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subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 01-17-2018

Quote: (06-23-2017 05:45 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

I was in a bar with a friend of mine who, unfortunately at this point was shit-hammered and borderline embarrassingly drunk. So I go solo and see a gorgeous VERY young girl, with some handsome young guy. I assume he's banging her. I overhear them speaking and hop into their conversation, and they're immediately friendly.

We start to chat as a group. I can't remember how I found out, but it turns out she's single.

My drunk friends starts talking to the guy, and now i'm sitting opposite the girl. I'm finding it hard to think of things to say. It's not awful and there are moments of 'fun' and laughing, but i've maybe regressed a little. I was trying to remember canned lines i've read. Trying to think of fun topics to raise etc. There was too much ''so, where did you go to school', ''what's it like where you work?'' type stuff going on, and I couldn't seem to work out what to do.

Anyway, despite that, at one point we were talking. I was looking deep into her eyes. I should mention she was hot as hell and a dancer. Just turned 18 2 days ago. I'm in my 30's, but since my last lay, I try not to let that stop me!

She mentions being strong for a certain dance move and I say ''Bullshit. You got no muscles, little girl!''. She laughs all giddy and then says ''fell my muscles''. She seems very comfortable with this and at this point I thought I potentially had a shot?

Then soon after, she mentioned studying dance in college, and I grabbed her, and we laughed as I pulled her around as if I knew what I was doing in terms of classical dance!

After that we carried on talking about a few things, which is when she started talking about how good looking the barman was. (He WAS handsome, lol) I immediately felt like shit, but remembered the basic game principle and agreed and amplified. I ws like ''Yeah! I'd bang him! You want me to get his number for you!!?'' She laughed, but I still saw her trying to catch his eye.

We carried on talking, but at this point, I was unsure of how to 'make the move'. How to go from random conversation with a girl who has possibly showed 'some' interest/compliance. And the fact she'd mentioned the hot barman also made me quetsion whether it was pointless and would have looked socially unaware. I was stumped. Change the topic to something sexual? Just make a statement of intent. Either way, I messed up, and fairly soon after, they left. The GUY asked for my facebook lol! (we'd bantered at various stages throughout the night. He IS straight, lol. Just looking for new friends)

Quote: (01-04-2018 11:43 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

The last set was weird because It was actually on the girl I met about 6 months ago and wrote about in an old FR:

She ended up friend requesting me. She told me I was funny. I kind of hinted at us going out just me and her but she didn't take the bait so i'm guessing she actually isn't interested?

So yeah, I saw her for the first time since that night dancing with her friends. I felt brave and approached...was hoping for a possibly interesting convo since I have always wondered if she was possibly into me a tiny but...... and it went aweful! lol.

From a distance, she looked pleased to see me and gave me the ''It's you from that night!!!'' type look. But when I approached her with her friends, she more or less blanked me and after literally 20 seconds of me trying to dance and talk to her with her friends, I bailed. Not sure what that was about. It was almost like she was embarrassed, but then that's me just guessing. it's the vibe I got, though.

Home time

So last night the guy (I met him and her that night) actually texted me to say he was out with the girl and that I should join them for a beer. I was already out getting drunk so I agreed.

I met them down the road at the pub and sat in between them and decided to give it yet another crack with this hot teen, lol.

I started chit chat, tried to tease her when the opportunity presented itself, and touched her on the shoulder and stuff when I got her laughing. She also divulged that she had some depression/anxiety issues.

I really wanted to escalate further, but I just wasn't getting any IOI's or greenlights. It also made it harder in that it started to feel more like social circle game now as opposed to a cold approach. Me miss-reading her signs or taking the 'assume attraction' thing to the extreme seemed to have bigger ramifications.

Other than incidental touch and stuff, I couldn't work out how to attempt to further escalate, and whether I should even attempt it, given that I just didn't feel as though she was attracted to me. I feel as though I was 'touchy' enough for her to be able to touch me back if she was actually into me, and she didn't. Also done some laser eye contact and stuff. I guess in hindsight, the correct move would have been to try to isolate her from her guy friend and then somehow try to find an excuse to touch her in a more sexual way? (mystery palm reading or something?!) or maybe make a verbal statement of intent?

My other plan was to just spend as much time as possible with her and see if I could simply make time my friend, but she had to leave early as her dad was worrying about her

Escalation is just so hard when you don't feel you have any attraction, and even more-so when it's now bordering on social circle game

I'm also assuming that if she WAS into me, she'd have told her guy friend, and then he'd have maybe let me know? I dunno. I really want her though, lol

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 01-21-2018

Most of the night was spent building my state as I was out with my mates in a new area we don't go too much so it all felt new and there was a good vibe. Mainly just joking amongst ourselves, playing pool etc.

First approach was when we went too a cocktail bar. There were two girls, one of whom was the hottest girl in the whole place. Like a 9. Her friend was a 6. The open was a bit lucky (I hate how I need to rely on luck/situation to give me the best openers. I really think it helps and when the environment gives you an open, it always seems to open sets better).

In this case, there was some weird guy who was talking to/annoying my group of friends. Drunk. Over-familiar. Loud. I think he was a pikey. I looked over at the girls who were sat next to me, and I just sat down next to them and said '''Oh my God, Save me!''. They laughed and knew what I meant. We chatted for like 30 seconds about where we had been that night. They kind of stopped talking and gave me the impression that they wanted to be left alone, and this is where I typically bail, but as discussed, I'm just trying to stay in damn set for longer! So I said ''So, who are you guys?'' They gave me their names. I said ''I'm Sub. I'm picses. I like walks on the beach and white chocolate mice''. lol. The 9 laughed and the 6 said ''Me too. I love white chocolate!!''. We then done the usual age, plans for the night/normal guy chat. I teased them a few times on their answers and tried to generally be playful. The 6 said something at one point and I negged her with some thing lke ''Oh dear. We were getting on so well'' and both girls laughed again. I was in set for a good 5-10 minutes. My friend thought I done well and gave me props, lol (our whole group seems to have bad approach anxiety, so those who 'man up' tend to get some credit lol. Especially since she was what he called 'intimidatingly hot'. haha). It didn't really go anywhere. They weren't asking me much and I didn't feel I had any attraction, and after a while the girls bailed to go and meet their friend.

Then went too a dance/bar. I got talking to some 6. Can't remember how I opened unfortunately. It was all a bit chaotic in the smoking area. I got talking to her and I could kind of sense some possible attraction. I asked her what she done and she went off on one talking about her cool job in the film industry or something and talking about nerdy stuff. I accused her of bragging or something and then when she carried on talking about nerd shit, I said ''You're a nerd. You're a hot nerd. You're a herd!'' She laughed and I pulled her towards me on the spike. We went back to the dancefloor and we kind of split up (i'd see her again later)

I was on the dancefloor and this little blonde 6 was next to me, looking around. I just looked at her and decided to experiment with direct, and gave her a sincere ''You're kind of pretty!'' and smirked. She loved it for once. It's so nice when people take a compliment in the right way. Usually I get girls looking at me like i'm some new cell that a scientist is looking at under a microscope! We started speaking and I just went into some marriage roleplay or something. We danced together for a while but to be honest, I wasn't actually as into her as I thought I was at first glance. Her friends dragged her away anyway after a minute or so to do shots or something.

