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Conspiracy Theory Thread - Easy_C - 10-08-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 10:51 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

A sketchy security consultant firm (full of former CIA and FBI spooks) known as Kroll was "inspecting" those buildings for possible explosives for months before they blew up. They could just have easily been planting bombs, and have a built in cover story if they get bagged. If you're wondering where you might have heard the name Kroll before, they were active during the past election, coming up with "findings" about a police shooting that stirred up a lot of shit at a time when the Soros crowd seemed to think they were a good idea. I watched the tape, and it just didn't support what they were alleging, but it was great material for a timely Black Lives Matter riot.

Good catch.

VERY common intelligence tactic is to pose as literally the exact opposite of what you're advertising for. For example you pose as an IT security consultant if you want to install bugs into a data server.

They also cause the problem and then turn around offering themselves as a solution.

So...example. Let's say you run a shop and have a "side hustle" at the shop that for whatever reason I want to get my fingers into. The way for me to do that is to start by staging a break in of your home. Nothing to freak you out enough to move, but enough to get you stressed out and paranoid: a few window smashed, some moderate valuable stolen. Have a few shady associates dressed like ghetto thugs start loitering around your business.

After creating the need I then approach you to upgrade your security sytem..and bug the shit out of them while giving myself a backdoor to everything.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-08-2018

Quote: (10-07-2018 10:51 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Also, does Anyone remember all the news stories about billions being made by someone (presumably Osama Bin Laden) short selling the market with his foreknowledge of the attacks? Later the gov't announced it simply didn't happen, nobody had made billions, no need for an investigation "We've got a war to fight".

Actually the official report mentioned those approximately tens of billions made shorting the market, but they said that they found the short-sellers to be American funds, so assumed that it was just normal trading.

Yeah - of course - it was impossible that traitors within might have advance knowledge of that.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - DarkTriad - 10-08-2018

Quote: (10-08-2018 02:50 AM)Simeon_Strangelight Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2018 10:51 PM)DarkTriad Wrote:  

Also, does Anyone remember all the news stories about billions being made by someone (presumably Osama Bin Laden) short selling the market with his foreknowledge of the attacks? Later the gov't announced it simply didn't happen, nobody had made billions, no need for an investigation "We've got a war to fight".

Actually the official report mentioned those approximately tens of billions made shorting the market, but they said that they found the short-sellers to be American funds, so assumed that it was just normal trading.

Yeah - of course - it was impossible that traitors within might have advance knowledge of that.

Nothing to see here! Move along folks, nothing to see here!

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Built to Fade - 10-10-2018

Quote: (11-21-2017 05:15 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

I suppose this would only count as a conspiracy if the media were deliberately refusing to cover it, so hear me out.

My wife has been following recent earthquake activity since the initial Mexico quake a month or so ago and she says that the number and intensity of quakes around the world has dramatically risen since.

Is this just hype? It seems like every day she's telling me about a new 6/7 mag quake somewhere in the world.

I don't think it's hype, it seems to be real. Your wife is on to something here. I'll post a few articles here describing the increased frequency of earthquake activity. These are just 8 such articles published within a 2-3 week period.

    Seismic Shocker: The Number Of Global Earthquakes Over The Last 30 Days Is More Than 50% Above Normal
    August 23, 2018 by Michael Snyder

    If you go to Earthquake Track, you will find the latest data on all earthquakes that have happened all over the planet.

    According to their numbers, there have been 82,845 earthquakes of magnitude 1.5 or greater over the last 365 days. That is an enormous number of earthquakes, but most of them are so small that they can’t really be felt.

    When you divide 82,845 earthquakes by 365 days, you get an average of about 227 earthquakes per day over the past year.

    And when you multiply 227 earthquakes by 30 days, you get an average of 6,810 earthquakes per 30 days over the last 12 months.

    But there have been a whole lot more than 6,810 earthquakes over the last 30 days. In fact, Earthquake Track tells us that there have been 10,901 earthquakes over the last 30 days.

