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The Sweden thread - Vicious - 07-10-2014

The weather greatly facilitates any bangs right now. It's making season, girls are going crazy.

The Sweden thread - DavidZRH - 08-02-2014

I recently spent one week in Stockholm. My observations of Swedes and Stockholm:

The Sweden thread - sheesh - 08-02-2014

Quote: (08-02-2014 04:51 AM)DavidZRH Wrote:  

I recently spent one week in Stockholm. My observations of Swedes and Stockholm:
  • Women ages badly here. It might be all the dairy products that they eat here, but it seems like they become quite thick starting in their mid 20s. And they continue to wear shorts displaying their ever thickening thighs. This is a big turn off. To be fair, "thick" here is not in the same category as American fatness. But it's "thick" nonetheless.
  • Bad skin. There's little sunlight in the winter time. So during summer, they seem to be making the most of it by tanning. A LOT. This contributes to the aging badly item above. I'm a light skinned Asian American guy and I'm lighter than most girls here in the summer time.
  • More girls with tattoos than I have seen in other European cities. And I mean really big, colorful, and noticeable ones on necks, arms, and legs. One girl with tattoos of Japanese characters on her arms kept eyeing and smiling at me in the subway. She was ok looking but tattoos are a real turn off for me. Would not bang anyone with tattoos even if she is 8+.
  • Not a lot of redheads. I'm into redheads with pale skin and freckles. There are not that many of them here. Yes, I'm quite selective. [Image: undecided.gif]
  • Too many gypsy beggars on the streets. Their immigration problem seems to be on par with Italy.
  • Too many muslims who are not interested in integrating into society are a real eye sore. Seeing muslim women with full burqas covering from head to toe on the streets does not give anyone good impressions of them.
  • Not that many tourists from China or India. This is a plus in my opinion. The tourists that come to Switzerland from China and India tend to be rude and generally unsightly.

The trend of getting tattoos has absolutely gotten out of control in Europe, it has become an epidemic...worse than obesity.

Regarding redheads: Denmark and Norway have more.

The Sweden thread - Vicious - 08-03-2014

Ehh, be especially sceptic of DavidZRH and his posts. In previous posts he's been acting like a big baller troll knocking others "8's" as his "4's" saying his standards are very high. Half of the above post is just thinly veiled comments on race as well.

But the most damning part of all... He claims he has been in the country a week but yet he gets it mixed up with Switzerland.

I call bullshit. Baller troll or some other agenda.

The Sweden thread - KC4 - 08-03-2014

If you guys are here in stockholm be sure to hit up medborgarplatsen or "medis" as the cool people put it. Its pretty nice on friday and saturday night with pretty decent talent around there. Otherplace is hötorget and T-Centralen . Best places to game at night
trying to hit on some lizards that are on the way to the club or bar.

The Sweden thread - DavidZRH - 08-03-2014

Quote: (08-03-2014 02:36 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

But the most damning part of all... He claims he has been in the country a week but yet he gets it mixed up with Switzerland.

I live in Zürich, Switzerland and I visited Stockholm, Sweden. I can see how my last sentence can be misinterpreted if you don't know where I live.

The tourists from China and India that come to Switzerland are loud and unsightly. Fat women wearing saris exposing their rolls of fat around their midsection? Check. Wearing sandals everywhere? Check. Wearing backpacks on the front? Check. Trying to cut in line? Check. Talking very loudly everywhere? Check. I can go on, but I'll stop. This thread is about Sweden, not about annoying tourists in Switzerland.

Vicious, I see that you're from Sweden. There's no need to get defensive about your home country. I'm American and American women are fat. I call it like it is. I saw a lot more tattooed Swedish women in Stockholm than in Zürich. That's just a plain fact. If you're into tattooed women, good for you. It's just not for me.

The Sweden thread - rudebwoy - 08-03-2014

So you don't like the place because there are not enough redheads! Lol

Maybe Scotland or Ireland would have been better suited for your tastes, Sweden is known for Blondes and Brunettes.

Let me guess, the girls weren't receptive to you.

The Sweden thread - Vicious - 08-03-2014

I stand by my statement. You have only been talking about your lofty racial and looks preferences and nothing about your actual gaming. Your post is more political than it is with regard to game.

The Sweden thread - unbowed - 08-03-2014

I met several redheads in Gothenburg, and asides from the one Hungarian, all were Swedes. And this was during the deadest time of year to be in a Swedish city. I can't imagine Stockholm not having aesthetically pleasing girls to whet one's appetite.

In the end, you gotta keep your eye on the prize. If a gypsy tries to block my path with croc tears, I'll focus on the redhead getting out of the train station.