I bumped into the 'flim industry' girl again and we started dancing and flirting. I think I made a statement of intent which she seemed to recieve. We made out on the dancefloor. She was only like 19 though and had classic young girl ADHD and it was hard keep her with me. We kept losing each other, and when I saw her next, she told me that she was checking out the good looking dude who was near me! How fukking rude, lol. I would never say that too a girl. This is like the 3rd time recently that a girl i'm trying to game has said that to me. I agreed and amplified ''Yeah, he's hot. I'd bang him''. I was actually super jealous of him, because this handsome mofo was dancing with some girl who I 'know' from facebook (like we mutual friends but we are not friends) and she is GORGEOUS!! LIke my idea of a 9. And she was CHASING this handsome dude around the dancefloor like he was Justin Bieber! Ruined my state bit lol. I wish I had his face! Life would be SWEET!!

Approached 2 girls who were dancing in the corner, but got a fast 'hand to the face/go away' rejection. Had to happen at some point, lol

Getting late now. Bumped into the blonde 6 from earlier. ''I found you!'' and got a bit physical with her. Tried to seed the pull but she wasn't having it. She was clearly somewhat into me, but not enough for me to be able to convince her to let me bang her that night! Could have got her number but I wasn't overly into her as stated.

Met up with the film girl again and chatted for a while to build some comfort. Tried to get a bit more physical and see if I could bounce her somewhere, but she was meeting some dude (a 'friend' apparently) and then a fist fight kicked of involving that same guy she was about to meet and I lost her in the chaos more or less lol

So, a more successful night than usual I guess. I'm fairly pleased with the first appraoch on the 2-set.
The dancefloor interactions were OK, although I can''t really give myself too much credit in terms of 'game' with those, as it really feels as though them kind of interactions are purely a matter of looks. It did feel like one of those nights that with a little bit of luck I could have got laid.

Mainly thinking about that super hot girl who was persuing the handsomoe dude this morning though, if i'm honest. haha She is So pretty!

subterfuge journal - King of Monkeys - 01-24-2018

Quote: (01-21-2018 06:25 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

The dancefloor interactions were OK, although I can''t really give myself too much credit in terms of 'game' with those, as it really feels as though them kind of interactions are purely a matter of looks. It did feel like one of those nights that with a little bit of luck I could have got laid.

That's bullshit and you really gotta cut that out. Seriously, go back to the first page of this thread and re-read your posts, then read your posts on page 9 and 10. Remember when you constantly overthought whether you should go direct or indirect, and now you maybe get a gut feeling of what to do and go with it?

And you've even had success with direct game. Isn't this already contradicting what you thought about only really good-looking guys having success with direct openers about thinking a girl is cute?

Not only have you made a lot of approaches, you've also learned from them and gotten better because of it. Stop bullshitting yourself and start giving yourself credit for your accomplishments.

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 01-27-2018

Ok, i'm gonna try my best to keep this short.
Last night. I'm in a bar and I make eye contact with a pretty blonde. I call her over to me and she comes over. I tease her. i cold read her- I ask her questions about herself. I implement everything I know about game. It works!! She likes me. I kino her She offers to by me a drink. I take her to the bar. We flirt. This couldn't be going better.
Guess what happens now?..My handsome friend who used to model for ASOS comes over. He literally says 'Hi' and now this girl is 100% concentrating on him! She becomes like a puppy. She is drooling!
I think 'fuck this!! I know that game > looks!'' - I try to engage her and tease her and neg her and self amuse and make her laugh etc etc.....suddenly I am invisible though! She hands me my drink and is now draped over my handsome mate. She is glued to him. I go to the bathroom to compose myself.
I come back and speak to my friend who is now fighting off 2-3 girls! They are all trying to get his attention
He tells me that he will only bang the girl I like if we can both bang her.
He's trying to do me a favour
I think 'Cool! I know she likes me because before she met my handsome mate, she was all over me''
however, she now tells my friend that she's not remotely into me! I feel sick!! She definitely seemed to be earlier!
We all dance and my friend clearly feels guilty about steealing this girl from me. He is ignoring her on purpose out of guilt, hopng that she;ll come back to me.
she leaves.
I pretend not to care about what just happened and we talk about something else.
Well....this girl is so obsessed, that she pays money again to get into the club and again tries to seduce my friend!!! Again, he tells her that if I can't bang her aswell then, it ain't happening. She says 'no' and now leaves for good!¬
We go outisde. Some gorgeous Spanish girl tries to seduce my friend. He ignores her, and me and my friend share a cab.
End of story.
I just feel sick. I have never before been so cinvinced that looks => game!

subterfuge journal - Dulceácido - 01-27-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 10:10 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Ok, i'm gonna try my best to keep this short.
Last night. I'm in a bar and I make eye contact with a pretty blonde. I call her over to me and she comes over. I tease her. i cold read her- I ask her questions about herself. I implement everything I know about game. It works!! She likes me. I kino her She offers to by me a drink. I take her to the bar. We flirt. This couldn't be going better.
Guess what happens now?..My handsome friend who used to model for ASOS comes over. He literally says 'Hi' and now this girl is 100% concentrating on him! She becomes like a puppy. She is drooling!
I think 'fuck this!! I know that game > looks!'' - I try to engage her and tease her and neg her and self amuse and make her laugh etc etc.....suddenly I am invisible though! She hands me my drink and is now draped over my handsome mate. She is glued to him. I go to the bathroom to compose myself.
I come back and speak to my friend who is now fighting off 2-3 girls! They are all trying to get his attention
He tells me that he will only bang the girl I like if we can both bang her.
He's trying to do me a favour
I think 'Cool! I know she likes me because before she met my handsome mate, she was all over me''
however, she now tells my friend that she's not remotely into me! I feel sick!! She definitely seemed to be earlier!
We all dance and my friend clearly feels guilty about steealing this girl from me. He is ignoring her on purpose out of guilt, hopng that she;ll come back to me.
she leaves.
I pretend not to care about what just happened and we talk about something else.
Well....this girl is so obsessed, that she pays money again to get into the club and again tries to seduce my friend!!! Again, he tells her that if I can't bang her aswell then, it ain't happening. She says 'no' and now leaves for good!¬
We go outisde. Some gorgeous Spanish girl tries to seduce my friend. He ignores her, and me and my friend share a cab.
End of story.
I just feel sick. I have never before been so cinvinced that looks => game!

Man.... That was painful to read. I hate to say it, but you are never going to get any attention with the male model hanging around. Even the ugly fatties who are clearly not in his league will be enamored with him. If you're going to go out with him to game chicks, I'd come up with some kind of plan to where if you go to talk to a girl and things are running smoothly, maybe text him and tell him the situation and you guys are going your separate ways for the night. Sounds kinda dickish, but if he's your good buddy, he'll be happy for you and will be totally cool with it.

My friends and I had a thing for similar situations. If I'm gaming a chick and my buddy comes over and starts fucking up my vibe, I'd just make eye contact with him when no others were looking then cut my eyes sharply to the side (just eye movement, don't move your head cuz others will notice). It was understood if one of the crew gave you that signal, you just politely excused yourself and made yourself scarce.

subterfuge journal - Mig Picante - 01-28-2018

Quote: (01-27-2018 10:10 PM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Ok, i'm gonna try my best to keep this short.
Last night. I'm in a bar and I make eye contact with a pretty blonde. I call her over to me and she comes over. I tease her. i cold read her- I ask her questions about herself. I implement everything I know about game. It works!! She likes me. I kino her She offers to by me a drink. I take her to the bar. We flirt. This couldn't be going better.

This is all really good and is repeatable. You'll be able to do it again in the future.

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-03-2018

Laid. 1st of the year. 9th since starting this journal.