    That means that the number of earthquakes over the last 30 days is more than 50 percent above normal, and that is big news. Unfortunately, the mainstream media in the United States is almost entirely ignoring this story because they are preoccupied with other things at the moment.

    Most of the earthquakes over the last 30 days have happened along the Ring of Fire, and a British news source tells us that over 90 percent of all quakes tend to happen along this seismic zone which roughly encircles the Pacific Ocean…


    This is yet another story that the mainstream news is “too busy” to talk about.

    Our planet is undergoing dramatic changes, and this is something that I have been writing about for a long time, but now those changes appear to be greatly accelerating. Earthquake swarms come and go, but for the total number of global earthquakes in a 30 day period to be more than 50 percent above normal is definitely unusual.

    Hopefully all of this seismic activity will settle down in September, but what if it doesn’t?

    What if our planet continues to become even more unstable and unprecedented seismic events begin devastating major cities all over the globe?

    As I have previously warned, a dramatic rise in planetary instability could have very serious implications for the future of our society. We are already teetering on the precipice of global systemic collapse, and it definitely wouldn’t take too much to push us over the edge.

    8.2-magnitude earthquake strikes in South Pacific off Fiji
    By Jennifer Deaton and Ralph Ellis, CNN [aka. the good old "Fake News Network"]
    Updated 0213 GMT (1013 HKT) August 19, 2018

    (CNN) — A massive 8.2 magnitude earthquake struck in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, roughly 200 miles off Fiji and almost the same distance from Tonga, according to the preliminary report from the US Geological Survey.

    The earthquake struck just after midday Sunday and was almost 560 kilometers deep, the USGS said.

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said based on the data available, a destructive Pacific-wide tsunami was not expected, and there was no threat to Hawaii.

    There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries.
  3. [August 20, 2018]

    Watch Out California! 53 Major Earthquakes (Including A Magnitude 8.2) Just Hit The Ring Of Fire In A 24 Hour Period

    Is something unusual starting to happen to the crust of our planet? The USGS defines any earthquake of at least magnitude 4.5 as “significant”, and there were 53 earthquakes that met that criteria along the Ring of Fire on Sunday alone. If you would like to verify that information for yourself, you can so do right here. Not too long ago, I wrote about how “Earth changes” seem to be accelerating all over the world, but even I was stunned by the ferocity of the seismic activity that we witnessed over the weekend. Because none of the earthquakes happened in the United States, the mainstream media almost entirely ignored this story, but that is a huge mistake. The entire west coast of the U.S. falls along the “Ring of Fire”, and experts assure us that it is only a matter of time before the seismic tension that is building up along the tectonic plates in that area is released.

    Much of the seismic activity on Sunday was near the small island nation of Fiji, and it is true that Fiji often experiences earthquakes because it sits directly inside the Ring of Fire


    Fiji falls in the Pacific Ring Of Fire – a massive horseshoe-shaped area in the Pacific basin.

    The ring is formed of a string of 452 volcanoes and sites of seismic activity (earthquakes), which encircle the Pacific Ocean.

    Roughly 90 percent of all earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire, and 75 percent of the world’s active volcanoes are dotted along the expansive ring.


    But until big earthquakes start happening here, many Americans simply will not pay any attention to all of this. What they need to understand is that this is truly a global phenomenon that we are witnessing, and shaking in one part of the globe can have tremendous implications for people literally living on the other side of the planet. In particular, those living along the west coast should be deeply alarmed that seismic activity along other areas of the Ring of Fire appears to be intensifying.

    And I am definitely not the only one saying this. According to one British news source, scientists are warning that “increased seismic activity” along the Ring of Fire “may mean the so-called ‘Big One’ killer earthquake is on the way”…

    Scientists warn increased seismic activity in the area may mean the so-called “Big One” killer earthquake is on the way.

    If California was hit, experts warn tens of thousands could be killed.

    Sadly, the truth is that we would be extremely fortunate to only have “tens of thousands” killed in the event of a historic earthquake on the west coast.


    We live at a time when our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. In recent weeks we have witnessed earthquake swarms off of the Oregon coast, record-setting heatwaves, hail the size of softballs, and wildfires of unprecedented size and scope.

