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The Approach Thread - pitt - 10-28-2012

Quote: (10-28-2012 02:17 AM)at350zguyy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2012 12:37 AM)NewGamer Wrote:  

Shitty halloween night for me too.I just hit up one venue solo and without a costume. I think that was a bad idea since a good costume would have been a good opener.

I did a lap around the venue and opened three chicks at different parts of the bar within a hour.It was tough because I would open with " What are you tonight" and they would ask me what I was and I couldn't think of a funny, witty answer.

Also, I don't know if this happens to people here but if it's not a big venue ( like the one I was at), do you feel self-conscious after getting blown out? I know it's probably an inner game issue but I felt weird after a while being solo and without a costume.Other venues had long lines by the time I left so I just called it a night.

Don't worry about being blown out. I think Mixx said something like if you get blown out by one girl just go to another one and tell her how you can't believe how mean the girl that just blew you out was while pointing the girl out.

Did mixx really say that? Im surprised, because this sounds really corny to me. Why would someone do that? Thats some bitch ass shit, you get blown and you move on like a real man without getting emotional or complaining about it. I dont know if some guys here open women just for the sake of it, well i dont, i open women to fuck them, do you think you complaining to the next girl about getting blown out, will help you to fuck her?

The Approach Thread - at350zguyy - 10-28-2012

Quote: (10-28-2012 09:14 AM)pitt Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2012 02:17 AM)at350zguyy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-28-2012 12:37 AM)NewGamer Wrote:  

Shitty halloween night for me too.I just hit up one venue solo and without a costume. I think that was a bad idea since a good costume would have been a good opener.

I did a lap around the venue and opened three chicks at different parts of the bar within a hour.It was tough because I would open with " What are you tonight" and they would ask me what I was and I couldn't think of a funny, witty answer.

Also, I don't know if this happens to people here but if it's not a big venue ( like the one I was at), do you feel self-conscious after getting blown out? I know it's probably an inner game issue but I felt weird after a while being solo and without a costume.Other venues had long lines by the time I left so I just called it a night.

Don't worry about being blown out. I think Mixx said something like if you get blown out by one girl just go to another one and tell her how you can't believe how mean the girl that just blew you out was while pointing the girl out.

Did mixx really say that? Im surprised, because this sounds really corny to me. Why would someone do that? Thats some bitch ass shit, you get blown and you move on like a real man without getting emotional or complaining about it. I dont know if some guys here open women just for the sake of it, well i dont, i open women to fuck them, do you think you complaining to the next girl about getting blown out, will help you to fuck her?

I don't think he mentioned as something to necessarily bitch about, more like a way just to open the next girl really quickly. I've never done it, but I can see this being a way for noobs to deal with being blown out

The Approach Thread - R Smoov - 10-28-2012

Got this track girl I used to know number.

God fucking damn baby I'm feeling so fucking baller in game right now.

Will talk about it after I finish writing these articles and some homework.

The Approach Thread - rationalize_this - 10-28-2012

I remember Mixx's exact post not to defend him but it was something to this effect. If you get blown out just say to the girl you got blown out by "Its okay, I'm just using you to warm up for that much hotter girl over there..." And then you go open the other. Its not bitching by any means, just a great way to deflect the temporary confidence sting. (if you're a newbie)

The Approach Thread - R Smoov - 10-30-2012

Today was a great day for game. Even though I did not get any numbers or any of that, I still showed everyone that I did not give a fuck. And personally, I felt that I was spitting some good game at least.

Approach Track Girl
This track girl who used to live in my hall freshman year. She's cute as fuck. Super long blonde hair and hot track girl build. I'm sure she had noticed the beta side of me. Oh well who fucking cares. I want them to think that I'm that soft guy again. I've learned game, I've learned how to feel better about myself and I'm still fucking growing.

