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The Shit Test Thread - Dulceácido - 04-09-2018

**From my fighter's corner***

Here comes the towel!

The Shit Test Thread - Dream Medicine - 04-11-2018

Public Disclaimer #1: off-topic post follows


Background Some frank talk follows


How many more times are you gonna ask if your latest target is attention-whoring or not? It's a bit frustrating to see you ask the same thing over and over again. In addition to the others that have written to you, I've given you advice since before we talked (RE: Great IOIs from girl... #1), after we talked (RE: Great IOIs from girl... #2), and after we met for real (RE: Massive Melbourne, Australia Datasheet - linked below). Yet despite this increasingly-calibrated feedback, not much seems to have helped.

Again... How much do you want it?

Serious improvement with women requires serious action and relies on intense motivation. And you seem to be treading water in your comfort zone. I can't feel your hunger. For instance, you say this girl as quoted above wasn't even hot enough for a ONS. Now, having standards is important, for sure. But when was the last time you had a ONS... if you've ever had one? You tend to avoid answering these direct questions so it's hard to comment with much precision.

Hazaer, how much do you wanna win? What is gonna get you pumped up for the best life can offer you? What is it gonna take to light that fire of inspiration? Men must suffer from one of two risks in the game: the risk of rejection or the risk of regret. The difference is rejection weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

On giving advice over time

There is little pleasure in raking someone over the coals and I aim to do it sparingly, especially when the guy on the receiving end seems like a decent bloke. I also feel reluctant to write this way for someone that meets up offline, and I've only done this once before (RE: Looking to buy a property in Chile). Indeed I hesitated writing this for a while, wondering if it's gonna make any difference.

In contrast to a lighthearted take-down, this post feels more like a solemn duty to the membership, who keep answering you politely... to no avail. There are plenty of men at RVF who gain satisfaction in helping other deserving, like-minded guys to succeed. On the other hand, given how common it is for guys to ask for help yet ignore the advice provided, you can imagine how discouraging it could be for a volunteer mentor to offer help that isn't used. What's more, many RVF members could be working on a cause elsewhere or getting paid but instead they contribute here for free. Have you considered that people will be much more likely to invest in you if you invest in yourself first?

If you feel I'm being unreasonable, perhaps you can imagine what it may seem like on my end - to glimpse into a few threads and see others give you advice in 2018 that looks a lot like the advice I gave you in 2017 and even 2016. Considering that motivation to meet women must be self-generated, and since forming new habits takes time (see Whether to help out guy on a blue pill or not?), I don't expect you to suddenly change. But I'll happily be proved wrong.

[Image: 65073aa49c667c3efa623b0bf70ff98c.jpg]

Where to from here?

If over-thinking is the problem, then perhaps less thinking or 'no-thinking' is the solution. Don't let analysis stop you from taking the massive action required to get what you really want.

Longer answer: RE: Massive Melbourne, Australia Datasheet (as referenced above).
Shorter answer:

{a} Don't jerk it. Hit the gym. Get that libido crankin and find that inner, animalistic 'why'.
{b} Travel out of your home city and head out late with a wingman (mainly so you don't have to worry about any issues with your small-town reputation).
{c} Forget tactics and instead focus on enjoying high-energy FUN. Put this mantra on repeat: Get blown or get blown out. Either way I'll have fun going all out. Persist hard within reason and, really, who really cares what happens? Will anyone even remember next month?*
{d} Then report back, in your new journal (don't ask any more questions until you have taken serious action, then start a journal to chronicle all of your stories in one place).
{e} Despite my blunt tone, the offer is still open on my end. Get at me off-forum if you want a conversation.

Super summary for Hazaer

Act more like a high-energy, horny yet don't-give-a-fckkk Lil Jon... less like anyone who is not Lil Jon -


*Public Disclaimer #2: Specific context for 'get loose' advice Keep it cool player and kill the thirst

The Shit Test Thread - BootNootly - 04-14-2018

Her: "I put up with you spinning plates, but if you found out about me with another guy you'd next me immediately."