    There are some experts out there that would like to assure all of us that what we are witnessing is completely normal.

    But I think that not a lot of people are buying that explanation.

    Because there has not been a major seismic event on the west coast for decades, many people have grown complacent. They simply assume that because nothing has happened in such a long time that nothing will happen for the foreseeable future.

    Unfortunately, the experts assure us that the “Big One” is definitely coming to the west coast at some point, and all of this seismic activity may be an indication that it is coming sooner rather than later.

    Michael Snyder is a nationally syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. [refer to link]

    Over The Last 7 Days Our Planet Has Been Violently Shaken By 144 Major Earthquakes
    August 21, 2018 by Michael Snyder

    Within the past few days, we have seen an enormous magnitude 7.3 earthquake hit Venezuela and a giant magnitude 8.2 earthquake hit Fiji. Where will the next one strike? To many of us, it is becoming exceedingly clear that something very unusual is happening to our planet. I went and looked it up, and I was astounded to learn that the crust of the Earth has been shaken by 144 major earthquakes over the last 7 days, and that includes more than 50 on Sunday alone. And remember, these are not small earthquakes. The USGS considers any earthquake that is at least magnitude 4.5 to be “significant”, and they are happening so rapidly right now that it is difficult to keep up with them.

    Usually, only earthquakes that cause death and destruction get attention from the mainstream media, and that was definitely the case with the huge quake that hit the northern coast of Venezuela on Tuesday


    A major earthquake of magnitude 7.3 struck the northern coast of Venezuela on Tuesday and shook buildings as far away as the capital, Caracas, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

    The quake was centered near the town of Carupano, an area of poor fishing communities and was felt as far away as neighboring Colombia to the east and nearby island nations like Trinidad and Tobago, and St. Lucia, to the west and north.

    This is certainly the last thing that the people of Venezuela need at the moment. Their currency was just devalued again, and at this point it is so worthless that people are literally throwing it into dumpsters.

    According to media reports, the quake lasted for approximately two minutes, and it really shook people up. The following comes from Reuters


    “I feel like I’m about to faint. I’m shaking. It was long,” said telemarketing worker Sheny Fuentes, 22, speaking outside her work building in eastern Caracas. “I’m relieved that it doesn’t seem like damage was that bad. We would have been even more affected (given Venezuela’s economic crisis) – there are already people eating from the garbage and buildings aren’t well made,” she told Reuters.


    But until major shaking starts happening in the continental United States, most Americans are not going to pay attention.

    It simply is not “normal” for 144 major earthquakes to happen in just one week. In addition, dozens of volcanoes are currently erupting all over the globe. We appear to have entered a time when the crust of our planet is going to become increasingly unstable, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is going to have very serious implications for the future of our society.

    Indonesia EARTHQUAKE: Bali smashed by another quake - area on alert

    BALI, the popular tourist destination, has been struck by another earthquake with a magnitude of five on the Richter Scale leaving the Indonesia area on high alert.

    By Laura Mowat
    PUBLISHED: 08:17, Thu, Sep 6, 2018 | UPDATED: 09:33, Thu, Sep 6, 2018

    [Image: 2f41ef25ba8ec2562f052e2f4c7dccdad804fb43]
    The earthquake has left Indonesia on high alert (Image: USGS)

    The earthquake struck at a depth of 10km at around 2:45pm local time.

    The epicentre was 54km from the East Lombok Regency in West Nusa Tenggara.

    Earlier this week Bali suffered a mass power cut leaving the island without any electricity shortly after it was hit by a series of earthquakes.

    The last of a cluster of horrendous earthquakes struck Bali last week on August 31 and was the result of an aftershock that had rocked neighbouring Lombok moments before.

    Lombok is located within the infamous Ring of Fire and just south of the island lies some of the fastest colliding tectonic plates in the world.

    The Ring of Fire is where many earthquakes occur each year - about 90 percent of the world’s earthquakes and 81 percent of the world’s largest earthquakes occur.

    Indonesia lies along the explosive Ring of Fire and was shaken by a huge 6.9 magnitude earthquake on August 5, which caused devastation on the islands of Bali and Lombok.

