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Seeking Arrangement game - billyb - 07-06-2018

I think this is about right.. it's not "easy" to find a hot naive girl dtf for free on sa anymore but it's A LOT easier than using tinder or bumble that's for sure. 1 bang in 14 days sending say 30 messages a day is 1 bang for about 500 messages. so that's about the amount of work you need to expect to put in. obv automate it cut/paste etc where you can to make it easier

I would add a large category to the above which I think most girls on the site are now which is "semi-pro" meaning they are looking to get paid for a fwb situation. I mean it's the standard sd/sb relationship actually

Quote: (07-05-2018 10:18 PM)pickupartistry123 Wrote:  

i do all my screening through texting. on SA i blast out messages to dozens of girls per day. i put all the girls that respond through a funnel. at the end of it all i end up fucking a new girl every 14-16 days

edit: the every 14-16 days number has been averaged over 6 months worth of data, so it's a pretty accurate and stable number

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:02 AM)billyb Wrote:  

I think this is about right.. it's not "easy" to find a hot naive girl dtf for free on sa anymore but it's A LOT easier than using tinder or bumble that's for sure. 1 bang in 14 days sending say 30 messages a day is 1 bang for about 500 messages. so that's about the amount of work you need to expect to put in. obv automate it cut/paste etc where you can to make it easier

I would add a large category to the above which I think most girls on the site are now which is "semi-pro" meaning they are looking to get paid for a fwb situation. I mean it's the standard sd/sb relationship actually

yeah usually these types screen themselves out on text they will want some idea of arrangement prior to meeting.

I'm 2/5 on turning meetings into bangs. The ones that didn't were semi-pro and dinner whore and last one I prolly could've turned she really liked me but stupidly got into a relationship.

There are definitely certain keywords (mutually beneficial, NSA, straight up mention of money) that indicate they are looking to get paid. I'm just not sure how strictly to filter these profiles. Some girls probably put that b/c their friends told them to but when you meet are more relaxed.

Do you guys filter profiles at all or just open up the funnel as wide as possible?

Seeking Arrangement game - Hypno - 07-06-2018

I put my profile on private. The ones that message me invariably are hookers

I message every WB that does not look like a hooker. Lingerie in photos, excessive tattoos esp above the breasts, etc are indicative. You also need to feel them out via text. The experienced hookers will ask you what sort of arrangement you have in mind.

A lot of times girls will ask you to tell them about yourself. I have a script that explains why I am on the site and what I am looking for. It’s a little aspirational, selling the high ground to use AMZs lingo. Basically sell them on non cash benefits of hanging with you, and then spell out that you are not interested in a hooker, business transaction, etc

I then ask them what they are looking for. The ones who are seeking money usually like what I wrote and get converted. Occasionally an experienced hooker understands it means I am not paying her. A few will say they like what I wrote but add some hamster twist that suggests I’m going to eventually pay them. Instead of arguing with them or trying to negotiate I simply respon, perfect I think we are on the same page lol

Seeking Arrangement game - pickupartistry123 - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:02 AM)billyb Wrote:  

I think this is about right.. it's not "easy" to find a hot naive girl dtf for free on sa anymore but it's A LOT easier than using tinder or bumble that's for sure. 1 bang in 14 days sending say 30 messages a day is 1 bang for about 500 messages. so that's about the amount of work you need to expect to put in. obv automate it cut/paste etc where you can to make it easier

I would add a large category to the above which I think most girls on the site are now which is "semi-pro" meaning they are looking to get paid for a fwb situation. I mean it's the standard sd/sb relationship actually

Quote: (07-05-2018 10:18 PM)pickupartistry123 Wrote:  

i do all my screening through texting. on SA i blast out messages to dozens of girls per day. i put all the girls that respond through a funnel. at the end of it all i end up fucking a new girl every 14-16 days

edit: the every 14-16 days number has been averaged over 6 months worth of data, so it's a pretty accurate and stable number
i'm on a break right now from the site but starting august i'm going to fire SA back up again and start locking in my weekly dates.

a few months ago when i was consistently doing this i was sending up to 15 messages per day on average. all my messages are copy/paste. i have a file on my computer that includes all my copy/paste messages and variations that i send to girls including my opener/follow up/etc. so for the first 3-4 messages with a girl i'm simply copy/pasting and whatever response she gives out i find the appropriate copy/paste. this causes me to roll through messages quickly. i actually don't mind sending 15 messages per day. it's like hunting for hotties. feels so good messaging all these hot girls with big tits on the site and then getting a reply back. i remember one time i was chatting with a hot white/korean girl with enormously massive J cup tits. it's was fucking incredible how big they were, and she's part asian. she was responsive through text but unfortunately i couldn't lock in a date.