The Sweden thread - TheDealCloser - 12-19-2014

Fuck Stockholm:

I am writing this from the perspective of an American man because that is who I am. After being here nine months, I have learned a lot about this city, the people, its culture, dating and more. Some may not agree with my words but if you don’t live here or if you haven’t lived here for at least for months, I’m sure you don’t know what you are talking about. If you are Swedish and reading this, you may not agree because what I am going to say in intrinsic to you.

No social skills:
Stockholmers have no social skills. These are the most boring group of people I have ever met. I’d rather talk to myself backwards many times. You do meet the occasional cool and fun person here that can actually carry a conversation that doesn’t revolve around the same bullshit that everyone is talking about. Finding them is a serious task. The only time people talk to each other is when they are drunk! This is the truth. Well… at least 99% of the time. There is a TV show called Welcome to Sweden that outlines a lot the shit that happens here. It is funny because I have experienced most of it. It is actually sad how closed off these people are. The only ones that aren’t are other foreigners that weren’t born and raised here along with Swedes that have lived abroad for at least 6 months in a warm culture. The funniest thing is that Swedes will talk you ear off when outside of Sweden. You will have to take the battery out of their back to get them to shut the fuck up! I have wondered why Swedes don’t talk to each other inside Sweden. I still can’t figure it out. Human interaction is a normal as taking a shit. Every human requires it daily. If you take 5 children – 3 boys and 2 girls between the ages of 4 and 6 from different parts of world, they will find a way to communicate and play with each other although they don’t look alike or speak the same language. That is the natural state of people. Why do Swedes continue to suppress this natural state of their people? If you don’t think it is like this, come to Sweden for at least 6 months and find out for yourself. I will never return here once I have left. Even if I win a trip here from some game show like the “Price is Right” back home, I’ll take what’s behind door #2 intsead.

Dating here is the weirdest shit in the world. Swedes don’t date or game. They just fuck and leave in the morning unless a chick gets pregnant, then you are stuck with that bitch forever like luggage. The whole scene here is backwards. I come from a place where a man is raised to be a man and get the girl of his dreams. Here, the men are raised very different. They are very feminine and the women like it. The women possess the masculinity. If you are a man that possesses strong masculine polarity, you will hate this place. The Swedish men that this doesn’t apply to usually end up importing their wives from other countries where men are men. Swedish women hate that shit too!! 

Men do not approach women at all in Stockholm unless that are shitfaced drunk and it’s at the end of the night. The women complain that that Swedish men don’t talk to them but when a guy does approach them, they act like they aren’t interested. They blow the guys off like they are getting paid to do it. So the guys sit back and drink beer with their friends and the girls gather up the courage to approach the guy she wants. Then the guys blow the chick off. Hahahaha. The dudes are so effeminate but the women like it that way. They want to be in a man’s position but when they meet a masculine man, they say he is “too much”. This is because they aren’t accustomed to dealing with masculine polarity. Outside of Sweden, Swedish women are the queen of sluts sucking up all masculinity they can get in their greedy judgmental mouth and pussies.

Swedish women run their men and the men just go with it. I would never raise a child here. This society would have their mind fucked up beyond repair. A buddy of mine and his wife came to Stockholm and they were shocked to see how many men were pushing strollers. The funny thing is that his wife is the one that pointed this out. There is nothing wrong with a man pushing his child but you typically see women pushing children during the day together. It is the opposite in Sweden. The men gather together and go on outings with the children and the women go to work and make the money. FUCK THAT!

Roosh has said that dating Swedish women is just a lateral movement from American women; I must disagree as Swedish women are far worse. They meet any form of masculinity they receive from men inside Sweden brutally with strong bullshit feminist views. The view is always sexual stating that a woman can sleep with as many men as she likes. Sure… I don’t give a fuck but that doesn’t mean I will be interested in her on a deeper level once she is 30+ and her clock is ticking.

Stockholm,Sweden is no longer the “Poosy Paradise” that guys talked about just a few years ago. The women are still very attractive but their attitudes and views put them in the back on the bus for me. For the record, I have banged a lot of hot chicks here and ONS are very common. The journey to getting them requires that you dumb your game down which means leaving your masculinity at home. I adapted my Game and did very well here but I noticed that I started becoming like them… Not cool. I now have nearly zero patience with Swedish women. I deal with foreign women exclusively now unless a Swede is really throwing her pussy at me.
There is nothing for me here. Time to go home. California, here I come.

Questions are welcome. [Image: smile.gif]

The Sweden thread - KC4 - 12-19-2014

Holy shit i never thought of it that way^^

The Sweden thread - kr4t0s - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 01:58 PM)TheDealCloser Wrote:  

Fuck Stockholm:

I am writing this from the perspective of an American man because that is who I am. After being here nine months, I have learned a lot about this city, the people, its culture, dating and more. Some may not agree with my words but if you don’t live here or if you haven’t lived here for at least for months, I’m sure you don’t know what you are talking about. If you are Swedish and reading this, you may not agree because what I am going to say in intrinsic to you.