    Almost all of the world’s most explosive and dangerous volcanoes are also located along the Ring of Fire, along with some of the longest and most deadly earthquake faults.

    The earthquake struck between five and 15km north west of Utan in Indonesia.

    With regards to travelling to Indonesia, the Foreign Office has said: “There has been a series of earthquakes and aftershocks to the north-east of the island of Lombok since 29 July 2018.

    “These have resulted in casualties and damage to buildings and infrastructure, most severely in northern and western areas of Lombok, north of the capital Mataram, and in the Gili Islands, where there continues to be power outages and a lack of clean water.

    “If you’re in these areas, you should exercise caution, stay away from collapsed buildings, liaise with your travel company/accommodation provider, and follow the advice of the local authorities.”

    Yellowstone volcano EARTHQUAKE: 102 tremors STRIKE supervolcano park, USGS reveals

    YELLOWSTONE volcano was rattled by more than 100 deep earthquakes in August, Yellowstone National Park officials revealed.

    By Sebastian Kettley
    PUBLISHED: 15:35, Thu, Sep 6, 2018 | UPDATED: 15:46, Thu, Sep 6, 2018

    The Yellowstone Seismic Network, operated by the University of Utah, recorded 102 earthquakes within the national park’s borders.
    The US Geological Survey’s (USGS) Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) revealed the number of quakes in its monthly park update, published this week.

    The strongest of the tremors hit 2.5 magnitude on the Richter scale on the morning of August 7, 4.19am local time.
    The USGS said the tremor was detected about 13 miles north-northwest of Pahaska Tepee, Wyoming.

    A strong swarm of 13 earthquakes rocked the park between August 2 and August, about eight miles outside of West Yellowstone – a town in Southern Montana.

    The most powerful quake in the swarm peaked at magnitude 2.2.
    Another cluster of earthquakes went off on August 26, north of West Thumb, topping at 14 earthquakes.

    A slightly smaller surge of 12 earthquakes happened about 14 miles south-southeast of Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming.

    The earthquakes erupted between August 29 and August 30 and reached magnitude 2.4.

    The USGS assured the high number of earthquakes was well within the average seismic activity at Yellowstone.

    The agency said: “Earthquake sequences like these are common and account for roughly 50 percent of the total seismicity in the Yellowstone region.

    “Yellowstone quake activity remains at background levels.”

    Ground deformation levels at Yellowstone have also returned to 2015 levels with only minimal movement of the ground rising and dropping in places.


    "Earthquake sequences like these are common"
    - United States Geological Survey

    After very little ground change in July, Yellowstone GPS stations recorded defamation trends in line with previous years.

    Stations in the Yellowstone caldera are slowly dropping by a few centimetres each year and stations near the Norris Geyser are rising.

    The USGS said in its update: “The lack of measurable surface motion in July was probably an aberration caused by seasonal changes, perhaps due to surface and subsurface water conditions.”

    But not everyone who followed the update was convinced nothing is out of the ordinary at Yellowstone.

    Twitter user Setholic, @Setholic, said: “The fact that they have to put out that everything is normal makes me think it’s not.”

    Scores of conspiracy theorists fear the massive supervolcano complex is long-overdue a cataclysmic eruption.

    Yellowstone volcano last erupted some 640,000 years ago but no-one really knows when it will pop again.

    USGS geologists are positive any future eruption will not happen within our lifetime.

    The agency said: “Future volcanic eruptions could occur within or near Yellowstone National Park for the simple reason that the area has a long volcanic history and because there is hot and molten rock, or magma, beneath the caldera now.

    “Yellowstone is monitored for signs of volcanic activity by YVO scientists who detect earthquakes using seismographs and ground motion using GPS.

    “YVO has not detected signs of activity that suggest an eruption is imminent.”

    Portugal EARTHQUAKE: Magnitude 5.2 quake hits holidaymakers - 'whole hotel shook'

    A MASSIVE 5.2 magnitude earthquake has hit Portugal this morning, sending locals into a frenzy after tremors shook the coast near Porto.