By the way, this girl grew up poor and understands RP dynamics better than idea how to handle this shit test.

The Shit Test Thread - MediumRare - 04-14-2018

Agree confidently, without seeming too cocky but it will only buy you some time.
Most decent girls will not stay in that situation forever.

The Shit Test Thread - Trent W. - 04-15-2018

Quote: (04-14-2018 12:18 PM)BootNootly Wrote:  

Her: "I put up with you spinning plates, but if you found out about me with another guy you'd next me immediately."

By the way, this girl grew up poor and understands RP dynamics better than idea how to handle this shit test.

Sounds like a girl who is interested in you. I agree that you should be honest about her "accusation". The question is what kind of relationship you want to have with this girl.

The Shit Test Thread - ShitFacedPanda - 05-10-2018

Quote: (04-19-2014 10:11 PM)Earth Wrote:  

"So, what are we? Are we dating?"

"hell no we ain't dating, we're obviously only very, very platonic friends"

The Shit Test Thread - ShitFacedPanda - 05-10-2018

Quote: (04-14-2018 12:18 PM)BootNootly Wrote:  

Her: "I put up with you spinning plates, but if you found out about me with another guy you'd next me immediately."

By the way, this girl grew up poor and understands RP dynamics better than idea how to handle this shit test.
what are rp dynamics? rp stand for roleplay? wouldn't make sense but it is my only guess.

The Shit Test Thread - ShitFacedPanda - 05-10-2018

also, a shit test that this cute arab chick asked me in spanish class goes like this, (context: I had untucked my top shirt and undershirt) "*****(my name) she asked me if I realized my undershirt came down below my main shirt, forget how exactly she had asked tho, but I said, "you know me, all about that 80s style, gotta keep in touch with the past!" she and her friends laughed, and now we got some kino and flirting going on (like yesterday and today) I assume that was a good answer, what would some other ones have been? I'd love to hear y'all's responses please.

The Shit Test Thread - ShitFacedPanda - 05-10-2018

Quote: (04-20-2014 02:07 AM)thisisastage Wrote:  

Haven't thought of a good response to these recent text shit tests.

Met a girl at a club, made out with her and got her number. After a few texts I asked her to hang out..she says

"Why should you deserve that privilege? (hair flip emoji)"

couple texts later...

"I don't even know your last name, how can I trust you?"

Gave her my last name in a moment of stupidity. Fell into her frame. Game Over.

my response to that shit test would probably be something like, "yoiu can't trust me, my last name's hitler" becaus eyou can pass a shit test if you would maybe giver her like a false name that would obviously be false right? LIke hitler or stalin?

The Shit Test Thread - ShitFacedPanda - 05-10-2018

[quote='WestIndianArchie' pid='708111' dateline='1398075392']
Some common ones

1) you're too old
2) you're too young
3) you're too short
4) you're kinda fat
5) you're bald, teeth fucked up, bad breath
6) you're not (or you are) black/white/asian/indian/middle eastern
7) where are your friends
8) why aren't you drinking
9) are you hitting on me
10) i have a boyfriend, i'm here with my girlfriend, it's girls night out
11) what do you do for a living
12) buy me a drink/rose/dinner
13) I have some outratgeous political opinion that I hope you share, otherwise don't talk to me
14) do you have any drugs?
15) how come you don't do X, Blow, smoke weed?
16) hold my purse/drink/spot at the bar
17) let's dance
18) let's go out and smoke
19) we can't go to my place because of my parents/roommates/husband
20) I'm born again, I'm Mormon, I'm Seventh Day, I'm Muslim, I'm Amish
21) will you go down on me first
22) your dick's too small, too big, too skinny

