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The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 11-13-2014

Quote: (10-20-2014 12:10 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Can't believe how I missed this thread. I am hoping you can give me some opinions, even though I will still go to the doctor one of these days...

Body Chart: Right elbow & wrists from both hands.
Age: 24
Mechanism of injury: Not sure what could possibly cause this. I used to train Aikido for a few years and I would get my hands twisted really bad sometimes. Another possibility could be bad Bench Press form.
Aggravating factors:
  • I can crack wrists almost all the time at will. Not really painful per se but really annoying.
  • I can crack my right shoulder joint too. Sometimes it feels realy uncomfortable, although somedays it feels just fine. I think I might have Golfer's/Tennis Elbow or something.
Easing factors: Stretching my arms and doing circular motion with my hands, popping my wrists/elbows, massage on my right elbow and forearm, washing arm/hands with cold water.

Looking forward to your reply.

Hey Fret,

Let's start with the elbow pain first.

I'm assuming you didn't land on it, or have any trauma that coincided with the pain.

Can you fully bend and straighten the elbow? (Which one of these movements hurt?)

Is there any swelling in the elbow?

Do pushups bring on the pain?

Is the pain worse following activity ? (e.g. morning after?)

What exercises at the gym hurt this the most? (e.g. skull crushers/bench/gripping exercises)

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - TheWastelander - 11-17-2014

Body Chart: Back of my right shoulder in the 'trapezius" area in the image below. Also a bit of pain in my right elbow (not sure if it's related).

[Image: 727GOyB.jpg]

Age: 28
Mechanism of injury: Pain occurred after workout involving regular pull ups and chin ups (no kipping occurred).
Aggravating factors: Sitting against a hard-backed chair. Lifting my right arm straight above my head.
Easing factors: Sitting up straight when resting against a cushioned chair. Only works sometimes.

I have had the pain for three days now. It's sort of an off and on thing. On a scale of 10 I'd rate it about a 3 or 4. I'm taking a break from working out to see if it resolves on its own. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - FretDancer - 11-17-2014


Can you fully bend and straighten the elbow? (Which one of these movements hurt?)

I can fully bend and straighten the elbow without any pain.


Is there any swelling in the elbow?

No swelling.


Do pushups bring on the pain?

Pushups do not bring any pain on the elbows, but make my wrists feel uncomfortable after doing about 30 pushups. Could be form problem, but I doubt it.


Is the pain worse following activity ? (e.g. morning after?)

The uncomfortable feeling on the elbow is a little worse the morning and day after, sometimes.


What exercises at the gym hurt this the most? (e.g. skull crushers/bench/gripping exercises)

I would say Bench Press. I used to have bad wrist form while benching, and as I began to increase weight I began to really feel the pain on my wrists, now I have fixed my form a little but I might still retort to my bad form unintentionally sometimes.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-17-2014 04:05 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Body Chart: Back of my right shoulder in the 'trapezius" area in the image below. Also a bit of pain in my right elbow (not sure if it's related).

[Image: 727GOyB.jpg]

Age: 28
Mechanism of injury: Pain occurred after workout involving regular pull ups and chin ups (no kipping occurred).
Aggravating factors: Sitting against a hard-backed chair. Lifting my right arm straight above my head.
Easing factors: Sitting up straight when resting against a cushioned chair. Only works sometimes.

I have had the pain for three days now. It's sort of an off and on thing. On a scale of 10 I'd rate it about a 3 or 4. I'm taking a break from working out to see if it resolves on its own. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Wastelander,

Do any of these neck movements bring on the pain?

[Image: head_neck_stretches.jpg]

How long has the elbow pain been there for? Does it coincide with the traps pain?

Is there any tingling or numbness down the right arm?

If you look in the mirror, is the right shoulder dropped lower when compared to the left shoulder?

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 11-18-2014

Quote: (11-17-2014 08:52 PM)FretDancer Wrote:  


Can you fully bend and straighten the elbow? (Which one of these movements hurt?)

I can fully bend and straighten the elbow without any pain.


Is there any swelling in the elbow?

No swelling.


Do pushups bring on the pain?

Pushups do not bring any pain on the elbows, but make my wrists feel uncomfortable after doing about 30 pushups. Could be form problem, but I doubt it.


