, unless you got anytime, anyplace -- I mean, that's what you want. You have to have anytime, anyplace. You have to go in there and check. We have to give 28 and 24- day notices.

And you know, I just look at this deal, it's so ridiculous. And not to mention the fact, which to me is very important, all of the money that they're getting, Sean, but how about the four prisoners? Why aren't we getting our four prisoners out? Kerry said he didn't want to complicate the negotiation for asking -- by asking for four prisoners.

These guys are babies. We have babies. And as you know, they're celebrating in the streets of Iran. They're going wild in the streets. They made a phenomenal deal. It's just incredible.

This is amateur night. I've never seen anything like it.

HANNITY: Let me -- let me go to the four prisoners you mentioned. Major Garrett asked the president about that today. The president got real testy. Here's how that went down.


MAJOR GARRETT, CBS NEWS: Can you tell the country, sir, why you are content with all the fanfare around this deal to leave the conscious (sic) of this nation, the strength of this nation unaccounted for in relation to these four Americans?

OBAMA: The notion that I'm "content" as I celebrate with American citizens languishing in Iranian jails -- Major, that's nonsense. And you should know better. If the question is why we did not tie the negotiations to their release, think about the logic that that creates. Suddenly, Iran realizes, You know what? Maybe we can get additional concessions out of the Americans.


HANNITY: Well, we're giving them $150 billion. They continue to spin their centrifuges. They get conventional arms as part of the deal, and 24 days notice, and they have to approve any inspections! Wow. We couldn't get the four Americans?

TRUMP: Well, the answer -- I just hear it now for the first time -- that's incredible to think that we would ask for them and they'd get more. Why would they get more? They're getting so much. You just say -- if you have the right message -- I guarantee, if I were there, you'd have those prisoners. If I were president, you'd have those prisoners and they'd be back really, really fast.

You remember Ronald Reagan when they had the hostages. And as soon as he got -- you know, once it was obvious that he was in there, they were let go so fast. They had no respect for Jimmy Carter, and they had a lot of respect for Ronald Reagan.

So I just think it's incredible. I think his answer is incredible, that it would have opened up the -- it's a simple thing. We want our prisoners back. They're not doing you any good. They're in horrible jails, from what I hear, the worst. And these are four people that shouldn't be there in the first place.

So I mean, it's just incredible that he would say something like that. That's such a simple thing to do. And it would have been good for them. You know what? It would have softened the deal even from their standpoint. They don't want these prisoners. They don't need these prisoners. It's almost like they're taunting us by keeping these prisoners.

HANNITY: What would a President Trump have done differently from the outset, and what would be the parameters of a Trump deal?

TRUMP: Well, as you know, I did read -- and oftentimes, everybody else is telling me, you know, it's the best book -- but I did write "The Art of the Deal." And they didn't write and they didn't read it. And I will tell you, it's -- it's to me amazing, Sean, because you look at the basics of what they've done and how they've done it.

I would have doubled and tripled up the sanctions very easily. I would have waited for them to call us. I would have said, We want the prisoners, by the way, before we even start. They would have given them up in about 10 minutes. And believe me, we would have had a deal that would have been much better.

But you know, what we're doing is just insane. And from what -- everything I read, at the end of the term, they're going to be able to very easily produce nuclear weapons, which is really the worst of all.

I'll tell you, this is a terrible deal for us. This is a potentially catastrophic deal for Israel. Israel has to be very nervous about what's going on with Iran right now.

HANNITY: Let me go back to the issue of immigration, which has, I would argue, catapulted you to the top. It's now -- every single candidate is discussing the issue at length and in detail as a result of your position.

This drug kingpin, El Chapo, has pretty much threatened you and told you to be quiet. What is your response back to him?

TRUMP: You know, what I'm bringing up is much more important than Donald Trump. My life -- you know, frankly, what I'm doing is so important for the country. I'm so -- first of all, I appreciate your question, the way you worded it, because the truth is, we wouldn't be talking about illegal immigration if it weren't for me.

I brought it up. They hammered me, and then they found out they were wrong. And so many people have apologized to me over the last week because, you know, when I made my statement, they didn't read my statement. They read little pieces of my statement and tried to make me look bad.

Fortunately, you have some very good reporters, and some of the media was honest. And a lot of people are apologizing to me.

I brought up illegal immigration. I talked about Mexico because I'm not talking about individual -- I'm talking about Mexico is forcing people in that they don't want, and they want us to take care of those people. They want us to put those people in prisons because they don't want -- if you remember, many years ago, Cuba, Fidel Castro emptied his jails and sent them to us.

Well, in a much more sophisticated way, that's what Mexico is doing also at the border so -- because they don't want the cost. The cost is tremendous. And then you look at what happened with the escape, it's a pretty sad state of affairs.

So had I not brought immigration up and illegal immigration in particular, you wouldn't be talking about it right now. You wouldn't be asking me the question. And now all of the candidates are trying to jump on.

But here's the problem. They're weak and they don't understand what to do. And you have to build a wall and you have to have very, very strong people there, and you will be able to control it.

And I had an idea recently. When they send illegals into our country, we charge Mexico $100,000 for every illegal that crosses that border because it's trouble.

