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Official introduction thread - Printable Version

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Official introduction thread - TheNatural - 06-05-2012

The Natural; Los Angeles based but Orange County and San Diego are my playgrounds with a penchant for Latinas but open to whatever any questions about So Cal let me know.

Official introduction thread - ThatNorwegianGuy - 06-06-2012

I'm 18 years old, my nationality is clearly highly confidential, and I'm currently finishing up what more or less is the Norwegian equivalent to high school (here you start at 15-16 and finish at 18-19). Former greater beta who's benifited significantly from reading the Manosphere.

Official introduction thread - nash23 - 06-06-2012

Wassup fellas. I'm Aussie chinese, spent time in Malaysia, Canada, Australia and Hong Kong. Now working and living in Singapore but currently on a career break trying to figure out what I wanna do next. Been slaying Asian poon all these years and currently venturing out further on my first Euro trip - overall liked what I saw, and will probably do Euro trip v.2 very soon. Watch this space. cheers

Official introduction thread - kazz - 06-18-2012

Australian guy mid thirties, lived Canada and the states for over 3 years, NYC and Toronto for the most part, (I can vouch for the Toronto bashing on here!) I have lived all over aus. I speak Spanish and am off to South America at the end of the year with a Canadian mate for over a year.

Official introduction thread - Zircon Zeus - 06-26-2012

Hi everyone,

I'm Zircon Zeus, early twenties, and just recently happened upon "game," as well as a more pragmatic approach to life in general thanks to the lessons therein.

A little background on me:

[Image: heart.gif] I was in a LTR of 3 years, was very religious and decided to abstain from sex till marriage. I was active in church services regularly, in the band playing different instruments. She ended up not being "pious enough" for my liking and expected future, so we parted ways.[Image: exclamation.gif] In not even a few months time, my best friend had his penis inside of her. [Image: exclamation.gif]I was as shocked as I was humiliated. My awakening was beginning.

This devastation lead to sub-par performance at the workplace and I was asked to leave. Due to my newfound unemployment, I discovered a renaissance in myself thanks to what I like to call my reeducation. A time, thanks to the internet and introspection, where I began to see the world for what it was and how, just maybe, I had lived like a fool for a better part of my life. After accepting this, my morals began to change. I banged a girl and told her I never wanted to see her again via video chat. I then banged another girl and never talked to her again. Then another girl...Maybe it was retribution for my ex, but it felt good and I felt alive. [Image: hump.gif]

Time goes by and I learn more about the world. History, money, politics, and eventually this leads me to investing. I find Sovereign Man, and hear about the 7/14% interest possible in Mongolia. I later google some keywords from the article, forgetting where I had read them earlier, and I find a thread...[Image: smile.gif] (

Fast forward today and my view of the world is very changed. As a younger man, I find myself looking at the world and plotting to impose my will upon it, instead of only a year or two ago, when I would have been happy with the same small town in Maryland and the same girl for the rest of my life. To say that my perspective has changed is the understatement of the year.

I am still learning (reading hours a day) and definitely will contribute as much as I can, when I can.

Glad to be here. [Image: banana.gif]


Official introduction thread - Poon Hound - 07-01-2012

Hola amigos!

I'm in my early 40s and was born and raised in the States, but I've lived in South America, Europe, and Australia and have traveled to more than 70 countries. I've picked up some knowledge from the site and feel it's time to give a little something back. I'll share what I can when I can.

Official introduction thread - Way Cool Jr - 07-01-2012

Hey guys!
I'll be 24 soon, I'm Italian, living in the northern part of the country, and I'm quite a good traveller.
Actually I'm doing my last exams of my master degree in International Relations and Economics, and I hope to graduate soon.
I'm currently in a LTR with a younger attractive girl but I plan to become better with game and social dynamics.
I've discovered about Game about 2 years ago and I've been a Roosh reader for almost a year, finally I decided to get involved in the forum and try to contribute to this amazing and inspiring community.