Her "How are you?"
Me "You know what's funny? I woke up in the hospital the day on my birthday."
Her "Oh what happened?"
Me *tells her the hospital story as to how I got so fucked up and how I'm happy about life and shit*
Her "Aww"

Me "Yeah I'm good. I feel normal, I'm just more chilled out with the partying. So what about you track girls? Ya'll still go out and party?"
Her "Yeah we do time through time"
Me "Cool, hand me your # and I'll hit you up whenever we're pre-gaming"
Her "Sure"
Thats how I was feeling in the head. Even though she hasn't responded to my texts. I'mma hit her up with soup's emergency hurricane sandy lets fuck bitches text plan. Partying/Fucking track girls sounds like fun.

Anyways follow the story.
Approach Hurricane Sandy
I was with my friends today. It was a day hurricane party. And I had a great fucking time the whole way through. I walked in with these two toy guns that my friends were going to spray paint black for Halloween. We were planning to be gangsta's. I just decided to buy Halloween props instead of costumes as well. But thats more shit on the costume thread.

Anyways, after a few minutes of killing the last of the E&J, sipping all of this girl's kool-aid in front of her and dancing with toy guns a few of us decided to go outside and smoke some cigs. The girl was slim, brunette and pretty cute. We took a badass pic of us smoking cigs and shooting the toy guns. It was all good. I felt at ease. Fuck you hurricane Sandy, you can't stop me from getting my game on.

I had so much stories to say it was crazy. We're from the same state. I talked about how her and I were both talented (She sings, I can rap a bit) and how we could use our talents to get us out of the bad places we used to live in. Last place I lived in Philly there was some kid who got shot up in the field beside me. Lots of bad shit happened. But hey, I was somewhat talented in the head to get me to college. Let me keep going before I get all emotional haha.

I had tried to number close but I guess one of my friends said chill. It was whatever. It's always whatever with me. I'm just in a state where like none of these bitches rejections can hurt me. Or whatever. You know what? I want girls to reject me hard as fuck. You know why? Because once I come back on their asses stronger, better with more money and hey maybe some fame it's all going to change. They're going to look back and say "Damn we really fucked up! I want to fuck him now!" and I'm going to fuck someone else.

Besides when houston told me she did not look that good, I laughed really hard. Like how rationalize said, she's a warm up. She's a warm up for all of the better pussy that's out there. And for the next shawty to take my game.

I'm feeling fucking industructable inner game wise right now.

The Approach Thread - WesternCancer - 11-02-2012

Got the number from this cute girl from Greece in my class. Not really a cold approach.

She was lab partners with another female friend of mine. She'd always look at me with attraction in her eyes but I'd never say anything because things are easier when she's isolated. After last lab she added me on facebook. Walk into the library today and see her studying wth some dork. I nodded and went off to do my own I'm leaving I see her alone. I go say hi and ask some stuff about the class she's doing an assignment and was talking about being stressed. We tall about that some more and I say "well I shouldn't distract you anymore" as I'm walking away she says "wait! Do you have my number? Lets study" grab it then leave. She has a sexy accent to boot.

The Approach Thread - WesternCancer - 11-02-2012

I scoped out that chick on facebook again. Pretty much all of her pictures are with a huge group of IRTs (I suspect this is because shes an international student). Maybe she likes gangbangs. Who knows I think I'll invite her out to this party tonight and fuck her.

The Approach Thread - littleG - 11-03-2012

I'll try keep it short. Went to the gym today to weight lift and spotted a really sexy latin american chick. She was easily an 8, but after conversation she is (from my perspective) a 9. Thin with great tits and a very well shaped ass. Her ass was just smaller than two volleyballs, but her small thin frame and bone-structure made her T&A look fake; they werent though.

The approach: I spot her doing work in the corner with a trainer and we both subtly took note of each other. I wanted to approach, but I really really try to keep approaching at the gym to a minimum. After a while I notice she is lifting alone now and that all the guys in the gym including myself are checking her out. Besides leering at her whenever she wasn't looking, I paid her no mind. Towards the end of my workout I notice her in the abs section sitting on the floor getting ready to do ab work. I have run a very similar approach before with moderate success-- I approach and ask: "Are you doing ab work?" "do you mind if I follow your excercise?" Most girls get a kick out of a fit man doing their exercices. While working out I get some intel on her: 23-yo venezuelan; likes to cook, clean, and read (her words not mine).

