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Marriage is for Pussies - MaxRitter - 07-25-2014

Quote: (07-25-2014 02:56 AM)ZayanZaken Wrote:  

. Marriage is a formality that helps with some important functions; e.g., if your LTR is from the ex-Soviet Union and you want to bring her to America you have to marry her. But other than that, marriage is just a form of LTR. Financial issues can be properly planned for, as discussed elsewhere in the forum. Now if you say that you do not ever want an LTR then I say you don't know what you are missing. And I am not talking about sex now: life is not 100% about sex.

I fully agree. marriage laws in the us are draconic, there are ways to avoid marriage and have no financial risks, just live together but at the same time I fully root for commited relationship and kids. the genes of worthy american men must not be wasted. the only people who really have to get married are those who brought wives from overseas. to them I would advise to do research on the legal aspects, make sure she signs a prenup and so on. another option is to live overseas where you as a man would have more rights.

Marriage is for Pussies - MaxRitter - 07-25-2014

[quote='newarrior' pid='789333' dateline='1406273414']
Amen brother I cannot imagine why any sane man would choose just one girl out of the millions AND have kids too==prison and adds to the world's burdens by adding more humans to this overpopulated planet we call earth....Bravo you are my new jesus ! HAHAH !

you are crazy. denying yourself a chance to reproduce while some crackheads are having tons of children out of wedlock? the world is overpopulated in asia, in the western world its underpopluated. if you gave up on reproduction and want the land of your ancestors to be populated by some illegal immigrants, fine. at leats dont advise that suicidal approach to strong men on this forum who wants to grow their own seeds and leave a trace in this world.

Marriage is for Pussies - robreke - 07-25-2014

Quote: (07-25-2014 08:01 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-23-2014 01:18 PM)robreke Wrote:  

Interesting. So, what are some good "non piggish" ways of letting a woman know you can't stand fatties? I don't want my girl going down this road.

I ask because most all women I know think that's "shallow" including the girl I'm seeing that I like. So, I don't want to come out and say..."hey you better stay in shape and never get fat." cause then I'm a "pig", what methods/subcommunications did you employ to let your women know you appreciate in shape ( read non-fat) girls?

you apparently live in the US and date american women. I believe that all US women are crap except for the traditional christian types. since I detest US women so much I cannot give you a perfect solution for keeping her thin. I can only tell about my experience.

first of all, I picked a woman from a culture that values marriage. an unmarried woman over 25 here is considered a loser, a divorced woman with a child has no chance to get married.therefore, women have to compete hard for a man and constantly work on their looks. my GF is a fitness/yoga/aerobics couch, she had completed her schooling only a year and a half ago. of course she has to stay in shape if anything, than at least for work purposes. plus while I had been living in Russia she always had a high competiton around me and she knew she had to stay in shape. I actually heard her mother saying to her over dinner, do not eat any sweets after six, do you want to get fat on your hips? there are so many cute girls in the city, you dont your man to stray from you.

I mean its a different type of culture where a man is put high on a pedestal and its just a different approach to a man. If you ever date a girl from Russia, Ukraine or Belarus you will see that the way she treats you is a completely different experience. she actually tries to please you so as to keep you by her side and prevent other women from taking her away. of course she will try her best to stay thin.

I personally chose a girl who is also very laid back and drama free. One the tests I ran on her was how she responded to me making compliments to other women. for example we would be on the beach sitting in a cafe and I would be eyeing a hot girl sitting next to us in a short dress. I would say smth like "wow that girl has amazing legs. and shes so tanned. i hope after we return from this holiday we will have the same tan." or when we watched a tennis game and would be lookinmg at maria sharapova and say "does she have a nice ass! looking at her, I understand why it is important for a woman to work out." Imagine the reaction I would get from a brainwashed american slut. how dare you look at other womens legs! so you think she`s prettier than me? funnily enough even some eastern european women may react this way if they have a dramatic character. I filtered a lot of chicks untill I found a fitness fanatic who openly publishes pictures of fitness models on facebook writing underneath it "I want to have those abs!" she is a huge fan of maria sharapova and would only suggest smth like "yes, you re right, she does have a nice body. obviously tennis does a lot to improve a womans phisique maybe I should see if they have a tennis court somewhere near by where we could go." its just that kind of girl. I dont need to tell her to stay fit she already knwos it.

