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The Donald Trump thread - eradicator - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-13-2015 10:58 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Couldn't a few US drones take this guy out? These narcos must be a hell of a lot easier targets than Al Queda living in caves in deep mountain valleys.

Why would you think we would want to take him out? Who do you think put him in power in the first place?

[Image: tinfoilhat.gif]

The Donald Trump thread - Rutting Elephant - 07-14-2015

Do any drug lord accounts get the blue "verified" checkmark?

The Donald Trump thread - Pride male - 07-14-2015

This is a Sisyphean battle. Even if you get rid of Chapo another drug lord will emerge. Do what China does. Execute the merchants.

The Donald Trump thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 07-14-2015


[Image: CJxYWEvVEAAAB5Y.jpg]

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-14-2015

One thing I believe to be actually positive about a Trump presidency would be the empowerment of Rand Paul. Notice how the two do not fight or even mention each other? They seem to share many views:

Trump is listed at #3 and Paul at #4. SJW's already castrate Rand Paul for not delivering his two-minutes of hate toward Trump:

Although I believe Rand Paul has better policy ideas than Trump, he doesn't have the clout or money that Trump does. However, Rand Paul is a lot younger than Trump, and, given that Paul shares many of the same ideas as Trump, A Trump presidency would probably mean Rand gets promoted within the Republican party to prominent positions, such as speaker or something else. A Trump presidency almost certainly means Rand Paul will be a much better position for future Presidential runs considering that Trump has made enemies with close to 70% of the existing Republican congressmen. His enemies will be voted out real fast if Trump rises to power leaving Rand in a position of power just by virtue of survival.

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-13-2015 08:22 PM)Eskhander Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2015 07:46 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

So I finished watching the rally Samseau posted and he really came off well. The guy's not some long-winded political speech bullshitter but he tells it like it is. Americans are sick of being fucked by the left and sold down the river by the cuckservative Republicans.

The time of the Cuck is over. Now is the age of the Shitlord.

The Donald Trump thread - Pete - 07-14-2015

Just so you know...

Donald Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

Trump’s donation history shows Democratic favoritism

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-14-2015

You have to pay to play when you own the businesses and property Trump does, Pete. That's how the system works.

The Donald Trump thread - vinman - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-13-2015 11:09 PM)JoyStick Wrote:  

Quote: (07-13-2015 10:58 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Couldn't a few US drones take this guy out? These narcos must be a hell of a lot easier targets than Al Queda living in caves in deep mountain valleys.

The U.S. government don't want to take him out. They probably who helped break him out in the first place. The war on drugs is just a big money scheme.

This story broke more than 3 years ago.

The Donald Trump thread - Aenigmarius - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 09:41 AM)vinman Wrote:  

This story broke more than 3 years ago.

And not one single thing has changed.

The Donald Trump thread - Dr. Howard - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-13-2015 09:26 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

weekly world news was awesome. everytime you checked out at a grocery store it was entertaining. I think it's no longer in circulation right?

Correct, no longer in print circulation. I got a subscription on a whim as a young adult because I always thought it was hilarious, having them out of my coffee table was an incredible ice breaker when girls would come over. They would say "omg, you have the weekly world news?" and we'd read a story about bat boy etc.

I have the last print issue framed in my office, again, conversation starter.

the closest thing nowadays would be having print copies of the onion on your coffee table.

The Donald Trump thread - Kingsley Davis - 07-14-2015

[Image: hillary-clinton-on-gay-marriage.jpg]

The hypocrisy...

The Donald Trump thread - Deepdiver - 07-14-2015

Today's update courtesy Reuters:

A Twitter account made out in the kingpin's name, Joaquin Guzman Loera, that on Sunday had celebrated his escape sent a message threatening Trump if he continued to speak out.

"Keep screwing (with us) and I'm going to make you eat your fucking words you lousy white faggot," said the Twitter account with the user name @ElChap0Guzman.

Four Mexican government officials said they could not say whether the account, as well as several others in the name of some of Guzman's children that were linked to it, were genuine.