I NEVER work out my abs and after 1 set of crunches I begin to suffer terrible cramps. I was vaguely mortified, but I kept on pushing through and chatting her up even though I was dying. At one point, she leaned over to see if I was alright and we shared a moment of deep eye contact. Shortly later, we agreed to reconvene during the week and I #closed with plans to work out in the following week. I will keep you guys updated.


The Approach Thread - littleG - 11-03-2012


The Approach Thread - Checkmat - 11-14-2012

Hey guys. Just started approaching again after 5-6 weeks off and it's really amazing how rusty you can get in such a short time. But, getting over that initial hurdle of first approaches, first day is a great feeling.

Today I used my phone's audio logger to record an approach. I know it's hard to tell without video but I would appreciate any feedback. Here are my approaches.

#1 Bookstore, tall redhead with awful awful face looking in the sex and love section. I peruse up next to her, pretending to be looking at books. I spend way too long before opening, just standing and letting my anxiety and heart rate increase. Eventually she picks up a book and I say, “that book sucks.” She says oh really, and I panic and start rambling some incoherent nonsense about some book I have never read. I felt lost and had no idea where I was going. Ejected feeling good about getting first approach out of the way.

(audio log: #2 Mall, talk about a target rich environment! After a few minutes of just cruising around, started walking towards an upscale clothing store. Noticed a tall black girl walking out. I opened right away as I neared her with, “Scuse me.” She stopped and looked at me. I noticed she had a busted face, especially in the nose area but her body was a 7, 7.5. I said, “you just walked out of there, right? Is that a good place to buy like, guys jeans?” She went right into convo with me and opened very easily. She was a talker and began telling me all kinds of things about prices, brands, blah blah blah. Everything went really well in this interaction…She said she worked at Guess and introduced herself, laughed at a couple of my quips. The main problem here is that she was off to work at the moment and seemed in a bit of a rush, distancing body language, AND I did not drop any bait whatsoever. The conversation was fine and easy, just need to drop bait to get her to ask me a personal question.

#3 clothing store, went into the store as I concluded the convo and looked around the jeans while keeping an eye open for targets. Noticed a girl with an acceptable, if thick body in stretch pants and dark hair walking around with purpose. I thought she might be a salesgirl so I opened her with, “scuse me, do you work here?” she did not, so I asked her anyway about jeans. She gave me what little knowledge she had and followed me over to where I was looking at jeans (tiny compliance test). I noticed her face was totally busted with fresh acne. Damn what is up with these chicks. I have to chalk it up to having balls and not being timid, checking a girl out to make sure she is pretty enough to approach. I also care more about body anyway so if I see a sexy silhouette, I approach and find out the face after the fact. She seemed slightly shy or nervous, but still was smiling and seemed to be enjoying the interaction. My masculinity felt strong and I was already feeling confident from my last set 2 minutes ago, so this felt like a natural bridge. As she was talking to me, I noticed her body rock nervously and accidently bump into the clothing rack behind her. I didn’t comment on it because I knew she was already lower value than me, nervous and seemed sweet so a neg would have just made her feel worse. Concluded the convo again without dropping bait! Just seemed to forget about moving the conversation towards a close.

The Approach Thread - Veloce - 11-14-2012

I concur about getting rusty. It happens overnight.

I had one today that really showed where I'm at. I got flustered! Hasn't happened in a while. I opened this gorgeous girl in front of the protein bars in Whole Foods today, and it confirmed what's been said before: I absolutely HAVE to get some approaches out of the way before going for a hottie. She was my first approach of the day, big mistake. I was like a stuttering retard. Even if it just means going down to the Coffee Bean every morning to get a tea and approach some morning commuter hags. My daygame has slipped big time since work got busy, but things are slowing down again.