Really not much to write in terms of an FR. It fell into my lap. She basically approached me and made it easy. I really didn't need to do anything.
The only thing I DID do (which I likely wouldn't have done before discovering game) was lead hard in terms of basically suggesting we go back to her place. I was like ''Anyway, i'm coming back with you when we leave here in a minute. I wanna see how messy your kitchen is'' or something stupid like that.
She was staying with her sister for the weekend so we banged on the couch in teh lounge
She was actually very attractive with a pretty face and a nice body, although her teeth were a bit all over the shop! I'll give her a 6.5
With perfect teeth, she'd maybe be a 7.5. I think she was late 20's.
I'm actually more thinking about the girls I failed too open, though. There were these 2 gorgeous girls who looked like fun time girls on the dancefloor, giglliny and times, dancing near me and I wonder if it could have went somewhere, but I just didn't have the balls. Confidence is still low in general at the moment. Also, last few times i've done dancefloor approaches, i've been getting killed every time. EVEN WHEN the girls seem to be giving me IOI's! So i've been kind of avoiding them now, I guess.

I also failed to open this group of 18 years olds sitting in a booth in the pub- one of whom I recognised from working in the coffee shop near where i used to work. Super hot. Just big groups of girls are super tough to open for me.

The only other set worthy of mention was one that my friend actually opened (for once!). 2-set. One girl an 8, one a 5.
I started talking to the one I liked. Made her laugh a bit. Chit chat about her job and teasing her about it.
I tell them we're gonna dance and that they should come, and they agree. Cool!
We are all dancing and the vibe drops a little.
In these situations, I tend to lose the set and then wake up thinking ''I should have at least made some sort of move! Showed some clear intent as you never know!'' so that's what I did!
I pulled her towards me and said some shit about her being hot or whatever.
But she never really seemed to take the bait and didn't really give me anything in terms of clues. I guess she wasn't actually attracted.
We lost them soon after.

But yeah. Got the monkey of my back for this year, now lol

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-05-2018

Went out again the night after to see if I could exploit any confidence I may be unknowingly 'giving off' as a result of the prior nights success - however, it was a fairly tame night, and for some reason my AA was particularly bad.

I opened one girl at the bar who kind of made the opening easy for me, as she was buying like 20 shots which just gave me something to use as an open. Without having the environemnt actually give me something, I find that my opens will always get a weirded out reaction from the girl. like ''Hey, i'm sub'' will always have her looking at me like i'm on fire, but ''Wow, that's a lof of shots'' will usually get a girl to at least react in what I think of as a 'normal' way, lol.

So after that I asked her her plans for the night and stuff. I can't think how the conversation happened, but she mentioned that she had a date last night and then she told me something about how she always seems to have sex on teh first date. I was like 'Interesting. Anyway... We should totally go on date then!!' and she giggled, but she didn't really take the bait at all or continue that thread of convo.
I kind of ran out of things to talk about here (we'd done the names, job, age, plans for the night, hobbies stuff. I made some cold reads. I teased her when the opportunity arose) and plus I knew she was going too a different club to where I was going and so the same night lay would probably not have happened even if she liked me. I lost her soon after that.
She had an absolutely gorgeous face, although was a little chubby. But I can look past that when the girl has literally perfect bone structure, super amazing eyes, perfect teeth, soft young glowing skin etc.
Shame I wasn't able to attract her, though.
I hate them interactions where you actually DO reach the hook point, and they are talking a little bit, but you are unable to get them interested enough for them to want to stick around. The 'rejection' kind of feels more 'personal' in a way!
Not sure what I should have said in terms of 'game'

After that it was all about dancefloor game. Again, confidence low because as mentioned, in recent times i've been getting killed on the dancefloor. Even when girls are apparently giving me IOI's I still get insta-rejected when I open.
At one point last night as me and my friend were messing around dancing, the 2 hottest girls in the bar started dancing close too us, but all I could think about is what usually happens (backturn/rejection) when I introduce myself or comment on their dancemoves or extend my hand towards them or whatever, and so I didn't even attempt to open them.

I decided to take the other advice I sometimes get from people about just carry on having your own fun on the dancefloor and let the girls open you, but after about 2 minutes of them dancing close to me, both the girls ejected.

I made a few very late night approaches on the street, but nothing lasted for more than like 20 seconds.

Still, pressure feels less as i've got my lay for the year now, lol.

Until next time! out

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-18-2018

Strange night last night. It gave me a rare confidence boost because, for some reason, I was getting a number of IOI's and stuff from girls. This never happens to me. Not sure why this was.

The downside is that I was still unable to capitalise on these initially somewhat interested girls. I tried my best, but I just couldn't keep their interest I guess. Or maybe I showed too much intent? Or maybe not enough? I have no idea. Either way, I went home empty handed.

Me and my friend saw a blonde 9-10 sitting in a quiet area of the bar (near where people eat) having what looked like an in-depth chat with her friend. Like they didn't want to be bothered. She was amazing, but neither me nor my friend had the balls to open them. Got me off too a slightly bad start in my head.

First approach was when I joined a 2-set my friend had opened. One decent, one not my type. All I remember us speaking about was guessing each others ages, but straight away, I could tell the less attractive one was into me. After a few minutes, she offered to buy me a drink at the bar. I said ''No thanks'' but carried on talking for a while.

There were 2 other much hotter girls who seemed to be by themselves and they looked like fun. Not one of them 2-sets where you can tell they just want to be left alone and talk amongst themselves like lots of girls seem to be. They were looking around. Giggling. Dancing. Making a scene.

Me and my friend spent way too long thinking about how to open them and letting the AA get the better of us.

At one point, the girl who offered to buy me a drink started trying to touch me and I used this as my opportunity to open the hot girls and whispered ''I need you to save me fro this girl''. They laughed and said ''We need saving too! From him!!'' (and they pointed at some dude who was by himself who i'd noticed was trying to game them earlier. Fair play to him! I'm jealous of his balls!)

So I start talking to these girls. I ask them why the dude was creeping them out. I'm like ''What's wrong with him? He's decent looking! You're too picky!'' (kind of a tease, and also trying to not look too try hard and try to make the dude look bad). She laughs and says ''He's just not my type''. I say ''Ok. What about if he had massive arms busrting out of his T-shirt. Then would you be into him?''. She says ''No. I don't like big arms''. I say ''Ok then, what about if he had tiny arms like twiglets sticking out of a baggy T-shirt. You'd fuck him then?'' She cracked up laughing here. Like lots of laughing. I used this to pull her towards me and get some kino going. We carried on chatting for a bit, but her friend wasn't into my friend, and before long, she pulled the girl I was talking too away from me. I told her where we were going after that bar and told them to join us. They said ''Maybe''. End of set. Didn't see them again.

After that we go too a dance bar where I bump into my teenage female cousin. She has 2 hot friends with her who i've never met and straight away one of them calls me 'cute'. (this never happens to me btw. I had the 'lynx' effect going on last night for some reason!)

We all get to talking. i'm laughing with my cousin because I banged a friend of hers a while back and she didn't know. The friend had just turned 18 and i'm in my 30's and we laughed about the age gap.

We go and dance, and the friend who called me 'cute' is now grinding on me as i'm talking to my cousin. However, hard to example, but I really sensed that it was more of a 'tease'. Like she was trying to get a reaction from her cousin? Like '''Hehe, i'm grinding on your cousin!'' Either way, I let her grind on me, and ran my hands across her hips a little, but didn't say anything or get TOO handsy. I'm not even sure who to react exactly when this happens, as it never happens to me. After a while the girls go to smoke and i'm in there with some friends still dancing

Some time passes by and now a very hot girl who looks like a punk actually opens me and claims that we met a few weeks back in that same bar. I don't remember her at all. No idea if it's true.