Official introduction thread - Cooze Hound - 07-01-2012

Cooze Hounds Bio:

Age: 34, sign, Aries
Country of Birth: USA
Hobbies: Surfing, Snowboarding, Travel, Cooking, Film, and Shagging.

Marital Status: Divorced.

Places traveled in search of Vagina: Scotland, Ireland, England, Denmark, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Estonia, St Martin, Costa Rica, Canada, Ukraine.

Languages Spoken: English, Fluent. Spanish, Intermediate. Russian, Some.

Occupation: Consulting.

Game Level: Intermediate ( I thought I was good until I came here and became humbled)

Game Attributes: Youthful looks, Well spoken, Traveled, Confidence.
Game Negatives: Over confident, My Mouth.

Look forward to getting to know everyone


Official introduction thread - scruffy - 07-01-2012

Hi guys,
26, French/Italian. Live in San Diego. Speak Spanish. Surfer. Love wearing suits. Been lurking here a while and looking forward to adding some game tips and travel reports. Sell chartered flights on private jets, and work in government construction. Got my Swedish and German flag last week.
Looking for the perfect surfing destination with great women. Traveled extensively through South America and Oceania. Just got back from Bali.


Official introduction thread - Magic Bullets - 07-04-2012

Hi guys,
I'm in my early 40s. I am an Aussie/Kiwi, live in Queensland, Surf, love hitting the gym. I am studying Urban Planning at USC. I found out about this forum from another seduction forum. I am reading Bang and Day Bang. I do a bit of approaching, still kind of a newbie, I don't drink so I am doing it the hard way. Think this is a really great forum as it offers some great advice.

Official introduction thread - expectation - 07-04-2012

Sup ya'll.

Vietnamese/Chinese-American here, 27; Born and raised in DC - Grew up, went to school, and worked there for 27 years and then realized that I needed a break from DC for awhile. So I saved up some dough and backpacked Southeast Asia for the past 6 months - now I'm staying with relatives at Saigon while I'm waiting for my next stage of my career to prop up in Hong Kong which is due to start in a couple of weeks.

I found out this forum when I was searching for information on Hong Kong and this caught my eye.
Haven't read Bang or Day Bang or even know most of the PUA Lingo (Lizards? haha). I've always had some idea of the game but never really thought of it as a science like this forum does and there's always some crazy wisdom here that I often find on this forum.


Official introduction thread - Is This Username Alpha? - 08-01-2012

Currently entering second year of college. I got into game two years ago when a good friend of mine introduced me to Roosh's blog. I've studied game intently since then; it changed my life. Thanks to all who contribute to the site, looking forward to learning more and contributing to the game community.

Official introduction thread - Gaston - 08-01-2012

Traveled the world in my 20s. Been married in my 30s. Now free to trawl the world once again. A bit rugged. Naturally dominant. Tall. Educated. Bilingual (accented English). Multiple passports. International in background, outlook and preference. Into hedonist lifestyle. Favorite part of the world: European Mediterranean. At this stage, emphasis is on quality (of relationships) over quantity (of notches). Used to prefer natural brunettes, Latinas and Mediterranean-types with big asses and wide hips, but now am into fitter, lighter, toned bodies, and stylish, sweet, feminine, submissive personalities 15-20 years younger. Can't stand divas, gold diggers, silicones, and feminazis. Find North American, British, Australian (and even Scandinavian) women suffocating by default. Hence, non-Anglophone women turn me on, with Eastern European, Argentinean and some Asian being favorite. Sweet spot: 8s with submissive desires, and 9s with daddy issues. Experience is golden.

Official introduction thread - Toni - 08-01-2012


My name is Toni and i am a nerd.

I'm newbie but very interested and fast in learning. Im not just interrested cause i like getting laid also because its a good way to improve social skills.

So for the next year you will prob find me in the newbie section xD

Official introduction thread - LobbyWin - 08-01-2012

My name is Lobbywin.

I am a 6 ft guy hitting his 30s. I am of Italian and Spaniard descent. My work is in the finance sector and I travel the world a lot. I love going to places which are a challenge for me in this aspect.