    By Latifa Yedroudj
    PUBLISHED: 09:08, Tue, Sep 4, 2018 | UPDATED: 09:51, Tue, Sep 4, 2018

    [Image: dbb89026e0b89ece94d3c9c9320fa328203c3e27]
    A 5.2 magnitude earthquake hit Portugal this morning (Image: INSIMU)

    The earthquake struck 157 km northwest of Leira, at around 5.12 am BST time this morning.

    Seismic tremors sent holidaymakers into panic mode, with one tourist claiming the "whole hotel shook".

    She said on Twitter: "Was that an earthquake in #Porto? Whole hotel shook!"

    Residents reported massive vibrations which caused their homes to shake, following oncoming tremors which radiated throughout the region.

    One resident in Coimbra said they felt the building sway for "about 20 seconds", after two oncoming "waves" of tremors shook the region.

    The witness said: "It felt a gentle sway of the building, and the structure of the building was heard to be stretched, but without any noise or intense crackling.

    "The first wave was very noticeable, but it was the second that was stronger, followed by soft replicas that lasted for about 20 seconds."

    Another witness in Santa Maria da Feira, 181km from the epicentre of the earthquake, wrote: "I heard a loud noise, followed by a great shake and a shock after several seconds. My house is in stone and shaken whole. My bed kept shaking for several seconds.

    More to follow...

    Japan earthquake: Death toll rises after devastating tremor
    By Theresa Waldrop, Yoko Wakatsuki and Chie Kobayashi, CNN [aka. the good old "Fake News Network"]
    Updated 0115 GMT (0915 HKT) September 10, 2018

    [Image: 218b72ed22a0e6f41e4f823c22742193634aecff.jpg]

    Tokyo (CNN) — The death toll in the magnitude 6.7 earthquake that struck Japan on Thursday has risen to 39, the country's Fire and Disaster Management Agency said.

    Two people remain missing, and at least 641 people were injured, the agency said Sunday. Evacuation centers are still holding 2,544 people.

    The quake is the latest in a string of natural disasters that have hit Japan recently, including deadly floods, typhoons, earthquakes, landslides and heatwaves.

    [Image: bc2c02c4e7591bb6ac965c586b3013f3bbe541b6.jpg]
    Photo taken Sept. 6, 2018, from a Kyodo News airplane shows the site of a landslide in Atsuma, Hokkaido, northern Japan, triggered by an earthquake with preliminary magnitude of 6.7.

    The number of confirmed dead and injured in the quake on the northern island of Hokkaido has risen steadily from the nine reported Friday.

    Lasting almost a minute, powerful tremors jolted people from their beds early Thursday, collapsing roads and causing landslides that buried homes and other buildings.

    Near the epicenter, landslides wiped out houses in the tiny town of Atsuma, home to 40 residents.

    Almost 3 million households lost power initially, the Hokkaido Electric Power Company said. Almost half had power restored Friday.

    As many as 40,000 people, including 22,000 troops from the country's Self Defense Forces, have been involved in the rescue efforts.

    Thursday's earthquake comes as much of Japan is still dealing with the effects of Typhoon Jebi, the strongest such storm to hit the Japanese mainland in 25 years.

    High winds smashed a tanker into a bridge, forcing one of the country's largest airports to close and leaving at least 10 people dead.

    On Japan's main island of Honshu, nine cities and towns issued compulsory evacuation orders. A further 53 issued non-compulsory evacuation orders.

    Before it made landfall, the storm had sustained winds of 140 kilometers per hour (87 mph) and gusts of 165 kilometers per hour (102 mph), the equivalent of a Category 1 Atlantic hurricane.
It's a sign for sure, but I don't think that man-made activity can cause these increases in earthquake activity. I've never heard of a man-made 9+ magnitude earthquake, ______ _____'_ _ ____ __________ ____ _______ __ __ ___________ ________. If there are articles demonstrating that increased earthquake activity comes from man made activities, I'm more than willing to read the articles.