"I am told they are apocryphal," said Mexican Deputy Interior Minister Roberto Campa.

A Trump aide said in a statement: "The FBI is fully aware of the situation and is actively investigating this threat against Mr. Trump."

It quoted Trump as saying: "I'm fighting for much more than myself. I'm fighting for the future of our country which is being overrun by criminals. You can't be intimidated. This is too important."

An FBI spokesman said the agency had no statement on the issue. "Standard practice is to neither confirm nor deny FBI investigations," he said.

Guzman, who escaped from a maximum-security prison through a tunnel, ran the powerful Sinaloa cartel after an earlier prison breakout in 2001 until he was arrested last year.

The cartel has smuggled billions of dollars worth of heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methamphetamines into the United States.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Guzman posed a threat to public safety in the United States, and that Washington has "made quite clear to the Mexicans our interest in ensuring that he faces justice here in the United States."

In his statement on Sunday, Trump said: "Corrupt Mexican officials obviously let him go a second time. The last time he was free for 13 years. He has been selling drugs in the U.S. big time – a major kingpin."

The Donald Trump thread - TigerMandingo - 07-14-2015

I have no idea why, but I have more respect for the likes of El Chapo than that scheming shyster Trump. At least you know where you stand with those people.

The Donald Trump thread - dog - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 08:54 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

You have to pay to play when you own the businesses and property Trump does, Pete. That's how the system works.

I always thought it was funny how the US always rates very low on corruption indices. Sure, you're not paying the cop $50 to get out of a ticket, but most big shit has to get done by greasing the hands of some politician, and at a much higher price than $50. I wouldn't be surprised if more money actually exchanges hands in the US than so-called high corruption nations. We've just institutionalized it and call it "lobbying" and "donations" instead of calling it what it actually is: corruption.

If you're into the sort of money and projects that Trump is into, you have to play that game. It's the only way to get anything done.

The Donald Trump thread - aphelion - 07-14-2015

Holy shit. Trump came out to Real American. That takes some serious fucking stones.

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 12:22 PM)dog Wrote:  

Quote: (07-14-2015 08:54 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

You have to pay to play when you own the businesses and property Trump does, Pete. That's how the system works.

I always thought it was funny how the US always rates very low on corruption indices. Sure, you're not paying the cop $50 to get out of a ticket, but most big shit has to get done by greasing the hands of some politician, and at a much higher price than $50. I wouldn't be surprised if more money actually exchanges hands in the US than so-called high corruption nations. We've just institutionalized it and call it "lobbying" and "donations" instead of calling it what it actually is: corruption.

If you're into the sort of money and projects that Trump is into, you have to play that game. It's the only way to get anything done.

The corruption works differently here in America. I've heard that cops in various departments are unofficially encouraged to get a certain number of tickets by their bosses. Civil asset forfeiture, basically ripping off drug dealers, is another popular way of getting major funds. If an individual cop shakes down a citizen or takes money from a drug dealer's stash it's corruption. If a department does it it's lawful and standard operating procedure.

So you're completely right when you say we've institutionalized it. If you define corruption as extralegal bribery or whatever then yeah, there's not a whole lot of that. But there's tons of legal bribery and ways around the laws that aren't illegal.

The Donald Trump thread - borntomack - 07-14-2015

Freaking Hilarious. I've hadn't this much fun following politics in long time

The Donald Trump thread - Legendver2 - 07-14-2015

I know you guys are all hardcore Trump supporters currently, but to me, he's just another flip flopping politician. In fact, I don't trust any of them. You can say Trump tells it like it is, but dude flip flops like any other person, I don't see how you can pick him out of a crowd of flip floppers and say he's the best candidate based on what he says CURRENTLY, while calling everyone else a hypocrite for flip flopping. I know he is hardlining the immigration approach for his campaign this election, and personally, I'm neutral towards the issue so I have no opinion on it, but what I do want to point out is just only couple years back, his views on what he stated today are completely opposite. He told Bill O’Reilly he was in favor of a “path to citizenship” for 30 million illegal immigrants:

Trump: You have to give them a path. You have 20 million, 30 million, nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now, today I hear it’s 11, but I don’t think it’s 11. I actually heard you probably have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that.