another important factor is also the country where you live. I live in Germany where people put a lot of emphasize on looking good and stay fit. my mother is in her 60s and she still is fit, thin and rides her bike to work everyday. its not even to please or "keep" my dad its just her (and german) way of life. most of my collegues ride bikes to work because its healthy and the car here does not symbolize a high social status. most women start riding bikes everywhere as mush as possible at the age of 7 till their late 60s. in my country its just not cool to be fat. obesity is widely accepted in the american society and already became part of the general picure while in germany fatties are rare and frown upon. the society does not harrass or shame fat people but it also does not accomodate to them. there are no extra large seats in restaurants no mega sized clothing, even seats in trams and buses are narrow. if you are oversized you will soon feel uncomfortable. so people are trying to stay in shape just for the sake of feeling good about themselves.

also here in germany as well as in scandinavian countries people (incl married couples) enjoy physical activities its a part of the culture here. instead of going to a fast food restaurnat to buy a cheap meal with a coupon they go riding bikes, boats or horses, hiking, camping, rowing and so on. they take their children along with them and teach them how cool it is to be sporty and fit. plus we also try to eat healthy our food is better quality tahn in the us. a lot of eastern european women are obsessed with diets while german swedish and danish women just make healthy choices. even food in our school7college canteens is healthier than in the US. Ive never seen any horrible bullying or fat shaming but fatties are just rare and therefore not acceptable.

I guess it would be wise to find a woman in a country with a healthy population, a woman who has a high level of self discipline and will not allow herself slide. the problem with America is that average looking bitches are put on a pedestal and treated like queens so it gets in their head. they have so many choices in men they can easily start cheating and so on. no idea hwo to date an american woman and how to keep her in line.

but I could advise a few shit tests. say smth about a hot actress or singer you like, how she has nice abs or smth like that . throw a few expressions such as "women need to work out a lot since their youth, when you re over 30 and have a baby its harder to get back in shape." see her reaction. suggest to eat healthier at home, no deep fried foods, no sodas. watch if she can cook if she has a passion for nice home cooked meals or whether she just heats up a tv dinner in a microwave. its all about those little things. give her a gym membership for her birthday and suggest you go there together. basically make it known that you support a healthy lifestyle, value beauty and fitness and expect the same from her. but be respectfull. I would never tell a girl some model has got a better ass than her. Id rather say, wow she has a hot ass she probably works out a lot. another important factor is when a woman really went out of her way to look good, make sure she knwos you apprecaite it. I often tell my Gf how I like her in taht dress or how cool it is that she takes care of herself. she will wnat to keep up with that appearance in order to earn your compliments.

but take all of my a advices with a grain of salt. I aint no marriage or relationship counselor Im just trying to explain my view on women and how I think a man could achieve happiness.

Good stuff Max and you're right, I am in America. I agree you have to be MUCH more subtle here. I like the idea of commenting on women who are in shape....although, I'm sure just THAT would cause some American women...possibly mine included show jealousy or some such.

I think I'm going to start doing things with her like bicycling, walking, etc. She's already told me she doesn't like 'lifting' at the gym. She likes things like dance....she used to do ballet. Maybe I could figure some kind of ballet or latin dance classes for her. I'm still not far enough in the relationship to determine if I want to spend this much money yet....but it's good to know options for her or any other girls I date longer term.

Marriage is for Pussies - ZayanZaken - 07-25-2014

Max is on point. For me, perhaps the single most important issue, once a girl passes the initial attractiveness test and the basic intelligence test, is how jealous she is. In anything beyond a short term relationship, a jealous woman is a curse to be avoided. I test for that by not hesitating to mention any of my previous relationships; e.g., telling her what an ex was very good at. If she can't handle that, she is too jealous. In such case, I don't let the relationship progress from short- to middle term. As for fatties, one additional point is to avoid a girl who successfully lost significant weight before, and here it is sometimes important even for a ONS. If a girl proudly tells me about her achievement in this department I know she is not for me. Some of them look ugly once they are naked because their skin is not tight. Of those who had managed to become attractive, 99% will gain weight later and spend their life losing and gaining cyclically, with the gains always larger than the previous losses. If my (thin) daughter was fat, I would advise her to work on keeping her weight constant rather than trying to lose, just so she would avoid the roller coaster ride. But one reason she is thin is that when she was a baby I was very firm in forbidding anybody (including her mom!) to give her sugary treats, so she never developed the sweet tooth that is such a common cause of obesity. Max's girl sounds like somebody who has always been thin and would probably remain in control even without the "signals" from him, but the signals are good to make her realize that her being in shape is appreciated. I do exactly the same thing for the same reason.