Watch out for a possible 10-12 magnitude earthquake as that would be a regional disruptor. A 13-15 magnitude earthquake would be something out of science fiction. If that ever happened, it could either cause damages on a global scale or become a complete planetary cleansing.

Magnitude 10 tremor could happen: study


Dec 15, 2012

It is theoretically possible that the world could see a quake with a magnitude of around 10, a researcher at Tohoku University told the government’s Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction, Japan.

The energy of such an earthquake would be 30 times greater than the magnitude 9.0 quake that hit the northeast on March 11, 2011.

“The estimate does not mean that a magnitude 10 quake will inevitably happen,” said Toru Matsuzawa, a professor at the university’s Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions. “If it happens, it would take place around once every 10,000 years.”

A magnitude 10.0 quake could occur if the combined 3,000 km of faults from the Japan Trench to the Kuril-Kamchatka Trench move by 60 meters, Matsuzawa said.

No magnitude 10 earthquake has ever been observed. The most powerful quake ever recorded was a magnitude 9.5 temblor in Chile in 1960.

A magnitude 10 quake would likely cause ground motions for up to an hour, with tsunami hitting while the shaking was still going on, according to the research. Tsunami would continue for several days, causing damage to several Pacific Rim nations.

There should be a few articles around about the increased typhoon/hurricane/cyclone activity since they share some similarities with the increased earthquake activity. They seem to correlate with each other.
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places." #103

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Hypno - 10-10-2018

I think these are a peak in the natural cycle, not haarp like Fukushima and Haiti

Conspiracy Theory Thread - chicane - 10-10-2018

The New Madrid fault is well overdue as well. The last time it made the Mississippi River run backwards and knocked bricks out of a church steeple as far away as DC. Just because flyover country seems stable, doesn't mean it is.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Foolsgo1d - 10-10-2018

I have noticed a lot more quake activity in the past year. Things move around and dont just stay in one area. California better know whats up but I dont think those idiots even know what could happen there.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - loremipsum - 10-11-2018

Anyone heard of Coral castle?

[Image: Coral-Castle.jpg]

Supposedly it was built by a loner guy who spent over 28 years building it.

Nobody knows for sure how could a single man move many ton weighing blocks.
A gate was lately broken there and it took several men and a huge 50 ton crane to repair it.

Only comment he ever gave was that he figured out how the the egyptians built the pyramids and other ancient civilizations. Needless to say the guy was hugely into occultism, leylines and such.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Leonard D Neubache - 10-11-2018

Quote: (10-11-2018 04:24 AM)loremipsum Wrote:  

Anyone heard of Coral castle?

[Image: Coral-Castle.jpg]

Supposedly it was built by a loner guy who spent over 28 years building it.

Nobody knows for sure how could a single man move many ton weighing blocks.
A gate was lately broken there and it took several men and a huge 50 ton crane to repair it.

Only comment he ever gave was that he figured out how the the egyptians built the pyramids and other ancient civilizations. Needless to say the guy was hugely into occultism, leylines and such.

Via Wiki


Coral Castle is an oolite limestone structure created by the Latvian American eccentric Edward Leedskalnin (1887–1951). It is located in unincorporated territory of Miami-Dade County, Florida, between the cities of Homestead and Leisure City. The structure comprises numerous megalithic stones, mostly limestone formed from coral, each weighing several tons.[2] It is currently a privately operated tourist attraction. Coral Castle is noted for legends surrounding its creation that claim it was built single-handedly by Leedskalnin using reverse magnetism or supernatural abilities to move and carve numerous stones weighing many tons, though it should be noted that this is Florida we're talking about and meth is a hell of a drug.[3][4]

I may have have altered the quote.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-11-2018

Anyone read 51 documents by Brenner?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-11-2018

The Ultimate Conspiracy Theory - Man-made Global Warming.

The reality is that cooling is coming soon enough. The funny part is when the guy here links to mainstream articles written by scientists who predict global cooling beginning in force by 2021.

Suddenly then sun activity has meaning despite figuring at zero in all the climate models. Minor 0,0000001% variations of the sun activity have massive repercussions, but no need to put that into the models.