and yes i agree that there is another category of girls that i forgot about:

the legitimate sugar babies - these are the girls actually trying to use the site for the intended purpose. then will fuck you and be in a relationship with you, but they want an "allowance". this usually starts off pay per meet. standard rates is $300 per meet minimum. these girls should be screened out as well. they won't sell themselves like a hooker but will act like it. usually these girls hamster to themselves that they aren't getting paid to have sex. they say they get paid to meet up and be a "companion", which means they want allowance for non-sexual meetings + sexual meetings. this is dumb because if you're going down this route the only time you should ever be paying is if you're fucking the girl. you're better off going to a pro escort because she understands that you want a rock solid sexual experience. in conclusion, these legitimate sugar baby girls won't put out unless they get cash so it's best to just screen them out
Quote: (07-06-2018 10:09 AM)AznMarkZuckerberg Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 10:02 AM)billyb Wrote:  

I think this is about right.. it's not "easy" to find a hot naive girl dtf for free on sa anymore but it's A LOT easier than using tinder or bumble that's for sure. 1 bang in 14 days sending say 30 messages a day is 1 bang for about 500 messages. so that's about the amount of work you need to expect to put in. obv automate it cut/paste etc where you can to make it easier

I would add a large category to the above which I think most girls on the site are now which is "semi-pro" meaning they are looking to get paid for a fwb situation. I mean it's the standard sd/sb relationship actually

yeah usually these types screen themselves out on text they will want some idea of arrangement prior to meeting.

I'm 2/5 on turning meetings into bangs. The ones that didn't were semi-pro and dinner whore and last one I prolly could've turned she really liked me but stupidly got into a relationship.

There are definitely certain keywords (mutually beneficial, NSA, straight up mention of money) that indicate they are looking to get paid. I'm just not sure how strictly to filter these profiles. Some girls probably put that b/c their friends told them to but when you meet are more relaxed.

Do you guys filter profiles at all or just open up the funnel as wide as possible?
i mass blast messages to every girl that looks decent enough for me to fuck. i don't read profiles, takes too much time. sometimes i glance at them and if it says "platonic" i screen them out. other than that though i mass blast

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-06-2018

@pickupartistry do NOT filter out Platonic this is actually a subconscious tell (I did a rotation with top FBI hostage negotiation team in the country when I started my career learned all sorts of persuasion shit)

If she mentions platonic it’s a gold mine. It means she is actively thinking about sex but is ashamed about it. Think catholic school girl. They are by far the easiest lays they don’t see it coming and when it does they rationalize it “I felt a real connection so it’s ok”

Seeking Arrangement game - pickupartistry123 - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 12:38 PM)AznMarkZuckerberg Wrote:  

@pickupartistry do NOT filter out Platonic this is actually a subconscious tell (I did a rotation with top FBI hostage negotiation team in the country when I started my career learned all sorts of persuasion shit)

If she mentions platonic it’s a gold mine. It means she is actively thinking about sex but is ashamed about it. Think catholic school girl. They are by far the easiest lays they don’t see it coming and when it does they rationalize it “I felt a real connection so it’s ok”
sounds awesome. this is what i've experienced though: for girls that want platonic they ALWAYS expect to be paid for the platonic dates. if a girl wants platonic i straight up tell her "okay that's fine, we can go on dates with no expectation of money, sounds good?". as soon as i say that all the girls run and stop replying. the last thing you want is to go on platonic dates and have the girl THINK or EXPECT that you are agreeing to pay her for these dates. fuck that. these girls aren't dumb. platonic is the holy grail for them. going on dates, not fucking, and getting paid for it. you can tell that 99% of guys decline these platonic girls because if you happen to accept this platonic deal, the girls go crazy about it and start hitting you up a lot more frequently. these platonic girls usually leave the site after 1-2 weeks of straight rejection when they realize no man is interested in their offer

Seeking Arrangement game - Markcrist - 07-06-2018

Will be seeing that 18yo next week hopefully. My "assistant" will contact her lol.

Any tips for in person?