Marriage is for Pussies - Vaun - 07-26-2014

Quote: (07-22-2014 10:48 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women.

I can't even keep up with the demand for me, seriously. Chicks die on the vine all the time.

I'm not saying this to brag. I'm saying this because what you said was a limiting belief.

If you believe you are the prize, and make yourself worthy of being so, the demand appears to be infinite. at least so far at age 38

At 38 this is where my head is at too. Divorced 3 years ago. I look 30 or younger. I try to take care of myself but I am making up for lost time partying, but I thought I was done partying when I met my ex wife at 25. Just like falling off a skateboard now hurts 10X worse than it did as a kid, partying will put on mileage if Im not careful.

I got into an LTR about a year out from my divorce. That was a giant mistake. Great girl, just not for me. I like quiet reflection at home. I dont need a women to take care of me. I am not desperate for affection. I date lots of girls. In the LTR I dug into RVF and figured out I am much happier dating and being alone, than desperately trying to create the perfect relationship.

In the back of my mind I think I will get marriage again in my mid 40's. Aside from the occasional crap life throws at you, life is pretty good, and I am having too much fun. The periods of misery in my life were when dealing with women. Marriage, and 3 or 4 LTR's later, I am doing what I always should have done, which is the advice my dad(who was divorced) gave me that I never followed. Date, keep it light and fun, dont make any extra obligations(kids), save your money. He was giving me red pill advice as a kid and I ignored it.

I date girls between 20-30. The older girls have to be exceptional in looks and attitude. The younger ones are just fun. I mostly daygame and approach about 1 a day. I get phone numbers, instadates, same day lays, and girls wanting relationships. If there isnt a more natural state for man I dont know what is. What I do is just keep my eyes open everyday and jump on the opportunity if its in my sightline.

When I hear, "Oh if I just find a cool girl" I laugh at that. All women are the same. That is why game is so effective. Every women will react the same way, and her responses will vary to a degree based on environmental factors(Russian women react differently than Latina women).

When I meet a bluepill guy, I just realize we wont be friends, and I will game them like a chick. When I see guys getting married in their 20's I write them off. Good little office drones, worker bees, ATM's for their women and her family. Personally I see marriage as something for poor people who need roommates and someone to split the expenses with. Am I cynical, yes I am, but I have seen so many cases for why marriage is bad, that I could not be positive about it.

Marriage is for Pussies - The Beast1 - 07-26-2014

I sense a lot of unhealed emotional injuries from individuals here.

Looking at my own past, dad was emotionally absent, mom was a nitwit, and the stepdad was a pussy. Looking at most of the older individuals i know, it seems hedonism and "finding" oneself in some narcissistic individualistic way is why most marriages fail. As someone who has been through 3 divorces as a child, marriage isn't going to be easy. Marriages fail because the man in the equation stagnated which caused the rest of the equation to fall apart. When a wife is being difficult call her out. Push her around her hold onto your vitality.

I expect my marriage to be difficult and require work. However, if you persist on self improvement and never stop pushing forward you'll find your marriage will follow you. Treat your marriage as you being the center of its univerise and where you go, the marriage will follow.

It's called a patriarchy for a reason. Marriages fail when a patriarchy becomes a matriarchy.

However, there is no reason to get married if you don't want kids. In your 60s you at least can game broads in their 30s.

Marriage is for Pussies - Vaun - 07-26-2014

Quote: (07-26-2014 08:10 AM)frenchie Wrote:  

I expect my marriage to be difficult and require work. However, if you persist on self improvement and never stop pushing forward you'll find your marriage will follow you. Treat your marriage as you being the center of its univerise and where you go, the marriage will follow.

Are you married, or talking about the one in the future that will be better than everyone elses marriage?