If things turn out really that way, then you guys have some 3 fat years to make some preparations - finance wise - before greater shit hits the fan. We shall see.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Ruslan - 10-15-2018

Some more scary stuff.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Caduceus - 10-17-2018

Digital televisions all over the world record all video and all sound while they are on standby power (red pilot light is on), which means practically always unless you unplug the thing. This includes all TVs in all hotel rooms worldwide.

This is why they forced everyone worldwide to switch from old fashioned TV antennas to digital TV systems between the years 2000 to 2015.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - loremipsum - 10-17-2018

^ Yep privacy is practically dead at this point.
Unless you become a threat to the people at the top I dont think they care what you say.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-17-2018

< Currently it's mere data-mining, though who knows about the future.... Only presidential candidates and top aides of theirs get such a surveillance that every word has to be correct and fitting, not opposing them - or else.

For most of us it goes into giant data-sets and is telling them how much they can get away with this year - model being almost never wrong because of it.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Pride male - 10-21-2018

I find it difficult to believe America really failed to kill Castro. They probably werent trying.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Sgt Donger - 10-22-2018

I like the air travel theories, like these two:

Oxygen masks are there to keep you docile

In the film Fight Club, Tyler Durden says the following:

“You know why they put oxygen masks on planes? Oxygen gets you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate. It's all right here [points at an emergency instruction manual on a plane]. Emergency water landing – 600 miles an hour. Blank faces, calm as Hindu cows.”

The brace position will break your neck

The position actually increases the chance of a quick death, by breaking your neck, and is subsequently recommended by airlines to reduce their own insurance bill.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Ski pro - 10-22-2018

@ss if global.cooling was coming, what woukd be the implications and how would one prepare?

Conspiracy Theory Thread - 911 - 10-22-2018

I don't think it's going to be anything too drastic, we'll just have colder, longer winters. We went through a period of global cooling in the 1970s-80s, we're due for another one soon due to natural cyclical variations in solar activity and earth orbit.

One of the reasons they've been able to sell everyone on global warming was because that colder period was used as a temperature baseline, which made the 90s and 00s seem really hot.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Kona - 10-22-2018

Quote: (10-22-2018 02:08 PM)Ski pro Wrote:  

@ss if global.cooling was coming, what would be the implications and how would one prepare?

Bain Capital owns the Burlington Coat Factory, who would, in turn, sell more coats.

Coincidentally (or maybe not???) Bain also owns Manischewitz Jewish Wine.

[Image: Manischewitz-Logo.jpg]

We all know whos behind this.


Conspiracy Theory Thread - bigolteddies - 10-22-2018

Quote: (03-23-2018 02:33 PM)loremipsum Wrote:  

As I was researching this Q phenomenon on 8ch I stumbled upon a 7 year old archived forum thread, in which a man claiming to be of the Rothschilds shares his redpills.
Of course it's impossible to prove the legitimacy, but man this is some dark stuff.
Many of the things he says have been speculated for years such as the harvesting of negative human emotions (fear, anger etc.) There is definitely a spiritual war happening behind the curtains.

If you wish to go further down the rabbithole:

For the summary of his key points:

Read the summary and halfway through the full archive then I accidentally hit back button and now the link won't work at all on any browser. I believe it is legitimate and is very scary. He talks about looking to Syria next since they didn't have a federal reserve, which has happened, also about how Hitler did a great job of abolishing the federal reserve and ensuring economic prosperity after WWI.

He emphasizes natural law and how both parties need to consent, therefore everything they are doing is okay since the sheep consent to play by their rules. I'm under the impression he made that thread in accordance of the natural law in order to allow their plan to succeed.

Biggest takeaway was how much he highlighted bloodline and family to be the most important key to power, and how all their efforts with feminism, race mixing, immigration are to muddy our bloodlines and reduce our power. If anyone is able to get another link to the archive so I can finish it let me know, disappointing the link stopped working.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - loremipsum - 10-23-2018

That is odd, the link should work. In any case, try these


Yes, it's dark stuff and I find myself reading it again and again since it has so much to digest. If it is a larp, then that guy should become a writer.
Indeed the thread must have been some kind of ritual or performing the natural law if it is real.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - bigolteddies - 10-25-2018

Quote: (10-23-2018 02:23 AM)loremipsum Wrote:  

That is odd, the link should work. In any case, try these


Yes, it's dark stuff and I find myself reading it again and again since it has so much to digest. If it is a larp, then that guy should become a writer.
Indeed the thread must have been some kind of ritual or performing the natural law if it is real.