Is the pain worse following activity ? (e.g. morning after?)

The uncomfortable feeling on the elbow is a little worse the morning and day after, sometimes.


What exercises at the gym hurt this the most? (e.g. skull crushers/bench/gripping exercises)

I would say Bench Press. I used to have bad wrist form while benching, and as I began to increase weight I began to really feel the pain on my wrists, now I have fixed my form a little but I might still retort to my bad form unintentionally sometimes.

Awesome, thanks for that man.

One last test - If you do this stretch and try to straighten out the elbow (resisting with your good arm) - does this bring on the pain?

[Image: 12976256(300x300).jpg]

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - TheWastelander - 11-19-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 05:48 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Hey Wastelander,

Do any of these neck movements bring on the pain?

[Image: head_neck_stretches.jpg]

How long has the elbow pain been there for? Does it coincide with the traps pain?

Is there any tingling or numbness down the right arm?

If you look in the mirror, is the right shoulder dropped lower when compared to the left shoulder?

None of those movements brings on pain but my neck definitely feels stiff.

The elbow pain has gone away for now, but I think it could be related to a mild case of carpal tunnel.

There is no tingling or numbness down my right arm.

And no, as far as I can tell my right shoulder is not lower than the left.

Thankfully the pain I'm experiencing is going away. I think I overdid the pull ups and chin ups.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Veloce - 11-25-2014

Prophylaxis- can't tell you how thankful I am you're still doing this thread...

I've got a new one. Based on that muscle chart above I believe it's my deltoid. Here I took a pic...where you see my index and middle finger is where the pain originates, and during a lift the pain goes about halfway down my upper arm to my elbow.

I'm 33.
Pain started last week while doing incline flies. This was after doing incline bench and flat dumbell press. I'm not entirely sure my incline bench form is correct. I keep making minor adjustments of where I'm holding the bar; sometimes more above my collar bone, other times more above my sternum. As soon as I experienced pain, I stopped.

Today I went in and got through 5 sets of incline bench before the pain came back. Again I stopped. I was curious to see what was triggering it so I did a couple light military press reps. First set was fine, second set the pain was triggered a bit so I stopped. Then I moved to machine flies (I really wanted to get a chest/shoulder workout in dammit) and I was able to do so pretty much painlessly. I could still feel it of course, but the machine flies wasn't exacerbating it or triggering it the same way.

Pressing into the muscle and gently foam rolling it gives relief.

...okay for some reason my tumblr page isn't loading the image. Anyway, based on this image, the pain is originating exactly where they have labelled "Deltoid":

[Image: Chapte4.jpg]

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - berserk - 11-25-2014

Hey mate, forgot this thread entirely, thanks for replying.

Answers below in bold.

Quote: (11-13-2014 05:18 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2014 07:02 AM)berserk Wrote:  

I've had pain in my left shoulder for a couple of months. It is at the top of the shoulder blade, rather far out. The pain can be provoked every time by raising my shoulder up and backwards or by tightening upper body muscles. Pain gets worse when I sleep on that side.

Is it rotator cuff?

Hey berserk,

Could be a few things.

Need a little bit more info to narrow things down.

Did any particular incident bring on this pain two months ago?

I don't recall, it is probably more than 4 months at this time and it's been getting steadily worse. I have now also begun to have some pins and needles/electric feeling in small, isolated areas in my hand sometimes. As said, don't remember a specific incident. I did and do frequent weight training including overhead press, but that doesn't hurt, where as I can't do a single pull up now because it hurts a lot.

What have you done differently over the last couple months to coincide with this pain? (e.g. sitting down more/lifting more overhead)

I really can't say I have changed anything major in behavior.

Is the pain over the traps or directly behind the shoulder joint (posterior deltoid)?

It's not in the back, it is in the middle and front.

Looking at this:

[Image: 200px-Deltoid_muscle_top8.png]

The pain is on top of the green, almost all the way out to the shoulder point, and also between the green and red on the front. Between the lateral and anterior deltoid, but mostly on top inside the lateral deltoid.

Do you have any neck pain or pain down the shoulder blade or arm?