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 12:49 PM)pickupartistry123 Wrote:  

sounds awesome. this is what i've experienced though: for girls that want platonic they ALWAYS expect to be paid for the platonic dates. if a girl wants platonic i straight up tell her "okay that's fine, we can go on dates with no expectation of money, sounds good?". as soon as i say that all the girls run and stop replying. the last thing you want is to go on platonic dates and have the girl THINK or EXPECT that you are agreeing to pay her for these dates. fuck that. these girls aren't dumb. platonic is the holy grail for them. going on dates, not fucking, and getting paid for it. you can tell that 99% of guys decline these platonic girls because if you happen to accept this platonic deal, the girls go crazy about it and start hitting you up a lot more frequently. these platonic girls usually leave the site after 1-2 weeks of straight rejection when they realize no man is interested in their offer

interesting. you have more site experience than me so definitely will keep in mind. but irl whenever im with a girl on a first date and she mentions not wanting to be physical or wanting something platonic she definitely has sex on her mind.

it's like if i say dont think about sex, or i'm thinking about not having sex then you know i'm DEFINITELY thinking about sex. haha.

i will keep that in mind on SA tho thx for the tip

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 01:22 PM)Markcrist Wrote:  

Will be seeing that 18yo next week hopefully. My "assistant" will contact her lol.

Any tips for in person?

In person I just run regular game. Girls are the same no matter where you meet them. I'm a programmer, so I look at it like once you figure out the girl API you just have to learn the certain inputs give you certain outputs. Any variation is out of your control, maybe she had a bad day or maybe she is thinking about the last 3 losers who hit on her and has reached her limit of stupid guys. No one knows. The point of game is to give yourself the best possible chance given an unlimited amount of unknown variables.

The biggest problem in game for me is the approach. You can approach 20 women and you just can't tell if they are sexually available.

When you actually have an in person meeting, ESP with a girl off SA or tinder, you can be 99% sure she is sexually available. The only question left is, is that with you?

And to be honest that's a pretty enviable position to be in. If you are making yourself better as a man, studying game, dressing well, and just being a fun, playful dude you are going to give yourself a great shot.

It's hard to be someone your not, I never really try. Sure, I exxagerate stuff. On my profile I say I've travelled to 30 countries but it's really just 15. But I never mention anything I can't go on for hours in detail about due to personal experience. Lying is just too difficult for average people to pull off.

Just run the game. You'll be fine. Don't expect her to put out, and you won't be disappointed. Girls an smell sexual desperation like a dog. You really seem to be into her tits so do NOT look at her fucking tits. Pretend they are the eyes of medusa. Focus on a flaw on her body or face (all women have flaws) and blow it up 100% and pretend her entire body is full of that flaw under those clothes. That works for me anyway. I once met this 10 with a cindy crawford mole and i just pretended she had that all over her body. My boner went away instantly lol.

Seeking Arrangement game - pickupartistry123 - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 01:22 PM)Markcrist Wrote:  

Will be seeing that 18yo next week hopefully. My "assistant" will contact her lol.

Any tips for in person?
good luck. this is the big tits girl? how big are her tits btw?

sounds like this date will be very exciting. i love planning dates and going on dates with hot girls or girls with big tits. it's so fun and exciting. meeting a brand new hot girl and having her be into you from the get go. super receptive to talk to you and super hot to look at. i remember one time i had a tall swedish stripper with big tits drive an hour to meet me at a bar. looked stunning with long blond hair. couldn't pull but it was still fun.

when you're locking in a lot of dates on SA you start to get dates with total hotties regularly. it's fucking bomb. going on a date with an 8/10 just becomes the norm now. you walk in the bar with that hottie on your side and she's totally into you, and everyone sees you with her. obviously the reason she's into you is because she thinks you're an ultra rich "sugar daddy" that she can get money out of. so for the time being you get to reap the rewards of having a hot girl while the charade is going

with that being said, i would go on the date and be casual about it. i usually don't get sexual until i've pulled the girl or while i'm pulling. i remember one time i was in my car pulling a hot blonde hair russian girl. we were driving back to her place and i haven't been sexual at all yet so i decided to break the ice by saying something like "i like your style, you have really big tits". just straight up said that. she laughs and agrees, says "yeah i've heard that before, big titties".

so yeah, i wouldn't overthink it, just go with it and get some field experience. when i first started i made some stupid mistakes and ended up wasting money and time but now i know sort of what i'm doing

Seeking Arrangement game - DonnyGately - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-05-2018 01:54 PM)AznMarkZuckerberg Wrote:  

I guess it's kind of natural for me because I've been in the world of CEOs, Venture Capitalists, ... Executive assistants are mostly all 10s across the board. Executive power dynamics are all about image and you have to have a hot assistant to be taken seriously in negotiations)

This is totally not the case, be serious.