I decide to go direct and basically tell her she's cute. I tell her to join me at the bar as I need a beer. This is where it got weird, because she was trying to get served too, and we spent way too long just not talking. I kind of didn't really know what to talk about, and when I DID say something, she didn't seem particularly engaged at all. We got served and again, I spoke to her about when exactly we met. Asked her name and stuff and made some comments on her 'look', but yeah, she just didn't seem into me at all, despite opening me. It fizzled out soon, and within minutes, I was back dancing with my cousin and her friends, and she was flirting with some other dude fairly close to me.

At this point, my cousins hot friend is near me again. I think I decided to make a bit of a move and made some statements of intent. Went into some roleplay about us making cute babies. Shortly after this, she announced that I probably have a small dick!! In front oy my cousin, and the other people we were with! Not sure if this was a weird shit test.

I agreed and amplified as per game theory. Laughed. Told her ''How did you know!!? Who have you been talking too! But's like a wet baby carrot''. She laughed. My cousin laughed too and was like ''Can we please stop talking about my cousins cock!!''

Memory is slighlty blurry at this point, but I think at one point, the cute friend put her mouth very close to mine as if to kiss me. But AGAIN, I got the same 'vibe' ea earlier, that it was more for the benefit of my cousin. That , combined with the fact that I don't think it's great to kiss girls in front of their friends (can make it harder to actually pull) plus I really felt that i'd get rejected if I had have moved in for the makeout meant that instead we just both kind of shared this moment where both of our mouths were very close and we both laughed whilst looking into each others eyes.

I actually fancied my cousins other friend even more, but I wasn't able too 'attract' her at all. I opened her and told her I recognise her from a certain bar I drink at and tried to get her talking, but she didn't seem to want to play ball.

I wish I had better 'material' to help me through the initial 3-5 mins of each new interaction.

I saw the girl from the first bar who bought me a drink. Not my type. She was giving me super strong eye contact and I know I could have got her, but yeah, I wasn't interested.

At around this point, I saw my cousins hot friends leave. They didn't even say 'goodbye' to me. I don't remember much more about the night really although I did fail to open a few hot girls as, again, Approach anxiety got the better of me.

Overall a weird night. It's not often that girls seem initially into me, but I wasn't able to capitalize. Haven't really learnt anything as such. Like, I think I need better verbals, but i'm not sure what I should have been saying. And i'm not sure what I done wrong with my cousins hot friend tbh.

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-20-2018

I remembered another hot girl who opened me.
She actually opened me with a tease, because she remembers me pulling some black girl with a massive ass a few months back and she was teasing me about it, but even that is an IOI, no? I mean if she wasn't remotely interested, she'd never have opened me, I guess.

But she was another girl from that night who I couldn't attract/capitalise on. I spoke too her about that night and agreed/amplified the shit-testing about the girl I pulled that night. Asked her about herself and made comments and cold reads about her etc. I didn't verbalise any intent from memory with HER

It was one of my most frustrating nights in AGES, but not for the same reasons as other nights that are frustrating.

This was more a night of consistently blowing it with girls who were initially somewhat receptive/interested, considering they all opened me, and one outright complimented me.

I've always thought the I was at least OK at getting the girls that were into me, but I failed on every interaction on Friday! Grrrr...

Not sure if the reason was to do with:
INTENT (Too much or not enough) (I showed intent with the friend of my cousin and with the punk girl. Not with the other ones)
CONVERSATION (Unable to think of things to say to make it fun etc)
or something else

It boosted my confidence in terms of, it's very rare for hot girls to be opening me, but it's also hurt my confidence in that, If I can't do better with girls that clearly have some attraction from the get-go, then i'm in trouble!!

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-25-2018

just banged one of my hottest ones yet. Strange night.
FR/LR coming soon.

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-25-2018

LR!! (Good one. Czech. 8. 20 or so years old)

OK, so last night I was out with my model good looking friend who I talked about in one of my recent FR'S - the T.L.D.R of that night was a girl appraoched me, I ran some game on her. It was going well. She offered to buy me a drink. All going well and then my friend came over to say 'hi' to me, and instantly she was drooling over him and I went from fillet steak to chopped liver and the rest of the night was her desperately trying to seduce my mate. It felt bad.

So, I was out with him again last night. Something always happens when i'm out with him. The dynamic always seems to change in various ways when I am with him in particular.

3/4 of the night aren't even worth writing much about. I had pretty bad Approach anxiety all night. And my mate never EVER approaches girls, and so I guess it felt a bit more high pressure.

Throughout the night girls were trying to get his attention at the bar and on the dancefloor etc. Bumping into him. Brushing his arms etc.

Eventually I found my bollox and started making some approaches.

Group of girls: ''Hey girls, quick question for you!'' and went into some little opinion opener and all 3 girls were absolute cvnts! One was like ''We don't wanna talk to you'' and the other 2 just looked at me like a leper. I tried to keep it playful and be unaffected, and was like ''Ii ilove how friendly you all are! We should be best friends!'. One of them almost cracked a smile, but in general Like all 3 of them hated me. Not one friendly girl in the whole group. They weren't even amazingly hot or anything.

I open another girl who is with some friends and ask her what they are all celebrating. She looks at me like she's never spoken too a stranger before and like i'm super odd for talking to her, blinks a few times, and then literally walks away from me towards her friends as if she needs saving.

State is dropping a bit here! lol

I open a girl on the dancefloor with a comment about her small feet or something, and she is mildy receptive and we speak a bit, but straight away she is asking me if I can introduce her to my friends and she's telling me how hot he is. I laugh and introduce them, but my friend isn't really talking and just smiles at her and carries on dancing. After a few minutes of her trying to grind against him with him not really playing along, she ejects never to be seen again.

At this point, I had almost given up for the night. I felt as though there were a few girls who were actually maybe giving me some IOI's, 'accidentally' bumping into me and stuff, but I didn't open.

So we carried on dancing by ourselves, drinking and chatting/laughing. It's getting slightly late now and this is where some girl grabs my friend and is like ''She likes you!'' and points at some hot blonde: Czech girl. I'd say an 8

Within a few minutes my friend is kissing her. He NEVER does this. He must have thought she was rather hot. I'm talking to the girl who introduced them (average looking. Slim brunette. I've seen prettier. 6..5?) I'm just making small talk. Went into a silly roleplay about my friend marrying her friend. Said i'd bring her as my +1 to the wedding. Got a little physical, and within 5 minutes we were kissing (she was a horrible kisser)

At this point my friend says he's going to the bathroom. He doesn't come back! The hot Czech girl keeps asking me where he is, and i'm like ''You're never gonna see him again! Are you gonna cry?!!''. She laughs. The girl I was kissing disappears to dance and i'm not standing on the outskirts of the dancefloor with this HOT czech girl who liked me handsome mate!

I just start asking her about herself. I go into some little personal 'routine' which is a bit like a simple questions game. We are chatting and laughing. I make some comments about little things like her hair and her clothes and tease her for wearing her dressing gown in a club. I tell her to guess my age when she asks how old I am. PS - IT WAS (IS) MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!
She guesses like 30 which is younger than I am, but I pretend that i'm younger and act mock offended. She was only like 20.
I'm like ''Ok, go away. I don't care how sexy you are, i'm not gonna talk to you if you're gonna behave like this''. She cracks up laughing.