I want them to come in, let them be legal. They have to go through a process. And the Hispanics agree with me on that. Many -- I love the Mexican people, their spirit and everything else. But they agree. They've worked hard to become legal, and they don't like what's happening at the border where all of these illegals are flowing through.

HANNITY: As you know, Mr. Trump, I was down at the border some dozen times, everywhere from the Rio Grande all the way through San Diego, where there was a drug warehouse, an office building tunnel that had been built. I was in the tunnel.

When I sat through a briefing last year with Governor Perry, the one that President Obama should have been at, I was told that since 2008, 645,000 crimes against Texans alone -- since 2008!

Why are people so resistant to acknowledge what is a simple, you know, unadulterated truth that crimes are happening because our border is not secure? Why do you think there's so much difficulty and controversy in just stating that fact?

TRUMP: Well, first of all, Governor Perry did a terrible job. When he was governor of Texas, he could have done a lot better in terms of securing the border. He did a terrible job. And whether he likes it or doesn't like it, I personally don't care. But the job he did in terms of border secure was absolutely terrible.

And what I've heard from a lot of people, you know, Mr. Shore (ph) has this incredible son, who was killed and just horribly killed by an illegal that came in -- this unbelievable young guy that was going to go to college on a scholarship, applying to Stanford and all of this just -- just wiped out.

What he told me is that when people hear it's an illegal that's (INAUDIBLE) leave him alone. They don't do anything. They were going really after the guy. As soon as they found out he was illegal, our law enforcement didn't want to do anything. They don't want to work the same way.

And I'm saying, What is this. a double standard? And the answer is you actually have a double standard. It's hard to believe. They were going -- and I've heard this from five or six other groups.

You know, we had news conference last week with five unbelievable families whose children had been -- I mean, were killed by illegals. And they said the same thing. As soon as the government found out they were illegal, it became, like, Let's sort of leave it alone. They got very, very little cooperation.

So you'll have to explain that to your viewers because why this would happen -- it wouldn't happen with me, believe me. And Mexico...

HANNITY: Let me...

TRUMP: Go ahead.

HANNITY: I'm not trying to interrupt you. I want to go to the broader question here, though. And one of your major criticisms of your fellow candidates in the Republican Party is pretty much they're career politicians. They've been timid, weak and ineffective.

TRUMP: They are.

HANNITY: When you look at the major issues that our next president will have -- getting jobs for Americans, the debt, the deficit, health care, immigration, all -- education, all of these issues -- national security, which is huge, what -- where are you different?

TRUMP: Trade.

HANNITY: How will you...

TRUMP: Sean, trade.

HANNITY: ... govern differently? In other words, how would you deal with the economy and national security? Go ahead.

TRUMP: Sean, I'm going to bring trade back into the country. Nobody's going to do it like me. In fact, a rival network of yours -- I won't mention the name, but they did a very big poll, and I kill everybody double and triple on things like trade and economics, anything having to do with financial, bringing jobs back. And leadership. I won on leadership by a long shot.

You have to bring trade back in. You have to bring our jobs back from China, and so many other places, including, by the way, Mexico. You know, Ford is building a $2.5 billion plant in Mexico right now. Tennessee just lost a big, beautiful auto plant from a German manufacturer, car manufacturer, going to Mexico. It's going to go instead of Tennessee. Tennessee expected to get it. They're not getting it.

We have -- we need these plants built in the United States. We need the jobs here. And nobody can do that like I can do that. I mean, I understand. That's what I do. That's why when everyone looked at my financials that came out today, they were stunned. I'm a private person...


HANNITY: I wasn't stunned. I knew you were a billionaire. But in -- can you balance our budget? Can you save Social Security? Can you get 50 million Americans in poverty and 46 million Americans on food stamps -- can you get them all jobs? Do you -- how quickly would you be able to turn that around?

TRUMP: I think very quickly. First of all, I want to save Social Security without the cuts. I'm the only one that can do it because I'm going to bring the jobs back. I'm going to bring money back.

And you know, one of the things I point out is that you have to have an ability to do that. Jeb Bush is not going to be able to negotiate with China. These guys are killers in China. They take advantage of us with their manipulation of the currency, so many other things. Jeb Bush, Sean, is not going to be able to bring jobs back. That I can tell you right now.

I will, and I'll bring them back big-league. We will have a great, great -- look at our -- our gross -- our GDP last quarter was negative! You don't see that! You look at China, where they go up 7 or 8 percent, and they're like -- they consider themselves a failure, which is what happens.

HANNITY: Here's my question...

TRUMP: I mean, they went up 7 percent. We went -- Sean, we went negative! That means we're getting smaller.

HANNITY: Well, that means if we have another quarter of negative growth, that's called a recession. I want to...

TRUMP: And by the way, with more people. Sean, with more people.

HANNITY: Good point.

TRUMP: We're getting smaller, but we have more people.

HANNITY: How -- in your consciousness, in your thought process, and when you were contemplating this run -- you see 93 million Americans out of the labor force, 50 million in poverty, 46 million on food stamps -- how important are those people to you because, you know, you're a billionaire...