So for those who are supporting him because of his stance on illegal immigration, I hope you guys aren't blinded by the current anger towards SJW agenda and just cheering a guy on because he's saying something you want to hear currently. He flip flops on several other topics as well, but I chose this topic because he seems to be running on it for this campaign. And just a disclaimer, I don't want my post to be viewed as an attack on forum members, it's not, just my own critique on Trump, but it can get a bit disheartening when everyone in hear is cheering him on based on his current views while calling everyone else an hypocrite for flip-flops/evolving from their preview stances. I thought we're all supposed to be objective here.

P.S. If I get ban for this post, so be it, but I just bring it up

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 11:53 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I have no idea why, but I have more respect for the likes of El Chapo than that scheming shyster Trump. At least you know where you stand with those people.

Where do you stand with El Chapo? At the bottom of a skull pile? Normally you make sense when you speak, but this statement is completely irrational.

The Donald Trump thread - el mechanico - 07-14-2015


I know you guys are all hardcore Trump supporters currently, but to me, he's just another flip flopping politician

He's not a politician but more a business man running for president.

The reason we all like him is because he takes no shit and is AMOG'ing the fuck out all the SJW ass kissing other contenders.

The Donald Trump thread - TheWastelander - 07-14-2015

Watch the rally video Samseau posted, Legend. He's not saying we should ship them all back or anything like that. He's saying we need to really secure the border and keep Mexico from sending people it doesn't want up here. He also wants to disincentivize them from coming here in the first place. He believes legal immigration should be easier and faster than what it currently is, which I only partly agree with.

Trump is no savior but he is a breath of fresh air and someone who talks like a man, unlike the other candidates.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-14-2015

Legend: Trump may end up legalizing many of the illegals already here but so would any other candidate.

The difference is, Trump will build a wall (or get thrown out if he doesn't) and bring a crackdown on crime. He'll place tariffs on countries that purposely devalue their currency (such as China) and create incentives for American corporations to base operations within the country. Combining a wall with forcing jobs to return to America will seriously slowdown the demographic collapse of Middle Class America and prevent Mexico from taking over the Southwestern USA via criminal networks. Illegal immigrants will not be able to enter the country freely and immigration will resume with only letting in those who actually bring value to the country.

Trump would slow down America's decline at worst, and at best he could cause a huge revival. In either case, Trump is superior to any other candidate. He serves the interests of men.

The Donald Trump thread - TigerMandingo - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 01:30 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Where do you stand with El Chapo? At the bottom of a skull pile? Normally you make sense when you speak, but this statement is completely irrational.

[Image: lol.gif] Point taken.

I don't know, though. There is a certain honesty in ruthlessness. What is it about Trump that I'm supposed to admire? Wealth and personal success are great attributes but they speak nothing of a person's character and ethos. All these businessmen/politicians strike me as poisonous snakes. That's all I'm saying.

The Donald Trump thread - Samseau - 07-14-2015

Quote: (07-14-2015 01:45 PM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

Quote: (07-14-2015 01:30 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Where do you stand with El Chapo? At the bottom of a skull pile? Normally you make sense when you speak, but this statement is completely irrational.

[Image: lol.gif] Point taken.

I don't know, though. There is a certain honesty in ruthlessness. What is it about Trump that I'm supposed to admire? Wealth and personal success are great attributes but they speak nothing of a person's character and ethos. All these businessmen/politicians strike me as poisonous snakes. That's all I'm saying.

You don't think Trump wasn't ruthless to get where he is? The difference between El Chapo and Trump is that Trump never got caught. I guarantee you Trump is just as ruthless as El Chapo, but with a lot more class and a lot more loyalty to America.