Also, ever notice there are days where there are just tons of hot girls out and other days there's nothing? It's like a weather system, "30% chance of hot big titted brunettes today, followed by a 2 day high pressure system, chance of asians for the weekend"

The Approach Thread - TheMan - 11-15-2012

Quote: (11-03-2012 04:52 PM)PJ25 Wrote:  

I'll try keep it short. Went to the gym today to weight lift and spotted a really sexy latin american chick. She was easily an 8, but after conversation she is (from my perspective) a 9. Thin with great tits and a very well shaped ass. Her ass was just smaller than two volleyballs, but her small thin frame and bone-structure made her T&A look fake; they werent though.

The approach: I spot her doing work in the corner with a trainer and we both subtly took note of each other. I wanted to approach, but I really really try to keep approaching at the gym to a minimum. After a while I notice she is lifting alone now and that all the guys in the gym including myself are checking her out. Besides leering at her whenever she wasn't looking, I paid her no mind. Towards the end of my workout I notice her in the abs section sitting on the floor getting ready to do ab work. I have run a very similar approach before with moderate success-- I approach and ask: "Are you doing ab work?" "do you mind if I follow your excercise?" Most girls get a kick out of a fit man doing their exercices.

sound great. im usually of the same philosophy when it comes to the gym. but that technique sounds pretty cool.

The Approach Thread - rationalize_this - 11-15-2012

Can't stress enough the value of a fresh haircut. You feel better, look better, carry yourself different.

Was running a ton of errands today and took my lunch break to get a haircut.

The rest of the day I've had at least 3 girls straight up eye fuck me and smile. Drug store, FedEx, and the bank.

I even closed at the bank while in line a Honduran (8). She had a patriots sticker on her phone. Used it as an open. Props FTW.

I was in a rush so I just told her to jot my number down. She texted me not an hour later.

Some days I feel like I'm just oozing some type of vibe that women pick up on, others I'm getting no eye contact.

The Approach Thread - Checkmat - 11-15-2012

#1 Big Dept Store, looked for targets and the place was totally devoid. Got some items for purchase and on my way out the cashier was a 6, black girl with some jewelry. I commented that her jewelry was loud, and she laughed and said that she bought the bracelet here at Target. I continued commenting on her bracelets, necklace…said she should work in the jewelry department. She laughed and said she’d probably get a bigger discount. I said yeah that would be like a promotion for you.
I didn’t drop any bait, and wasn’t really into this approach at all except that it felt very easy. I just talked and moved really slowly, paused 1-2 counts before responding to her and maintaining good eye contact. Overall felt fine, no issues I don’t think except that I didn’t escalate or move the convo forward.

#2 (audio log) Whole Foods, tall blonde MILF in early to mid 40s. Wore a lot of makeup but I could tell she was still attractive for an older woman. Maybe a 7 in my book. I am mid-20s but love older chicks.

She was looking at Asian food in the aisle and picked up some easy white rice. I said, “excuse me…are those any good?” she went right into telling me how she buys them for her son. I noticed she had no ring on her finger. She told me her son recently went vegan so she is buying him vegan friendly foods. She was not shy talking to me, so I told her I was trying to find a simple, basic Asian meal to learn to cook because I am new to cooking and want something that I cant mess up. This part of the convo, I used slow speech and that was good but the actual content of my words was lacking a lot. I was just saying I need something….BASIC….SIMPLE…..the language was kind of bland. I could use a better back story.

** I did step up my game from yesterday by dropping some bait. I told her, “Where I used to live, it was very popular to be a vegan. It was like a big fad, everyone was vegan or vegetarian.” She said yeah my son isn’t doing it to be cool, he is doing for animals. I said yeah I see, and mentioned how I didn’t know anyone who has lasted being a vegan longer than a year and its really tough. Its not like being vegetarian I said. She chimed in and said “Yeah, I’m a vegetarian” Bing! I said, “Ok, see now being a vegetarian is one thing because you can actually still go out and find things to eat anywhere.” She agreed and I told her I used to date a hardcore vegetarian. Still no bites from her on anything. MILF said that her son was disabled so he doesn’t go out much so it’s not a problem. I was just like Oh, okay…

She was investing a lot in the convo by doing most of the talking but she didn’t ask me a single question, and I felt like I was accidentally bashing her disabled teenage son by minimizing veganism or saying its hard to go out with vegans places. Anyway, she was pleasant and nice and I’m glad I escalated by dropping bait this time. Need to do this in EVERY daygame approach.