Yes, often I get muscle pain in my tricep when I press it. Feels like when you have a mild sprain. If I move my arm above my head, I get that pins and needles feeling quickly in my hand. The pain also get way worse by lying on that side. No pain in neck on that side, though on the other side. Don't think they're related.

Does your shoulder joint feel unsteady at all?

No, I have been able to lift to full strength. Just hurts when I tighten the entire area or when I lift my shoulder up and particularly up and back. Pullups are by far the worst, can't do them now.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - FretDancer - 11-26-2014

Quote: (11-18-2014 05:53 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Awesome, thanks for that man.

One last test - If you do this stretch and try to straighten out the elbow (resisting with your good arm) - does this bring on the pain?

[Image: 12976256(300x300).jpg]

No pain whatsoever.

Although I'm really curious on your take about constant wrist crackling and popping. It is just drives me nuts, many people say that if it doesn't hurt then don't pay attention to it but I just cant really seem to accept that.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - ball dont lie - 11-29-2014

Hey first off I read the whole thread and you've give some great advice. Hoping for your thoughts on a shoulder injury. Second time. Not going away, getting better. Worried.

Body Chart: Left shoulder. Sharp pain inside the joint. Going from the top of the joint, near the clavicle, down my arm between the bicep and tricep. Thats where I feel the most pain. Also I have two small muscle spams or balls of tight, painful muscle in my left arm after the injury: one in the middle of my tricep about halfway down, the other at the top of the bicep where it meets up my chest/shoulder in the front.

Age: 33

Mechanism of injury: Little bit of a story. I first injured it about 2 years ago doing a military press. Was at max weight, came down from a rep tired. At the bottom of the rep I hurt a pop/pull at the front of the shoulder. Painful. Stopped. Took a shower. Hard to lift arm.

Took a long time to get better, maybe 3-4 months. Then started lifting again, using creatine for first time, lifted for a year, all my lifts at new highs, was in insane shape, best of my life.

About 4 months ago I was getting under the bar do squats, low bar, it was my 2nd or 3rd warmup set, so I had already done 20 minutes of warm up, then lets say 3rd set of warm ups squating, stretching shoulders, trying to get the bar down my back and I felt a sharp pain in the front of my shoulder where the clavicle and my chest/bicep meet as I got the weight was on my shoulder. Did my 5 reps, put the bar down, took a shower. VERY painful to lift arm.

That was 4 months ago. Not getting better.

Aggravating factors: If I raise my arm up above shoulder level at 45 degree of body or more, painful sometimes. If I grab and push painful.

Upside down coke bottle test, pain in joint, down the arm between bicep and tricep.

Easy stuff causes pain: going bowling, dancing, etc. I often wake up in the morning and feel a lot of stiffness and sharp pain in the joint, like there is something rough inside scratching around.

It seems bad.

Easing factors: Stretching. Lock fingers, palms out above my body, lean over to the side seems to stretch out my back and shoulders. Eases pain.

I also started foam rolling my back, my tricep, bicep and it feels GREAT when I do this, and very painful over the two balls of tight muscle, but they have loosened up a lot over the last month. But still present and sensitive, but very small now.

After I take a long hot shower, I do something like put both arms up above me and pull one arm down at a time to my chest, turn my head the direction away from the arm that pulling down. Small exercises like this bring relief. But always stiff in the morning again.

Overall I feel a small ball of tissue, maybe scar tissue, where my chest, shoulder and arm meet in front. Its not there on the other side.

Now that its winter I feel a little achey in the shoulder on cold days when walking to work, at night walking home.

[Image: attachment.jpg23247]   

I feel the pain most where the clavicle and the red and the green area meet. That intersection, or close to in a little into the red area. Painful. From there goes down the arm.

Occasionally I feel a little pain in the shoulder blade area in the back, but not much and not always.

Any insight would be most helpful. Im in China and the doctors here are idiots. Ive gotten an MRI before, years ago and it was so blurry. Their equipment is old and of low quality.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Nascimento - 11-29-2014

Not to interrupt the thread, but I think we need to thank Prophylaxis (once more) for the work he is doing here.

I have a similar anatomical background (although more of a base of an upside down pyramid where I've got the bottom layed out and he's got the whole thing built up) and I recognize that it does take some effort to give advice to others. Mainly because there's so many factors and you have to piece together different causes, potential injuries, account for certain things, and give advice tailored to the chosen approach. I've taken a sports injury course and the knowledge I needed to understand and apply in those 4 months was substantial although it came to me easily because it's fun material to me. To take this onto physio though is a whole other beast..

