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The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Kingsley Davis - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 12:50 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Why is this happening so much?

Similar to female prison guards at male prisons, young teacher broads have no business teaching young men. Also, all the few female teachers i had during my school days were grown ass Mrs Doubtfire looking bitches.

[Image: attachment.jpg28326]   

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - LeeEnfield303 - 10-01-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 12:50 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Why is this happening so much?

Feral females unrestrained by societal norms.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Mentavious - 10-06-2015

Not a teacher caught having sex but its still good



A BABYSITTER who had sex with her 11-year-old charge has been spared jail after the lad's dad, who she had also had a fling with, said his son regarded it as a 'notch on his belt'.

Jade Hatt was meant to be minding the youngster during the day last November when she got the pair to strip and climbed astride him.

But after hearing the woman, now aged 21, was described as immature by the victim's dad, a judge said he could avoid sending her to jail.

Hannah Squire, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court: "The defendant was friends with the boy's father, with whom she had had a brief sexual relationship.

"He would ask her to babysit; she had babysat his 11-year-old son on six or seven occasions. On one of those occasions this offence took place.

"It was during the day and the boy was off school. The defendant arrived at about 11.30am.

"The boy was laying down, Jade Hatt sat on top of him, sat astride him, took off her clothes and removed his.

"In his words she started bouncing on his private parts. Sexual intercourse took place. According to him it was fairly brief: about 45 seconds. She told him she enjoyed it, he said he had not as it was wrong."

She said the lad's dad noticed he had a love bite on his neck and texts from Hatt were diverted to his phone, revealing what had taken place.

The police were called and when she was arrested she told officers the boy had told her he was 15, even though she knew his age as his father had told her.

Hatt, of Rolleston Street, pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child.

Rob Ross, defending, said his client was a small, immature, woman and the victim was very advanced for his years.

Reading from a statement from the dad he told the court: "He said 'I know he told her he was 15. He looks older than his years.

"'He is sex mad. He would have been fully up for this experience and in many ways sees it as a notch on his belt and is totally unaffected by it.' One has to say that is a father that knows his son well."

Mr Ross said petite Hatt 'clearly doesn't operate at the level of a 20-year-old' and was honest with the police about what had taken place.

Mr Ross said she was vulnerable and had a hard upbringing, spending two years in hospital with leukaemia between the ages of five and seven.

Passing sentence Judge Tim Mousley QC said it was an exceptional case allowing him to step outside the rigours of the sentencing guidelines.

He said: "Having read everything before me, it was quite clear he was a mature 11-year-old and you were an immature 20-year-old so that narrows the arithmetic age gap between you.

"I have read the comments of the boy's father to the police where he doesn't consider you a typical 20-year-old. I have also read what he has said about the effect on the victim."

He imposed a six month jail term suspended for two years with supervision and said she must register as a sex offender for seven years.

He also imposed a sexual harm prevention order banning her from having unsupervised contact with young boys for two years.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Mother Russia - 10-06-2015

Quote: (10-06-2015 01:09 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Not a teacher caught having sex but its still good



A BABYSITTER who had sex with her 11-year-old charge has been spared jail after the lad's dad, who she had also had a fling with, said his son regarded it as a 'notch on his belt'.

Jade Hatt was meant to be minding the youngster during the day last November when she got the pair to strip and climbed astride him.

But after hearing the woman, now aged 21, was described as immature by the victim's dad, a judge said he could avoid sending her to jail.

Hannah Squire, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court: "The defendant was friends with the boy's father, with whom she had had a brief sexual relationship.

"He would ask her to babysit; she had babysat his 11-year-old son on six or seven occasions. On one of those occasions this offence took place.

"It was during the day and the boy was off school. The defendant arrived at about 11.30am.

"The boy was laying down, Jade Hatt sat on top of him, sat astride him, took off her clothes and removed his.

"In his words she started bouncing on his private parts. Sexual intercourse took place. According to him it was fairly brief: about 45 seconds. She told him she enjoyed it, he said he had not as it was wrong."