I start to wonder whether I actually have a shot here!

She starts asking me more and more questions and i'm leaning in a bit to talk in her ear and each time, i'm getting super close to her face. Our noses almost brush and she doesn't step back at all. IOI? Without an excuse, I put my hands on her hips and I carry on making small talk and stuff. Another of her young friends is behind me and she is kissing some dude who is well into his 30's/40's. Respect! However, the guy keeps banging into me since he's getting so into it with his girl. The girl notices and I make some joke about how he's basically fucking me. She cracks up laughing. I use this as a way to escalate the conversation and go into some sort of roleplay again as a way to sexualise AND heavy kino. A bit like JulienRSD ''What would you do if....'' thing. I'm grabbing her a lot now and she isn't stopping me at all. Again i'm talking to her when our noses nearly brush and I can almost FEEL her getting turned on. I tease her a few times and get close to kissing her. Eventually we just hold eye contact for a few seconds in silence and I go in for the kiss and she is into it. This giril CAN kiss, too, unlike her mate. It's nice. She gets more and more in too it. I'm the first to pull away each time, but it's fun and I go back a few times. Now i'm running my hands up and down her hips and ass and i'm kind of brushing her pussy hard with the outside of my hand.

I'm still in slight shock at this point and I think 'fuck it. Lets see if I can make this happen!''. I ask her where she lives. She tells me the area and I accuse her of being rich. She mentions her friends and tells me she can't see them anymore. I start to think 'Shit, this is where I lose her!! I know it!!''. I just say, ''you'll never seem them again. They've all gone back to Czech without you''. She laughs and whilst she laughs I grab her and say ''let's go!'' and march her out.

However, as we get to the door, she spots one of her friends. SHIT!! They aren't speaking English and i'm temporarily out in the cold here. I try to act non-needy and pretend to text someone. I feel as though I will definitely lose her here, but to my surprise, a few seconds later, she grabs me and we walk out towards the cab rank.

At this point it's not been stated where we are even going. We get to the cab rank, ask her for her address, and tell the cab driver to take us there. She says ''So you're just inviting yourself back to my place?!''. I'm like ''Yeah. I think it's for the best. But you've gotta promist to be cool!''. lol. She doesn't fight me. We get into the cab. Go back to her place. We kiss on the bed. I finger her. She gets a condom out of the draw and we have sex for the next 40 mins or so. It's hella fun.

10th cold approach lay since starting the journal. Double digits! haha.

She was probably my seconds hottest one yet. Stunning eyes. Nice body. Pretty face. The fact that my handsome mate made her the first girl i've seen him kiss in about 5 years hopefully says something.
A VERY satisfying lay indeed for various reasons.

subterfuge journal - Lights - 02-25-2018


subterfuge journal - Skank_Hunt - 02-25-2018


I was very ill from the age of 22 onwards and could have died. I still could! The experience meant that I was often in hospital etc and over time, it gave me some sort of anxiety issues. When my friends were banging girls at unbiversity, I was usually ill.

I'm now old and approaching 30, and have only slept with very small number of girls my whole life. I kind of feel like a virgin, lol.

Some journal threads or game memoirs read so smoothly, it's as if the author is designed to be good with girls. Even if he is not a natural to start, stories of epic successes aren't far away, then they become so frequent that I realize, assuming they're telling the truth, they were born with the ability inside them and once the skills are learned it is smooth sailing. When some of them bang 8s, I find it hard to feel happy for them.

For you on the other hand I am truly happy. From the above quote of your first post on this journal, to double digits. You missed many of your formative years through awful luck and I'm guessing quite a bit of pain. But today, you've banged more girls than the average guy will in his entire life. Brilliant.

I know it must be extremely discouraging to have all the drunk and horny girls flock to your model friend, thus seemingly confirming everything is about looks and women are attracted to men in the same way as we are to them, but let's not even get into that debate now. Think instead what you have rather than what you haven't. For example, your model friend never approaches girls. Your model friend ran away somewhere. You are not a male model. Nor am I. Nor are nearly all of us on this forum. What you do have is desire and the willingness to approach women, to try to make things happen. You can still beat your model friend because you actually approach and try things. The common UK group of girls full of absolute average (at best) entitled, rude bitches comes with the territory and you face it time after time. Even if he looks like a model, your friend could still get some similarly unfriendly reactions from cold approaching a group which would end his desire to ever actively approach again. You on the other hand keep going. You are proving one core tenet of game: work is a great equalizer. Bitchy group sets may not know and therefore not respect you for what you have been through to get to this point, but just from your story and journal I have immense respect for you putting up with the UK nightlife especially in the area you are in. For you to even put in the work, the results often being so random that you can't predict or guarantee, I would still respect you greatly for trying.

Well done and try and take some of this confidence going forward. Many girls can smell it.

subterfuge journal - GoingTheDistance - 02-25-2018

Quote: (02-25-2018 05:05 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

So, I was out with him again last night. Something always happens when i'm out with him. The dynamic always seems to change in various ways when I am with him in particular............

Throughout the night girls were trying to get his attention at the bar and on the dancefloor etc. Bumping into him. Brushing his arms etc.................

Within a few minutes my friend is kissing her. He NEVER does this. He must have thought she was rather hot.

Sub man, that was a good read. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you and how tall is your friend? Is your friend younger than you are?

I've never had a friend that could draw attention without having to do a single thing or speak a single word, like what you described with your friend. I did experience this with a stranger one time though.

One time on vacation I was in this club on a pub crawl and hit it off with a really beautiful Polish girl who was pretty into me. Then, she saw another guy talking with another group of people from the pub crawl who was probably 6'4 and she immediately said "lets go over here and talk with them."

She then proceeded to hit on the guy without the guy having to do a single thing. It was incredible to me how she threw herself at him, it was like she was playing the part of the man by pursuing!

Keep I'm mind, I'm right at average height in every part of the world. So it's not like I'm short myself (though I'm not tall either, right at average). But this guy towered over me and I don't see that to often where guys tower over me so much that I actually feel short.

I'm guessing that 6'4 guy in the story that I mentioned is maybe like your friend, where he just draws attention from females without even trying because of his height maybe? If you're on the shorter side anyways then perhaps that height discrepancy plays a big part in why you get such negative reactions around him?

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-26-2018

Quote: (02-25-2018 06:02 PM)Skank_Hunt Wrote:  

Well done and try and take some of this confidence going forward. Many girls can smell it.

Thanks. I always enjoy your input in my journal.
Yes, it was a confidence builder in a way, and it almost felt like the first time i've ever 'seduced' a girl as opposed to her being attracted to me instantly and me just playing 'don't mess it up' game which is what i feel 95% of infields that are see online actually are.
I know that her having her buying temperature spike by my friend would have played a role in helping me, but I still feel I was able to slowly 'draw her in' and was able to escalate strongly and smoothly despite a very 'indirect' open which is something that I find harder usually (typically, i'm only able to escalate smoothly if I go very direct and she is instantly receptive so I know i'm 'good to go').

Quote: (02-25-2018 07:47 PM)GoingTheDistance Wrote:  

Sub man, that was a good read. If you don't mind me asking, how tall are you and how tall is your friend? Is your friend younger than you are?

I've never had a friend that could draw attention without having to do a single thing or speak a single word, like what you described with your friend. I did experience this with a stranger one time though.

One time on vacation I was in this club on a pub crawl and hit it off with a really beautiful Polish girl who was pretty into me. Then, she saw another guy talking with another group of people from the pub crawl who was probably 6'4 and she immediately said "lets go over here and talk with them."