1) The fuck you talkin bout hoe dont you see the pampers I got on?!
2) Fuck you talkin about you don't see my beard?
3)I'm obviously 6'2, fuck off
4) I know, that's why they call me chub stubs [Image: wink.gif]
5) Hell yeah baby, I'm pig pen all the way!
6) Oh? Is being black / asian / middle eastern / indian some sort of requirement? Don't worry babe, as long as you don't mind blackface, I have a pretty good paint set at home
7) Oh wow friends? I only have those on MINECRAFT servers
8) Never know when one of y'all ladies might slip a roofie into it... (I kinda wanna add "never know these days... feminists and all")
9) Nah, should I go get my baseball bat? (another answer could be "you'd know if I were hitting on you")
10) Please, not with the cliches WHAT IS WITH WOMEN AND CLICHES
11) I'm a professional marijuana salesman
12) 1. Only if you buy me [Image: wink.gif] 2. No. "why not?" I('m an honest guy(?)) prefer not to pay for sex
13) 1.OMG UR REDPILLED?!?!??!?! FUCK YE GURL 2. OMG UR A FEMINIST YAYA MY FAVORITES (sarcasm obv) 3. Oh no, you couldn't possibly be one of those antifa kids right? 4. omg yes, you conservative
14) Hell yeah babe, I got five keys of coke and a dead dea agent in my trunk!
15) Well, I gotta be honest, I don't appreciate you stereotyping my race like that. I'm a white male you know, who the fuck says I don't smoke!!!
16) 1. Whatchu need my help for? 2. Hell nah, you're a strong independent lady, I can tell! (ok, I stole this one)
17) I only dance with transgender women
18) 1.Only if smoking you's on the menu (I think thats a bit creepy so give me y'alls opinions) 2. Hell yeah, I didn't know you were a patriot! Let's go out and smoke some terrorists!
19) Don't worry, I'm a pretty good first impressionist.
20) 1. That's great! Just call me father instead 2. My dick's the bomb
21) I don't take bullets for one night stands 2. What the fuck no, dick is obviously the only clean thing to suck, so get on your knees and get ready for the big one!
3. Sure, if you can provide with a full flavor profile first, paper only, please
22) *acting offended* Well young lady, I think you should be pretty grateful my forefathers took into consideration that some women may just have really small pussy's! (honestly I don't know a good one for this)

The Shit Test Thread - Jack Gignac - 07-10-2018

ex girlfriend from like 10 years ago. suggested to me on insta so for shits and gigs I added her. she asks me 'if i'm still trying to pickup girls on the street' and then I just blocked her cuz I found the question annoying.

is it beta/weak frame to block someone when they act a way you don't like? lol I don't really like pretending something is a joke when I don't find it funny.

The Shit Test Thread - AneroidOcean - 07-10-2018

Quote: (07-10-2018 11:06 AM)Jack Gignac Wrote:  

ex girlfriend from like 10 years ago. suggested to me on insta so for shits and gigs I added her. she asks me 'if i'm still trying to pickup girls on the street' and then I just blocked her cuz I found the question annoying.

is it beta/weak frame to block someone when they act a way you don't like? lol I don't really like pretending something is a joke when I don't find it funny.


I wouldn't have added her, but yeah, definitely would've unfollowed and maybe blocked her. Frankly, I only have people on social media that I actually want to see their posts. Other people I unfollow or whatever it's called.

Social media should be a really small amount of your time, it's a huge time drain and can be a net negative REALLY easily.

The Shit Test Thread - lonewolf1992 - 10-25-2018

Guys need some help here! I'm dating a girl from my work place. She approached me and has a few red flags, but I don't mind as I'm not going to settle down with her.

After we make out on a date she says: ' I'm just going to make this clear, I don't want to be in a relationship, so I don't want to set up false expectations on you.' She also inferred to not tell anyone we were dating. I was ok with that.

She said this and three hours later is texting me: 'I had a great time with you today', at work she talks about setting future dates up, travel and overall doesn't behave as cold as the sluts I'm used to. I don't know if this was a shit test as her actions don't match her words.

Her red flags though:

Brings topic of sex up*
At times I get the impression she has the Slut stare but still femenine*

She is a 7 To me and I like her a lot, I'm running 'don't fuck it up' game for now, will do my best to get the bang tomorrow on a date.