The Approach Thread - WesternCancer - 11-20-2012

approached a sasha grey look alike at the bus stop with "whens the next bus" then I started talking about how the busses arealways late on this route etc. she laughed. her bus shows up and its the one that isnt mine. I cant get on because I need to be somewhere at a specific time. Spent the whole bus ride to my destination thinking about all the freaky shit I would have done to her.

The Approach Thread - Giovonny - 11-27-2012

I was walking through to dorms at a local University, pretending to be a grad student of course. I see a cute young Latina wearing a shirt that says "Newport Beach", she is walking just ahead of me. I speed up in front of her, turn and say..

me: are you from newport beach?
her: yes i am
me: i just got back from there (lie)
her: really i miss it
me: ya it so cool down long have yo been up here?
her: just since the start of the semester
me" oh welcome to san francisco
her: thanks
me: are you freezing up here?
her: no i like it
me: you like this natural air conditioning huh?
her: ya
me: so your enjoying sf so far?
her: ya living in the dorms is an adjustment, i always had my own room.
me: haha ya thats kind of weird, hows your roommate?
her: shes ok i guess
me: oh shit, dorm life! i don't miss it.
her: what do you study?
me: pe
her: oh
me: ya im a health and fitness guy, hows the dorm food?
her: terrible
me: ha i know, are you latina?
her: ya mexican
me: me too im half. any good mexican food around here?
her: no its terrible, thats why i miss home.
me: we should hang out, i make tortillas, beans, and everything
her: tortillas from scratch?
me: of course
her: omg! seriously?

This is where I knew I had a chance with her. We made a connection. A connection based on mexican food. Food is a great connector!

me: yes, corn, flour, half and half, i do it all. Give me your number I'll call you soon and we can eat right.
her: sure

I texted her a few days later..

"hey its gio, nice meeting you, let me know when you down for some homemade tacos"

her:" sounds good. later this week"

I didn't hear from her for a week. But, I saw hear around school a week later, luckily I was dressed nice. We chatted, it went well. She said she is down to hang out.

A few days go by, I text her.

"I can't believe you are not calling me? What the hell are you eating over there?"

her: "I know! I've been super busy. Are you free next week?"

I waited a few days to reply back to her.

"ya, wed or thurs. after 6pm"

A few days later, I saw her on campus again. We just waved at each other but I could tell it was good because she had a nice little seductive look in her eye.

Last week, I texted her again..

"you going home for thanksgiving or you staying up here? I'm making tortillas, beans, and chile if you wanna hang out"

her: i'm down, what day?

me: "wednesday"

her: "cool"

Wednesday comes, I pick her up at 8, she looks great. 18, right out of high school, tight dress, very pretty.

I say "lets go by the store and get something to drink"

She says "i feel like white wine"

Me: [Image: dancingman.gif]

When an 18yo suggests alcohol, she is dtf!

We go to my place, we eat, we drink, we smoke weed, she starts touching my arm and leg, I know its on, I don't rush it, I let her finish her wine and keep touching me. When she is nice a tipsy and laughing I make my move, I start gently rubbiong her leg, I go in for the kiss, at forst she pulls away so I kiss her neck instead, now she is into it, we start making out, i start rubbing her pussy. She gives me no more resistance.

Barely legal Bang!

Her pussy looked and smelled and tasted like it had never been used. I swear to god it looked like a brand new pussy and smelled like a fresh mango!

18yo pussy is incredible. She was tight, inexperienced, and just laid there quietly, but looking down and seeing her young body kept my boner at full attention!

More to come, I gotta go to work but I have more 18 and 19 year old updates!

The Approach Thread - _GQ_ - 11-27-2012

No homo that shit got me a tad horny. I'm in my early 20s and have been chasing 30-35 year olds recently but I need to get back on some 18 years that are still in HS or first year of college.

The Approach Thread - Lothario - 11-28-2012

Outstanding brother Gio, Well done, Yes, Yes and Yes..... one can score a girl half his age ....... you have got me hooked on this Young 18-21 yr old Pussy.....