Yes, lots of CEOs and HFs and VCs have hot ass'ts or hot receptionists, but just as many do not. Competence is far more prized by legit busy, billionaire CEOs than anything else by a very, very wide margin.

Also many CEOs keep the same ass't for 20-30 years because why change and teach someone new everything the need to know about the job and who's important and when to interrupt and which relatives to put through and which kids get extra help ad infinitum.

They're more likely to change wives than Exec Admins.

Seeking Arrangement game - Markcrist - 07-06-2018

Yeah its the 18yo with big tits. This one has been flaky. Like she randomly asked to meet me then ignored my whatsapp message. Then she said she went out with friends instead. She seems to be more responsive since I have mentioned my "assistant". Only time will tell and hopefully she won't flake.

I'm not the best on judging tit size but she had the biggest tits I saw on a girl thats slim and a cracking body, face and eyes.

My plan is just to go for drinks, kiss her and take her to the hotel.

I don't get how you are constantly getting these hotties to even come out with you. Like all the hot girls I messaged just ignored my message or didn't read it. Probably cause they have 200+ messages to sort through.

Seeking Arrangement game - pickupartistry123 - 07-06-2018

sometimes i can't get meet ups too but i do have a decent response rate. let us know how it goes. at the least try to titty fuck her and cum on her tits, good luck

Seeking Arrangement game - Arcite - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 12:33 PM)pickupartistry123 Wrote:  

i'm on a break right now from the site but starting august i'm going to fire SA back up again and start locking in my weekly dates.

a few months ago when i was consistently doing this i was sending up to 15 messages per day on average. all my messages are copy/paste. i have a file on my computer that includes all my copy/paste messages and variations that i send to girls including my opener/follow up/etc. so for the first 3-4 messages with a girl i'm simply copy/pasting and whatever response she gives out i find the appropriate copy/paste. this causes me to roll through messages quickly. i actually don't mind sending 15 messages per day. it's like hunting for hotties. feels so good messaging all these hot girls with big tits on the site and then getting a reply back. i remember one time i was chatting with a hot white/korean girl with enormously massive J cup tits. it's was fucking incredible how big they were, and she's part asian. she was responsive through text but unfortunately i couldn't lock in a date.
Dude, I'm glad your happy and whatever you're doing is working for you, but your constant posting about huge tits reads like some kind of fetish porn. J cups are exceedingly rare, and I haven't noticed the girls on SA to have bigger breasts than the general female population. It's not like SA is some repository of girls with huge breasts. I'm not accusing you of lying, but it's just amazing to me that you're meeting so many girls on there at all, let alone multiple ones with breast sizes like >3 standard deviations from the mean. If you're sending 15 messages per day, and there are so many girls on there for you that you can get multiple huge-breasted ones, you must be in the NYC metro area. Because I'm in a metro area of 2.5 million and only 1-2 new non-fat, non-old girls join the site per day within a 50 mile radius. I'd have to let my account lie dormant for a year and then come back to have 15 new girls to message per day. And even then, I'd soon be messaging girls who haven't logged on in a month, which effectively means they no longer use the site.

FWIW, here was my last interaction on the site with a girl whose profile photo made it obvious that she had very large breasts. This was 2 weeks ago. We had messaged back and forth a few times, to the point where she was talking about coming to visit me, despite living 1 hour and 30 minutes away:

Her: I have off Thursday but don’t get paid till Friday so i wouldn’t have gas to come to you
Me: [thinking I'd better be a little cocky since I was worried she was starting to ask for money]
Me: Hmm, a subtle pleading for gas money? Too bad, don't think I could do Thursday anyway
Her: I wasn’t asking for anything, don’t assume. Good luck on your search
Her: I don’t need someone who is egotistical either ??‍♀️
Me: Hey, I was joking around, you know sarcasm doesn't come across well over text
Me: We can easily find another time to get together. And I promise you won't find me to be egotistical
Her: I’m good. Thanks anyways.

The end. So, one little cocky line makes her do an about face and lose interest in me for good.