I think I pulled my rotator cuff slightly yesterday in the gym doing pullovers, despite using a manageable weight. I've noticed a trend of shoulder injuries here. This joint is obviously a vulnerable one and it's no surprise. Let's make sure we are warming up adequately and taking care when we do isolated or delicate shoulder movements. If you feel you might have hurt something, don't continue your workout, stop, it's not worth it. I can still train with my shoulder despite some minor pain in only a certain ROM but I will take at least 3-5 days off from weight training, I usually take weekends off anyways and I might use the time to catch up on cardio once or twice.

It's hard to do this considering I'm trying to add muscle and I feel I have to at least get in 3-4 workouts a week but we must remember there is no harm in taking even a week off every now and then to allow rest.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - birdie num num - 12-02-2014

Thank you for your time and generosity, Prophylaxis. It's greatly appreciated.

Do you have experience dealing with pain in the iliotibial band, or IT band? For around 5-6 months I've been experiencing soreness in my left IT band. The pain is roughly 2/3 the way down from the hip. When standing or walking around, there is virtually no pain or discomfort. It's only painful when I stand up after having been seated at the computer for an hour or so. It hurts when I get out of the chair to stand up and place pressure on the left leg. It goes away after I start walking. There is absolutely no pain in the right IT band.

My leg workout routine involves one day per week of front squats with low weight and high reps (12-15) for 3-4 sets, and trap bar dead lifting, one day per week, with moderate weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. I've been lifting for roughly 30 years and there has never been a problem.

Aside from weights, I ride my bike through hilly terrain 2-3 times per week for roughly one hour each session. I've been doing these rides for close to 15 years and there has never been any resulting pain. Perhaps it is my age (51 y.o.) catching up with me?

I'm disciplined about stretching after each workout and I also foam roll the IT band twice per week. Foam rolling doesn't seem to help.

Do you have any suggestions on how to treat this problem? I Googled the topic, but most articles pertain to runners and many refer to pain where the band connects to the knee. The area around my knee is fine. It's the section near the middle that hurts. Below is an image indicating where the pain exists.

Thanks again and any suggestions are appreciated.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - KC4 - 12-03-2014

A bit of a report on my acl surgery. Full motion and almost full strength. Only problem is when ever I do a one legged jump in rehab my leg kind of inwards a bit. Anything I could do to compensate for that.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - ball dont lie - 12-03-2014

Quote: (12-02-2014 11:31 PM)birdie num num Wrote:  

Thank you for your time and generosity, Prophylaxis. It's greatly appreciated.

Do you have experience dealing with pain in the iliotibial band, or IT band? For around 5-6 months I've been experiencing soreness in my left IT band. The pain is roughly 2/3 the way down from the hip. When standing or walking around, there is virtually no pain or discomfort. It's only painful when I stand up after having been seated at the computer for an hour or so. It hurts when I get out of the chair to stand up and place pressure on the left leg. It goes away after I start walking. There is absolutely no pain in the right IT band.

My leg workout routine involves one day per week of front squats with low weight and high reps (12-15) for 3-4 sets, and trap bar dead lifting, one day per week, with moderate weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. I've been lifting for roughly 30 years and there has never been a problem.

Aside from weights, I ride my bike through hilly terrain 2-3 times per week for roughly one hour each session. I've been doing these rides for close to 15 years and there has never been any resulting pain. Perhaps it is my age (51 y.o.) catching up with me?

I'm disciplined about stretching after each workout and I also foam roll the IT band twice per week. Foam rolling doesn't seem to help.

Do you have any suggestions on how to treat this problem? I Googled the topic, but most articles pertain to runners and many refer to pain where the band connects to the knee. The area around my knee is fine. It's the section near the middle that hurts. Below is an image indicating where the pain exists.

Thanks again and any suggestions are appreciated.

Ive had pain like this in my leg. I was lifting a lot and I work on my feet sometimes 12 hours a day. Sometimes my IT band in that area would flare up and be painful.

Have you looked into foam rolling? Using a foam roller on my IT bands and quads really made a huge difference in how my whole body felt.