Marriage is for Pussies - robreke - 07-26-2014

Quote: (07-26-2014 07:51 AM)Vaun Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2014 10:48 AM)reaper23 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 02:20 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-11-2014 10:21 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

they will ride that cock carousel mainly because we provide it to them.

That's a joke, right? Women hold nearly all the cards in the dating game. Time to get your facts straight. Women are the supply, men are the demand. Men want sex more than women.

I can't even keep up with the demand for me, seriously. Chicks die on the vine all the time.

I'm not saying this to brag. I'm saying this because what you said was a limiting belief.

If you believe you are the prize, and make yourself worthy of being so, the demand appears to be infinite. at least so far at age 38

At 38 this is where my head is at too. Divorced 3 years ago. I look 30 or younger. I try to take care of myself but I am making up for lost time partying, but I thought I was done partying when I met my ex wife at 25. Just like falling off a skateboard now hurts 10X worse than it did as a kid, partying will put on mileage if Im not careful.

I got into an LTR about a year out from my divorce. That was a giant mistake. Great girl, just not for me. I like quiet reflection at home. I dont need a women to take care of me. I am not desperate for affection. I date lots of girls. In the LTR I dug into RVF and figured out I am much happier dating and being alone, than desperately trying to create the perfect relationship.

In the back of my mind I think I will get marriage again in my mid 40's. Aside from the occasional crap life throws at you, life is pretty good, and I am having too much fun. The periods of misery in my life were when dealing with women. Marriage, and 3 or 4 LTR's later, I am doing what I always should have done, which is the advice my dad(who was divorced) gave me that I never followed. Date, keep it light and fun, dont make any extra obligations(kids), save your money. He was giving me red pill advice as a kid and I ignored it.

I date girls between 20-30. The older girls have to be exceptional in looks and attitude. The younger ones are just fun. I mostly daygame and approach about 1 a day. I get phone numbers, instadates, same day lays, and girls wanting relationships. If there isnt a more natural state for man I dont know what is. What I do is just keep my eyes open everyday and jump on the opportunity if its in my sightline.

When I hear, "Oh if I just find a cool girl" I laugh at that. All women are the same. That is why game is so effective. Every women will react the same way, and her responses will vary to a degree based on environmental factors(Russian women react differently than Latina women).

When I meet a bluepill guy, I just realize we wont be friends, and I will game them like a chick. When I see guys getting married in their 20's I write them off. Good little office drones, worker bees, ATM's for their women and her family. Personally I see marriage as something for poor people who need roommates and someone to split the expenses with. Am I cynical, yes I am, but I have seen so many cases for why marriage is bad, that I could not be positive about it.

A good summary post Vaun and this is the way I WANT to look at things....indeed I am trying to force myself to your viewpoint. What I mean buy that is I'm a little older than you....and kind of starting to enter a relationship with a girl I recently had a first bang with...but have dates with other girls lined up next week, etc.
When you say all women are the same just to different degrees....I wonder if you would expound on that interesting, in your are all women the same ( the human nature of women )?

Marriage is for Pussies - Vaun - 07-26-2014

Quote: (07-26-2014 09:47 AM)robreke Wrote:  

When you say all women are the same just to different degrees....I wonder if you would expound on that interesting, in your are all women the same ( the human nature of women )?

hmm, universal truths about women..... at least beginning where we are you could say they see you as a provider. There is no "cool chic that doesn't want anything from me". Even if they buy you things, women want a man to take care of them. Being older with money in the bank makes you a prime target for that. A little slip up and an accidental pregnancy could turn the tables on that real fast.

Do you want one in your life so badly you fund their lifestyle? I think thats what it boils down to. Generally I think women respond to challenge and communication the same way after you bang them. Pre bang you can gauge a women's interest in you by how she responds to your texts and calls, by how she presents herself on the date or in the dating process. I've never been one to think that shit tests are a cute part of flirting, to me its a clear indication she is disinterested in you. A "shit test", outside of rescheduling a date, in my mind is just her way of letting you know she doesn't want you.

Marriage is for Pussies - Rubio93 - 07-27-2014

It seems clear to me marriage is for betas. That's why I left and never looked back. I realized it wasn't for me.

ALL of us reading this have deep-seated instincts to bang lots and lots of women. As a matter of fact, most of us are here to IMPROVE that aspect of our lives. Even if we have tons of prospects "dying on the vine" we can work on quality, on new experiences etc. If you're an alpha, you get to act on those instincts. You get to make your fantasies reality.