She then proceeded to hit on the guy without the guy having to do a single thing. It was incredible to me how she threw herself at him, it was like she was playing the part of the man by pursuing!

Keep I'm mind, I'm right at average height in every part of the world. So it's not like I'm short myself (though I'm not tall either, right at average). But this guy towered over me and I don't see that to often where guys tower over me so much that I actually feel short.

I'm guessing that 6'4 guy in the story that I mentioned is maybe like your friend, where he just draws attention from females without even trying because of his height maybe? If you're on the shorter side anyways then perhaps that height discrepancy plays a big part in why you get such negative reactions around him?

We are both the same age. Been friends for about 20 years and went to school together

Get ready to be surprised because we are both short asses! I think i'm like 5ft 8. He's maybe half an inch taller!
He's just very handsome facially. Also, He doesn't work out but has been blessed with genetics with huge bulging forearms and a generally 'solid' frame that makes it look like he's a gym rat too (slim waist, large arms and shoulders etc), when all he does is eat pizza! lol
I've got so many stories about girls throwing themselves at him without him having to lift a finger, lol.

You say you've never had a friend that can draw attention like that from girls without doing anything, but He's not actually my only friend who can do this! I think i've been cursed with some exceptionally good looking friends!! haha.
I have another friend who we all refer too as 'handsome Mike'. He is another one who just stands at the bar and girls stare at him all night and eventually approach him. He is about as facially good looking as the dude from that FR and girls call him 'striking'/'dreamy', although this guy is also very tall too (about 6ft 3) triple threat!! haha

subterfuge journal - GoingTheDistance - 02-26-2018

You said this on the first page Sub:


Well, I guess i'm fairly ugly. But other than plastic surgery, it's nothing that I can fix.

I mean, I already am in decent shape and try to dress well and stuff, but it's bone structure that makes someone handsome. I'm also on the short side.

I would like to get a nose job and various implants, but I obviously can't afford that!

There are many instances in your journal where you say that you don't think to highly of your looks. There's nothing wrong with being honest with yourself, but based off posts like the one that I quoted I kind of figured you were really short, I'm not sure why.

Unless you got your conversions wrong from the metric system in centimeters to the feet/inches American conversion, than 5'8 is not short at all. Sure it's not ideal and maybe slightly below average, but it's certainly not any kind of handicap in life.

But that's still pretty amazing about girls flocking to your friend like that. I have some buddies of mine who are in the 5'7 and 5'8 height range who could get more girls then the 6'5 guys. They are naturals and have no clue what a "red pill" or "game" is.

However, even my 5'7 or 5'8 buddies still would never get approached by girls first in a night club setting where it's dark and your line of sight isn't very good anyways. Your 6'3 buddy, Sub, is understandable because he probably stands out in dark night clubs compared to everybody else. You're 5'8 buddy who has girls throwing themselves at him in a dark night club environment without him speaking a word is pretty wild man. Good for him.

In any case, I like your persistence Sub. I've read parts (not all) of your journal and you are always looking for ways to get better. Even more impressive is your positive attitude when you go out with your 5'8 and 6'3 buddy who you say girls flock too. I would have gotten frustrated with that situation a long time ago, so props to you man.

Now I have a few questions for you in regards to your two friends who have girls flock to them effortlessly to your advantage: What if your two friends in a night time environment were your biggest blessings, instead of your biggest curses? What if in a night time environment your two friends were your greatest allies rather then your worst enemies?

Stay with me here Sub.

Last night, your friend effortlessly pulled an 8 Czech girl once again without having to do shit.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the timeline of events went like this: Friend of hot Czech 8 tells you that hot Czech 8 likes your friend, your friend establishes rapport with hot Czech 8, you established rapport with friend of hot Czech 8, your friend disappeared, since you had rapport with the friend of the hot 8 Czech that rapport was then seamlessly applied to hot 8 Czech as well. You transitioned to the hot 8 Czech, her friend disappears because there's no need to cock block since you already established rapport with her, and finally you closed the hot 8 Czech.

Why can't this scenario work again? It's not like you would only be relying on your two friends 100% of the time as you have clearly documented that you do your own thing plenty of nights without your two friends involved . But after all, they're still your buddies and it's still cool to hang out with them every once in a while.

Furthermore, I bet your buddies would have no problem taking the less attractive girl half of the time. Shit, maybe even half of the time you and him will think the most attractive girl is the girl who likes you best so that it works out perfectly for both of you anyways.

What do you think Sub, could your two friends be your best wing men and you don't even know it yet? Or am I off track here?

Note: I hope this post doesn't come off in the wrong way Sub. In no way am I implying that you did no work with the hot 8 Czech girl, your friend initially hooked them in with his looks but you finished the job with your charisma. I think it's awesome you were able to have a great experience with her. I'm just looking at your situation from the outside looking in and trying to think outside the box, for what it's worth (which might not be much).

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 02-27-2018


''posts like the one that I quoted I kind of figured you were really short, I'm not sure why.''

Yeah, I supposed it's because I don't necessarily relate height to 'looks' much, really.
I think that unless you are ridiculously short, it's not really much of an issue.
When I talk about looks, i'm mainly talking about having a handsome face which, in my experience, is far and away the most important thing in terms of 'looks'. Maybe it's a UK thing!!? Height doesn't get you that many extra points. Neither does money or dressing super smart etc. At least with the hot young ones that I lust after

''Even more impressive is your positive attitude when you go out with your 5'8 and 6'3 buddy who you say girls flock too. I would have gotten frustrated with that situation a long time ago, so props to you man.''

Oh, i've been frustrated and still continue to be so. Believe me! But like Shank says, I need to think about what *I* have to offer and not get hung up on his looks.
There were actually a number of moments from the other night that I didn't bother to include in my LR where girls were pointing at him and whispering to their friends etc. My friend didn't even notice. I can think of times when he got on the dancefloor and done what looked like bad/dad dancing, and within 3 minutes, 5 hot teenager girls were all trying to touch him as they danced around him. Me and the other guys I was with just shook our heads in disbelief lol
I can think of a time back when he was single where he had accidentally parked his car in front of some girl and as he left the bar she said ''Oh this is your car?! You blocked me in!'' and he said ''Shit, sorry about that! I'll get out of your way'' and then the passenger of this girl who was a little tipsy (this was all outside of a club) said ''or you can take me into that car before and fool around before you leave!'' and he banged this hot girl in his old Land cruiser within about 20 seconds of meeting her!

I should mention that I almost never see the 6'3'' dude anymore. I only mentioned him since you said it was rare that you see girls literally throwing themselves at guys and he was one example of someone else I know who used to have that happen to him every time he went out.

'' but the timeline of events went like this..:''
Correct. except the girl intially approached my friend (not me) to mention how her friend thought he was hot.

''Why can't this scenario work again?''
I guess the success was down too a mixture of:
The less attractive girl likely being into me straight away. Maybe I was her type.
My friend getting the hot one all hot and bothered by making out with her (which is something he almost NEVER does. He has a GF)
Pre selection from kissing teh first girl

But I'm not sure I could work this into any sort of a system, really. Don't forget that he accidentally ruined a possible lay for me a few FR's back without meaning too when a girl I was gaming seemed very keen, and then completely switched when she saw my friend and tried DESPERATELY to seduce him for the next hour, lol. He's also not one of my regular wings.