The Shit Test Thread - torridon747 - 10-26-2018

It's certainly a shit test. You failed it. I meet girls like her frequently. Sounds like you have her pretty hooked if she's looking forward to the next date but if you want to have a saucy casual taboo work fling you should have fucked her on the first date. When a girl is straight up on a date with you and she says "not looking for a relationship teehee" while not attempting to make an exit what exactly do you think that means? She wants the dick. You should have teased her "what? Relationship? I'm married to [the game, my right hand, building Gundumn figurines, whatthefuckever with a cocky smile]", or you could go with more risk "bit early to be thinking about that you must really like me" again cocky and smiling or more risky "I don't think my other girlfriends would like that" or "That's cool I think we should be friends [touch her thigh, do something sexual during this phrase or you have just friendzoned yourself]". And regardless of the outcome kept escalating until you get significant pushback. This should have ended in sex especially with a girl like that.

The last thing you want to do is listen to what this dumb feminist slut says. Ignore her dumb ass shit tests or pass them, dick her down proper and she'll be calling you Daddy and slobbing your dick like it's the cure for cancer in 3 weeks flat.

Obviously be pretty careful here. I don't think anyone ever fucking listens to this but - don't shit where you eat. Thesee kind of girls are a goddamn nightmare if you don't hold a solid ass frame and part of that is being able to walk away at any moment- significantly harder if you work with her brotherman. You probably walk by dozens of these feminist sluts a day, don't see why you gotta fuck with the few of them that can get you shitcanned.

The Shit Test Thread - griffinmill - 10-26-2018

You're talking to a prospect over text. She's sending you big walls of text and the vibe is great. You go for the date request. She responds to that text with a novel but, crucially, ignores the date request. She then, at the end of her text, asks some random question.

Here's how I handled it: "I'll answer your question when you've answered mine, thx"

Her response: "Oh? The date? Sunday's fine. How about the afternoon sometime?"

Is this a shit-test? Why not just answer the fuckin' question first time around?

So, you have the date, she texts you unprompted later that night. Communication continues, she sends you huge walls of text, investment is off the charts, very flirty, telling you she had a great time. I ignored one of her texts and she double-texts.

You ask her out again a few days later - and she does the same thing again! Responds, but does not answer the date request.

How did I handle it? Well, because she's a soft 6 at best I deleted her number. She must have noticed this on Whatsapp because an hour later she sends me a picture of her in the bath, which I presume is bait to reel me in when she knows she's losing me. I've been radio silent since.

Anyone with experience on this? Have I handled it well?

The Shit Test Thread - InvoluntaryHermit - 10-30-2018

Quote: (12-09-2014 10:33 AM)Agreddor Wrote:  

Not sure how to respond to this. Any inputs would be greatly appreciated.

Me: "if you wanna ask me out, you could just say so, there's no need to beat around the bush"

Her " oh please if you put it that way, don't be cray"

Me "is this your way of playing hard to get?"

Her " dude one things for sure I don't play hard to get haha"

I think the error was in the first message. The responsibility to make moves is on the women. Man is will, woman is willingness. She rejected and got turned off cuz you tried to put it on her (which only the HIGHEST of interest will take).

The Shit Test Thread - ksbms - 10-31-2018

Quote: (10-26-2018 08:12 AM)griffinmill Wrote:  

You're talking to a prospect over text. She's sending you big walls of text and the vibe is great. You go for the date request. She responds to that text with a novel but, crucially, ignores the date request. She then, at the end of her text, asks some random question.

Here's how I handled it: "I'll answer your question when you've answered mine, thx"

Her response: "Oh? The date? Sunday's fine. How about the afternoon sometime?"

Is this a shit-test? Why not just answer the fuckin' question first time around?

So, you have the date, she texts you unprompted later that night. Communication continues, she sends you huge walls of text, investment is off the charts, very flirty, telling you she had a great time. I ignored one of her texts and she double-texts.

You ask her out again a few days later - and she does the same thing again! Responds, but does not answer the date request.