Official introduction thread - Ramon Zarate - 08-01-2012

Been reading Roosh for a couple of years, but only recently took the time out to look at the forum. I joined because it looks like a healthy community of normal guys who are just passionate about getting laid [Image: smile.gif]

Official introduction thread - London - 08-01-2012

I found Roosh's blog when I was looking for solo advice and had a look at the forum soon after. I'm pretty new to game, but I'm here to learn more and share thoughts where I can!

Official introduction thread - Grit - 08-01-2012

Hello. Here's my official introduction:

I believe gmanifesto is real

[Image: banana.gif]

haha just kiddin around. Hope I can add some good chatter to the forum here.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 08-02-2012

Hello new members!

The forum is going international. Please feel free to drop data sheets on your home city in the travel section.

Official introduction thread - Statsi - 08-02-2012

Hey I'm statsi, I'm a 25 year old economics student, and I'm from Scotland. No scottish flag available when I registered so I look forward to being stuck with this UK based account when Scotland gets independence.

I got my nickname from my friend Daniel due to my obsessively logical nature and ability to memorise statistics, I tend to be pretty unemotional and detached when it comes to pretty much anything. A girl in my harem has recently asked me if I'm a sociopath.

I have never done badly with girls, was always way ahead of the other guys I know in notch count. I became interested in game through my interest in gender issues. I study economics at university and we were addressing the wage gap between men and women, I done a little research and came across the manosphere (namely manwomanmyth), since then I have read alot of MRM articles and sites learning more and hearing a different side to gender issues. I came across roosh when he was named as a hate site by an splc editorial, I liked his writing style so got his book bang and don't bang denmark. Bang has helped me to get laid more, though not really with a higher quality of woman (I took rooshes binary system and sure thing advice to heart). Don't bang Denmark did nothing to stop me from going to Denmark and experiencing some of the most alpha girls in the world, I had a pretty tight nodding game for the first day but then I started calling them out and didn't get my flag, got a handjob from a swedish chick in the street though.

I tend to study and work throughout the university term, collecting young student notches and maintain a harem, then when i get my 4 month break I tend to travel with the money I've saved up over the last 8 months and try and get flags along with seeing new countries. My most recent flag was Bulgaria. I raw dog pretty fearlessly, to gain entry to my Harem you have to be raw.

Official introduction thread - JJ Roberts - 08-04-2012

Hey I am JJ Roberts, founder of Sex 3.0 and author of Sex 3.0: A Sexual Revolution Manual

Official introduction thread - mauditanglais - 08-13-2012

Might as well.

29 year old French Canadian-American guy, works for the 'government' in DC, hometown in Montreal, adopted hometown is New Orleans, where I used to own a punk dive bar and 'fashion' company. Used to blog with Roosh way back in the day under the name Avid Canadiens fan; consistently bang far above what I should be banging because God only knows why. Have enjoyed reading Roosh's books on my iPad, especially on cramped planes where small children can see the titles very clearly.

Official introduction thread - Roosh - 08-13-2012


Used to blog with Roosh way back in the day under the name

Ah yes the dcbachelor days. [Image: smile.gif]

Official introduction thread - deuce - 08-14-2012

Hey guys. I'm 34 and live in Salt Lake City, but am originally from Illinois and went to school in Chicago. Spent some time in the Army and currently work as a contractor overseas. Don't get much time at home so want to develop game skills to make downtime as productive as possible for poonanie!

I am the son of an uber-beta and have spent my adult life behind the power curve when it comes to women. Have read Bang and Day Bang but recognize that I still need help when it comes to women.

I enjoy lifting, skiing, and learning languages. I am functional in Arabic (which isn't too awesome for gaming) but would like to hit up Beirut and Tel Aviv. Minored in French in college but it's pretty rusty.

Thanks to Roosh and all you others for creating and contributing to such an awesome resource. Peace!

Official introduction thread - Private Man - 08-18-2012

I'm the Private Man. Soon, not to be. I have a blog. Read it.

I'm older and wiser than most here. Yet the learning process never ends.