Typically what would happen is group of girls flirt with my hot friend. I try to talk to the ones that aren't directly all over him. They aren't interested in me. My hot friend doesn't really escalate at all with the girls who are trying to seduce him and it fizzles out at some point and if I do try to game one of THEM girls, it doesn't end well. I think with the latest pull, certain stars had aligned for me!

subterfuge journal - GoingTheDistance - 02-27-2018


Typically what would happen is group of girls flirt with my hot friend. I try to talk to the ones that aren't directly all over him. They aren't interested in me. My hot friend doesn't really escalate at all with the girls who are trying to seduce him and it fizzles out at some point and if I do try to game one of THEM girls, it doesn't end well. I think with the latest pull, certain stars had aligned for me!

Sorry man, I should have read more of your journal I haven't read enough to see that you usually talk to the ones who "aren't directly all over him" and then they're not interested in you. So it appears you already thought about using my strategy that I suggested and it didn't work.

Well yeah, in that case it has to be really frustrating, like you mentioned earlier. Nonetheless, great work on the Czech 8!

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 03-20-2018

This FR will be slightly useless because I can't remember certain salient details

I wish I did. I don't usually have this sort of memory loss the morning after. I'm putting it down to some pills I took reacting with the alcohol! Annoying though!!

The first few approaches were just getting my feet wet and barely worth mentioning but i'll go through the night briefly anyway.

First approach was as I was ordering loads of cocktails at the bar, and there were 2 young hotties next to me. I opened them with some sort of situational opener about the drinks I was getting. Something like ''They look pretty good, huh?!!'' and smiled - but she barely responded and sort of looked away from me straight away like I was odd for talking to her without knowing her and since it was my first approach of the night I didn't feel comfortable enough to try to get her to talk back, and just decided she was a 'no girl' straight away, paid for my drinks and moved on.

Sitting with my friends at the table drinking our cocktails and a girl is talking to one of my friends (I assume he opened her) - A few seconds after she throws a comment in my direction, and then we fall into a little conversation. She's teasing me about my jewellery or something and called me ''Justin Bieber'' lol. I say some stuff back and make her laugh a bit and We are chatting for a few minutes and I sense some 'possible' attraction and at one point I try to initiate some physical contact by just touching her arm to emphasise a point which she backs away from and calls me out on it!

She's like ''Whooaa!!'' (as if to say ''Who said you could touch me!?'') and backs away from me a few inches.

I don't overreact and I mimick her in a jokey way and also say ''Whooaa!! hashtag 'metoo'!'' which makes her laugh. We carry on talking for another minute or 2. All illogical chat about kareoke and alchohol or something. Her friends are all at the bar now and she wants to join them and she ejects. I was never that into her so don't care.

Next set. This was one of the frustrating ones! I walk into a new bar and as soon as I set foot in the bar, I kind of do some silly dance like i'm in a music video or something. As if the music took my body over the second I entered the bar.

Immediately I see a girl look at me and crack up laughing and kind of clap and she's basically calling me over with her body language and eye contact. I walk over too her smiling and say ''I saw you laughing at me! You're mean!! I hate you''. She says 'Nooo!!!! I loved your entrance!! I've been sitting her for an hour and you made the best entrance i've seen all night!!''.

We start chatting and I can sense attraction instantly. Very rare for me. She's 29 and she's pretty, although I tend to only go for much younger girls, but she's still hot.She's like a 7. After a while her friends want to move too a different room in the bar and she tells me to come with her. I tell her I'll join her in a bit as i'm getting some beers with my mates.

About 15 minutes later I go into the different room and she's there near the entraane and straight away signals me over alomostm like she's been waiting for me. Seems super keen. Flirty eye contact. We are talking again and at some point she asks me if I like her and also asks me if I'm single. She's clearly attracted, no!!? I'm being silly, but I show some intent back with lots of eye contact and some light touching.

This is where I WISH I had a friggin microphone on me (not the for the first time that night if you read on!) because I don't remember how it happened, but that is basically where that interaction ended!

I can't remember if she got dragged off to dance or If I ran out of things to say, or something else! I was obviously a bit drunk. Not drunk in terms of slurring and being stupid, but drunk in terms of memory loss the following morning!! If I had to guess what happened, I think she got pulled away by one of her friends, and I decided to 'play it cool' and let her come back to me which never happened!! lol Just feels weird in hindsight. She seemed as into me as any of the other girls i've slept with this year! I can't work out HOW, if she was so into me like she appeared to be, I lost how so easily!! Seems odd to me.

So she's gone now, but within about 2 minutes, the hottest girl of the night strikes up a conversation with me and tells me that I look like the singer in a band she likes. This one is like 18 years old and close to exactly what I like!! She's like an 8.5

I pretend to know the band and soon we are kind of vibing. This one was weird because, AGAIN I somehow let her slip away, and even though I don't remember exactly how it happened, i THINK what happened was that I have this weird thing where if a girl shows interest in me first (especially a hot one), I tend to act very ALOOF! And even though mysterymethod is all about doing that and advises that, I find that when I do it, all that happens is that the girls dissappear! So i'm pretty sure she opened me, we chatted a little, and I simply didn't abide by the 90/10 rule (probably partly because of not knowing what to say but in this case, I think it was because of some internal block I have when it comes to talking to HOT girls who seem to show interest in me before I show it in them!!)

Now, she didn't show as much interest in me as the first girl to be honest, but even striking up a conversation with a guy is somewhat of an IOI in my experience. I mean, I guess I could be wrong and she was never into me (and in a weird way that'd please me because I wouldn't feel like I ;lost' her!) but I feel like there was some interest there.

After that there were just a few dancefloor approaches that I think were all insta-rejections.

Weird night. Usually my frustrating/bad nights are ones where I never get close to getting attraction, but I feel I had attraction at least once that night, but I failed to carry the interaction and capitalize, one way or another.

I'd pay good money to have that particular night on camera! I did experiment a while ago with recording a few seconds of ech interaction, but my equipment wasn't good enough to barely make out the audio, plus I hated having wires and stuff sticking out of my Tshirt and stuff lol

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 03-26-2018

Went too a different town with 5 friends. Sometimes feel my incentive to actually pull is less in a different town, as I know that if I hit the lottery and got laid, I'd have to pay a load of money for a cab on my own (me and my 5 friends shared a cab to get there)

Bad AA, but eventually opened my first set. 2 girls at the bar next to me. Commented on their cocktails and asked if they lived here and what their names were etc, but they had a big guard up and didn't seem to want to talk. Every question or statement was met with not much more than silence. First set of the night so no big deal

Opened a girl on the dancefloor and just smiled at her and got in her space and extended my hand, but she shook her head at me and pointed at my friend lol. (basically saying ''No, I like him''). She said ''He's sexy!''. I called him over and then she started flirting with him and I left them to dance together (nothing ended up happening with them though)

Opened another girl and asked how her night was going. Made chit chat and she was friendly, but I didn't sense 'attraction' from her, so wasn't really sure how to move the interaction forward. It kind of fizzled out. I tried to stay in set for as long as possible though and was just making random statements and asking questions (anything to stay in set) but she still ended up bailing after about a 5 minute interaction.

Next open. I am near a girl who is very young and fairly hot, and I over-hear her talk about how some girl is sexy and I hear her mention her 'ex girlfriend' or something.