Im not a doctor and have no medical training. But foam rolling really helped me. Not a big investment.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - enderilluminatus - 12-03-2014

This is great timing! This started a few days ago:

Body Chart: pointer fingers
Age: 26
Mechanism of injury: Since i returned to metal fabrication after thanksgiving
Aggravating factors: sleeping
Easing factors: flexing a few times

Basically my fingers lock up if i curl them up all the way and they hurt and feel weird as i stretch them back out. Also my neck has been very sore lately too, around the upper back.

Thank you!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-05-2014

Quote: (11-19-2014 02:40 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2014 05:48 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Hey Wastelander,

Do any of these neck movements bring on the pain?

[Image: head_neck_stretches.jpg]

How long has the elbow pain been there for? Does it coincide with the traps pain?

Is there any tingling or numbness down the right arm?

If you look in the mirror, is the right shoulder dropped lower when compared to the left shoulder?

None of those movements brings on pain but my neck definitely feels stiff.

The elbow pain has gone away for now, but I think it could be related to a mild case of carpal tunnel.

There is no tingling or numbness down my right arm.

And no, as far as I can tell my right shoulder is not lower than the left.

Thankfully the pain I'm experiencing is going away. I think I overdid the pull ups and chin ups.

Hey Wastelander,

Great to hear things are on the mend. Pull ups and chin ups can pull massively on the nerves and muscles that connect around the neck.

I would really encourage plenty of exercises aimed at improving grip strength, so you reduce strain through the neck when performing pull ups.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-05-2014

Quote: (11-25-2014 05:23 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Prophylaxis- can't tell you how thankful I am you're still doing this thread...

I've got a new one. Based on that muscle chart above I believe it's my deltoid. Here I took a pic...where you see my index and middle finger is where the pain originates, and during a lift the pain goes about halfway down my upper arm to my elbow.

I'm 33.
Pain started last week while doing incline flies. This was after doing incline bench and flat dumbell press. I'm not entirely sure my incline bench form is correct. I keep making minor adjustments of where I'm holding the bar; sometimes more above my collar bone, other times more above my sternum. As soon as I experienced pain, I stopped.

Today I went in and got through 5 sets of incline bench before the pain came back. Again I stopped. I was curious to see what was triggering it so I did a couple light military press reps. First set was fine, second set the pain was triggered a bit so I stopped. Then I moved to machine flies (I really wanted to get a chest/shoulder workout in dammit) and I was able to do so pretty much painlessly. I could still feel it of course, but the machine flies wasn't exacerbating it or triggering it the same way.

Pressing into the muscle and gently foam rolling it gives relief.

...okay for some reason my tumblr page isn't loading the image. Anyway, based on this image, the pain is originating exactly where they have labelled "Deltoid":

[Image: Chapte4.jpg]

Sup Veloce,

(?This is thedude right)? Not too active on these forums lately - rolling out my business in a couple of areas around Australia, so been doing 60hr weeks!

Hmmm shoulders and incline flies do not go well together. This massively overloads the rotator cuff as it struggles to keep the shoulder in place. I would hold off flies until the pain resolves for sure.

So just clarifying the pain is at the back of left shoulder? Where exactly does the pain run down the arm?

Have you had any shoulder or neck issues before?

Do you have any neck pain? There's no pins and needles or numbness down the arm?

Does this stretch here bring on the pain at the back of the shoulder? (Or does it feel considerably tighter on left shoulder)?

[Image: gabe8.jpg]

Just to make sure the rotator cuff isn't injured... can you do the following isometric muscles tests (test compared to your right shoulder). Which one of these hurt? For the external rotation one - keep the elbow by your side and rotate out. For the belly press - push your hand into your belly.

[Image: wpid-photo-18-feb-2014-1749.jpg]

Lemme know how you go!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-05-2014

Quote: (11-25-2014 08:24 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Hey mate, forgot this thread entirely, thanks for replying.

Answers below in bold.

Quote: (11-13-2014 05:18 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2014 07:02 AM)berserk Wrote:  

I've had pain in my left shoulder for a couple of months. It is at the top of the shoulder blade, rather far out. The pain can be provoked every time by raising my shoulder up and backwards or by tightening upper body muscles. Pain gets worse when I sleep on that side.