To me it's a huge cognitive dissonance, studying game, working on self-improvement, learning new languages, traveling and the whole nine, and at the end what? Get trapped in some miserable domestic situation?

Alphas are by definition the most CREATIVE people in society, and there is nothing on Earth less conducive to one's creativity than the typical domestic life. EVERYTHING about married life is kryptonite to an alpha.

I also don't get the whole rationale of "we're just following women's lead, this is our best option given the circumstances". That is a PRIME example of beta logic, fatalism, determinism, being led by external factors. I always thought the idea was to CREATE circumstances. I just can't imagine any alpha in their right minds CHOOSING slavery over freedom.

Speaking of being led by external factors, I am and always will be EXTREMELY against the idea of being dependent on someone to "be there when nobody else will". That's a fucking illusion, that's some Disney bullshit right there! The real reality of the situation is YOU are the only one you can depend on. People can and WILL fail you, often at the worst times, and wifey will be the first one to kick you in the balls the moment you trip up in life. I don't care how sweet she seems NOW, or what she says to dupe you into thinking things are otherwise.

If your plan for succeeding in life relies on anybody else but YOU, you've already doomed yourself to failure. One would think anyone who actually RTFF should have that crystal clear by now!

Marriage is for Pussies - RockHard - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-25-2014 02:31 AM)newarrior Wrote:  

Best post ever on this site !

It's hilarious that this thread has continued for a full year after Mark Minter completely reversed himself and hitched up to one of his groupies.

See also:

Marriage is for Pussies - BadWolf - 07-27-2014


If your plan for succeeding in life relies on anybody else but YOU, you've already doomed yourself to failure. One would think anyone who actually RTFF should have that crystal clear by now

The only way to succeed in life is to help others, we are not islands. I think life without marriage is destructive. Marriage to me is symbolic of the 'ultimate friendship' and you should only pass that to someone you could see yourself jumping off a bridge with (hand in hand). You are going to be handcuffed to this person the rest of your life and there are alot of areas where this can really be a constructive thing. We've glossed over all the positives of marriage and highlight all the negatives. Imagine your best friend was a woman, don't you think you guys could lead an awesome life together and raise great children? I bet you could.

I look at marriage like a gun.

You put the gun in the hand of a psycho and he'll blow your head off, put it in the hand of your best friend and he/she will protect you. The problem with North America is that we are encouraging people to be psychos. You can avoid owning guns, you can avoid learning how to use them but the fact is that they will always be in play and you'll always believe in the back of your mind that guns can be used to protect people no matter how much you hate them. Guns need to be placed in the hands of those responsible for protecting society. Marriage is no different. Have you considered that you might just be a psycho? I'm more apt to trust a man who is married with a family to use a gun responsibly then a single man who has nothing to live for but himself.

I'm sorry but the title of this thread is bvllshit. Marriage is not for pussies, you have to be willing to risk everything and you do it in the name of helping others. Pussies don't like guns.

Marriage is for Pussies - Rubio93 - 07-27-2014

I guess in your defintion I'm a psycho, because I think altruism is a steaming smelly pile of nasty rancid bullshit!

"The only way to succeed in life is to help others" beta philosophy in a nutshell.

You put in the gun in the hand of your best friend and he may very well shoot you in the head from behind. But hey, it's your funeral!

We may not be islands but we relate to the rest of the universe as individuals, full stop. That's our interface, that's the way this macro-game was designed. To deny that fundamental obvious fact is to invite all kinds of trouble. But like I said, it's your funeral. Go for it and don't forget to report back here! [Image: wink.gif]

Marriage is for Pussies - BadWolf - 07-27-2014

Without altruism we wouldn't have a Roosh forum at all.. there would be no PUA, no healthcare or doctors christ there'd be no society. This new narcissism attitude 'everything is all about me' really is what is bringing down the West. There is nothing alpha about being selfish. Alpha pack leaders don't 'live for themselves'. Criminals, assh0les and narcassistic scumbags do that... if you want extra helpings of that you only need to go and live in China for a couple years to see it up close and personal..