I have one in the funnel right now , Korean again , been here only 4 months, will see if she filters through....., We have been exchanging texts... , trying to get her out ASAP.

The Approach Thread - slubu - 11-28-2012

Alright, my first real daygame approach. At trader joe's saw this girl when I first walked in. Probably about 26-28, super thin, great face, wearing bright orange jeans. I didn't even plan on daygaming, but we ended up in the same aisle, and after about 45 seconds of hesitation to speak, I finally sacked up:

Me: Are those any good (pointing to the sun dried tomatoes)
Her: Yeah they really are, but you have to drain them first.
Me: What do you mean, why would you drain them?
Her: Oh it's all this olive oil, you take it out and then you drain it per use.
Me: Ah, I thought you meant you drain the whole thing, that didn't make sense. (I start smiling a bit, default to night time flirting, wrong move I guess).
Her: See there are also these ones that are good, but they are dry.
Me: Oh ok.

Then ran out of things to say and she walked off. Amazingly, it is that easy. I could have continued rambling for a long time on this, dropped some bait, did Galnuc, etc. Whatever, I'm happy to get my first daytime approach done. It's funny how long it took me to actually talk in daytime versus nighttime. For example, Saturday night I get into this bar/club area. As soon as I'm walking in and heading towards the bar to grab a drink, I see a pretty attractive girl walking by. We lock eyes, so I grab her by the small of the back and pull her into me:

Me: Hi
Her: Hi
Me: What's your name?
Her: Brianna
Me: Nice to meet you, I'm slubu. (still holding her back and pulling her towards me).
Me: I just got here and need a drink, let's go.
Her: Ok (just ditched all her friends).

Ended up chatting for a bit then she had to go grab her friends so I lost her. Saw her at the end of the night and she came to make sure I got her # before she left. Of course nothing happened with that number (numbers are useless!) but whatever. The illustration was to show how much I differ night versus day. Can't wait to get to that level of no AA in daytime.

@Gio, god bless those 18-19yos. I'm currently banging a 30yo and a 20yo. While the 30yo is way better at sex, I could never choose her over the 20yo. Those bodies are so tight and firm it's ridiculous. I need to move to a college town or something.

The Approach Thread - Giovonny - 11-28-2012

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Alright, my first real daygame approach.

No, this was your 3rd daygame approach! You did 2 daygame approaches the day we hung out. One at the airport on your way to SF and another at Whole Foods in SF. Both of those were positive also. In all 3 of your daygame approaches, the girls have been receptive and open to chatting. You are 3 for 3 in striking up conversations. Thats not a bad start to a daygame career!

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Me: Are those any good (pointing to the sun dried tomatoes)
Her: Yeah they really are, but you have to drain them first.
Me: What do you mean, why would you drain them?
Her: Oh it's all this olive oil, you take it out and then you drain it per use.
Me: Ah, I thought you meant you drain the whole thing, that didn't make sense. (I start smiling a bit, default to night time flirting, wrong move I guess).
Her: See there are also these ones that are good, but they are dry.
Me: Oh ok.

This is perfect. You got the conversation going. Now, your next step is to advance this conversation to a more personal level, drop some bait, show some value, get her laughing and asking you about yourself. Once you can get them to laugh and ask you a personal question, you can get her number and invite her out for a drink.

Basically, you need to ramble a bit more.

You could have said...

"Are you from Italy?"
"Are you a chef or something"
"sounds delicious, I gotta try that"
"I'm from New York, I know italian food"

Something like that. Just little comments and questions that keep the conversation flowing.

Can you hold and carry a playful conversation while you are sober??? That is your challenge!!!

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Amazingly, it is that easy.

Yes, its that easy! They all watch romantic comedies, they all read 50 shades of gray, they all follow the gossip magazines, they all talk about who is dating who, they all want to look good, they all want attention, they all want romance and sex, many of them are boy crazy, many of them are sluts!!!

Of course they want to be approached!

A handsome, articulate, funny, well dressed man! That is their fucking dream!