I open her a few minutes later with a comment like ''Hey! Girl in the yellow Jacket'' (some PUA channel I like often opens girls with opener like thata) and she says 'Hey!', and as she's doing so, she is looking at a table full of girls lol. I say to her ''I think you like girls! I bet you're a lesbian'' (she didn't know that I already overheard her earlier so it came across as an impressive cold read lol). She's like ''Wow! Well...yeah, kind of. I'm bi! How'd you know?''
It's funny because I pulled a bi/lesbian last year and I feel as though I am better at pulling them than straight girls for some reason. There's probably some weird psychological reason, but i'm better able to show intent for one thing. I tell her ''Yeah, it's weird because usually girls are all over me the second I say 'hi', but you've managed to restrain yourself, soo you're obviously into girls!'' (super cocky thing to say. Pretending that I think i'm handsome lol)
She says ''Well, you're kind of cute, but you're not my type when it comes to guys''
We banter back and forth, and before I know it we makeout briefly.
I'm fairly confident that i'm a good kissed, but straight away she said ''That was rubbish''. haha - I laughed because i've heard Julien say this to girls as a neg in infields lol.
I just tell her ''You loved it'' and carry on talking nonsense.

She's with 3 massive older bald tattood guys who all look like cage fighters, and the atmosphere is starting to get weird. I'm assuming at least one of them wants to bang her and isn't happy about our interaction, and they are slowly getting louder and grabbing the girl and calling her over to speak to her and give her drinks etc etc. She disappears soon after.

I go too a different club. I approach a 2 set and I think I do some opinion opener.
They look at me like i'm on fire and don't talk back, really. I try to plough, but then their boyfriends turn up and just walk them away. I guess the wierded out reaction seems more typical if a girl has her boyfriend somewhere in the vicinity.

I bump into the bi girl from the previous bar. She's with some girls now. She's being flirty but has some real adhd shiit going on and I can't lock her in. She's kind of teasing me, I guess you could say.

I make a few more approaches and get shot down more or less instantly and now it's home time.

I bump into the bi girl AGAIN at the cab rank and make a bit of a hail Mary move. We kiss again. I try to get her too invite me back to her place. I start to rub her pussy in a last ditch effort to turn her on enough for her to make some bad decisions, but she's like ''Naughty!!'' and slaps me hand away, tells me it ain't gonna happen. Then we both go our separate ways lol

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 04-01-2018

Not really the kind of detailed FR with lots of interactions to analyse that i'd have hoped for, because I ended up going too a hotel room fairly early in the night after bumping into the same Czech girl who I banged in one of my prior FR’s (The girl I stole from my male model friend)

Funny actually, because I was out with him last night, so it was a bit weird bumping into her.

They started talking and I was thinking ”Ah-ha! She’s gonna spend all night trying to finish what she started last time before he bailed on her and try to bang him!” but funnily enough, after they chatted for a bit, she moved back onto me, I made her laugh a bit, we had some shots, and then she told me to come with her to her hotel room down the road. Went back and banged.

Prior to that, I only made a handful of opens. First open was an opinion opener, but the girl had a kind of bitchy vibe and was just not into me at all.
Made about 3 more approaches on girls in and around the bar, that didn't go anywhere after 20 seconds or so, and then made a few on the dancefloor area in the bar.
Wasn’t getting any joy.

IN a way i’d rather have not met that girl as there were a BOAT LOAD of gorgeous, very young girls out last night (I guess due to Easter), and it’d have been nice to get lots more approaches in as it got late, if only for more reference experience, but I ended up choosing the lay instead. I’m weak! lol

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 04-08-2018

So I had maybe 6 interactions last night which aren't really worth writing about since they were kind of -non-events', but man, one interaction is bugging me, because I felt I was kind of 'in' with some really hot, 18 year old Italian girl. Like half my age, lol.

I'M not sure if I done something wrong, or whether other 'factors' played a role.

By 'factors' I mean: I kissed her friend a few weeks back. I'm assuming maybe her friend told her this. I also slept with another girl that she knows (see recent FR with the Czech girl) although I don't know if she knows this or not. I've never spoken to this Italian girl before.

Anyway, I open the girl that I kissed a few weeks back and we talk. I then introcude myself to her Italian friend who she is with. We begin talking. We all dance together. Occassionally i'm saying stuff to her and making her laugh and start to get slightly physical.

At one point, the girl I kissed before comes over and says ''What's going on here then?!!''. and interrupts us for a while.

She leaves, and i'm back with the Italian girl and we are standing on the outskirts of the dancefloor, both kind of leaning up against a wall. She's accepting my kino, and occassionally she's kind of pushing her thighs into my groin and it's looking good.

She's looking deep in my eyes. Giggling. Getting very close etc. Classic things that usually lead to at least a kiss.

I'm guilty of not 'going for it' in some of my recent FR's, so this time I make sure to 'man up' and I slowly go in for the kiss, but she rejects me and says ''Sorry'' or something like that. I reamin cool and carry on chatting and stuff.

Shortly after her friend drags her away to dance, but within about 2 minutes, I see her kissing some really good looking dude!! Grrr.....Not gonna like, this annoyed the hell out of me [Image: sad.gif]

All he had to do was just stand there looking pretty and she basically pounced on him! I wonder if I maybe further helped his case by spiking her buying temperature for him, but then I can't really blame myself for that, because it's not as though I didn't TRY to go for the makeout. But she rejected the kiss.

I'll likely see her again as I live in a small town, but not sure how(or even if) to proceed with her.

I love 18 year olds and she was pretty cute! Would have been one of my best lays if i'd have been able to get her.

I certainly felt at least a little bit of attraction, so it is quite frustrating how it turned out.

subterfuge journal - ksbms - 04-08-2018

Quote: (04-08-2018 05:34 AM)subterfuge Wrote:  

Shortly after her friend drags her away to dance, but within about 2 minutes, I see her kissing some really good looking dude!! Grrr.....Not gonna like, this annoyed the hell out of me [Image: sad.gif]

All he had to do was just stand there looking pretty and she basically pounced on him! I wonder if I maybe further helped his case by spiking her buying temperature for him, but then I can't really blame myself for that, because it's not as though I didn't TRY to go for the makeout. But she rejected the kiss.

You did the best you could do. You are not responsible for your genetic make-up and other factors you can't control for. Also, we don't know what happened next. Kissing is a low value currency these days. Maximise the factors you can control for. Justice as fairness is a wonderful concept but it scarcely applies to biological world (if at all). However, living in the civilised world, hearing about equality, justice, fairness and similar concepts, we begin to demand the world and people acting in the world to act just. We begin, predominantly unintentionally, form in our minds The Just World Hypothesis.

Sadly, the mating world doesn't mirror our expectations and doesn't "restore the equilibrium" of the work you've put it. Sometimes you can put it in spades and still will get nothing out of it, or even worse. The only laws that are upheld at all times (at least on the planet earth) are the laws of thermodynamics: new energy can't be created and the entropy of a system always increases.

subterfuge journal - subterfuge - 04-08-2018

Thanks for reading. Yeah, i'm not super down on myself or anything because, as you say, I did do the best I could, and i'm also glad that I at least 'went for it'. The worst ones are when you wake up angry at yourself for being too scared to escalate! And the fact that he had to be some handsome dude is a bit of a gut punch lol. I'm hoping he didn't bang her, but I certainly imagine he did. She was trying to eat his face off and he looked pretty non-needy and cool, as most handsome guys seem to be.

Even though you weren't there and obviously can't say for sure, what are your instincts in regards to why she denied the kiss after seemingly given off lots of IOI's and then went to makeout with some other dude very shortly after?

I'm not sure whether I done something 'wrong' (kissed too early? Not enough 'push'? Not enough isolation? Misinterpreted her 'IOI's'?) or whether it was more likely a result of my history with her friends (although i'm not even 100% convinced she knew about that!!)