She said the lad's dad noticed he had a love bite on his neck and texts from Hatt were diverted to his phone, revealing what had taken place.

The police were called and when she was arrested she told officers the boy had told her he was 15, even though she knew his age as his father had told her.

Hatt, of Rolleston Street, pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child.

Rob Ross, defending, said his client was a small, immature, woman and the victim was very advanced for his years.

Reading from a statement from the dad he told the court: "He said 'I know he told her he was 15. He looks older than his years.

"'He is sex mad. He would have been fully up for this experience and in many ways sees it as a notch on his belt and is totally unaffected by it.' One has to say that is a father that knows his son well."

Mr Ross said petite Hatt 'clearly doesn't operate at the level of a 20-year-old' and was honest with the police about what had taken place.

Mr Ross said she was vulnerable and had a hard upbringing, spending two years in hospital with leukaemia between the ages of five and seven.

Passing sentence Judge Tim Mousley QC said it was an exceptional case allowing him to step outside the rigours of the sentencing guidelines.

He said: "Having read everything before me, it was quite clear he was a mature 11-year-old and you were an immature 20-year-old so that narrows the arithmetic age gap between you.

"I have read the comments of the boy's father to the police where he doesn't consider you a typical 20-year-old. I have also read what he has said about the effect on the victim."

He imposed a six month jail term suspended for two years with supervision and said she must register as a sex offender for seven years.

He also imposed a sexual harm prevention order banning her from having unsupervised contact with young boys for two years.

The fuck has having leukemia at age 5 and 7 have to do with this?

Dad probably realized he was about to send off some easy pussy to jail, and so defended her in court.

Sex 4 Freedom game spotted! [Image: banana.gif]

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - WalterBlack - 10-09-2015

Texan teacher, 25, who admitted sleeping with THREE of her teenage male students is jailed for ten years

[Image: 2D3BBF5F00000578-0-image-m-50_1444395014676.jpg]


A Texan high school teacher who admitted seducing three of her teenage students then having sex with them has been imprisoned for ten years.

Rachel Bauer, 25, admitted sleeping with a 14-year-old, a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old while teaching Agriculture at Frankston High School in Frankston, Texas.

As well as inviting the students to her home for sex, she also engaged in 'drinking parties' with the underage boys and sent them explicit photographs of herself - including one in which she posed in a school t-shirt.

Prosecutors told how she sent 'fully naked' images to the impressionable boys then convincing them to engage in oral and penetrative sex with them.

Bauer pleaded guilty to sex charges against her in August, and was sentenced Thursday to a ten-year prison term.

She was also given a permanent ban for teaching and will be a registered sex offender for life.

According to the Anderson County District Attorney's Office, Bauer slept with the boys at some point in 2014.

Prosecutors wrote: 'The acts included her sending pornographic photos of herself in a Frankston ISD t-shirt, fully naked photos of herself, sexting with the male students, having drinking parties with the male students and engaging in sexual intercourse and oral intercourse with all three students at her home

DA Allyson Mitchell said of the conviction: 'Thankfully, she will never be allowed to teach or be around children again.

'What is particularly offensive is that Rachel Bauer, as a teacher, was in a position of trust. She used her position to flirt with and seduce her students.

'Her actions are no different than a male teacher doing the same to a female student. Predatory sexual behavior knows no gender limit.'

Seems like a gang bang situation...

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - civpro - 10-10-2015

Quote: (10-01-2015 12:50 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Why is this happening so much?

Because Youth = Beauty, even in males.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Belgrano - 10-10-2015


Prosecutors told how she sent 'fully naked' images to the impressionable boys then convincing them to engage in oral and penetrative sex with them.

Yeah, I´m sure it took a lot of convincing to get those poor impressionable boys to do her bidding.

[Image: lol.gif]

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Horus - 11-27-2015

This lovely lady fucked a ten year old boy.