Thanks that link worked. I've been reading it non stop the last few days and am almost done. My girlfriend saw I was reading it and now she's reading it too LOL. He keeps hinting at the next system after fiat control but won't say what it is unless someone guesses it right. He says it's not anything like microchips or controlling information. Do you have any guesses, my take is it may have something to do with the dissolution of the nuclear family, destruction of national identity, flood of immigration and downfall of western civilization... Or maybe something with AI, perhaps most jobs getting outsourced to ai so we're completely reliant on the system hmmm.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Tiger Man - 10-25-2018

At this point, and after a recent surge of research in to the matter, I have become convinced that the largest professional porn production studios are being funded by outside sources - outside sources that do not care whether they make a financial return on investment - outside sources that are using porn as a type of propagandising or social control mechanism.

A lot of what I am about to say has to remain unsubstantiated, mainly because I refuse to actively dox friends of mine. So, take it with whatever degree of scepticism you would reserve for unsupported internet claims. But, feel free to investigate the matter yourselves. I think you will be surprised what you find. I was.

I have a professional acquaintance who is currently doing some serious research in to social and sexual issues faced by women who work in porn. Through him, I was able to view some information on the operation of a porn studio that would otherwise be unavailable to those outside of the corporate structure. Without prattling on too much (as I usually do), I will say that the numbers do not add up. Not even close. I encountered this once before when I was researching porn in the San Fernando Valley. But on this one, I have seen actual numbers. I can read corporate reports (P & L, cash flow, etc.). In fact, I am fairly proficient at forensic accounting. I was looking at the numbers for a new and popular porn group. It consists of three of the most vaunted porn sites currently producing (I won't confirm or deny what company, but feel free to guess). The companies appear to be haemorrhaging money on production and have been since they started. In some instances, they were spending more than 200k a month on just talent fees. There are rentals for private planes, boats, and helicopters. Crew costs are through the roof. They have a team of subcontracted lawyers handling visas for girls from Europe and copyright claims.

So, I went on the individual sites and looked up how much an annual membership costs and I calculated (roughly) how many subscribers they would need to be barely profitable. It would have to be in the hundreds of thousands. I checked the information I have, and they are nowhere near that. Porn companies do have other sources of income. They sell edited versions of their stuff to skinemax type outfits and they pump full on hardcore stuff through in-room viewing platforms in hotels. It still comes nowhere close to profitability.

And, the top executives at the company are very handsomely remunerated. All while, it would appear that their company is magically profitable - all unexplainable with basic math. It is truly magic accounting.

I used to believe that many porn companies were acting as fronts and laundering outfits for organized crime. This certainly used to be the case. However, I am now thinking that it is something more insidious. This operation is simply too well put together to point to organized crime. I think this is a deep money operation being run by people with "power". We have certainly seen this with propaganda organizations like Vox, as they receive hundreds of millions of dollars to keep them afloat and spewing out rightthink. The real question becomes, to what end? Keep men away from real women? Destroy the nuclear family? Depopulation? Keep men docile? Promote and reinforce interracial coupling? Promote and reinforce cuckoldry? Or, does it go even more sinister and promote pedophilia? There is a huge amount of porn that specifically presents talent that looks like little girls and little boys.

I don't claim to know the answer. Those are just some of my thoughts. But, there is definitely something very devious going on with the funding of this industry. It cannot stand on its own. "Someone" is propping up these companies with a huge, huge amount of money.

Conspiracy Theory Thread - Caduceus - 10-25-2018

Quote: (10-25-2018 06:20 PM)Tiger Man Wrote:  

"Someone" is propping up these companies with a huge, huge amount of money.