Is it rotator cuff?

Hey berserk,

Could be a few things.

Need a little bit more info to narrow things down.

Did any particular incident bring on this pain two months ago?

I don't recall, it is probably more than 4 months at this time and it's been getting steadily worse. I have now also begun to have some pins and needles/electric feeling in small, isolated areas in my hand sometimes. As said, don't remember a specific incident. I did and do frequent weight training including overhead press, but that doesn't hurt, where as I can't do a single pull up now because it hurts a lot.

What have you done differently over the last couple months to coincide with this pain? (e.g. sitting down more/lifting more overhead)

I really can't say I have changed anything major in behavior.

Is the pain over the traps or directly behind the shoulder joint (posterior deltoid)?

It's not in the back, it is in the middle and front.

Looking at this:

[Image: 200px-Deltoid_muscle_top8.png]

The pain is on top of the green, almost all the way out to the shoulder point, and also between the green and red on the front. Between the lateral and anterior deltoid, but mostly on top inside the lateral deltoid.

Do you have any neck pain or pain down the shoulder blade or arm?

Yes, often I get muscle pain in my tricep when I press it. Feels like when you have a mild sprain. If I move my arm above my head, I get that pins and needles feeling quickly in my hand. The pain also get way worse by lying on that side. No pain in neck on that side, though on the other side. Don't think they're related.

Does your shoulder joint feel unsteady at all?

No, I have been able to lift to full strength. Just hurts when I tighten the entire area or when I lift my shoulder up and particularly up and back. Pullups are by far the worst, can't do them now.

Hmm, still need to work out whether your symptoms are coming from the neck or shoulder (!or both) .

Click on this link (too large image for me to embed) - - which one of these movements brings on the pain or tingling?

If you turn your neck all the way to the left and side bend the neck to the left, does it bring on any pain? (Or does it feel different compared to when you turn your neck to the right side)

Does this stretch here increase the pins and needles or pain?

Let me know how you go!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-05-2014

Quote: (11-26-2014 02:28 AM)FretDancer Wrote:  

Quote: (11-18-2014 05:53 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Awesome, thanks for that man.

One last test - If you do this stretch and try to straighten out the elbow (resisting with your good arm) - does this bring on the pain?

[Image: 12976256(300x300).jpg]

No pain whatsoever.

Although I'm really curious on your take about constant wrist crackling and popping. It is just drives me nuts, many people say that if it doesn't hurt then don't pay attention to it but I just cant really seem to accept that.

Thanks for being so patient FretDancer.

I would say you most likely had a resolving tricep tendinopathy. This happens commonly when doing regular bench press and overloading the tricep tendon (where it attaches to at the back of the elbow). Over-time as the load increases, the tendon (which connects the muscle to the bone) begins to struggle with transmitting the force. This can lead to slight microtears within the tricep tendon and cause inflammation (typically pain is worse the day after a heavy workout)

I would definitely continue loading (in a controlled manner!) the tricep. This will help the tendon heal and become stronger. Try tricep pushdowns - doing this in a controlled manner and slowly bending back and you complete the rep.

Also definitely incorporate regular tricep stretching to prevent the muscle from becoming overly tight and putting strain on the tendon.

[Image: Tricep-Stretch.jpg]

Lemme know if you have any more questions!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-05-2014

Quote: (11-29-2014 07:43 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

Not to interrupt the thread, but I think we need to thank Prophylaxis (once more) for the work he is doing here.

I have a similar anatomical background (although more of a base of an upside down pyramid where I've got the bottom layed out and he's got the whole thing built up) and I recognize that it does take some effort to give advice to others. Mainly because there's so many factors and you have to piece together different causes, potential injuries, account for certain things, and give advice tailored to the chosen approach. I've taken a sports injury course and the knowledge I needed to understand and apply in those 4 months was substantial although it came to me easily because it's fun material to me. To take this onto physio though is a whole other beast..

I think I pulled my rotator cuff slightly yesterday in the gym doing pullovers, despite using a manageable weight. I've noticed a trend of shoulder injuries here. This joint is obviously a vulnerable one and it's no surprise. Let's make sure we are warming up adequately and taking care when we do isolated or delicate shoulder movements. If you feel you might have hurt something, don't continue your workout, stop, it's not worth it. I can still train with my shoulder despite some minor pain in only a certain ROM but I will take at least 3-5 days off from weight training, I usually take weekends off anyways and I might use the time to catch up on cardio once or twice.