[Image: SCCZEN_271115NZHMMRERITI1_620x310.jpg]

Just by looking at her it's obvious that she's a low IQ moron who has no business teaching children.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Latinopan - 11-30-2015

Everything you need to know about women

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - R_Niko - 11-30-2015

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - JayR - 12-01-2015

Wonder if her victim is the baby's father? If so, I wonder if they'll nail him for child support.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - LeeEnfield303 - 12-01-2015

Quote: (11-27-2015 07:38 AM)Horus Wrote:  

This lovely lady fucked a ten year old boy.

[Image: SCCZEN_271115NZHMMRERITI1_620x310.jpg]

Just by looking at her it's obvious that she's a low IQ moron who has no business teaching children.

Gad, I feel sorry for that boy. That is fugly....he's scarred for life.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - LeeEnfield303 - 12-01-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 02:42 PM)JayR Wrote:

Wonder if her victim is the baby's father? If so, I wonder if they'll nail him for child support.


According to the arrest warrant affidavit, the 16-year-old student said he became “flirty” with Hinckley, his English teacher, days after school began and that he and others commented on how she was pretty and how he “tickled” her.

The student initially asked for Hinckley's phone number. She said no, but the following day when he asked again, she gave it to him and told him not to tell anyone, the warrant said.

Game recognized....

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Roardog - 12-01-2015

Quote: (11-27-2015 07:38 AM)Horus Wrote:  

This lovely lady fucked a ten year old boy.

[Image: SCCZEN_271115NZHMMRERITI1_620x310.jpg]

Just by looking at her it's obvious that she's a low IQ moron who has no business teaching children.

They are bringing in a mandatory entrance exam for teaching in Australia next year that will require people who want to be teachers to be in the top 30% for literacy and numeracy in Australia.
I can't believe they didn't have something like that earlier, if you're going to be teaching the next generation you better be above average yourself.
Should also mean less of this kind of stuff happening.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Caribou - 12-01-2015

I never get the logic behind this. If your a guy in high school Why would you screw some 30 year old teacher when you have access to younger and hotter classmates. When I was in high school I was too focused on the girls my age then to think about my teachers

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Latinopan - 12-02-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:21 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

Quote: (11-27-2015 07:38 AM)Horus Wrote:  

This lovely lady fucked a ten year old boy.

[Image: SCCZEN_271115NZHMMRERITI1_620x310.jpg]

Just by looking at her it's obvious that she's a low IQ moron who has no business teaching children.

They are bringing in a mandatory entrance exam for teaching in Australia next year that will require people who want to be teachers to be in the top 30% for literacy and numeracy in Australia.
I can't believe they didn't have something like that earlier, if you're going to be teaching the next generation you better be above average yourself.
Should also mean less of this kind of stuff happening.

That is good, men are not teaching as much anymore but tend to be higher skills than women in general, lets see what they do when most people with over 30% are men.

But I think a problem with all these cases is more related to age, my teachers were always old women over 45 with not sex appeal at all, in my teens my teachers were late 40s early 50s mostly fat, you simply should not place a 22 years old woman in a classroom with hormones pumping teenagers boys, a young woman that want to work as a teacher should do it in a kindergartner and young kids below 9.

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:27 PM)Caribou Wrote:  

I never get the logic behind this. If your a guy in high school Why would you screw some 30 year old teacher when you have access to younger and hotter classmates. When I was in high school I was too focused on the girls my age then to think about my teachers

Related to what I said above, too many teachers are now young women in their 20s, and also, teenager will fuck almost anything, many teenagers have the MILF and "sex with a teacher" fantasy.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Pride male - 12-02-2015

Would bang.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Mekorig - 12-02-2015

In the city of Lujan, near Buenos Aires, we got a case were a 27 years old high school preceptor tried to convince 2 underage girls to have relations with her and her boyfriend, and in one case she got it, but the conversation with the second girl was taped with a cellphone.