Seeking Arrangement game - Redcloud - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 05:55 PM)Arcite Wrote:  

The end. So, one little cocky line makes her do an about face and lose interest in me for good.

It wasn't the cockiness. You caused her to lose face (what kind of person can afford internet and a car but doesn't have $3 for a fucking gallon of gas?) and she was embarrassed by it. She definitely wanted you to buy her gas or offer her some kind of money.

Forget that girl, she sounds like a headache.

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-06-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 04:23 PM)Markcrist Wrote:  

I don't get how you are constantly getting these hotties to even come out with you. Like all the hot girls I messaged just ignored my message or didn't read it. Probably cause they have 200+ messages to sort through.

I put in a girl profile (a 9) and she gets surprisingly few msgs. Like 3 a day? Might be the area. And the messages were super lame.

Seeking Arrangement game - Hypno - 07-06-2018

Just Uber then to your house. It’s not digiorno, it’s delivery! Make her a cocktail at your house instead of paying for drinks and an app and you come out ahead even after paying for the Uber. Plus it reduces flakes and chicks think it’s classy. It also gives you an exclusive to have them come straight to your pad. But the best part is the app shows you how far away she is.

Seeking Arrangement game - JakeRoberts - 07-07-2018

Had one girl over to my pad to "watch a movie"
First thing she says is, "I did not come here to have sex"
Less than 5 minutes later she is naked and telling me to get a condom

Seeking Arrangement game - Markcrist - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-06-2018 06:33 PM)AznMarkZuckerberg Wrote:  

Quote: (07-06-2018 04:23 PM)Markcrist Wrote:  

I don't get how you are constantly getting these hotties to even come out with you. Like all the hot girls I messaged just ignored my message or didn't read it. Probably cause they have 200+ messages to sort through.

I put in a girl profile (a 9) and she gets surprisingly few msgs. Like 3 a day? Might be the area. And the messages were super lame.

Make a brand new profile and set it to London, UK and see the madness.

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-07-2018 03:39 AM)Markcrist Wrote:  

Make a brand new profile and set it to London, UK and see the madness.

Maybe my location has a good ratio. That's a good thing a hot girl doesn't get many messages in my location I would think.

Seeking Arrangement game - goodington - 07-07-2018

Location is a huge factor; areas with lots of wealthy/successful men (i.e., London/NYC/SF) are relatively poor for guys like us because the girls can actually find real SDs, while areas with few high SMV men and lots of young girls are gold mines. College towns or mid-size cities with colleges in them are probably the best, in my opinion.

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-07-2018

Quote: (07-07-2018 08:27 AM)goodington Wrote:  

Location is a huge factor; areas with lots of wealthy/successful men (i.e., London/NYC/SF) are relatively poor for guys like us because the girls can actually find real SDs, while areas with few high SMV men and lots of young girls are gold mines. College towns or mid-size cities with colleges in them are probably the best, in my opinion.

Curiosity got the best of me after your post. So I decided to upgrade my SB account to premium just so I could filter out non-premium SD accounts and see what the ratios actually look like ($19.95 donation to the cause)

It's hard to get accurate numbers without filtering the SBs because on the website you just get 10K+, and even when you look at the network traffic in Chrome developer the max it will show you is 20,002. So I filtered to the most desirable SBs (18-25, Slim, Athletic, Average with photos).

Here is the raw data for the top 25 US cities by population. I'll follow up with a few international cities also. Gotta say my initial reaction is that the numbers are more skewed in SD's favor than I originally thought. Oh and the number of diamond accounts is pitifully low LA and NYC the top two cities have 11 each. I don't think it's worth it it's just going to be a magnet for semi-pros and pros and may actually make ur life as a RVF SA gamer harder.

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-07-2018

Already here are the international numbers. Just did a bunch of random cities lemme know if you guys have cities you want me to check with my premium SB account. I actually couldn't find a lot of cities outside the US with significant numbers, but if you guys want me to check some lemme know and I'll post.

Seeking Arrangement game - billyb - 07-07-2018

nice work! so this is number of sd's and sb's just in that city?.. meaning a radius of 0 miles.

Seeking Arrangement game - AznMarkZuckerberg - 07-07-2018


Yea filters for SD is premium and diamond
Filters for SB is 18-25 slim athletic avg with photos

There are way more SBs but the results get too large so had to filter. Prolly add 50-100% to the SB numbers to get total SB I’m guessing?

Btw I’m moving to Memphis almost 20:1 dat shit cray