HANNITY: ... financial statement today. How important are those Americans that are struggling and -- just to survive?

TRUMP: Very important to me. You look at the labor force, it's ridiculous. They look for a job. You know, the statistics are totally -- I don't know if they're done for some politician. I don't know when this started. But you look for job, you can't find one, you give up looking for a job, which people have given up. They're great people. They want to work. They want to make good money, and they can't find a job. They're essentially -- for statistical purposes, they're considered employed. So the number doesn't reflect -- you know, somebody actually last week said we have a 40 percent unemployment.

So I've been saying 19 to 21 percent. But somebody actually came out last week and said we have a 40 percent, and they might very well be right. Our country is suffering! We're going down. We have people that are incompetent doing it. And If you have Hillary Clinton or Jeb Bush, it's going to be more of the same. And we're not going to have a country left anymore.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-16-2015

^ As we can see now, because the Democrats have pissed off the pro-Israeli lobby (who have huge stakes in the media) now Trump is getting positive media coverage.

Basically, after the latest Obama Iran deal (which is a disaster for Israel) the pro-Israeli crowd is on team REPUBLICAN. And Trump is going to take the primary because hardline Republicans are extremely angry about illegal immigration.

This is the perfect storm for Mr. Trump. The election is going to be a nail-biter.

The Donald Trump thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-16-2015 07:57 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

Your chart says that the foreign born population is 12.9% of the population, not "close to 50%." [Image: dodgy.gif]

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

Yeah - it's not 40% yet, though the number is higher than 12.9% and in the recent decades there has been a certain - shall we say - difference on how immigrants viewed themselves. Many have stopped regarding themselves proudly as Americans, but retained their "motherland" home values.

The Latino vote is ever more important. Obama had over 70% of their votes.

[Image: population-growth-2000-2012_chartbuilder...00-c85.png]

Yeah - tinfoil hat, conspiracy theory - every time you bring up something that goes beyond the mainstream, then it's all reduced to that. Does not matter if there are countless well-researched books (Carroll Quigley, Antony Sutton) or irrefutable facts (central banking ownership structure, fractional reserve system, plutocratic & corporate influence over political processes, UN itself being a private entity etc.), which might at least give you food for thought.

By brushing everything aside with one word that is akin to "sexism" you simply discard any thinking that does not adhere to the "Newthink" terminology.

Trump is no savior and even if he wins, which is doubtful, you will find him doing everything the old way. Why do I know that he is no savior?

Well - for one - he is still alive. And for two - he gets plenty of media backing and TV presence despite many people attacking him.

As far as what we can do about it. Currently I don't think that we can do much for now. Best is likely to educate ourselves about the real power-structure and then simply know that the we won't be able to vote ourselves out of this. If we are not aware of what is truly happening in the world, we are like the Greek people who vote one way, but then are angry because the politicians never meant to liberate them. Also even if the Greek people had the perfect ability to decide themselves on what to do, then they simply would not know what to change. They would be decided among themselves - they are like the Occupy Wallstreet or Anti-G7 crowd who only knew that they want change, but did not know what to demand.

One Canadian politician even went to them once and asked: "What do you want?"
The answer were a multitude of idiotic opinions and ideas like a beauty pageant where the bimbo says: "World Peace! Prosperity for all!" The reality is that they should have answered with: "WE DON'T KNOW, BUT WE WANT IT NOW!"

The Donald Trump thread - MidWest - 07-16-2015

Quote: (07-15-2015 08:43 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

For less than one mill with gov approval secretly the cartels can be wiped clean using ex military for hire guys and a little help on positions from USAF surveillance.

I'd just invade Mexico and keep pushing the border back until they fell inline. Then the wall would be smaller and not on a river.

Go big or go home.

Also would evict all the Mexicans off the land and create a new US state.

Actually during the Mexican-American War, the U.S. president came close to take all of Mexico since he saw how easy it was to obtain almost half of it. He was getting ready to order his army to march all the way into Mexico City. But a treaty prevented his plans.

The population of Mexico was only about 5 million at the time so it would have been rather easy to just have white settlers go into Mexico and settle there. If Polk's dream would have been a reality, we wouldn't have this immigration problem and our border would have been with Guatemala instead.


Polk wanted the cession of all of Mexico; Trist, the negotiator of the Treaty, defied the President to insure a peace between Mexico and the US and ample land in the Mexican Cession.

Polk ordered to recall Trist and have him replaced with a more ambitious negotiator, but by the time Trist could have been apprehended, he made a deal with the Mexicans to have the border at the Rio Grande River.


-Trist convinced the Mexicans to take relatively generous offer, before General Butler (replacement of Trist's aid Gen. Scott) could apprehend him. Trist saw peace more important than Polk's All-Mexico conquest ambition.

Had Polk gotten his way, Mexico would have seized to exist and it would have been cut up into a bunch of U.S. states. Crazy if you think about it.

The Donald Trump thread - Handsome Creepy Eel - 07-16-2015

Well since this entire immigration, drug and gang problem is impossible to end due to USA policies in force next to a poor neighbor, then the current problems would simply be centered in Guatemala instead of Mexico. There wouldn't be much of a difference.