No social skills:
Stockholmers have no social skills. These are the most boring group of people I have ever met. I’d rather talk to myself backwards many times. You do meet the occasional cool and fun person here that can actually carry a conversation that doesn’t revolve around the same bullshit that everyone is talking about. Finding them is a serious task. The only time people talk to each other is when they are drunk! This is the truth. Well… at least 99% of the time. There is a TV show called Welcome to Sweden that outlines a lot the shit that happens here. It is funny because I have experienced most of it. It is actually sad how closed off these people are. The only ones that aren’t are other foreigners that weren’t born and raised here along with Swedes that have lived abroad for at least 6 months in a warm culture. The funniest thing is that Swedes will talk you ear off when outside of Sweden. You will have to take the battery out of their back to get them to shut the fuck up! I have wondered why Swedes don’t talk to each other inside Sweden. I still can’t figure it out. Human interaction is a normal as taking a shit. Every human requires it daily. If you take 5 children – 3 boys and 2 girls between the ages of 4 and 6 from different parts of world, they will find a way to communicate and play with each other although they don’t look alike or speak the same language. That is the natural state of people. Why do Swedes continue to suppress this natural state of their people? If you don’t think it is like this, come to Sweden for at least 6 months and find out for yourself. I will never return here once I have left. Even if I win a trip here from some game show like the “Price is Right” back home, I’ll take what’s behind door #2 intsead.

Dating here is the weirdest shit in the world. Swedes don’t date or game. They just fuck and leave in the morning unless a chick gets pregnant, then you are stuck with that bitch forever like luggage. The whole scene here is backwards. I come from a place where a man is raised to be a man and get the girl of his dreams. Here, the men are raised very different. They are very feminine and the women like it. The women possess the masculinity. If you are a man that possesses strong masculine polarity, you will hate this place. The Swedish men that this doesn’t apply to usually end up importing their wives from other countries where men are men. Swedish women hate that shit too!! 

Men do not approach women at all in Stockholm unless that are shitfaced drunk and it’s at the end of the night. The women complain that that Swedish men don’t talk to them but when a guy does approach them, they act like they aren’t interested. They blow the guys off like they are getting paid to do it. So the guys sit back and drink beer with their friends and the girls gather up the courage to approach the guy she wants. Then the guys blow the chick off. Hahahaha. The dudes are so effeminate but the women like it that way. They want to be in a man’s position but when they meet a masculine man, they say he is “too much”. This is because they aren’t accustomed to dealing with masculine polarity. Outside of Sweden, Swedish women are the queen of sluts sucking up all masculinity they can get in their greedy judgmental mouth and pussies.

Swedish women run their men and the men just go with it. I would never raise a child here. This society would have their mind fucked up beyond repair. A buddy of mine and his wife came to Stockholm and they were shocked to see how many men were pushing strollers. The funny thing is that his wife is the one that pointed this out. There is nothing wrong with a man pushing his child but you typically see women pushing children during the day together. It is the opposite in Sweden. The men gather together and go on outings with the children and the women go to work and make the money. FUCK THAT!

Roosh has said that dating Swedish women is just a lateral movement from American women; I must disagree as Swedish women are far worse. They meet any form of masculinity they receive from men inside Sweden brutally with strong bullshit feminist views. The view is always sexual stating that a woman can sleep with as many men as she likes. Sure… I don’t give a fuck but that doesn’t mean I will be interested in her on a deeper level once she is 30+ and her clock is ticking.

Stockholm,Sweden is no longer the “Poosy Paradise” that guys talked about just a few years ago. The women are still very attractive but their attitudes and views put them in the back on the bus for me. For the record, I have banged a lot of hot chicks here and ONS are very common. The journey to getting them requires that you dumb your game down which means leaving your masculinity at home. I adapted my Game and did very well here but I noticed that I started becoming like them… Not cool. I now have nearly zero patience with Swedish women. I deal with foreign women exclusively now unless a Swede is really throwing her pussy at me.
There is nothing for me here. Time to go home. California, here I come.

Questions are welcome. [Image: smile.gif]

Nice report. How did you stay 9 months in sweden? Were you studying or working for a company? I was planning to live there some months but only as a tourist so i can only stay 3 months...

The Sweden thread - Chaos - 12-19-2014

^^^Haha, Dealcloser.
Looking forward to the read what the Swedes here on the forum has to say about your statements.

The Sweden thread - TheDealCloser - 12-20-2014


Nice report. How did you stay 9 months in sweden? Were you studying or working for a company? I was planning to live there some months but only as a tourist so i can only stay 3 months...

I've been working for a Swedish company. They got me the visa. I'm very happy and excited to be leaving this place.

The Sweden thread - TheDealCloser - 12-20-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 06:23 PM)Chaos Wrote:  

^^^Haha, Dealcloser.
Looking forward to the read what the Swedes here on the forum has to say about your statements.