When ALL people start doing the 'all about me' stuff, that's when you get rampant pollution, corruption, danger, horrid living conditions and healthcare. There are some serious issues that need to be addressed on this forum and many PUA forums like it, narcissism does not make society a better place to live. The west is leaning towards it already, I mean you can't talk about women being gold digging scumbags and in the same breath say that helping others is 'beta'. If you start living for yourself, women will follow suit and pretty soon you've got a dysfunctional, every man for himself scenario.

I'm curious Rubio, did you grow up in a single parent household?

Marriage is for Pussies - iknowexactly - 07-27-2014

"If your plan for succeeding in life relies on anybody else but YOU, you've already doomed yourself to failure."

The problem with this hypothesis is the endless, endless list of hyper-alphas who got married when they literally could have fucked a different model every night.

Also it's fairly apparent every success except solitary hunter-gather existence in the wilderness depends on MILLIONS of other people if you use roads, telephones, etx.

Most movie stars and billionaires get married.. with some married long before success presumably far exceeding yours. So there goes your theory. One side, billionaires and stars saying "I think it's worth a shot.", on the other, anonymous internet poster saying "You've already doomed yourself to failure."

umm..maybe some people are happier married and some people are happier single.

Is that possible or does someone always have to SMASH OTHERS IN THE HEAD until they admit he's right.

Now, marriage in the USA if you're making under 300K right now in history may be imprudent, but that's an exceptional historical abberation.

Marriage is for Pussies - iknowexactly - 07-27-2014

Quote: (07-27-2014 02:27 PM)Rubio93 Wrote:  

You put in the gun in the hand of your best friend and he may very well shoot you in the head from behind. But hey, it's your funeral!

You must have nice friends to think this. And you must BE a great friend too.

Marriage is for Pussies - Rubio93 - 07-28-2014

It's all fine that the forum is here, and that we can share with each other, but this forum will have its cycle like all others before it have... it won't last forever. Right now it's very very active, it won't stay that way. Kind of like your typical marriage... [Image: wink.gif] but UNLIKE a marriage, this is a very equitable place, and all benefit from that. This thread is talking about modern marriage. If I were for example living in ancient Athens, I may be more inclined to enter into such an arrangement, where basically I get handed a woman whom I can fuck whenever I want without losing my freedom to fuck whoever ELSE I want, she does the housework for me, and never even leaves the house without my permission and an escort. What would I have to lose?

Anyways, I'm not one for telling other people what to do. Get married if you want, fuck a chicken, fuck a goat, inject your veins with lighter fluid, whatever gets you off.

We could get into a pissing contest here and I could post reams and reams of quotes from famous people, both contemporary and historical, that would more than match your billionaires and athletes, saying that the typical domestic lifestyle is anathema to any true spirituality and/or creativity. For every successful married person, one could find a dozen or more who rejected marriage partially or most often completely! In the end, this is an argument that has probably been going on as long as this failed experiment we call "civilization" has come into being. I for one am very clear which side I stand on, and make no apologies for it.

I have no interest in China, as China is a very collectivist society. I've picked the one country on the planet where I see invidivualism as still being alive and well to settle in, and have no regrets.

I don't want to veer this thread into politics, that would be inappropriate, but take note that the world's big polluters and most miserable places to live have ALWAYS been places with very collectivist cultures, usually accompanied by very strong centrally planned economies, justice systems etc, and general environments of government intervention (better to just say opression and slavery). To me 99% of the problems we have are not because of lack of government but because of government ITSELF.

I personally have my friends' backs and I hope they'd do the same for me. I'd IMAGINE they'd do the same for me, but IM NOT COUNTING ON IT. If my last friend leaves me stranded at the worst possible time, I know deep down that I'll still be capable of survival, and later on taking brutal revenge on everybody who has it coming! THAT to me is the ESSENCE of alpha-ness.

I'm not a fan of gold-diggers and don't condone that sort of thing BUT ultimately I personally have no problem with them. I think a man who hooks up with a gold-digger and loses his shirt has NO ONE TO BLAME BUT HIS OWN DAMN SELF for his troubles. Owning up and facing your problems and admitting when you've fucked up is another hugely important alpha trait! Any man not wise enough to deal with a gold-digger gets no respect or sympathy from me, no sir!