Link in spanish: Diario Clarin

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Belgrano - 12-02-2015

Quote: (12-02-2015 10:51 AM)Pride male Wrote:  

[Image: laugh2.gif]

So this cute, slim Asian girl is accused of being "a sexual predator" (she looks pretty dangerous!) and
"faces multiple counts of sexually violating four teenaged male students". (The poor violated boys stood no chance. Now they are scarred for life.)
"The sex offending educator" (catchy) is accused of "contacting one of her victims" while on bail. (What a shock for him, bring a psychologist.) Prosecutors say "she made the boys her romantic and sexual prey". (They had no defense against an evil masterful manipulator like her.)
She performed "oral sex on a boy in class during lunch break" (She orally raped him, outrageous.) and also "bought Marijuana and X-Boxes for the boys". (I´m sure they are still traumatized.)
When police investigated a motel, they found one of the victims still in the room.
Another said: "We started having sex on the bed, but it was making a lot of noise, so we laid down on the carpet".
(Logically, he didn´t want anyone to hear him getting violated.)
She also sent a message to a victim, stating "you kissed me for like five seconds. I want a makeout session of at least two or three minutes".
(The sheer cruelty of this woman.)
"Just sit back, relax, and let me work my magic."
(None of the boys had the courage to disobey, shows how intimidated they were by that petite Asian girl.)
"I´m so in love with my future children´s daddy."
(Now that´s the first thing that´s actually triggering me.)
One parent says: "It´s scary that such things can happen to your children, they are supposed to be safe in school."
(This tragedy shall never be forgotten. Rename the school in honor of the brave victims.)
She faces 9 years in prison. (Let´s be honest, she should be locked away for life.)

Those age of consent laws are unbelievably retarded, it´s amazing.
And all just because the law makers don´t want to acknowledge that boys and girls are not equal, and should thus not be treated equally.


In the city of Lujan, near Buenos Aires, we got a case were a 27 years old high school preceptor tried to convince 2 underage girls to have relations with her and her boyfriend, and in one case she got it, but the conversation with the second girl was taped with a cellphone.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - yeppels - 12-09-2015

Texas teacher caught having an orgy with 5 students

Not much else to be said.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - AneroidOcean - 12-09-2015

Quote: (12-09-2015 12:44 AM)yeppels Wrote:  

Texas teacher caught having an orgy with 5 students

Not much else to be said.

Well, actually, there is one thing to say:


[Image: attachment.jpg29034]   

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Sourcecode - 12-09-2015

Isn't this one really old. I feel like I've seen it before.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - porscheguy - 12-10-2015

Quote: (12-09-2015 11:02 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Isn't this one really old. I feel like I've seen it before.
It's old.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - The Wire - 12-12-2015

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:27 PM)Caribou Wrote:  

I never get the logic behind this. If your a guy in high school Why would you screw some 30 year old teacher when you have access to younger and hotter classmates. When I was in high school I was too focused on the girls my age then to think about my teachers

It's not a big deal for a 30 year old guy to fuck a 30 year old women. But it's actually pretty fucking cool if you can pull it off when you are 15.

The Female Teacher-Male Student Caught Having Sex Thread - Dr. Howard - 12-12-2015

Quote: (12-12-2015 10:17 AM)The Wire Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2015 11:27 PM)Caribou Wrote:  

I never get the logic behind this. If your a guy in high school Why would you screw some 30 year old teacher when you have access to younger and hotter classmates. When I was in high school I was too focused on the girls my age then to think about my teachers

It's not a big deal for a 30 year old guy to fuck a 30 year old women. But it's actually pretty fucking cool if you can pull it off when you are 15.

Agreed. This one guy in high school would tell this story about how he banged this milf who's lawn he was cutting one summer and it was like "Gather round, gather round as I regale you with this story of milf pussy" Now it would be like " banged some divorced career woman?"

In my 30s I'll be like

[Image: spongebob.gif]

When I hear about a guy my age banging an 18/19 year old but when I was that age I'd think "ok, so you took a ride on the town bicycle, who cares"