Me too. [Image: smile.gif] They'll probably claim that I don't know how to deal with Swedish women or something which is incorrect. I learned by being in the field and watching Swedish men.

It is true that Swedes are much more open in the summer. If you don't get the chance to live here or visit during different seasons, you won't experience this.

The Sweden thread - TheDealCloser - 12-20-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:19 PM)KC4 Wrote:  

Holy shit i never thought of it that way^^

What do you mean?

The Sweden thread - N°6 - 12-20-2014

Red Ice Radio from Sweden is a good place to learn about the Swedish madhouse.

The Sweden thread - KC4 - 12-20-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 01:58 PM)TheDealCloser Wrote:  

Swedish women run their men and the men just go with it. I would never raise a child here. This society would have their mind fucked up beyond repair. A buddy of mine and his wife came to Stockholm and they were shocked to see how many men were pushing strollers. The funny thing is that his wife is the one that pointed this out. There is nothing wrong with a man pushing his child but you typically see women pushing children during the day together. It is the opposite in Sweden. The men gather together and go on outings with the children and the women go to work and make the money. FUCK THAT!
I meant that part but then again marriage and divorce rates are well in the 50%

The Sweden thread - Vienna - 01-24-2015

Anyone with experience of direct day game in Sweden? I'm a native Swede but I've never tried direct day game. The girls I meet are from social circles or Tinder. I just started my last semester of university and there are so many girls around. Couple that with the mindset shift of "oh-shit-last-months-on-campus-gotta-fuck-everything-before-graduation" and I'm bursting with energy to try direct game... only, I've literally never seen or heard of someone approaching a girl during the day with direct game. Of course it must happen, but it's probably EXTREMELY rare.

I think direct day game might more difficult in Sweden, but I could also be blinded by my cultural immersion?

The Sweden thread - KC4 - 01-24-2015

Tried it but to now avail maybe i need to approach more to get a higher success rate?

The Sweden thread - Tank_ - 01-25-2015

Interesting report. I think it's clear that the culture is unfit for settling down there, but what about from the pure hedonish perspective...if banging hotties is the only marker of interest, how does Stockholm fare? How regularly did you bang hot girls there? Was it off night, day, or tinder game? How exactly did you adapt your game to the culture? More clown and less aggressive alpha game?

The Sweden thread - godzilla - 04-06-2015

I was recently in Stockholm, Sweden. I thought I would share some observations.

In light of this article and in my personal opinion, there is a complete absence of gender roles and the only thing that keeps this from DEFCOCK 1 is that the women generally speaking still look like women but thats about it.

-Thursday Night out, tons of black guys out on Stureplan. 0 in Sodermalm Friday night.
-Since swedish guys do not approach (and they really don’t do it when they are drunk either), whose approaching the foreign chicks here? foreign guys?(doubt it)
-As mentioned above men push stollers at high rates.
-Went to a hardcore metal show. Swedish dudes literally tap their feet and nod the head slightly. The vibe was similar to a folk concert.
-Foreign girls play a game called “Swedish or Gay?”
-No one honks the horn at each other
-The unisex bathroom thing threw me off slightly, since after I’m done using the urinal, a girl walks out of the stall after taking a shit. If I weren’t a visitor, Id probably start peeing the seat.
-7 out of 8 girls I approached at Under Bron had male friends with them. Swedish social circle cockblocking was at an all time high here.
-Being American works much better in a smaller venue.

Too often in convo I feel like I’m talking to a male friend rather than a chick (more so then even the USA). The average girl here is average blond and in decent shape. Id rather be in Argentina or Norway. Don't think I'm coming back.

Thoughts anyone whose been recently?

The Sweden thread - Apollo21 - 04-06-2015

I don't takes a lot of work to find quality girls in any country.

Personally I really like Stockholm, however I probably wouldn't live there year round.
It's way too isolated, and outside the main city there's really nowhere else to go unless
you're going to take a trip.

It sounds like the best thing you can do is either stay there for short periods or find
a cool girl and take her to the US.

The Sweden thread - Cheetah - 04-06-2015


Too often in convo I feel like I’m talking to a male friend rather than a chick

Would be interesting if you could elaborate that?

The Sweden thread - TheDealCloser - 04-09-2015

Quote: (04-06-2015 05:30 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  


Too often in convo I feel like I’m talking to a male friend rather than a chick

Would be interesting if you could elaborate that?

You must guide the convo with Swedish women. Keep it VERY simple and fun. They like feeling like they are in control and it's very easy to make them feel like they are. It's almost like they require it. Don't make a lot of eye contact with them either. You gotta ignore them bit. Swedish women know full well that foreign guys come to Sverige to chase them. You must make them chase you!

Just my experience after living there a year.