Making assumptions about my personal life is arrogant an inappropriate IMO, but I'll take the bait this one time. I was raised in a two-parent "stable" household, by Christian parents. They taught me many good and important things, but a good part of what they taught me was by NEGATIVE example (watching shit blow up in their faces). Like many other examples in this thread, they have turned into glorified roommates since decades ago. And I have been married and divorced twice, once to an American and once to a Colombian here in Colombia. Both times, I have lost money, but it hasn't ruined me and at any rate I have nobody to blame for it but MYSELF ultimately. I have since learned from my mistakes and they won't happen again [Image: wink.gif]

Marriage is for Pussies - Dantes - 07-28-2014

The risks and the inequitable structure of marriage in American society is well documented. However, most men including alphas will get married or have been married at one point in their life. This includes the average guy to the rich to the famous. Like all relationships, marriage is a transactional at all levels of social class.

I remember reading that most of the readers on this forum are in their 20s and 30s. Perspective on this issue may change with an increase in age, especially if you want children.

Marriage for men 40+ is a rational decision. For guys without wealth and fame, gaming and dating girls takes effort and time. Many men get tired and sick of expending both the time and engergy that is required for a good and exciting sex life. Marriage represents an alternative, not without risks but one which addresses burn-out from game.

Marriage is for Pussies - Samseau - 07-28-2014

I think the truth between Rubio and Badwolf is a mix of their arguments:

You want a nation of self-interested, individualistic minded men, but are also loyal to their group above all others.

That is the perfect mix.

Marriage is for Pussies - MaxRitter - 08-03-2014

Quote: (07-25-2014 04:49 PM)ZayanZaken Wrote:  

a jealous woman is a curse to be avoided. I test for that by not hesitating to mention any of my previous relationships; e.g., telling her what an ex was very good at. If she can't handle that, she is too jealous. In such case, I don't let the relationship progress from short- to middle term.

- oh I wouldnt do that. I can say that some actress/girl on the street looks good and she can handle it. also she is okay with me looking in admiration at other women. I mean I dont stare at them like some kind of a creep Im just free to look at a pretty girl without getting bashed. At the same time everything has to be done in moderation. I would really avoid ever staring at her mom, sisters or best friends. also I would never compare her with my exes. exes are past, period. I would hate it if she would constantly mention her ex and how good he was. If I ever see some of my occasional lovers or an ex girlfriend on the street and Im with Alina I have no problem saying Hi and chatting for a bit. Alina is not jealous and she will never ask who the hell is that? but I know my limits. comparing her to the ex is just stupid.

Quote: " As for fatties, one additional point is to avoid a girl who successfully lost significant weight before, and here it is sometimes important even for a ONS. If a girl proudly tells me about her achievement in this department I know she is not for me. Some of them look ugly once they are naked because their skin is not tight. Of those who had managed to become attractive, 99% will gain weight later and spend their life losing and gaining cyclically, with the gains always larger than the previous losses. If my (thin) daughter was fat, I would advise her to work on keeping her weight constant rather than trying to lose, just so she would avoid the roller coaster ride. But one reason she is thin is that when she was a baby I was very firm in forbidding anybody (including her mom!) to give her sugary treats, so she never developed the sweet tooth that is such a common cause of obesity.

- true story. In germany we never had sweets up untill the age of 3-4 and yet somehow my mom would always make smth delicious for us like some really yummi fresh salad or a fruit smoothie or smth. I remember I tasted my first ice cream at the age of 5 and I havent been to McDonalds untill my early teens. and I only went there because it was considered cool amongst us kids to go to McD after we hit a movie. we were never actually addicted to that fat food as american kids are. my GF is a great cook and her idea of a home cooked meal is some delicious soup or beef stroganoff with a mashed potato or smth. when visiting my friends homes in the US I was constantly offered burgers and fries. an soda! every fucking time there was soda pop on the table! and kids ate and drank it too. for us germans its a treat for the americans fast food is actual food. no wonder women here have to battle fast food addictions on a lifelong basis. the whole population needs to get healthier and change. I mean I can totally understand why dudes on that forum dont want to get married. Ive seen how some of those US women blow up after marriage and kids and the guy has to cater to them and tolerate their bitchy attitude on top of everything else.

Marriage is for Pussies - MaxRitter - 08-03-2014

[quote='BadWolf' pid='791099' dateline='1406482372']
Quote:I look at marriage like a gun.