It's hard to do this considering I'm trying to add muscle and I feel I have to at least get in 3-4 workouts a week but we must remember there is no harm in taking even a week off every now and then to allow rest.

Amen Nascimento.

If everyone incorporated rotator cuff strengthening and scapular stabilisation exercises in their gym workout - I'd probably be out of the job haha

EDIT - battery on laptop running out. I'll answer the rest of you tomorrow!

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - berserk - 12-05-2014

Quote: (12-05-2014 02:56 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Quote: (11-25-2014 08:24 PM)berserk Wrote:  

Hey mate, forgot this thread entirely, thanks for replying.

Answers below in bold.

Quote: (11-13-2014 05:18 AM)Prophylaxis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-28-2014 07:02 AM)berserk Wrote:  

I've had pain in my left shoulder for a couple of months. It is at the top of the shoulder blade, rather far out. The pain can be provoked every time by raising my shoulder up and backwards or by tightening upper body muscles. Pain gets worse when I sleep on that side.

Is it rotator cuff?

Hey berserk,

Could be a few things.

Need a little bit more info to narrow things down.

Did any particular incident bring on this pain two months ago?

I don't recall, it is probably more than 4 months at this time and it's been getting steadily worse. I have now also begun to have some pins and needles/electric feeling in small, isolated areas in my hand sometimes. As said, don't remember a specific incident. I did and do frequent weight training including overhead press, but that doesn't hurt, where as I can't do a single pull up now because it hurts a lot.

What have you done differently over the last couple months to coincide with this pain? (e.g. sitting down more/lifting more overhead)

I really can't say I have changed anything major in behavior.

Is the pain over the traps or directly behind the shoulder joint (posterior deltoid)?

It's not in the back, it is in the middle and front.

Looking at this:

[Image: 200px-Deltoid_muscle_top8.png]

The pain is on top of the green, almost all the way out to the shoulder point, and also between the green and red on the front. Between the lateral and anterior deltoid, but mostly on top inside the lateral deltoid.

Do you have any neck pain or pain down the shoulder blade or arm?

Yes, often I get muscle pain in my tricep when I press it. Feels like when you have a mild sprain. If I move my arm above my head, I get that pins and needles feeling quickly in my hand. The pain also get way worse by lying on that side. No pain in neck on that side, though on the other side. Don't think they're related.

Does your shoulder joint feel unsteady at all?

No, I have been able to lift to full strength. Just hurts when I tighten the entire area or when I lift my shoulder up and particularly up and back. Pullups are by far the worst, can't do them now.

Hmm, still need to work out whether your symptoms are coming from the neck or shoulder (!or both) .

Click on this link (too large image for me to embed) - - which one of these movements brings on the pain or tingling?

If you turn your neck all the way to the left and side bend the neck to the left, does it bring on any pain? (Or does it feel different compared to when you turn your neck to the right side)

Does this stretch here increase the pins and needles or pain?

Let me know how you go!

Flexion hurts on the first (hyperextension), abduction does not, inwards rotation hurts slightly.

No pain with neck movement.

The last movement doesn't really cause much pins and needles maybe slightly.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Unfadable - 12-05-2014

Thank you very much for the thread, really appreciate it. I have a couple of issues I would like to inquire about myself, as I have been suffering from a lot of joint pain lately.

Body Chart:
Left knee: front, bottom of kneecap and area directly below.
Right knee: right side of leg below the knee, (according to what I can gather from charts, the pain is coming from the upper part of my fibula)

Age: 28

Mechanism of injury:
No single incident for either.

Aggravating factors:
Left knee: Partial or parallel squats with or without weight, running, climbing stairs, standing up(the pain in this knee is more a 'fiery' pain if that makes sense)
Right knee/leg: Full depth squats with or without weight, running, standing quadriceps stretch(pulling my foot towards my ass)

Easing factors:
Standing or sitting, weightlifting and aerobics also seem to give relief afterwards for about 1-2 days.