How did I handle it? Well, because she's a soft 6 at best I deleted her number. She must have noticed this on Whatsapp because an hour later she sends me a picture of her in the bath, which I presume is bait to reel me in when she knows she's losing me. I've been radio silent since.

Anyone with experience on this? Have I handled it well?

Read the latest post by Jimmy on Krauser's blog. The answer to your question is right there.

The Shit Test Thread - redbeard - 10-31-2018

A shit test I consistently run into over the past few years is girls telling me I "look like a fuckboy."

To be honest, I have no clue what a fuckboy is, and I refuse to Google it, so I either:

-Turn it around on them: "what does that even mean?"
-Agree & amplify: "of course I am"
-Play with it: "what makes you think that"

I've yet to determine whats the best solution but either way...girls calling me a "fuckboy" probably means that they're expecting me to pump and dump them. Good positioning

The Shit Test Thread - Noir - 10-31-2018

Quote: (10-31-2018 08:28 AM)redbeard Wrote:  

A shit test I consistently run into over the past few years is girls telling me I "look like a fuckboy."

To be honest, I have no clue what a fuckboy is, and I refuse to Google it, so I either:

-Turn it around on them: "what does that even mean?"
-Agree & amplify: "of course I am"
-Play with it: "what makes you think that"

I've yet to determine whats the best solution but either way...girls calling me a "fuckboy" probably means that they're expecting me to pump and dump them. Good positioning

I got this once and responded "you look like you fuck boys". It got a good laugh so there's that.

The Shit Test Thread - realologist - 10-31-2018

Quote: (10-31-2018 08:28 AM)redbeard Wrote:  

A shit test I consistently run into over the past few years is girls telling me I "look like a fuckboy."

To be honest, I have no clue what a fuckboy is, and I refuse to Google it, so I either:

-Turn it around on them: "what does that even mean?"
-Agree & amplify: "of course I am"
-Play with it: "what makes you think that"

I've yet to determine whats the best solution but either way...girls calling me a "fuckboy" probably means that they're expecting me to pump and dump them. Good positioning

"Oh... I knew it. You love fuck boys" with a big shit eating grin.

The Shit Test Thread - glugger - 11-01-2018

Calling you a fuckboy is just another way of saying "you're seeing lots of girls, aren't you?"

The Shit Test Thread - TravelingBodybuilder - 11-05-2018

I was in miami and brought back an asian girl from LA. We were in her bed at the air bnb. I started to grab her pussy and she said she was not comfortable. I tried again. and still rejected. 3 minutes later i put her hand on my dick and she started jerking me and then i fucked her . i knew it was bs because i was sleeping in her bed at her airbnb and she had breast implants... no way was this girl some good innocent girl ..

This girl i found out 2 weeks after that she was a stripper in LA.. she was just on vacation in miami .

1 shit test done on me.

The Shit Test Thread - BadBoyGamer - 11-05-2018

A few answers for shit tests, some one liners and other tidbits I use;

"Buy me a drink."
(buy a drink for yourself) <-- action not words

"I have a boyfriend."
"I have a dog."

"What are you thinking about?"
"I am hungry."

"Do I have a fat ass?"

"I don't like you anymore"
"You don't loooooveeeee me? Not even a little tiny puny bit?" (sad face)

"I am not going to have sex with you."
"Really. I am not going to sleep with you."

"I like to sleep naked."
"I don't"

"I am very good at giving blow jobs."
"Good for you."

"I am a lesbian."
"Me too."
"I like girls too."

"I hate you."
"No you don't."

"I love you."

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

The Shit Test Thread - bantersmyth - 12-17-2018

Had a plate shit test me while we were fucking.

I stand up to get some head, some sweat drips from my face onto her face. I laugh. She stares at me and says, wipe your face off.

I smirked, wiped the sweat off my face with my hand and rubbed it all over her face, flipped her over and beat her guts up doggy style. She earned some extra ass spanking and hair pulling. Shit test passed or did I fail by complying?