You put the gun in the hand of a psycho and he'll blow your head off, put it in the hand of your best friend and he/she will protect you. The problem with North America is that we are encouraging people to be psychos.

I fully agree. to me its not even about the marriage thing itself. lets put it aside for a minute. unless you re bringing a wife from 3d world there s no need to actually register your relationship. what about just commiting yourself to someone who deserves your love and can give you back 10 times more than you invset in him? that sound like a pretty good deal to me.

Marriage is for Pussies - newarrior - 08-03-2014

I am in my 50's; an actor in Hollywood, BTW, but NOT rich or :-)..I don't have one--itis, despise kids and marriage, cannot imagine settling for one person...So marriage is not an option for me..yet...Especially after my last trip to Asia..I am excited to continue to meet women all over the world...I pray my health and energy hold up...At age 51 I have just lost 11 pounds and gotten off of one my blood pressure meds in just 7 weeks since returning from Asia..I work out every day..I don't have to work 9-5..I have complete freedom and I plan to see as many countries as I can in the new few years :-) I had a pituitary tumor and as a result I get to take a cool pill that keeps my testosterone high,,Sarge on kiddies !

Quote: (07-28-2014 11:49 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

The risks and the inequitable structure of marriage in American society is well documented. However, most men including alphas will get married or have been married at one point in their life. This includes the average guy to the rich to the famous. Like all relationships, marriage is a transactional at all levels of social class.

I remember reading that most of the readers on this forum are in their 20s and 30s. Perspective on this issue may change with an increase in age, especially if you want children.

Marriage for men 40+ is a rational decision. For guys without wealth and fame, gaming and dating girls takes effort and time. Many men get tired and sick of expending both the time and engergy that is required for a good and exciting sex life. Marriage represents an alternative, not without risks but one which addresses burn-out from game.

Marriage is for Pussies - ZayanZaken - 08-04-2014

Quote: (08-03-2014 10:57 AM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2014 04:49 PM)ZayanZaken Wrote:  

a jealous woman is a curse to be avoided. I test for that by not hesitating to mention any of my previous relationships; e.g., telling her what an ex was very good at. If she can't handle that, she is too jealous. In such case, I don't let the relationship progress from short- to middle term.

- oh I wouldnt do that. I can say that some actress/girl on the street looks good and she can handle it. also she is okay with me looking in admiration at other women. I mean I dont stare at them like some kind of a creep Im just free to look at a pretty girl without getting bashed. At the same time everything has to be done in moderation. I would really avoid ever staring at her mom, sisters or best friends. also I would never compare her with my exes. exes are past, period. I would hate it if she would constantly mention her ex and how good he was. If I ever see some of my occasional lovers or an ex girlfriend on the street and Im with Alina I have no problem saying Hi and chatting for a bit. Alina is not jealous and she will never ask who the hell is that? but I know my limits. comparing her to the ex is just stupid.

I am just saying here what I do, and I only started to do that in the last 20 years or so. Furthermore, I do not do comparisons; that is, I am not telling her in which ways an ex might have been better or worse (with few exceptions on the "worse" side). I can tell her that an ex was very good in something but I won't tell her that she is bad in that same department and should shape up or anything (mainly because it is stupid to ask people to change). I find that the women I like can handle hearing about my past. There are two sides to each issue. It is definitely easier for her when you never mention any history, and she may deserve this type of consideration. But that means that you have to hide important aspects of your life from the one who is your constant mate. I have said elsewhere in a different connection--extra-LTR relationships--that I think your significant other deserves the truth. Some prefer not to be told but they still understand the fundamental premise, and guess what? When you can really share who you are with a good LTR, and she accepts you as you are, it is simply a very good feeling.

Marriage is for Pussies - BarryInSF - 08-04-2014

Marriage isn't bullshit, monogamy is.

Marriage is for Pussies - Suits - 08-05-2014

Quote: (07-28-2014 12:06 AM)Rubio93 Wrote:  

I have no interest in China, as China is a very collectivist society.


Obviously, you've never been here.

Japan, maybe. China, absolutely not.

While there is a tendency for people to feel intense obligation to keep their intruding family members happy here in China, I've actually never seen a society where just about everyone puts forth extremely effort to keep everyone but their closest friends/family a good long distance away from them.