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

I could have continued rambling for a long time on this, dropped some bait, did Galnuc, etc.

Yes, that exactly what you need to do. Practice this.

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

It's funny how long it took me to actually talk in daytime versus nighttime.

Its simple. Night game, you are experienced and confident. Day Game, you are inexperienced and unsure.

Also, night game you are drunk, day game you are sober.

It's a different challenge in a different environment. Repetition/practice will bring comfort and competence.

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Can't wait to get to that level of no AA in daytime.

If it means that much to you, approach 10 girls today!!

The sooner you put the work in, the sooner you will get over your fear.

Quote: (11-28-2012 12:09 PM)slubu Wrote:  

@Gio, god bless those 18-19yos.

I need to move to a college town or something.

They are hot, thats why I go for them and design my strategy specifically in order to get them.

How far is UCLA from your house? You should move right across the street from UCLA!

If you want to be swimming in college girls!

The Approach Thread - rationalize_this - 11-28-2012

I was approached twice today. Both were 5s at best.

The first girl opened me with "Is your name Spencer? You look like a guy I used to know..."

Weak Weak game. Her voice was shaking a tiny tiny bit, Approach Anxiety!

Haha I would have played along a bit if she seemed at all interesting. This must be how Dash feels when 9s approach him.

The Approach Thread - Veloce - 11-28-2012

Solid street approach. Sadly, not in front of a model casting office but the girl was super cute anyway. Solid 7, looks filipina, big tits, big dsls, great face.

We're standing on a corner and I'm walking to work from my place. Turns out the corner was right in front of her work. She's with some dude, think he's gay. He ejects and I slow down so she walks past me. I say,

"Hey excuse me, can I ask you something?"
"I just moved to the neighborhood. Where are all the good nightlife spots around here?" (I've been living here a year and a half)
"What do you like?"
"You know. Hanging out, relaxing with a drink."
*she names a few spots*
"Those sound good, when's a good time to go?"
"Happy hour"

We talk about work and she starts asking me questions, where I work, where I moved from, so I know I'm on the right path. Kept it super cool and smooth, introduced myself to her, and told her "Let's grab a drink after work sometime" She gives me the number and says, "Yeah! Call me." Good sign.

I should mention, I noticed her voice was a little nervous. Any guys notice this and do anything to counter it or make her more at ease?

Another thing worth mentioning, I had finished a workout about 45 min prior, taken a big shake of protein, creatine, and beta alanine. I was feeling GREAT. Literally no AA, and it was my first approach of the day. Anyone who uses supplements, check out beta alanine. One of the nonharmful side effects is what's called parasthesia, which makes your skin tingle a little bit. Some people complain but I like it, it makes my skin feel like it's got an electric current running through.

The Approach Thread - ManAbout - 11-28-2012

Quote: (11-27-2012 05:03 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

More to come, I gotta go to work but I have more 18 and 19 year old updates!

Yeah, this is the way it's done. I number closed an 18 year old Pakistani girl, first year student at the local university, last week. She was working at the mall at one of those cart kioks things. I find that they can be a gold mine for opportunities. The staff working at these carts is mostly young, cute, female students who are sitting around bored for much of the day and welcome the chance to have a decent conversation.

But, I fumbled it on the text messaging I think. I messaged her too soon and it was a sexual innuendo, even though it was based on our conversation. It appears to have put her off. I haven't heard back. Whatever.

The Approach Thread - Kickb - 11-28-2012

Starting to shake off the ring rust.

I need some leads now that my semester is coming to an end.

I wanted to dive in and use Gio's "you have a great ass!" opener, but I didn't see any girls with great ass walking around today. =[

Said hi to a couple of girls who walked past me.

I went to the grocery store and opened a middle aged woman on the breakfast and energy bar asile. Didn't really go anywhere.

The Approach Thread - Giovonny - 11-28-2012

Quote: (11-28-2012 04:14 PM)kickboxer Wrote:  

"you have a great ass!"

One of my favorites!

Girls don't know whether to be offended or flattered! Upset or turned on!!!