I have gotten these issues checked out a couple of times, but I am always told by the docs I just have 'runner's knee" and there is nothing to do but live with it. No actual tests have ever been done on either knee.

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-06-2014

Quote: (12-02-2014 11:31 PM)birdie num num Wrote:  

Thank you for your time and generosity, Prophylaxis. It's greatly appreciated.

Do you have experience dealing with pain in the iliotibial band, or IT band? For around 5-6 months I've been experiencing soreness in my left IT band. The pain is roughly 2/3 the way down from the hip. When standing or walking around, there is virtually no pain or discomfort. It's only painful when I stand up after having been seated at the computer for an hour or so. It hurts when I get out of the chair to stand up and place pressure on the left leg. It goes away after I start walking. There is absolutely no pain in the right IT band.

My leg workout routine involves one day per week of front squats with low weight and high reps (12-15) for 3-4 sets, and trap bar dead lifting, one day per week, with moderate weight for 3 sets of 10 reps. I've been lifting for roughly 30 years and there has never been a problem.

Aside from weights, I ride my bike through hilly terrain 2-3 times per week for roughly one hour each session. I've been doing these rides for close to 15 years and there has never been any resulting pain. Perhaps it is my age (51 y.o.) catching up with me?

I'm disciplined about stretching after each workout and I also foam roll the IT band twice per week. Foam rolling doesn't seem to help.

Do you have any suggestions on how to treat this problem? I Googled the topic, but most articles pertain to runners and many refer to pain where the band connects to the knee. The area around my knee is fine. It's the section near the middle that hurts. Below is an image indicating where the pain exists.

Thanks again and any suggestions are appreciated.

Hey birdie,

Thanks for the detailed info about your regime - helps me a lot.

Just need to work out whether it's coming from your back or hip.

Does it hurt if you sit in a low chair?

Any pain when you sleep on the sore leg? (lying on your side)?

Any tingling or numbness down the leg?

Which of these movements hurt?

[Image: spinal_anatomy_01.jpg]

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-06-2014

Quote: (12-03-2014 06:28 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

A bit of a report on my acl surgery. Full motion and almost full strength. Only problem is when ever I do a one legged jump in rehab my leg kind of inwards a bit. Anything I could do to compensate for that.

Hey KC4,

Great to hear you are regaining your strength and sounds like the surgery has been a success.

You definitely want to make sure you have good control landing and the knee doesn't buckle in, as this puts more strain through the graft.

You want to make sure your form is perfect with a shallow single leg squat (below) before you begin hopping.

[Image: single-leg-squat-b-ex.jpg]

Another reason the knee could be buckling in, is because the muscles around the hip (abductors) often become weak following surgery, as we don't weight-bear through the recovering leg. Anything that targets glut strengthening while weight-bearing will help this.

An example (Below) - doing a gentle single leg step down while hitching the hip up is a great exercise I give to improve hip abductor strength.

[Image: afp20050415p1545-f5.jpg]

Before you start hopping, I would also recommend practicing landing first. Often, the component that many people go wrong with hops is the land. So I'd recommend starting on a small step (~10cm) and perfecting your form as you land and jump onto the ground.

Obviously this should be done in a controlled manner under the supervision of a physiotherapist [Image: wink.gif]

The Roosh V PT/Physiotherapy Thread - Prophylaxis - 12-06-2014

Quote: (12-03-2014 02:46 PM)enderilluminatus Wrote:  

This is great timing! This started a few days ago:

Body Chart: pointer fingers
Age: 26
Mechanism of injury: Since i returned to metal fabrication after thanksgiving
Aggravating factors: sleeping
Easing factors: flexing a few times

Basically my fingers lock up if i curl them up all the way and they hurt and feel weird as i stretch them back out. Also my neck has been very sore lately too, around the upper back.

Thank you!

Hey ender,

Need a bit more info.

Do both index fingers hurt? or only 1 hand? Any pain in the thumb?

Is there any pins and needles or numbness along the thumb or index finger?

Is it only after a full day of metal fabrication that you notice this?

Do you any pain shooting up the forearm/upper arm?

When you say sleeping hurts - does that mean the pain is worse at night?

Does this bring on your pain at all? (hold for 30secs)

[Image: lowe1__1_1_8247.gif]